"In the last days, I went to the ancient tribes to farm and build infrastructure (

"Shen Rong, please slow down."

Behind him, Bai Qing was carrying honeydew. Seeing that Shen Rong was running too fast, he almost passed the elder Senda who had cleared the way. Bai Qing could only let out a low growl, signaling Shen Rong to slow down.

Shen Rong's footsteps stopped, and he stumbled and almost fell over.

"...Slow?" Shen Rong's silver-white beast body was very eye-catching at night.

Bai Qing was stared at by Shen Rong, so that he didn't choked, and said speechlessly: "Don't leave the team, you are about to surpass Elder Senda. Besides, no matter how fast you run, it is impossible to leave the wild fungus forest tonight. It's too big, beware of attracting beasts."

This bastard, really thought he couldn't guess what he was thinking?

It is nothing more than letting Maple Ye hold Chang Xia and not letting Chang Xia stay on his beast.

Speed ​​up to run, want to exhaust them?

Shen Rong didn't even think about where the wild fungus forest was. There were the most insects, ants, snakes and mice in this place. Those pythons liked to cling to the trees and devour their prey with their mouths open. It really made Chang Xia sit alone in Chen Rong. On the beast, he was not afraid that Chang Xia would be swallowed by a snake or python or something.

Bai Qing gave a false warning.

He succeeded in slowing down Shen Rong, and stopped running hard.

On the side, the orcs such as Kong Shan He Sen and others who were running with him quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

The orcs all have a good face, Shen Rong buys and runs away, and Kong Shan and the others are not easy to stop them, so they can only speed up. However, the wild mushroom forest is dense with branches, and all the orcs are tied with rattan baskets, and if they are not careful, they may bump into the trees.

Fortunately, Bai Qing spoke in time, so Kong Shan and the others were free and had time to breathe.

"Go away!" Elder Senda waved his knife and slashed lightly to the front right.

A few clicks sounded, and the branches fell to the ground. Then, the sound of rustling sounded and disappeared into the night.

this way.

Elder Senda's black knife swung four times.

This is the fifth time.

Maple Leaf hugged Xiao Wowo tightly and said softly, "These guys are really not afraid of death!"

Elder Senda swung the sword five times, representing five attacks on them. This does not include the elder Pukang who has broken up. Perhaps because of the hurry, the elder Pukang is calmer than during the day. Every time he punches, he is very restrained, and even his laughter is suppressed.

In terms of the number of times, the Pukan elders punched twice more than the Senda elders.

No wonder he stepped into the wild mushroom forest.

Honeydew repeatedly reminded Chang Xia to be careful.

This wild mushroom forest is very dangerous.

It is estimated that it has something to do with the fact that the Lions do not come to hunt all year round, allowing the wild beasts to breed wildly in the wild mushroom forest. Over time, the wild beasts in the wild mushroom forest will naturally increase.

"It's a little scary." Chang Xia said.

The journey was very stable before, Chang Xia didn't think the forest was so dangerous.


Tonight's wild mushroom forest surprised Chang Xia.

Whether it was the beast driven away by Elder Senda, or the beast chased away by Elder Pukang. The breath is very strong, and there is more cover in the night, and the cows, gods, snakes and ghosts are not afraid of death and run out, unscrupulously announcing their existence.

"Don't be afraid, there are two elders. These beasts can't get close, we just need to pay attention to some insects and ants, don't get stung." Maple Leaf said calmly.

If there are not two elders in the team, how dare they travel at night?

Not really afraid of death.

Qing He and Honey Dew sat on Bai Qing Beast together. After all, Bai Qing and the others did not dare to let Qing He be alone at night. Compared with the daytime, the vigilance of all orcs at night is the highest, and no one dares to be negligent.

"Is the animal repelling powder enough?" Chang Xia nodded and asked.

Maple Leaf replied: "Don't worry, it's enough."

The night is getting darker.

The temperature of the wild mushroom forest began to drop.

Chang Xia stopped holding Bai Linger tightly, let go, stood on tiptoe, and began to enjoy the surrounding scenery against the night wind.

