Transmigrated To Ancient Times To Farm And Build A Kingdom

Chapter 1194: The measuring tool that Su Ye took out

Bang Bang —

This familiar voice reminded Chang Xia of his previous experience in Yinchuan Forest.

With the help of the deer tribe Sawya and others, the tools for harvesting rice, such as sickles and large wooden barrels, were well prepared by the tribe.

above the rice fields.

Chang Xia saw Suoya Suodan and other orcs, and guided the people to harvest rice for the first time. Similarly, Bai Qing and Shen Rong were also instructing them. They did not rush to harvest the rice, but distributed the farm tools and told the tribe how to use them.

The orcs of the three tribes were disrupted and separated from the orcs of the Heluo tribe.

Their strength is smaller, and disruption is conducive to division of labor and cooperation.

At the same time, Chang Xia also saw Nini among the crowd. She should have come back two days ago to harvest wild rice in the Yinchuan forest, and she and Gelu went to help.

"What a scene of prosperity!" Chang Xia sighed.

Aunt Heyu and the others put down the rattan baskets, not to be outdone, they had to go to the field to cut a few handfuls of rice to feel the joy of a good harvest. Of course, Chang Xia guessed that they probably wanted to fish in the fields. .

Of course, this fishing is serious.

In the rice fields, there are rice field fish.

Before stocking, I didn't know what kind of fish they were, but after raising them, Chang Xia called them rice field fish. Therefore, the tribe called the fish in the rice field rice field fish.

Before, Chang Xia fished the rice field fish in the rice field and ate it.

The taste is very good.

Therefore, when the tribe is free, they will catch fish from the river and throw them into the rice fields.

To be honest, Chang Xia doesn't know how many rice field fish are raised in this rice field. She was impressed by the tenacity of the wild rice stalks, and she was not overwhelmed by the rice field fish.

After all, the number of rice field fish in the rice fields is not small.

"Chang Xia, you're here too!" Nan Feng walked over with a smile, his cheeks were stained with a lot of wet mud, his trouser legs were rolled up high, and his entire calf was covered with wet mud.

It looks like a little beggar.

"Nanfeng, are you catching fish, or are you harvesting rice?" Chang Xia grinned, jokingly asked, "It's warm spring, and they all went to the fields to harvest rice?"

"I cut a few handfuls of rice, but my waist was too sore, so I went to catch fish. Nuanchun Maple Leaf was still cutting rice in the rice field, and they worked very hard." Nanfeng rubbed his waist, not caring about the wet mud stained on his hands. Dirty, bent over, sore back.

Chang Xia glared at her angrily, and reprimanded her.

Supporting Nan Feng, he asked her to find a cool shade and sit down.

"Nanfeng, do you see what I caught?"

In the distance, Milu held up the rice field eel in her hand, very proud.

Nan Feng wanted to get up, but was held down by Chang Xia, Nan Feng said: "Snake, is it a water snake? Loach doesn't seem to be so long—"

"The rice field eel, this is the rice field eel that Chang Xia said." Milu said.

Chang Xia nodded and confirmed: "Milu is right, it is indeed a rice field eel. Pan-fried rice field eel, stir-fried with some shredded **** and chili powder, it tastes great!"

Suction slip.jpg.

Nan Feng didn't speak, and directly expressed her inner thoughts with facial expressions.

Chang Xia just wanted to say one thing, it was very true.

There is a lot of water in the rice fields, so the big wooden barrels can only be placed on the ridges of the fields. It's very troublesome, the time is too short, and the water in the paddy fields can't be drained. Of course, there are rice field fish in the rice fields, and the water in them cannot be drained. After the release, all the fish in the rice fields have to be caught.

"Milu, go ahead and catch a few more eels, and I'll divide them into two later." Nanfeng said loudly. A rice field eel weighs seven to eight taels, and the big one weighs a pound.

Chang Xia didn't dare to catch it, he was a little scared.

Not to mention the rice field eel, even the loach is very big.

It can only be said that the land on the side of Xiaohechuan Wilderness is really very fertile.

Nourishing creatures are large in size.

"Okay!" Milu agreed.

Chang Xia helped her forehead, didn't see Nan Feng's gluttonous face, and let her sit down and rest for a while. Chang Xia intends to find the root patriarch, the orc harvests rice very fast.

Not long.

There are patches of paddy fields empty out.

She took a pen and paper and planned to go over and record the data.

Since revealing the identity of Su Ye's ape clan, Su Ye has brought out many small things. These small things are very useful, such as quarter clocks, scales, and weighing scales and mounds. Inconspicuous, but very practical.

These long summers know, but can't do it.

The weight that Su Ye took out was different from the one Chang Xia knew.

However, both are used in the same way.

With these little things, the day-to-day running of the tribe runs more smoothly.

The life of the clansmen has also become more and more convenient.

"Patriarch—" Chang Xia shouted.

The root patriarch turned around, nodded, and began to weigh the rattan basket with a scale. Wait a minute, we still need to weigh the rice in rattan baskets.

"Chang Xia, is there any discomfort in your body recently?" Xylophone asked with a smile. Last night, Patriarch Gen brought back braised stewed meat and barbecued meat. Xylophone was very happy to eat. She was obviously not hungry, but she insisted on eating all braised stewed meat and barbecued meat.

The root patriarch couldn't persuade him.

After persuasion, Xylophone said it was Chang Xia's wish.

Even if she is full, she is happy.

"Xylophone Amu." Chang Xia called out, stepped forward, and said, "Recently, I tend to get tired and sleepy, and I eat too much. Others, I don't feel uncomfortable at all."

After confirming that Chang Xia is in good health, Xylophone's smile is more real.

"Xylophone, don't drag Changxia. Changxia, come here." Gen waved his hand and said, "This pile is just recovered rice. I asked Hefeng and the others to pack it in animal skin bags, which can be put directly into the vines. Weighing in the basket. I have already weighed the animal skin bag and rattan basket, and recorded them all with pen and paper.”

The root patriarch talked about business.

The xylophone stopped chatting with Chang Xia.

Followed towards the head of Chaogen and stood beside Elder Yami.

Patriarch Waiting Gen and Yundong Gelei carefully put the animal skin bag full of rice into the rattan basket. In fact, animal skin bags can also be weighed, but the root patriarch is more stable.

Thinking that the rattan basket weighing is more accurate, I tossed it again.

"How is the rice field measured?" Chang Xia asked.

The root patriarch replied: "We will repeat it according to the method you said, and use the method of the shamanism. There is a gap between the two. The shaman asked us to measure according to your method."


Chang Xia guessed that it should be a question between half a catty and eight liang.

"Yes, we can record both methods of measuring rice fields." Chang Xia nodded, and asked the root clan chief to start weighing.


The busy clansmen stopped one after another.

He raised his head and looked towards Chang Xia.

Some curious ones, UU reading www. came directly from the rice field.

Next to the scale, there is also a small wooden basin. This small wooden basin is different from what Chang Xia knew. It is a measuring tool brought by Su Ye, called a bucket. This Dou is the Dou Chang Xia knew.

In addition to fighting, there are also Shenghehe.

Hey, it's a small wooden cup.

These measurement tools are very new, and one can guess at a glance that they have just been made.

It was probably made by Su Ye in the Sorcerer's Hall of Kanna Holy Mountain.

Her identity as a wise man of the ape race was exposed, so there was no need to hide some things. I didn't take it before because I couldn't explain it.

No need to explain now, everyone knows it well.

Except for some civilizational knowledge and inheritance skills, Su Ye generously took out small tools like Shengdou.

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