Transmigrated To Ancient Times To Farm And Build A Kingdom

Chapter 1192: The child is silent, the power is chaotic

Chang Xia was silent.

There was no sound, no echo.

She could feel the anger surging under Su Ye's chest.

The depth of love and the depth of responsibility.

Su Ye's feelings for Xingya are complicated, outsiders like them can't intervene, let alone question it. However, Chang Xia believes that with the passage of time, all emotions will eventually fade away.

"Forget it, fetch water and wash up."

After a while, Su Ye rubbed his eyebrows and stretched his smile, no longer troubled by previous emotions.

"Okay! Grandma Su Ye, wash first." Chang Xia said. She could see the weariness between Su Ye's eyebrows, so she pushed the boat forward and asked Su Ye to fetch water and take a hot bubble bath in the bathroom to relieve fatigue.

every year.

As the cold season approaches, the orcs in the Twilight Forest will be ready for battle.

This year is no exception.

In addition, the exploration of the two ruins, as well as the miscellaneous trifles of the tribes in the Dusk Forest, Su Ye couldn't be idle all day. Occasionally, I come to the Heluo Tribe for leisure, and I have to do some things that I don’t have.

Tired word.

Not enough to describe Su Ye's daily life.

"Well! I'm not being polite to you." Su Ye said.

He moved his neck and made a clicking sound. Breathing out of his mouth, he walked towards the cave room to prepare clothes for a bath.

Chang Xia didn't wash the dishes, let Shen Rong do it when he came back.

She has never liked washing dishes, Shen Rong did the washing when Shen Rong was at home.

Put the dishes and chopsticks in the bowl, wait for Shen Rong to come back after sending Carmon Oriole, and then scoop up hot water to wash the dishes. She listened to her stomach and walked slowly in the corridor.

In the night sky, the stars twinkle.

Like black satin inlaid with countless crystals and gems.

Such a beautiful night sky is very common in Dusk Forest. Chang Xia has nothing to do in his free time, so he likes to quietly look up at the night sky, and instantly feels that his whole soul is purified.

"Chang Xia." Shen Rong entered the door, seeing Chang Xia staring at the night sky in a daze. He couldn't help opening his mouth to wake people up. Every time he looked at Chang Xia like this, he felt that Chang Xia was far away from him. If he didn't call to stop him, Chang Xia would fly away.

"Well! Soon!" Chang Xia smiled.

Shen Rong said: "The Baihu business district is not far away, I will send them to the entrance of Baihu Street, and then go straight home."

The meeting room is at the end of Baihu 1st Street.

Shen Rong sent people to the entrance of Baihu Street, then turned around and came back.

He looked around, but did not see Su Ye.


"She went into the bathroom to wash up."

Hearing this, Shen Rong rolled up his sleeves and went into the kitchen.

While washing the dishes, he chatted with Chang Xia.

Occasionally, the carrion vine would interject, and the quiet night seemed extra warm.

Wait until Su Ye comes out of the bath.

The two of Chang Xia sat at the square table and watched the moon.

Needless to say, there is quite an atmosphere.

"you two…"

"The moonlight is good tonight, enjoy the moon."

Speaking of which, according to the calendar on the other side of the earth, it is indeed approaching August 15th. The tribe is busy helping other tribes migrate this year, so the Harvest Festival is expected to be simplified or not held. Of course, this is just Chang Xia's guess.

Whether it will be held or not depends on the meaning of the tribe.

Based on Chang Xia's understanding of Su Ye, if all the tribes are busy, she might be able to simplify it and let her pray for blessings in the Kanna Holy Mountain Wizard Hall. Instead of praying for blessings like the First Rain Festival.

It's a pity!

However, the tribes are currently in a stage of rapid development.

A small sacrifice is naturally worth it.

"Appreciate the moon, it's another year of harvest! However, this year's Harvest Festival may not be able to be held. The six major tribes will send totem warriors to the outskirts of the forest. Afterwards, each tribe will have a large number of orcs to join. In the warm season, we need to stockpile more food. Only in this way can we guarantee everyone’s consumption in the cold season…”

as predicted.