Shen Rong and the others were so fast that they couldn't see anything in the dark night.

What Chang Xia enjoys is the comfort of the night wind blowing across her face.

"Chang Xia, put your head back. Don't blow the wind, be careful of catching a cold." Maple Leaf reminded.

The temperature of the wild mushroom forest dropped rapidly, not by one or two degrees, but by a cliff. During the day, the temperature of the wild mushroom forest was as high as 30 degrees, and in the second half of the night, the temperature dropped to 10 degrees. When the sun rose the next day, it soared directly.

It's no wonder that the lion clan dislikes the wild fungus forest, and they don't even bother to come here for hunting.

However, if this is the way to go in the future.

Nine times out of ten things will change.

Chang Xia shrank his neck, raised his small claws and pushed Maple Leaf's outstretched hand, and said, "I'll blow it. It's rare that the temperature has dropped, and the surroundings are not so boring. I can take a breath and feel comfortable."

Hearing what Chang Xia said, Maple Leaf can only do as she pleases.

After blowing for a while, Chang Xia voluntarily retracted into the small nest and lay on her stomach.

"Maple Leaf, when can we get to Wangyue Ridge?" Chang Xia played with his feet and rubbed against Bai Ling'er, very bored. So, I couldn't help but chat with Maple Leaf.

Honeydew Qinghe was far away, and all the orcs were on their way at full speed.

Even if they were chatting, Honeydew couldn't hear them clearly.

Unless they roar like Bai Qing.

"At this rate, the day after tomorrow, we should be able to reach Wangyue Ridge." Maple Leaf thought for a while and replied.

The wild mushroom forest is close to the mountains of Wangyueling, the trees are sparser, and the temperature is much cooler. The temperature in the Mochizuki Mountains is high, but not as hot as the wild mushroom forest.

By comparison.

The Mochizuki Mountains are quite comfortable.

"Oh my God!" Chang Xia lamented, thinking that she would be able to get out of the wild mushroom forest tomorrow.

The wild mushroom forest is dense with trees. Even if Shen Rong and other orcs are on their way at full speed, the speed cannot be improved~www.wuxiamtl.com~ After all, this is not the forest of the clear moon. The wild mushroom forest is full of trees, ferns, shrubs and weeds. Not only does this obstruct the line of sight, it also slows down the Orc's running speed.

"The next time I rest, I haven't settled in the stone house, it's all up to our luck." Maple Leaf said quietly.

Suddenly, Chang Xiasheng's loveless face became more salty.

The lions planned the general direction and marked them along the way. However, due to the manpower, there is naturally no clearing route in the wild fungus forest.

The sign, at most, will keep Chen Rong and the others from getting lost.

The stone house where I just stepped into the wild mushroom forest was built by the lions, which is convenient for patrolling the border and resting. After going deep into the wild fungus forest, naturally there is no such treatment.

If they can't find a suitable place to rest, they can only find a place near the water source to stop at random. The comfort is naturally not as good as the stone house.

If it is not good, there will be beasts.

After all, all the water sources in the forest are places where animals gather.

Chang Xia was languid and fell asleep unconsciously.

Seeing that Chang Xia didn't make a sound, Maple Leaf looked into the small nest, and saw that Chang Xia fell asleep holding Bai Linger. Pull off the hide and cover it.

At the same time, he reached out and patted Kongshan.

"Empty Mountain, keep the speed steady, Chang Xia is sleeping." Maple Leaf said solemnly.

Hearing this, the running team slowed down.

No need to rush this time. What's more, they are still far away from the Snake Mountain tribe, one point faster, one point slower, and it has little impact.

"Honeydew, give me a water bag." Senda stopped and asked Honeydew for a water bag.

Hearing this, Honeylu told Bai Qing to stop running and leaned over to find the water bladder in the rattan basket. The water bladders filled with water were placed in the rattan baskets carried by Bai Qing. Honeydew handed the water bag to Elder Senda and said, "Who else needs a water bag?"

ps: make up chapter 14.

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