"In the last days, I went to the ancient tribes to farm and build infrastructure (

The mallard tribe lived in the swamps of Erdos.

The Swamp of Erdos is far from the six tribes.

The mallard tribe follows the Subu Detroit River and wants to contact the mallard tribe, and the timing is very important.


Snake nodded seriously and remembered Qing He's words.

"Back to the tribe, I will find the patriarch of Snake and let her contact the mallard tribe." Snake said.

In order to eat delicious raw marinade and fish soup as soon as possible, Snake Scale's fear of his own family head has been alleviated by two points. Unlike other orc tribes, the Snake tribe is a matriarchal clan. Of course, the matriarchal clan here refers to the patriarch of the Snake Mountain tribe, who has always been taken over by a female.

Others are not much different.

After all, among the snake tribe totem warriors, male orcs are the majority.

However, the females of the snake clan are ferocious, and are also well-known in the Twilight Forest.

Of the six major tribes, the fighting power of female orcs is excellent. Female orcs such as Maple Leaf and Da Ya are famous for their beauty, but their own strength is also top-notch.

"Snake scale, you dare to go to the snake and snake patriarch, are you not afraid of being beaten?" Nan Feng said narrowly.

The patriarch of Snake and Snake is side by side with her beauty, as well as her hot temper. Getting started at every turn, for the Snake Patriarch, it is as normal and easy as eating barbecue and drinking water.

The snake clan orcs are quite afraid of the snake snake patriarch.

Snake Scale's face stiffened, and he sneered: "I'm serious, why did the Snake Patriarch beat me? Besides, don't you want to eat the raw pickles and fish paste from the mallard tribe?"

What responded to the snake scales was the laughter of the orcs.

After dinner, sit around the fire.

"Snake walking, is Wangyue Ridge not far from the Snake Mountain tribe?" Chang Xia was eating candy to relieve abdominal distension.

Snaking: "My family clears the road and can reach the tribe day and night."

The Snake Mountain Tribe was busy building the road to the Heluo Tribe, the Wangyue Mountains of the Wolf Clan and the Hu Nuoge of the Tiger Clan, and the Snake Clan each built half of them.

The road from the Snake Clan to the Heluo Tribe has been repaired.

Chang Xia didn't return to the tribe, and Nan Feng didn't say anything about it. She didn't know it yet.

In the words of the Leopard tribe, wait for the other five tribes to repair the road to the Heluo tribe. The Baihe Basin may be divided into five different areas according to the five main roads. These five areas are connected to the main road that runs through the six tribes, forming a closed loop.

At that time, it will become easier for other orcs to enter the sacred mountain of Karna.

The only one who suffers is the Heluo tribe.

Road construction is bound to encroach on forest resources.

Five roads, plus one main road. The consumption of resources will not be less, the orcs live by hunting and gathering, which will not be less harmful to the leopards.

The tribes privately proposed to compensate the Heluo tribe with materials.

It's just that the road has not been repaired, and this matter has not been announced for the time being.

"The Snake Clan is busy repairing the road to the tribe, and they don't care about the Moon Moon Mountain Range. Even the road to the Tiger Clan Lake Nuoge is the same. It's half completed." Nanfeng was speechless, but the Snake Clan led to their own tribe. The road has been repaired, and Nanfeng secretly wants to go home.

However, the matter of the Snake Clan was not finished, and he couldn't leave.

"What?" Chang Xia stared wide-eyed, looked at Maple Leaf, and said in shock, "The road from the Snake Mountain tribe to my clan has been repaired. The Snake clan is a bit fast!"

"Where is it going?" Nanfeng said, "It's been two months since you left the tribe. If the Snake Clan were not lazy, let alone the road leading to the tribe, the road to the Moon Moon Mountains and Lake Nuoge should also be repaired. I want to be lazy and not work."

Compared with the industrious Leopard Clan, Nanfeng thinks the Snake Clan is too lazy.

