Transmigrated To Ancient Times To Farm And Build A Kingdom

Chapter 613: Snakes are weapons and companions

"In the last days, I went to the ancient tribes to farm and build infrastructure (

"Black snake, why is it placed in the arrow basket?" Chang Xia paused and asked suspiciously.

She looked up at Snake, and saw Snake carrying an arrow basket, but she didn't see him holding a bow and arrow. Did he throw the arrow as a javelin?

Snake Road: "My family keeps snakes and pythons as pets, just because snakes and pythons are our weapons. Black snakes can be used as bows and arrows." , the Leopard Clan did not dare to tell her these things.

Different races of orcs are good at it.

Weapons are slightly different.

Only, like javelins, bows, etc., these are basic weapons.

Orcs of all tribes use it.

However, on this basis. The six major tribes have their own trump cards, and the trump card of the Snake Clan is the snakes and pythons they raise. The seemingly mild and harmless snake and python can exert a powerful attack in the hands of the snake clan.


Suddenly, Chang Xia was stunned.

Raised pet snakes can also be used as weapons. Is the snake family too awesome?

"Nanfeng, is this true?" Chang Xia swallowed carefully and said softly.

Nan Feng nodded and said: "Really. When hunting in the forest, these snakes and pythons will transform, which is very powerful." Before, she had never seen black snakes who had disliked snakes. However, having witnessed Snake hunting with black snakes with his own eyes, Nanfeng's dislike of black snakes disappeared.

Compared with the Snake Clan, the Leopard Clan has a single attack.


In the entire Twilight Forest, except for the snake clan, no clan dared to use snakes and pythons as weapons. However, Nan Feng vaguely heard from his grandfather that there are orcs in the wolf tribe who can drive wolves.

However, the true and false Nanfeng has not been confirmed.

After all, she eavesdropped on this matter, and Nan Feng didn't dare to tell anyone.

"Elder Senda, slow."

Here, Chang Xia just calmed down.

A sharp voice suddenly sounded.

I saw a snake orc hurriedly striding in front of Elder Senda with an eager look on his face.

Snake was startled, and then seemed to remember something, hurried over and explained: "Elder Senda, don't attack that python. That is Snake's partner Ah Yi, a pet snake, not a wild python. "

I see.

Elder Senda waved his black knife gently.

The big tree in the distance snapped off instantly, revealing the python hidden behind the tree.

At this moment, the python was tense, and its golden eyes were full of panic and fear. The snake scales all over his body were about to stand up, which showed that he was quite frightened.

"Ah, what a pity!" Senda regretted and took back the black knife.

As soon as he smelled a pleasant scent, thinking, he swung a knife behind the tree. Fortunately, the snake intention stopped in time, and the elder Senda stopped at the last moment and chopped crookedly.

Otherwise, it's time to eat python meat later.

Snake raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead.

Almost, just a little bit.

Confirming that Elder Senda would not do anything more, he stumbled and ran towards his own Hajime, hugged Hajime's head, and burst into tears, "Ah Yi! Almost, you almost died."

Chang Xia and other orcs have black lines all over their heads.

Silently listening to the snake cry.

Chang Xia grew up so big, and it was the first time I saw a male cry.

"Snake, shut up!" Snake shouted in a low voice.

What does a male cry and cry like? Besides, in front of a foreigner, he is not afraid of being beaten by the patriarch of the snake and snake in the Hui tribe?

Orcs pursue totem warriors under the stick.

Beating someone is really beating to death.

Being scolded by Snake, Snake choked and stopped crying. Holding Ah Yi, he didn't let go, for fear that if he let go, Elder Senda swung a knife again.

this moment.

He somewhat regretted choosing Sen Python as a pet snake.

If it is like snakes and scales, perhaps his partner will not be targeted by the elders of Senda. Of course, Snake never thought about getting revenge on Senda elders.

He can't even beat the snake, and seeks revenge for the elders of Senda

That's not suicide, what is.

"Don't linger, build a fire on the stove." Nan Feng clapped his hands and reminded.

Seeing that, the setting sun on the horizon has completely disappeared into the horizon, and the night wind is blowing, and it will soon be dark.

Wangyue Ridge is not the Snake Mountain tribe.

There are countless snakes, rats, insects and ants, and some can be avoided by making fires.

Nan Feng enthusiastically helped to sort out the rattan baskets, and looking at her thirsty expression, Chang Xia Fengye could guess what she was thinking, so she did not refuse, and let her toss.

"Chang Xia, what are these four baskets of roots? Where did you dug them out? I look at them, why do they look familiar, as if I've seen them before?" Nan Feng murmured, his eyes fixed on the baskets in the rattan baskets. Potato.

Snake hugged her partner and looked up at Nanfeng.

"This yellow-brown root piece, didn't you dug up a few of them yesterday, Nanfeng?" Snake said. They were afraid of missing out with Chang Xia, so they had been wandering around the Mochie Ridge next to the wild fungus forest. When the south wind was bored, they dig a lot of mud.

She dug up several of these yellow-brown roots yesterday.

It's just that they didn't know each other and didn't dare to eat it.

Snake let Snake use a beast bag, intending to bring it back to the tribe for the clansmen to identify.

As he spoke, Snake pointed to the rattan basket where he put the animal bag. Tell Snake that the roots that Nanfeng dug yesterday were placed in that rattan basket.

Snake face with joy.

He hurried to the rattan and took out the snake's animal bag.

Chang Xia was able to dig out this kind of root block, and even put it in a rattan basket to take it on the road. Obviously, this root block is edible and not low in value.

When Nanfeng was digging yesterday, Snake confirmed it.

This plant, Mochizuki Ridge, can be seen everywhere.

Even next to their camp, there is a large area.

"Chang Xia, are these two kinds of root pieces the same? And is this piece edible?" Snake undid the beast sac and brought the root piece in the beast sac to Chang Xia for her to identify.

Chang Xia said, "Potatoes, you can eat them."

"Changxia used potatoes to make chicken roasted with potatoes and beef brisket with potatoes this morning. We also ate roasted potatoes, boiled potatoes, and fried potato chips." Honeydew smiled and counted, pointing to the wild mushroom forest behind her, and said: "This potato was dug up in the wild mushroom forest. I guess it should have propagated from Wangyueling. Chang Xia said that potatoes can be used as food just like gold sticks, corn and sweet potatoes. The wild mushroom forest potato is still I have to trouble you Snake Patriarch to tell my clan."

Chang Xia doesn't talk much.

Honeydew took the words and repeated them in detail.

At the same time, he explained what Chang Xia and Bai Qing had explained together.

After listening.

Snake Clan orcs such as Snake Scales nodded quickly.

There's nothing wrong with that.

Even if the wild mushroom forest is full of potatoes, it cannot be compared with the Mochizuki Mountains.

"Don't worry, Honey Dew, when I return to the tribe, I will tell the Snake Patriarch about the potatoes." Snake said seriously.

Nan Feng's eyes lit up and said happily, "Chang Xia, I want to eat potato roast chicken, potato roast beef brisket. I also want to eat roasted potatoes, boiled potatoes and fried potato chips."

"Yes, you can prepare the ingredients." Chang Xia said neatly.

She hadn't met Nanfeng for a long time, so she was naturally reluctant to refuse Nanfeng's request. Immediately, nod in agreement.

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