Transmigrated To Ancient Times To Farm And Build A Kingdom

Chapter 645: Chang Xia, are you so brave?

"Chang Xia, what happened to Da Ya?" Nan Feng suddenly sat up, his eyes fell on Chang Xia, and asked about Da Ya's situation.

At this time, Da Ya was sitting in the small living room.

In his hand, he held the green fruit that Chang Xia Chen Rong had not finished eating, and nibbled leisurely.

"She's in a wrong situation." Chang Xia pinched the bridge of her nose, showing a worried look, and said, "Daya's appetite has been exaggerated day by day recently, and she can't get enough to eat six meals a day. Just now Maple Leaf said she lost weight, apparently ordinary The food can't satisfy the speed of Taya's body consumption. Maybe in a few days, nine meals a day may not satisfy Taya's appetite."


After listening.

The orcs who did not leave in the cave courtyard were all quiet.

"Witch, what do you say?" Maple Leaf asked.

Chang Xia shook his head lightly and replied, "I can't give any advice for the time being."

"Grass (a kind of herb)." Nan Feng cursed in a low voice, and even the witch was helpless. This was a big trouble.

"Don't be nervous, Wu will be here soon." Da Ya smiled, trying to appease the restless clan. She stroked her belly with one hand and nibbled the green fruit with the other, and said softly, "Except for eating too much, my mouth is tired. There is nothing wrong with it, I can eat and sleep."

"Yeah!" Chang Xia nodded and said, "I asked Yadong to bring home the jerky from the cellar, and let Da Ya eat two pieces from time to time. If it doesn't work, let the tribe arrange for the tribe to go to the Weihe and Weishan waterfalls and water pools to catch them. fish."

"Does this work?" Bai Qing asked seriously.

"Giving offspring across races may consume the energy in the female's body. In this case, we let Daya eat more energy-rich foods, which should reduce her consumption." Chang Xia explained and asked: "Does the tribe have any members who are trans people? Race breeds beast cubs?"


Chang Xia didn't even think about it.

this time.

After chatting, Chang Xia felt as if he had caught some idea.

"Heluo tribe, no." Bai Qing shook his head, the combination of Changxia and Chen Rong, according to Bai Qing's understanding, was the first pair.

and many more--

Suddenly Chang Xia and the other orcs looked at each other.

They remembered someone.

Milu said: "Elder Senda, I think I can ask him."

In the Snake Mountain tribe, the Snake Patriarch is the cub of the Snake Fruit elder. However, the patriarch of Snake Snake's father is unknown. This time they went to Wangyue Mountains and found that Elder Senda and Elder Sheguoer had an unusual relationship.

"Yadong, please go and invite Elder Senda over. Nanfeng went to the tribe to find Elder Yami. If the patriarch is free, please come with him." Chang Xia said.

Please ask the elders Jami and Gen, mainly because they are worried about the unspeakable words of the elders of Senda, you can also ask them. It is about the life and death of Da Ya and the beast cub in her belly. Chang Xia is also afraid of accidents, so she tries her best to be thoughtful.

Snake touched the tip of his nose and followed the south wind.

Compared with Twin Valley, White Lake is really more interesting.

"Chang Xia, my business... What do you want to do with Elder Senda?" Da Ya looked at Chang Xia in confusion.

Looking for the elders and roots of Jami, Da Ya can guess the reason.

Only on Elder Senda's side, she couldn't understand.

"We suspect that Patriarch Snake is the cub of Elder Senda and Elder Snake Fruit." Honeydew whispered. In the Twilight Forest, every patriarch of the Snake Mountain tribe is unknown, and the Snake Clan is inherited among the Orcs, which is very strange.


In an instant, Nuan Chun Daya widened her eyes.

Is this true or false?

Last time, when the Snake Patriarch of the Snake Mountain tribe came over and contacted Elder Senda, they didn't see anything out of the ordinary!

"Really?" Nuan Chun swallowed and whispered.

Chang Xia grinned slightly.

At a glance, Nuan Chun Daya was quiet.

It seems that nine times out of ten this is true.

However, it feels a little too exciting!

"Don't talk nonsense about this." Chang Xia urged. Elder Senda and Elder Sheguoer, who were the parties, didn't say anything. They were juniors, let alone talk nonsense.

Just the violent temper of these two elders.

Nonsense will kill people.



Nuan Chun Daya learned to be funny from the south wind, gestured to clean up, and sealed her mouth.

Except for Daya sitting in the small living room, the other orcs sat around the square table in the corridor pavilion, sipping on green sugar and chewing thatch candy.

Atmosphere, laid back and cozy.


Yadong came over with the dark-faced Elder Senda.

Elder Jami and Gen walked behind Nanfeng, and Xylophone did not come over this time. Come to think of it, the tribesmen should be arranged to make flour and sugar in the tribal square.

Recently, the Heluo tribe discussed to find another place to make flour and sugar.

Just still picking a place.

Choose a place to see whether to build a kiln or a house.

"Yadong, if you don't give me a reasonable explanation today, I'll let you soak in the White Lake for a day." Senda stared at Yadong faintly, and his words were full of hellish aura.

Being watched by many juniors, he was carried over by Yadong from his cave.

If it wasn't for Senda's wrong look at Yadong, at this moment, Yadong would probably have been beaten out.

"Elder Senda." Gen said softly.

Elder Jami was stunned, his brows furrowed slightly, and he opened his mouth and said, "Chang Xia, you are—"

"I asked Yadong to invite the elders of Senda to come over, just to ask one thing. This matter is related to the lives of Da Ya and the beast cub in her belly, and it is urgent to follow the right, so Nanfeng asked you and the patriarch to also invite you. Come here." Daya Nunuzui in the small living room of the Changxia Dynasty said.

One listen.

The matter is about the lives of Da Ya and the beast cub in her womb.

Immediately, Elder Senda restrained his emotions and stopped staring at Yadong gloomily. Seeing Yadong sweating profusely, he almost fainted from fright.

"Daya's matter has been carefully studied by the tribe and the witch, but we can't find a solution for the time being. What are Chang Xia's thoughts?" Yami asked earnestly.

Before Yadong noticed Taya's abnormality, the tribe elders had already noticed that Taya's situation was wrong. Tell the witches over at the Sorcerer's Hall in the Sacred Mountain of Karna about Taya.

When Wu waited for Yadong to bring Da Ya over, she had some understanding of Da Ya's situation. Unfortunately, Wu also failed to find a solution to Da Ya's abnormality.


Listen to Chang Xia say this.

Elder Jami couldn't help being a little excited.

Could it be that Chang Xia has a way to solve Da Ya's problems.

"I do have some ideas. However, before that, I want to confirm something with Elder Senda." Chang Xia raised his head and looked at Elder Senda.

Elder Senda looked Da Ya's pregnancy is Yadong's seed, Chang Xia asked him to confirm one thing, isn't it right!

"What does Chang Xia want to ask?" Senda tried his best not to show any strangeness, and looked back at Chang Xia calmly.

Chang Xia said: "I want to know who is the father of the Snake Patriarch?"

"Pfft!" Gen just picked up a piece of green sugar from the square table and threw it into his mouth, who knew that Chang Xia would suddenly ask such a hot topic. Immediately, he sprayed the green sugar out of his mouth and looked at Chang Xia with horror.


Chang Xia went out and became so brave?

"Are you sure this is related to the safety of Da Ya and the beast cub in her belly?" Senda didn't change his face, and looked at Yan Gen in disgust. At such an old age, his personality is still so out of touch, even these young beast cubs like Nanfeng are not as good as .

"Yes, I'm 80% sure." Chang Xia said seriously.

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