"Two seasons, two seasons are fine!" Gen clapped his hands happily.

Similarly, the clansmen who were helping to weigh were all smiling. They all heard the conversation between Patriarch Gen and Nini just now.

The paddy fields in the wilderness of Xiaohechuan have a bumper harvest and a high yield.

It is also possible to plant two seasons a year, plus ginkgo and other picked fruits and vegetables, the tribal warehouse has been expanded again and again.

Knowing that the tribe's warehouse is full of supplies, the tribe has no objection to foreign tribes moving into the Baihe River Basin. Even, I wish more foreigners would join the tribe.

Today Xiaohechuan harvested rice in the wilderness, which made the clansmen more firmly support the decision of the Su Ye and Gen clan chiefs. The more tribes there are, the more people there are to hunt and gather. If things go on like this, why worry about the tribe's warehouses being dissatisfied? .c

"There are a lot of things for the tribe this year, and we will make preparations for the next year. However, there may be requirements for rice seeds for double cropping. It is best for the patriarch to let the deer tribe and Nini be responsible for this matter." Chang Xia said seriously.

She was getting heavier and heavier.

Not enough energy to stare at these things in person.

It is very appropriate to let the deer tribe and Nini take charge together. The deer tribe has experience in growing wild rice, and the three of Nini are backed by three tribes.

Here it comes.

Even if they encounter problems, they can solve them by themselves.

Rather than needing to, look for the tribe to intervene in everything.

The Heluo tribe will become stronger and stronger in the future, and there will definitely be more and more things to do. In the initial stage, it is best to start cultivating orcs who can stand on their own.

Any experienced and experienced strongman came from a newcomer.

"Yeah! I understand." Gen nodded and said, "After the wild rice is harvested, I'll talk to Patriarch Luqi and Nini and the others. I'll leave it to them to be responsible for planting wild rice in the future."

The root patriarch is not afraid of their rejection.

Whether it is the deer tribe or Nini and the three tribes of orcs.

They have just integrated into the Heluo tribe.

They are not afraid of having too many things to do, but they are afraid of having nothing to do and being expelled.

Giving them responsibility for planting wild rice is not a burden for them, but trust.

heard the words.

Chang Xia handed the white paper on which the data was recorded to Chief Gen.

Then I plan to go back to Baihu Cave.

Busy all morning, hungry.

"Chang Xia, come and see my harvest?" Nan Feng said.

Seeing that Chang Xia was done, she yelled loudly to let Chang Xia pass.

Over there, Milu Nuanchun and the others are all there, and there are many wooden barrels and rattan baskets beside them. Look at the wet mud stained on the edges of wooden barrels and rattan baskets. There should be a lot of loaches, eels and rice field fish inside.

"Here we come." Chang Xia replied.

After a while, she returned to the main road from the ridge.

Stretch your neck and keep your head down. Look at the wooden barrels and rattan baskets. The wooden barrels contain eels and loaches, and the rattan baskets contain rice field fish.

Worried about the lack of oxygen in the paddy field fish, the rattan baskets were soaked in the canal.

The rice field fish are alive and kicking, full of wildness.

"Ah! You are amazing! You have caught so many, cows. It will be more convenient to go to the field to catch ricefield eels and loaches after the rice is harvested and the rice fields are vacant." Chang Xia praised and sighed, and at the end, she said: "Wait until the end of the warm season , When the weather turns cold, a yellow toad will appear in the paddy field, which is very similar to a bullfrog. After drying that kind of toad, it smells really good.”

Only people living in mountain villages have eaten this kind of wild game.

This kind of toad is fresh and used to make soup. The soup is delicious and better than frog.


Chang Xia just finished speaking.

The sound of swallowing saliva resounded all around.

In the Dusk Forest, there is nothing that cannot be eaten. (It is everyone’s responsibility to protect the forest. Do not eat wild game, let alone protected animals.)

"Chang Xia, is it really that delicious?" Nan Feng asked.

Beside, Honeydew Maple Leaf swallowed saliva frantically, Nuan Chun covered her mouth, like

I'm worried about drooling.

"Yeah! It's delicious. However, you can't catch it until the weather turns cold."


Catch that toad. It's still the warm season, that's for sure. However, now is the season to eat loach and eels..."

Chang Xia smiled and explained.

Not to mention Nanfeng and the others are greedy, she herself is also very greedy.

"Forget it, I won't chat with you guys anymore. I'm so hungry, I plan to go back to Baihu Cave for breakfast, have you had breakfast yet?"

While rubbing her belly, she asked Nanfeng and the others if they wanted to go back to the Baihu Cave together.

"No, I'm hungry too."

"Go back! Let's go back to the cave together."

Similarly, Nanfeng and the others didn't have breakfast.

Hearing Chang Xia said that he wanted to go back to Baihu Cave, he decided to go back to the tribe together.

Of course, before leaving.

Chang Xia asked Xylophone to explain.

The root patriarch is very busy. While recording data, he arranges for the tribe to send rice back to the tribe to dry.

The xylophone looks out over the busy rice fields.

After watching Chang Xia and the others go back to the Baihu Cave, then find Heyu and other females, and ask them to go back to the tribe together, help prepare breakfast together, and then send them to Xiaohechuan Wilderness Rice Field.

As in Chang Xia, no one had breakfast.

"Chang Xia, do you want to dissect this loach?"

"The big loach needs to be cleaned up, there is sand in its stomach."

Carrying the bucket, Chang Xia took a rice field fish. The others, like Chang Xia, only took one rice field fish. Apparently, they plan to use this rice field fish for breakfast.

Pan-fried loach.

Pan-fried rice field eel.

Add another pan-fried rice field fish.

A good day starts with a good breakfast.

"Little one, what should I do?" Milu hesitated and whispered.

She caught a lot of small loaches and put them all in the barrel, reluctant to throw them away. Now, are you going to take it back to the cave and make it into pan-fried loach?

"Small ones, keep them for two days. After they spit out the silt, fry them and eat them directly." Chang Xia said. Like small fish, they basically don't know how to clean them. Dry it directly with busy work, or fry it with oil at low temperature, it is delicious.


Honeydew breathed a sigh of relief.

She was reluctant to discard the little loach in the bucket.

Since it can be eaten after a few days, Honey Dew naturally decided to keep it in clean water for two days.


A group of orcs returned to the Baihu Cave.

Separate, each go home.

"Grandma Su Ye, have you cooked the rice yet?"

Chang Xia carried the bucket across the courtyard gate, and smelled the seductive fragrance in the wind. Shrugging his nostrils, smelling the aroma of rice, his footsteps became a little lighter.

"I cooked rice." Su Ye said.

She was thinking about what to cook, and it happened that Chang Xia came back.

To be honest, Su Ye breathed a sigh of relief.

Cooking, UU reading www.uukanshu.com she is not very good at. It's okay to help fight, but if you really do it, Su Ye is a little nervous.

"Look what I brought back—"

Hearing this, Su Ye came out from the kitchen.

"This is loach." Su Ye said, "The long one is a water snake? I remember that you don't like to eat snakes."

"Puff!" Chang Xia explained with a snort.

"Grandma Su Ye, this is an eel. You should have eaten it last time when the tribe dug a small river and canal, have you forgotten?"

Su Ye snorted, the eel in the wooden barrel was very big and long, no wonder Su Ye would admit his mistake. If it wasn't for the fact that eels and snakes look different, she would have admitted her mistake.

"How should I deal with it?" Su Ye asked after taking the barrel.

Chang Xia said, "It's like a fish."

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