Transmigrated To Ancient Times To Farm And Build A Kingdom

Chapter 1208: The root patriarch who eats and takes


"Hot, very hot."

Chang Xia yelled hot while stealing food.

It looked very much like the gluttonous cubs of the chickadee.

With a smile on his face, Shen Rong picked up the shredded apple and put it near his mouth to help cool it down, and then fed it to Chang Xia's mouth, saying dotingly: "Come, eat!"

"Yeah!" Chang Xia took it with his mouth open, and muttered, "A Rong, you eat too."

Candied apples are better than candied potatoes.

The main reason is the sweet and sour taste of shredded apples, which is more pleasing to the long summer. After all, she is greedy for sweet and sour pork ribs, but suffers from not being able to make the taste she wants most.

"How, do you like the smell?"

Shen Rong paused, surprised by the taste of shredded apples in his mouth. He didn't know that wild fruits could still be eaten like this?

This shocked Shen Rong far more than drinking fruit juice.

"It's delicious!" Shen Rong said.

for a while.

Shen Rong stopped Chang Xia from continuing to eat shredded apples and shredded potatoes.

"Chang Xia, take a break. Eat again, I won't be able to eat later."

At the same time, his eyes fell on Chang Xia's abdomen. Pregnant with cubs, I can't tell if I'm full. However, Shen Rong still insisted on taking away the shredded apples/potatoes on the cutting board.

Chang Xia said regretfully, "Okay!"

It's really a bit stretched, my stomach is bloated, and I feel a little uncomfortable.

So Chang Xia got up to digest.

Leave Shen Rong in the kitchen to prepare dinner.

After eating candied apples, she no longer struggled with sweet and sour pork ribs. See what Shen Rong makes, eat whatever you like, don't pick your mouth.

"Long Xia, the herb list for herbal tea." Gen hurriedly entered the door and said loudly.

Chang Xia pouted in the living room and said, "I asked Ah Rong to copy it and put it on the long table in the living room. You can take it away. By the way, remember to give a copy to the elders in Nanxu."

"Okay." Gen replied, and ran straight to the living room. After picking up the herb list for herbal tea, he fluttered his nostrils and smelled a tempting sweet and sour aroma. He stopped immediately and asked, "Chang Xia, what delicious food does your family have?"


Chang Xia covered her mouth and smiled.

"Candied apples, there is still half a bowl left in the kitchen. The patriarch wanted to find Arong, but he forbade me to eat more. By the way, there are also candied potatoes, which taste very good."

While talking, he licked the corner of his mouth with a look of aftertaste.

This appearance immediately attracted the root patriarch.

Hearing this, he went straight to the kitchen without saying a word, and said loudly: "Shen Rong, leave me some shredded apples..."

In the kitchen, the corner of Shen Rong's mouth twitched.

The remaining candied apples/potatoes, which he put on top of the cupboard, did not eat.

Patriarch Gen's words sound harsh, what do you mean save some for him?

However, thinking of Patriarch Gen's character, Shen Rong responded silently, and replied: "Patriarch Gen wants to eat, you can take it away."

"Haha!" Gen laughed, stepped into the kitchen and patted Shen Rong's shoulder affectionately, with a look of relief, he said, "Shen Rong, I just like your generosity. Take out the shredded apples, is there a rattan basket?"


Shen Rong was silent.

This thick-skinned level is comparable to the city wall of Shinahai City.

Should he say that he is worthy of being the root patriarch? !

"I'll take it back and give it to the xylophone to taste. The things on Baihu Fourth Street are not as delicious as the two of you. It's a pity!" Gen sighed, and Shen Rong was silently listening to the nagging of the patriarch Gen. really good.

However, it is really black in terms of heart black.

After packing the things, the root patriarch left lightly.

The cheerful footsteps caused Chang Xia to snicker.

"A Rong, do you want to make some more candied apples?"

"No, I've tasted it."

