Transmigrated To Ancient Times To Farm And Build A Kingdom

Chapter 604: Recalling old words, Chang Xia soothes people's hearts

"In the last days, I went to the ancient tribes to farm and build infrastructure (


Chang Xia groaned and opened his eyes.

The stone house has a water basin filled with cold stones, and the wild mushroom forest is steaming, so this corner of the stone house is cool. What's more, with the so-called natural air conditioner Bai Linger, Chang Xia slept very peacefully.

"Shen Rong—"

Chang Xia hoarsely called out Shen Rong's name.

"Shh!" Maple Leaf raised her index finger, brought a bowl of cool white Kai for Chang Xia to drink, and whispered, "Don't call him, let them sleep for a while."

Hearing this, Chang Xia looked around.

I saw Shen Rong Baiqing and other orcs lying on the other side of the stone house.

Even the two elders of Puconsenda were lying on the ground, looking sound asleep.

"Have you finished cooking the python meat?" Chang Xia asked in surprise.

Maple Leaf nodded and said in a low voice, "It's all taken care of. If we can't make our way in the afternoon, let them sleep for a while, and we'll set off at night."

"Yeah!" Chang Xia responded. After drinking water, she lay down and didn't get up. Outside, it was still hot, and all kinds of insects and birds were singing, which was very lively.

"Chang Xia, do you want to drink ice water?" Qing He asked.

With a big hand, Maple Leaf stopped Qing He, "Qing He, don't give Chang Xia a cold drink. Her body can't bear it when it's cold and hot."

This icy water is naturally frozen from the cold stone.

They drank a lot of maple leaf honeydew, and when Qing He saw Chang Xia woke up, she thought that she hadn't drank it, and naturally asked aloud.

"I'll just drink cold water." Chang Xia shook his head lightly and declined.

Who doesn't want to drink cold on this hot day, but Chang Xia doesn't dare. One is cold and one is hot, and it is easy to catch a cold. Even if the maple leaves do not speak, Changxia will not drink it.

Hurrying through the forest, she couldn't help.

At least, it can't be a drag.

"Chang Xia, look at the wild vegetables I picked by the stream—" Milu beckoned to Chang Xia. After waking up, she felt uncomfortable and went to the stream with Maple Leaf to take a bath. By the way, they picked a lot of wild wild vegetables, but they couldn't recognize them completely, so they asked Chang Xia to identify one or two.

Wild rookie egg pancakes and wild rookie egg soup taste great.

Even if Honeydew doesn't like eating wild vegetables, she likes it.

When I was taking a bath just now, I saw the familiar wild vegetables and picked half a basket.

"Water celery, duck feet..." Chang Xia was slightly startled and said in surprise, "When did you go to pick it by the stream?"

"Woke up and picked it after taking a bath." Honeydew said.

A few people walked out of the stone house lightly, and when they walked out of the stone house, the hot air rushed to their faces.

"It's really hot!" Chang Xia paused, raised his head, stared at the blue sky through the gaps in the leaves, and sighed: "It's raining, but it's hot on sunny days. Entering the forest is really a chore, and when I return to the tribe, The tribe should be encouraged to open up more wasteland, learn to plant and breed as soon as possible, and avoid hunting and gathering in the forest in the future.”

This said.

Maple Leaf Honeydew and other orcs were all shocked.

Orcs love hunting, and what they love is the excitement and satisfaction brought by hunting.

This does not mean that they like to go into the forest to suffer and suffer.

If the orcs really learn to plant and breed, going into the forest in the future will just be pure hunting, which is super cool.

"Changxia, what about planting and breeding?" Qing He asked.

Chang Xia poured a bowl of cold boiled water, took a sip, and explained: "Like the Sirius tribe living in the forest of Qingyue, the forest of Qingyue is naturally suitable for planting golden rods and corn. If the wolf tribe masters the cultivation of golden rods and corn, There is no need to wait for the golden rods and corn in the wild to mature, artificially determine the planting time, and naturally know when to harvest."

She didn't say too specific, after all, it's about farming.

Only by doing it yourself can you know the situation, and it is impossible to say it simply.

After all, Changxia also has a lot to know about farming. At the end of this journey, Chang Xia decided to discuss with Su Ye about the exchange of orc tribes, transportation should also be put on the agenda, and more importantly, land reclamation and farming.

Rattan and other things were planted in the wilderness on the south side of Baihu Lake, and it was inconvenient to transplant in a short time.

As a result, Chang Xia naturally set his sights on Woye and Xiaohechuan. There are many snakes and pythons in fertile fields, and Chang Xia decided to toss the small rivers more.

Gold sticks, corn and Kira grass, etc., Chang Xia asked the wolf clan for seeds. Along the way, whenever Changxia can recognize wild vegetables and other things, Changxia chooses to keep one or two plants.

I just wanted to wait for the Heluo tribe to find a place to plant this kind of thing.

Whether he can survive, Chang Xia is not in a hurry.

Once the road is clear, what you want to plant can be exchanged with other orc tribes at any time. The trouble is, how to communicate with the clansmen and let them learn to grow together.

This counts down.

Chang Xia pondered whether to end the journey early.

However, this matter will be decided after arriving at the Snake Clan.

"Cultivation, like the chickens, ducks and hares in the forests at the south of Baihu Lake? I remember that the wild boars and black-horned cattle kept in the fence of Baihu Lake seem to have been driven to the fertile fields." Honey dew rubbed her chin. She talked to the Lions about it.

The lions have been busy building roads and houses recently, and most of them don't pay attention to this matter.

Milu saw Chang Xia's serious and serious expression.

She couldn't help guessing that the next focus of the Heluo tribe was planting and breeding? After Chang Xia became an adult, the Heluo tribe had undergone earth-shaking changes in just a few months, and six tribes had also changed.

Honeydew had a faint feeling that the Twilight Forest would change with Chang Xia's I don't know why.

Thinking about it, Honeydew felt full of power.

"Is it okay to catch wild prey and keep it in a tribe?" Qing He was shocked. The wolves tried, but were unsuccessful.

Animals in the wild are not domesticated.

One by one is full of wildness, how can they be willing to be imprisoned.

"Yes." Maple Leaf said: "My family has raised chickens, ducks and hares before, and later also raised black horn cattle and wild boars."

After listening.

Qing He looked at Chang Xia with awe.

"Cultivation requires skills just like planting. We can't be in a hurry and take it slowly." Chang Xia said. This step-by-step process is actually a domestication process. Animals in the wild are beastly and violent. It is not an easy thing to tame.

It may take two or three generations, or even several generations.

However, with the plug-in of Changxia, domestication will become easier.

A few people chatted while picking vegetables. Honeydew wanted to eat wild rookie egg pancakes. Chang Xia decided to clean up the water celery and flippers, wait for Chen Rong and the others to wake up, chop them up, mix them with the bird eggs, and make them. into pancakes.

They didn't bake naan this time.

Simply make some pancakes and bring them to eat at night when you are hungry.

The Wild Fungus Forest is close to the Mochizuki Mountains, and when it enters the Mochiyue Mountains, it will not be too far from the Snake Mountain tribe. Thinking about it, Chang Xia breathed a sigh of relief, looking forward to the next trip going smoothly.

"Changxia, the wolf clan can grow golden sticks and corn, what about the Tianshi tribe?" Honeydew asked. In addition to chili peppers, the Lions are still chili peppers.

However, pepper is not food after all.

"The lions grow chili peppers and exchange chili peppers with other orc tribes. If you want to grow anything else, you need to explore slowly. in a hurry.

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