"Really! That's really good." Xylophone was excited.

Orcs can spin thread and weave independently, and she can help Chang Xia sew more beautiful clothes without looking at the stinky faces of Birds.

Root didn't seem to speak.

The expression on his face has already revealed everything.

"Wait back to the tribe, let's talk about the wolf clan seriously." Gen said excitedly.

Although anxious to know about Kirab, Gen understands that now is not the time to chat. Furthermore, Chang Xia was most likely tired after traveling for days and days.

"Yes, not only the wolf clan, but also the lion clan and the snake clan." Xylophone echoed.

Not far away, Nan Feng stomped his feet angrily.

She is such a big man here, and Gen and Xylophone just pretended not to see it! ! !

Snake covered his mouth and swallowed the smile in his throat.

Jealous southern style is cute outside.

Gen and Xylophone looked at Nanfeng a few times, but Nanfeng didn't notice it! Xylophone didn't say hello to Nanfeng, mainly for fear that Nanfeng would go wild. The matter of the Snake Clan is regarded as root and xylophone pitting their own cubs.

"Snake Xing, you said... How about I go back to Twin Valley with you?" Nan Feng was angry with Snake Xing, and this group only has Chang Xia, not her clansmen, so don't worry.

Snake chuckled lightly and said, "Okay!"

He knew that the south wind had the most flowers on his lips.

If he really intends to bring Nanfeng back to the Sheyue tribe to live, Nanfengtou will not agree. He remembered the scene of seeing the black snake for the first time. Not to mention that when he went to the Twin Valley, looking at the large and small snakes and pythons, Nan Feng's terrifying expression, Snake Xing felt that even after a few decades, he probably would never forget it.


as predicted.

Nan Feng sighed softly.

"Forget it, the Twin Valley is still not going."

The snakes and pythons that are all over the mountains are really too much for Nanfeng.

Pass through the white lake business district and enter the white lake. Chang Xia made a soft yo-yo sound, which sounded a lot like deer ming. The rattan baskets carried by the orcs, in addition to their own clothes, all the goods in the baskets were sent to the Changxia family yard.

Chang Xia couldn't stop it.

Maple Leaf and other orcs stated that these materials were donated to Chang Xia by various tribes, and they were not eligible to enjoy them. Besides, even if Chang Xia asked them to take it away, they didn't know how to do it.

It's better to put it at Chang Xia's house, and they come to eat.

Sure enough, the last sentence is the point.

"Chang Xia, I come to clean your cave every three days. The most recent cleaning was yesterday. There are fresh vegetables and fruits in the cellar and kitchen. You and Shen Rong will rest first, and I will come back tomorrow." Xyloqin said.

It's afternoon.

Changxia Shen Rong packed up the cave, and it was evening.

Root drove the clans away and did not let them disturb Chang Xia.

If you have something to do, wait for the long summer to rest for a night, and it will be the same tomorrow.

The rattan baskets placed in the courtyard of the cave were moved into the wooden shed by the root and the xylophone, and the tribesmen dispersed quickly.

a while.

In the noisy and lively cave, only Shen Rong and Chang Xia were left standing in the courtyard of the cave.

More than two months away.

Again, standing in the courtyard of their own cave dwelling.

Chang Xia couldn't help activating the bloodline ability, and planned to chat with the plants in the cave courtyard to chat about whether anything interesting happened to the tribe in the two months that she left.


Shen Rong reached out and patted Chang Xia's head.

"I'll go to the kitchen to make a fire and boil water—" Shen Rong said.

Chang Xia nodded and sat in the corridor pavilion. Soon, all kinds of voices came from my ears, some soft, soft, or domineering.

"Yeah! These two-legged beasts are finally back. This place has been quiet for a long time, and finally it is lively. I hate silence."

"I'm so thirsty, when will Twoleg give me some water!"

"I was about to drown, and they all told me not to water, but the two-legged beast seemed to be incomprehensible, and kept watering me, it was annoying!"

Chang Xia closed his eyes and quietly listened to the voices of the plants in the cave courtyard. After more than two months of training, Chang Xia has mastered the scope of blood and listening, and can do more things with minimal consumption.

Elder Pukang told Chang Xia to wait for her to completely control her bloodline ability.

It will allow the bloodline ability to enter the next stage.

However, it was limited by Changxia's own race.

No matter how she improved her abilities, she couldn't make her body stronger, at most her five senses. Unlike the totem warriors of the tribe, each evolution of the bloodline ability can enhance their strength, speed and physique.

Chang Xia analyzed.

Her bloodline ability is increased, and it is more inclined to the mage and the spiritual system.

The enhancement of the bloodline ability of the strong orcs is completely comprehensive.

At first, Chang Xia was annoyed.


After being annoyed, she let go.

Compared with orcs who don't have the ability to awaken blood, she is already a lucky one, so why should she crave for things that don't belong to her, just grasp the part that belongs to her.

"Chang Xia, wake up, go back to the room to get your clothes and go to the bathroom to take a shower." Shen Rong shouted softly.

Chang Xia was sleepy, and for a while, he didn't know where he was. It turned out that she listened to the nagging of the plants, her body was warm, and she fell asleep unconsciously.

When Shen Rong came over to shake him awake, she was still in a daze.

"Shen Rong, you have boiled the hot water!" Chang Xia muttered and asked.

Shen Rong said: "Yeah! I've boiled the hot water, you go to take a bath first. Are you hungry? If you feel hungry, I'll prepare dinner later."

this time.

The setting sun sinks into the horizon.

Birds return to their nests~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Only the glowing red sunset hangs in the sky.

"What food did Xyon Amu prepare for us?" Chang Xia asked curiously.

"There are some vegetables and fruits in the kitchen, I don't know what they are called. A piece of fresh meat, two live fish, a chicken and a duck in the wooden shed next door. I haven't gone down to check the cellar yet." Chen Rong replied , the fresh meat should have been delivered today, the taste has not changed, and it was placed in a clay pot with water.

This method of preservation was given to the Heluo tribe by Changxia.

It can probably keep the fresh meat unchanged for a day or two, but it won't last longer.

"Boil a pot of golden cornstarch porridge, then stew a chicken, stir-fry a piece of meat, and cut some vegetables and fruits for pancakes." Chang Xia thought about it and arranged dinner for the evening. She didn't plan to eat barbecued meat. She was afraid that Shen Rong would not get used to it, so she explained: "Shen Rong, we can't eat barbecued meat all the time, it's not healthy. We should eat whole grains often, it's good for our health."

"I can do it, listen to you." Shen Rong said.

In the Western Land, the nobles eat meat the most, and the staple food is mostly bread. Shen Rong doesn't like it very much. When he came to the Twilight Forest, Shen Rong felt that eating was a kind of enjoyment, not torture.

The meat often eaten by the aristocrats on the west road is filled with various spices.

Instead of meat, they eat spices.

Whoever eats it knows the taste.

"Then you boil the golden stick corn porridge first, and then kill the chicken. I'm going to take a bath first, have you cooked the soup medicine? I seem to smell the soup medicine." Chang Xia twitched his nose, a strong smell of medicine , come to the nose.

Shen Rong nodded and said, "Bubble medicine bath, relieve fatigue."

"Shen Rong, you are awesome!" Chang Xia praised, tiptoed, leaving a wet kiss on Shen Rong's face, jumping, and walking back to the room to get his clothes.


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