Transmigrated To Ancient Times To Farm And Build A Kingdom

Chapter 641: The green fruit of the tiger tribe, sweet and salty

"Chang Xia, are you full?" Shen Rong asked lightly.

Chang Xia put down the bowls and chopsticks, rubbed his stomach, nodded, and said, "I'm full. I'm a little tired. I'll have to go to the courtyard for a couple of laps later."

"After dinner, let's go together." Shen Rong nodded and replied.

After cleaning up the tables, chairs, tableware and chopsticks, Shen Rong and Shen Rong walked to the cave courtyard hand in hand. Measured from corner to corner, "The clansmen are bothered. The plants in the courtyard are growing very well. Tomorrow, I will get up early and use the blood power to recuperate, so that they can root deeper and grow taller and stronger."

"I see that the vines on the shore of White Lake are all growing well, and the transplant seems to have been successful." Shen Rong said. Condescendingly, overlooking the huge white lake.

A living vine tree, a mysterious glowing plant on the tree.

At this moment, a weak light is released.

Little by little, the whole white lake is set off like a bright moon, dreamy and blurred.

If it is not the orcs, there is no literary and artistic cell.

At this time, there should be males and females hiding on the shore of White Lake and talking about love.

"Success is due to the activation of my bloodline ability. When the transplant is successful without my bloodline ability being maintained one day, it will be considered a real success." Chang Xia sighed.

She can successfully transplant light trees, light grass and vine trees.

More by blood ability.

Aside from the increase in blood capacity, Chang Xia lacks confidence in transplantation.

She told the Tiger Clan and the Bear Clan that the Hui tribe studies planting and breeding, which is not a lie. Chang Xia wanted to use the bloodline ability to optimize crop seeds, while using the most common method of slash-and-burn cultivation.

"Then you have to work hard—" Shen Rong chuckled lightly, holding Chang Xia's hand.

Lightly cocooned, no longer as smooth as before. However, Shen Rong felt more at ease. In Chang Xia's words, this was a sign of growth.

"Yeah!" Chang Xia nodded seriously and said seriously, "I will try my best."

late at night.

The two finished the circle and walked back to the room.

Inside the cave, clean and tidy. The animal bed on the kang bed exudes the breath of the sun. It can be seen that the animal bed should have been exposed to the sun recently, there is no odor in the room, and there should be frequent ventilation.

"Ah! Comfortable."

Chang Xia lay down on the bunk bed and let out a comfortable moan.

The golden den and the silver den are not as good as your own dog kennel.

This is true.


Shen Rong smiled and shook his head.

Going to bed, hugging Chang Xia gently, he said warmly, "Sleep!"

The next day, the sky was bright.

The Heluo tribe, which had been silent for a night, was revived.

"Shen Rong, wake up so early?" Nuan Chun knocked on the gate of Changxia's courtyard with a rattan basket, and was slightly surprised to see Shen Rong moving around in the cave courtyard.

Shen Rong took the twins out of the basket behind her, and replied, "I slept early last night, do you have something to do with Chang Xia?"


The twins were hugged by Shen Rong, making a fuss.

"I made some fruits and brought them here to give you a taste." Nuan Chun picked up the rattan basket on the handle, which contained about a dozen green fruits.

Shen Rong probed and looked into the rattan basket curiously.

"What kind of fruit is this?" Shen Rong asked.

"The green fruit from the Tiger Clan is a fruit made of green grass and fruit powder. I wrapped it in sugar and made a sweet fruit." Nuan Chun explained. Shan Kun likes to eat salty fruits, and the twins like to eat sweet fruits. Nuanchun doesn't care about herself, she eats both sweet and salty.

"Is there any meat?" Shen Rong asked.

Nuan Chun smiled and said, "Yes, I didn't take it. Shan Kun also likes to eat meat, and he said that green fruits are better with salty taste."

"Changxia hasn't woken up yet, you put the fruit in the kitchen." Shen Rong said.

Put down the twins and let them make a fuss in the cave courtyard, like a happy dog, leaving a smell in every corner of the cave courtyard.

"Shan Kun?"

"He went hunting in the fertile fields, and by the way, he dug for thatch roots."

"The tribe is still making sugar?"

The corner of Shen Rong's mouth twitched lightly. He went to the cellar for a turn and found that there were more thatched candy stored in the cellar. However, they are all wrapped up by the clansmen, and they are not afraid of melting.

"The tribe arranged for the clansmen to work for half a day, making sugar and flour. The rest of the time, the clansmen do whatever they want, and everyone is very busy." Nuanchun explained. All the clansmen want to fill their cellars, which is more and more like Chang Xia.

Not to mention other clansmen.

Even Nuanchun envies Changxia's cellar.

If it weren't for the twins dragging it down, Nuanchun would also want to go to the fertile fields to dig thatch roots. Last time, she took the twins and Shan Kun to Woye to dig grass roots. The twins were daring, one of them didn't pay attention, and ran away without a shadow, which almost didn't frighten the two of Nuan Chun Shan Kun.


Nuanchun dared not take them out of the Baihu cave.

There is no shortage of food or meat, and I am afraid of accidents in the warm spring, so I don’t have to toss.

I spent the whole day tossing around in my own cave, occasionally going to Yadong's house to chat with Da Ya, and making some snacks by the way.

"Half a day, it's fine." Shen Rong said.

The Heluo tribe really has success and understands sustainable development. Instead of desperately squeezing his own clansmen, he chose to loosen and tighten them to ensure that the clansmen would not be affected. At the same time, they are also busy hoarding supplies for the winter in their leisure time.

"Did you go out well this time?" Nuan Chun asked.

Shen Rong: "That's right. I accidentally met the Ordos of the Mallard Tribe in the Erdos Swamp. Chang Xia had a good chat with them. Maybe soon the Orcs of the Mallard Tribe will come to the White Lake Business District to participate in the exchange."


Warm spring is very happy.

Since the long summer is amazing.

The mallard tribe, Nuanchun heard the tribe mention it.

However, with the exception of a few elders, very few people of the tribe have come into contact with the orcs of the mallard tribe. Don't talk about Nuanchun, you have even heard of it once.

It was a very mysterious orc tribe.

"Warm Spring—" Chang Xia yawned and walked out of the room. She was awakened by the screams of the twins. The moment she woke up, she thought she had encountered a beast.

For a while, Chang Xia thought he was in the forest.

When she saw the familiar bubbling kang bed, she suddenly woke up and returned to her cave. This cry is also the milk cry of the Nuanchun family beast cub.

"Chang Xia woke up, did you sleep in the habit of last night?" Nuan Chun worried.

Chang Xia moved her limbs and said happily: "I'm used to it, there is no place I'm more used to than my own kang bed. Cubs, come over and let my aunt hug me?"

Saying that, he crouched down and waved to the twins.


The twins heard Chang Xia's cry.

Turn around and look up.

Zhao Changxia looked around, watched for a long time, and stepped forward with tentative feet.

"Nine times out of ten, these two stupid boys are forgotten." Nuanchun supported her forehead, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, "This aunt has delicious food, have you forgotten?"

Let's talk about eating.

The twins ran towards Chang Xia in an instant.

The mouth kept making ooh, as if urging Chang Xia to make Xiangxiang food.


Chang Xia couldn't help laughing.

Beside him, Shen Rong also cheered.

From top to bottom, the Heluo tribe was about to be swayed by Chang Xia. When it comes to eating, all the clan members are very excited.


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