Transmigrated To Ancient Times To Farm And Build A Kingdom

Chapter 1202: Let's go, the birds are coming

"Xylophone Amu, take an altar back." Chang Xia said.

Tiger Clan squeezes soybean oil out of soybeans, waiting for them to improve efficiency. In the future, the tribe will no longer be short of oil to eat, and it will cost oil to cook. The orcs eat a lot, and the tribes are often short of oil. Especially in Baihu 4th Street, it is often impossible to cook vegetables due to lack of oil.

"Okay, I'm not being polite to you." Xylophone responded with a smile.

Changxia's house is not short of oil, and several jars of lard have been stockpiled in the cellar. This time the Tiger Clan sent eight altars of soybean oil, four altars were for Su Ye. With Su Ye's personality, she would probably leave the soybean oil in the Heluo Tribe for Changxia.


Knowing that Xia Muqin likes soybean oil.

Kun and other Tiger Clan totem warriors were delighted.

In the past year or so, the six major tribes have developed rapidly, but the tiger tribe has no pillar industry, and its development pace is slightly behind.

Today, Tiger Clan successfully squeezes soybean oil.

Plus, the soy sauce is still under development.

The Yuanhu Tribe was finally able to hold its head high and stand shoulder to shoulder with other tribes. The orcs of the tiger clan all complied, and they had a lot more confidence in dealing with other tribes of orcs.

"Chang Xia, our clan hastened to study how to obtain more soybean oil. It won't be long before we can definitely increase the amount of soybean oil exchanged with other tribes." Kun said.

Next to it, other tiger clan totem warriors echoed.

"Okay, we are all waiting for the soybean oil from the Tiger Clan," Chang Xia said.

Kun and the others put down the rattan basket, chatted briefly with Chang Xia, did not stay long, and set off to leave. They came late, and they had to hurry up to pack up. They had to set off for the outer forest tomorrow, and they had to hurry up to prepare tonight.

Kun and the others left, and Xylophone returned to the tribe with a jar of soybean oil.

"Chang Xia, where do you put the soybean oil?"

"In the cellar, save an altar for the kitchen. When Nanfeng and the others come over, give them some to try. Tomorrow, let's try cooking with soybean oil."

Hu Nuoge soybean oil, I am looking forward to the long summer.

Shen Rong nodded, got up to carry soybean oil, and moved six altars of soybean oil into the cellar. Shen Rong would tidy up the cellar every now and then, and move the food that he would not eat for the time being to the underground warehouse. Store as much as possible in the cellar.

There are too many things in the house, and sometimes it is also a kind of trouble. .

Of course, it's a blissful obsession.

this night.

Baihu cave dwellings are very quiet.

However, White Lake Street is particularly lively.

The next day, before Chang Xia woke up, the elders and totem warriors of the six major tribes, leading Kameng and his orcs, quietly left the White Lake business district and headed straight for Boer Mountain in the outer forest.

"Senda, what does Heluo Tribe mean?"

The five major tribes were all shocked when they saw the number of elders and totem warriors dispatched by the Heluo tribe.

The five major tribes dispatched five elders plus ten totem warriors.

The Heluo tribe is not a human being.

It turned out to be frenzied and tripled.

Two elders, plus more than thirty totem warriors.

Although, they all know that the Heluo Tribe added nearly 400 orcs some time ago, and these orcs came from the Horubad Basin.

But, what are you doing with almost forty orcs?

The Heluo tribe, the number of people in a single tribe, is about to catch up with the sum of the other five tribes. Is this a bit too much?


What are the particular dangers of the outlying forests?

Based on their understanding of Patriarch Gen, he is not a generous person.


Elder Senda smiled slyly, and his smile was full of complacency.

"Senda—" Sakuragi glanced at Elder Ximu and shouted softly.

Elder Sakuragi, an elder from the Bear Clan of the Earth Tribe. Capable, strong, somewhat unsmiling, looks serious.

However, unsmiling is a characteristic of the Bear Clan.

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