
For five days, the tribe was busy harvesting and drying rice.

The other five major tribes arrived in the Heluo tribe one after another. They didn't show up directly, and were arranged to live in Baihu Street by the root patriarch, waiting silently.

The Tiger Clan and the Bear Clan came late, and they were busy harvesting the wild rice in the Yinchuan Forest.

The tribe was seriously short of manpower, so it was delayed for two days before leaving for the Heluo tribe to join other orc tribes.

"Carmon, what are you thinking?" Bai Qing patted Carmon's shoulder and said, "Distraction is a big taboo on the Cuju field. If you cause the team to lose, beware of being beaten."

Embarrassed, Carmon said with a sneer, "I heard... Today, the Tiger Clan and the Bear Clan will arrive at the White Lake business district, and I should be leaving tomorrow."

to be frank.

He and the other orcs who came with him were reluctant to leave.

Carmon's body has wolf blood.

Next time, follow the big team to move into the six tribes, and the wolf tribe will be integrated into the Qingyue Forest. It may not be easy to come to the Heluo Tribe again.


Bai Qing patted Carmon's shoulder lightly.

After finishing the tribal harvesting rice, it is rare to have half a day of leisure.

Bai Qing yelled at a group of young orcs and went straight to the Woye Cuju field.

The body is a little tired, but the spirit is very excited.

"The six major tribes have opened the way. If you want to come to the Heluo tribe to play Cuju, you can do it at any time. Every month, each tribe will send totem warriors to trade in the White Lake business district. The intersection between the orc tribes is far more important than you know. Frequently." Bai Qing said.

Duskwood, never before.

Once upon a time, the Normandy Fair was the busiest gathering in Duskwood.

However, only once a year.

Day after day, year after year, the orcs are hunting and gathering. Now that they have seen prosperity in the Heluo tribe, who would be willing to return to the ordinary and ordinary.



It was getting dark.

When all the orcs finished their cuju, they passed by the Baihe pontoon bridge.

Some orcs couldn't resist jumping off the Baihe River to take a bath.

Soon, some orcs followed suit, jumping into the Baihe River to take a bath while not forgetting to catch fish.

Pan-fried rice field fish appeared.

Set off tribal pan fried lively.

Over the tribe, you can smell the fragrance of oil every day.

The smell is so overbearing that it can be smelled even a hundred meters away.

"Shen Rong, do you want to take a fish back to the cave?" Bai Qing asked.

Shen Rong waved his hand and said, "No need." For the past few days, he ate pan-fried rice field fish, pan-fried loach, and pan-fried eel every day, and Chang Xia bluntly said that he didn't want to eat any more.

It's hot, and the food is dry and spicy.

It is easy to get angry and constipation, and there are blisters at the corners of Changxia's mouth.

In this situation, how dare Shen Rong take the fish back to the cave.

"Carmon just said that the Tiger Clan and the Bear Clan are here today. What do you think?"

"I didn't think about it, Chang Xia is heavy. I will definitely not be able to participate in helping the orc tribes in the outer forests migrate this time. You'd better choose to stay in the tribe. If something happens to Milu, you will regret it. The tribe recently There is no shortage of manpower, so you don’t need to be **** yourself.”

Shen Rong's tone was heavy.

He understands Bai Qing's character and takes responsibility seriously.

If Milu hadn't conceived a cub, Shen Rong wouldn't have persuaded Bai Qing to participate in this mission. However, Milu is inconvenient, it is best for Bai Qing to stay in the tribe.

This migration time is much more time-consuming and energy-consuming than the previous migration of the three tribes in the Horubad Basin. As short as two months, as long as March.

By the time the orcs from the orc tribe in the outlying forest came over, the Dusk Forest had already entered the cold season. The orc cubs can be born in July, and this timing is very delicate.

finished listening.

Bai Qing's expression changed slightly.

He nodded to Shen Rong, and ran towards his cave.

Milu is his partner, and he can't bother Yami every time.

After taking a few deep breaths, Bai Qing made a decision, no longer in a daze. Dusk Forest has entered a stage of rapid development, and there are many things to be done in the future, so there is no need to rush.

"A Rong, are you back so early?"

Chang Xia sat in the living room to enjoy the cool air, and the rice was dried and put into storage yesterday.

Today, the tribe gives the tribe a holiday, allowing all the tribe to enjoy a rare moment of demure. Chang Xia was tinkering with moon cakes in the cave, and Su Ye was very curious about moon cakes after listening to Chang Xia explaining the meaning of moon cakes.

Therefore, the meeting room on Baihu Street was removed to discuss matters.

He stayed in the cave to help Chang Xia make mooncakes.

Ever since the trial was successful, Chang Xia called the xylophone and told her how to make mooncakes. Then the xylophone will pass on the recipes of mooncakes to the tribal people, hoping that everyone can eat delicious mooncakes on the day when the moon is full in the warm season.

Su Ye intends to call the moon cakes Harvest Cakes.

Chang Xia has no objection, no matter what it is called, as long as it can be remembered by the orcs.

Moon cakes are not considered to be moistened, the name is just a code name.

However, Chang Xia speculates that Su Ye changed the name of the mooncakes to make up for the inability to hold the Harvest Festival this year. I hope that the Harvest Cake will make the orcs happy.

In previous years, it was time for the tribes to prepare for the Harvest Festival.

This year, the tribes are either busy with infrastructure construction or hunting and picking. They are all very busy.


This time, it is necessary to help the orc tribes in the outskirts of the forest to migrate.

This greatly restrained the energy of the six tribes.

Chang Xia guessed that it had something to do with the suppression of the Twilight Forest in the cold season last year. Su Ye was worried that Xilu would take action, and the orc tribes in the outer forests took the initiative to ask for help.

The six major tribes hope to take this opportunity to recruit the orc tribes in the outskirts of the forest, UU reading www.uukanshu. com all moved into the territories to which the six major tribes belonged. First, the safety of the orcs of the orc tribe is guaranteed, and second, the six major tribes are making further progress towards building a city. It can be said that this is a very rare opportunity.

Migration of three tribes in the Horubad Basin.

It's a good start, and next, let the six tribes walk much more briskly.

"Carmon and the others are thinking about things, and everyone is not in the mood to play Cuju." Shen Rong said, walking towards the water tank.

heard the words.

Chang Xia looked towards Su Ye.

"The Tiger Clan and the Bear Clan can arrive tonight," Su Ye said.

As soon as the Tiger Clan and the Bear Clan arrive, the six major tribes will set off immediately and rush to the outer forest. This time, all the totem warriors set out on the journey, whether it was land or water, it made little difference to them.

Unfortunately, the Heluo Tribe has no boats.

Most of the trips this time will be on land. For the orcs, land is the most familiar territory, and it is far safer than water.

"Does the tribe need help preparing dry food?" Chang Xia hesitated.

Su Ye pouted towards the tribe and said, "Steamed buns, naan cakes, and dry powder can also be carried on the road."

After listening, Chang Xia didn't say any more.

These things are stocked in the tribal warehouse.

At that time, when the orcs set off, just take it with you, no extra preparation is required.

Speaking of which, she was really right in suggesting to prepare dry food.

This greatly saves the hunting time of the totem warriors when they enter the forest.

"The head of the Gewa tribe contacted me and said that Gelu and Kun would bring you and me a big gift. Hearing his excited voice, could it be that the soy sauce is ready?" When I was in the meeting room on Lake Street, I received a Yinbei communication from the head of the Gewa tribe.

The cheerful tone made Su Ye and other orcs speechless for a while.

At the same time, I am also curious about what good things the Tiger Clan has come up with?

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