Candied apples are not fish balls, Shen Rong doesn't have much obsession. If it was fish balls, Shen Rong probably wouldn't be so generous and let the root patriarch "rob".

After confirming that Shen Rong really didn't want to eat candied apples, Chang Xia didn't say any more. Instead, he asked about Xiaohechuan's wilderness rice fields.

She has been thinking about this matter.

However, I didn't have a chance to ask during the day.

"Arong, how is the rice field in the Xiaohechuan wilderness?"

In the kitchen, Chang Xia was sitting by the stove and lighting a fire. Shen Rong skillfully turned the spatula, and replied, "The rice stalks are sprouting."


Chang Xia was overjoyed.

That means waiting more than two months.

They can still harvest a crop of rice, but the yield may not be high.

"Release the water and chase after a wave of scavenging vine potions."

At the same time, Chang Xia plans to go there in person and use his bloodline ability to give birth. Hundreds of acres, a large area, Chang Xia did not dare to try.

However, you can still give it a try with dozens of acres.

"Well! I remember." Shen Rong said: "Qingmingshi, how big do you plan to get? Too small, can it promote the abnormal growth of ice crystal grass branches?"

"This requires experiments." Chang Xia said.

She had just come into contact with Qingming Stone not long ago, so she couldn't answer this question.

It is necessary to break the Qingming stone into different sizes and weights, bury it with the ice crystal grass branches, and then record the data.

This may take a long time.

"I'll prepare tomorrow—" Shen Rong said.

The closer to the cold season, the higher the temperature. Fortunately, the cave dwelling is close to Baihu Lake, and the cool air from Baihu Lake will come over. Long summer is very afraid of heat, even more than last year. It should be because of the cub that Chang Xia felt weak all over and didn't like to move when it was hot.

The cold stone in the corner of the living room has never been taken back to the cellar.

At night, they will move into the cave bedroom.

When it's hot, Chang Xia can't fall asleep, or fall asleep and be woken up by the heat.

To be honest, the quality of sleep in Changxia has been a lot worse recently, and UU Reading has been tossing. Fortunately, Shen Rong has a good temper and considerate care.

"You ask the patriarch for the cornerstone. The Qingming stone is extremely hard, and it may be difficult to break it with ordinary means." Chang Xia reminded.

The Bird Clan delayed sending the Qingming Stone for so long, so the mining should not be very smooth.

Change to someone else.

Most of the birds will ignore it.

After all, the Bird Clan Qingming Stone is buried in the ice crystal valley.

Mining the Qingming Stone might affect the Ice Crystal Valley. I heard from the elders of Nanxu that with the feeding of scavenging vine potions, the ice crystal grass in the ice crystal valley of Feiyajian has begun to mutate, and grows towards the ice crystal tree.

"Is it necessary?" Shen Rong hesitated.

He practiced the use of the bloodline ability of the Rotten Vine Sect, and his strength has become much stronger.

The use of bloodline abilities of the Scavenger-eating Vine Sect is superior to the use of bloodline abilities within the Yuan family. Comparing the two, the Yuan family seems to be a castrated version. Before, Shen Rong was able to force Shankun Yadong because he knew how to use his blood to fight.

Of course, Shen Rong is also stronger in terms of physical fitness.

"There is a cornerstone, so why not use it." Chang Xia rolled his eyes, the orcs like to use their fists, but Shen Rong couldn't avoid it.

Fist to the flesh.

Is it really that exciting?

Chang Xia really couldn't understand this point.

Like wrestling, the clansmen never get tired of it, and it is even crazier than kicking Cuju. They saw blood every time, and after seeing the blood, they were still happy and crazy.

"All right." Shen Rong said.

Seeing Chang Xia's voice soaring, he didn't dare to object again.

After all, Shen Rong is also very keen on kicking Cuju and wrestling. Cuju and wrestling made Shen Rong understand why Xilu nobles like to go to the Colosseum. The collision of pure power is fascinating.

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