Su Ye's words confirmed Chang Xia's speculation.

This year's Harvest Festival should only be held briefly. The Heluo Tribe held large-scale events such as the First Rain Festival and Marriage Ceremony this year. Whether the Harvest Festival is held or not, the clansmen will not be too disappointed, and at most sigh.

The tribe has no shortage of food, and the harvest festival does not need to bear the expectations of the orcs.

That's actually pretty good.

The Harvest Festival is over, and the Dusk Forest will soon usher in the cold season. In the past, the orcs' faces changed when they heard the cold, but now it's different. The orcs are very happy that the cold season is coming.

"Tomorrow, the tribe will harvest rice. I recorded the data and came back to try to bake a few mooncakes. How can there be no mooncakes to celebrate the Mid-Autumn harvest?!" Chang Xia said with a smile, thinking about how to bake and make mooncakes.

"moon cake?"

"Chang Xia, what are mooncakes?"

Suddenly, Su Ye and Shen Rong became interested.

Whenever Chang Xia utters new words, especially those related to food, they must be delicious food.

"A kind of cake that can be baked by adding various nuts, salted egg yolks, bacon and flowers, etc." Chang Xia said concisely.

How to make moon cakes, she still has to think about it.

Snow skin mooncakes are very simple, just wrap the fruit filling in ice skin and eat it directly. However, baked mooncakes are different.

"Moon cake, sounds very good." Su Ye said.

Shen Rong was thinking about fresh meat pies. He made them in the oven and they tasted delicious.

This mooncake tastes pretty good too.

As the night deepened, Shen Rong got up to fetch water for Chang Xia and asked her to go into the bathroom to wash up. Tomorrow I will go to the paddy fields in the Xiaohechuan wilderness to harvest rice, and I will rest early tonight.

"Let's talk tomorrow, you go to the bathroom to wash up." Su Ye waved his hand and went back to the cave room to rest. Just after pakqing was arranged on the front foot, I came to the Heluo Tribe to plan the waterway route on the back foot. She has nothing to do every day, so she hopes that Bai Qing will soon become an adult.

At that time, Su Ye could also be lazy.

"Yeah!" Chang Xia responded, went back to the room and took the clothes into the bathroom.

After washing, slowly wander back to the cave bedroom. This time, Chang Xia didn't go to bed first, but waited for Shen Rong to take a shower and sleep together.

"You didn't sleep?" Shen Rong said.

With a smile on the corner of Chang Xia's mouth, he said softly, "Wait for you."

Hearing this, Shen Rong felt his whole body go numb.

Is this what Uncle Gorea said about the companion animal cubs who are hot on the bed?

Love it, love it.

Shen Rong went to bed, Chang Xia snuggled into his arms, and the two chatted softly. Soon, the sound became smaller and smaller, and finally there were only two shallow breathing sounds, one heavy and one soft. Gradually, the two breathing sounds merged into one.

The next day, it was just dawn.

"Chang Xia, wake up!"

"All the orcs from your tribe have gone to Xiaohechuan Wilderness. Why are you still sleeping? Wake up, wake up quickly. You promised to take me to Xiaohechuan Wilderness to watch the orcs harvest rice. How can you break your promise?"

"I'm so hot-tempered that I want to whip you awake with a cane of carrion vine—"

Chang Xia is half asleep and half awake.

I could vaguely hear a voice constantly nagging.

Noisy, Chang Xia can hardly sleep. .

"Shut up!" Chang Xia scolded. UU reading

With this scolding, she woke herself up directly. Opening his eyes, Shen Rong, who was sleeping next to him, had already woken up, and he was not seen.

The cave bedroom is empty except for Chang Xia.

So, who was talking just now?

For a while, Chang Xia was a little confused, could it be xx? !

The child is silent and strange.

"Chang Xia, you finally woke up! You are really good at sleeping, you can sleep better than plants. How did you do it?"

Suddenly, the nagging sound of the rot-eating vine sounded again.

Chang Xia woke up suddenly, what was wrong with this, the voice she heard before waking up was simply the muttering of rotten vines.


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