I had heard that the lion clan was lazy before, but after seeing the laziness of the snake clan with his own eyes, Nanfeng believed that the most lazy people in the Twilight Forest were definitely the snake clan.


Snake Scales are silent.

"Nanfeng, my family is not lazy, but enjoys life." Shemi said warmly.

Like her words, Shemi speaks softly and slowly. Suddenly, Chang Xia thought of the animal cub wind chimes of his own tribe.

She has seen the fiery and coolness of the Snake Patriarch.

Otherwise, listening to Snake Mi's slow words, Chang Xia felt very strange.

"Shemi, you actually opened your mouth to speak?" Nan Feng stared at Shemi with wide eyes, recalling what she said just now, and actually made Shemi speak.

Snakes have a weird temperament and don't like to talk.

Often forgotten by tribesmen.

To be honest, if she hadn't spoken suddenly, Nanfeng and the others would have never thought that there was a person like Shemi in the team.

Just as curious as Nanfeng, there are snake orcs such as Snake.

Shemi looked at the strange eyes of the orcs, and the corners of her mouth twitched. She didn't like to talk, and she wasn't dumb. Besides, I am in a good mood tonight eating the food made by Chang Xia. So, I couldn't help but say something.

Who knew it would make all the orcs make a fuss? !

"Snake Mi, are you not feeling well?" Snake said seriously.

Snakescale and other orcs on the side looked at Snake Mi seriously, wanting to make sure that Snake Mi was not feeling well.

"Go away!" Shemi opened his mouth, and finally spit out a word in anger.

Every time he opened his mouth to speak, it attracted the attention of the clan, and over time, Snake Mi was too lazy to speak.

"Snake rice, eat a candy."

Seeing Snake Mi trembling with anger, Chang Xia's face changed slightly, and he hurriedly took out the beast sac with green sugar, poured out two green sugar and handed it to Snake Mi.

to be frank.

The female presence of the snake family is too weak.

She didn't speak~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Chang Xia really forgot that she was still in the team. Although these words seem to be instructive, they are the truth.

He has a gentle personality and doesn't like to talk.

The sense of existence is weaker than that of Fengling. Fengling, his own beast cub, speaks a little slower, but he has a strong sense of existence. The fist is in the beast cub, which is lighter than the tit.

Hit someone or something, that's fine.

"Thank you!" Shemi took the candy and thanked.

Again, God hides.

Snaking here confirmed that Snake Mi was okay, and heaved a sigh of relief.

That is, the expressions of the orcs are very strange, half-smiles but not smiles, holding back their laughter, no matter how they look at it, they find it interesting.

Cough cough!

Chang Xia coughed twice, interrupting the strange atmosphere.

"Wangyue Mountain is close to the Snake Mountain Tribe. If we continue our journey overnight and arrive at the Snake Mountain Tribe earlier, it will be easier." Chang Xia suggested.

Wangyue Ridge is full of insects, ants, snakes and mice, and Changxia really dare not rest on the spot.

Even when lying down and sleeping, he feels uneasy.

Instead of delaying time, it is better to set off and continue on the road.

This said.

The south wind is very excited.

No matter how uncomfortable the Snake Mountain tribe lived, it was safer than the forest.

She raised her head and looked at the two elders of Puconsenda.

"I can." Pukang said. No rest for three or five days is not a problem for the elders of Pukang.

Elder Senda nodded and expressed his position.

"Pack up, let's go on our way." Shen Rong said.

After the words fell, all the orcs stood up and packed their bags, and they didn't have much to pack for the snake. The only thing that needs to be busy is that he brings the snake scales and snake intentions and waits for the potatoes to be dug by the snake orcs.

Chang Xia opened her eyes and looked curiously at Snake Scales as they packed their bags.

"Every time I see the Snake Clan, it's very interesting!" Chang Xia said. In fact, she wanted to say it was weird, but looking at the snakes walking their beasts, Chang Xia Mingzhi closed his mouth.

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