"Gen, are you sure?" Su Ye asked suspiciously.

Chief Gen nodded and explained: "There are more than 300 orcs in the three tribes. Once they adapt to the life of the Heluo tribe, they can join the tribe's hunting and gathering activities. Hunting, they can't help, but they are very good at picking. .With their joining, the tribe can draw out most of the totem warriors."

The implication.

The Heluo tribe can take out the totem warrior twice as much at any time.

If it weren't for supporting the exploration of the Shinahai ruins and the Inami water city ruins, the root patriarch could have sent more totem warriors to the outskirts of the forest.

Kamon said that there are oil trees growing all over the mountains and plains of Boer Mountain, and the amount of resin can be imagined. The Heluo tribe is short of resin, very short. The tribe has Changxia in charge, and she will have a flash of inspiration from time to time. The Heluo tribe is far less resinous than the other five tribes.

Not to mention, they often have to help the other five tribes.

Bo'er mountain oil tree, the root patriarch is bound to win.

"That's true. The orcs of the three tribes are not strong enough, and they are better than ingenuity. With them joining the Heluo tribe, you can indeed free up more totem warriors to go hunting or exploring in the forest." Su Ye said.

Next, Patriarch Gen and Su Ye discussed the water route again.

It's not the same as before.

This time, more meticulous and serious.

Carmon Oriole heard that the root patriarch said that twice as many totem warriors would be dispatched to Po'er Mountain in the outer forest to meet the wolf tribe and other orc tribes. The two were ecstatic. Kameng had seen the strength of males such as Bai Qing and Shen Rong in the Cuju field. With them, the wolf tribe would definitely be able to complete this migration before the cold season came.

Oriole spent a day shopping in the White Lake business district, and she heard a lot about the cold season.

During the cold season.

The Heluo tribe doesn't have to worry about beast attacks, let alone starve or freeze.

During the cold season, they can go out of the cave, or go skiing; or ice skating; or digging ice to catch fish. There are even those who dared to enter the forest to set up beasts.

One after another, to Oriole, it sounds like a fairy tale.

"Grandma Su Ye, chat with Patriarch Gen slowly, I'll go to the kitchen to light a fire and cook, let's have dinner at my house tonight!" Chang Xia got up and said.

The sun fell into the horizon, and the sky gradually became dark.

Vaguely, you can still see the birds returning to their nests, flying across the distant sky and running towards home.

"Is there any braised pork?" Gen licked his mouth and asked a little greedily.

Chang Xia smiled slightly, nodded, and said, "Yes, not to mention braised pork, there is also braised venison, and you can also drink mutton soup."

Shen Rong went hunting and got a lot of prey.

There is also a sheep and a group of chickens, ducks and hares on the other side of the animal nest, and the slaughtered one has not been finished. At the same time, all venison and pork were frozen in the cellar.

Pork, there are not many left in Changxia.

All used to make fried meat, served in earthenware pots.

Chang Xia reserved some for making soy sauce meat, and bacon and air-dried meat can only be made at the end of the warm season, when the weather turns cold and the meat will not rot.

Now, earlier.

If you want to eat bacon, you can only make it into smoked meat.

However, there is still a lot of bacon in the cellar of Changxia's house.

Those bacons were all smoked last year, and there are a lot of bacons hanging in the kitchen, and those can't be put down, so they can only be stored in the cellar at low temperature. However, the bacon has been completely smoked and dried, so I don't worry about it going bad.

This said.

The eyes of Carmon Oriole next to him lit up.

They have eaten various delicacies such as barbecue and noodles in Baihu 4th Street.

However, the orcs around said that the delicacies of Changxia's family were the most delicious in the Heluo tribe. Countless orcs are looking forward to coming to Chang Xia's house to have a meal and satisfy their hunger.

It's a pity that Chang Xia is pregnant with a beast cub.

No one dared to disturb her casually.

"Chang Xia, can we stay and have dinner together?" Carmon asked nervously.

Huang Li stood up and said quickly: "I can help, please let us stay for dinner, can you?"

At this moment, Oriole gave up her dignity.

Looking forward to it, I hope to have a meal at Chang Xia's house.

When the wolf tribe migrated, they would only join the Sirius tribe in the Qingyue Forest. She wanted to come to Chang Xia's house for dinner, and today was definitely the most suitable time. After passing this village, it would be very difficult to have this shop again in the future.

Therefore, Carmon Oriole didn't bother to speak out her request.

Chang Xia was slightly embarrassed.

"It's getting dark! Of course you should stay at my house and have dinner before returning to White Lake Street. Why do you ask like this?"

She couldn't laugh or cry, Chang Xia could still afford a meal.

Although, recently the body is heavy.

Sleepy and lazy all the time.

However, Shen Rong can help at home.

Chang Xia basically didn't need to intervene, so naturally he wasn't tired.

After finishing speaking, Chang Xia asked Carmon to stay in the pavilion in the corridor, and continued to discuss the waterway with Su Ye and Chief Gen. Based on Chang Xia's understanding of Patriarch Gen, he most likely wanted to ask Kameng about the situation near Bo'er Mountain.

Hope to find more oil trees, or other available supplies.

And Huang Li was directly dragged into the kitchen by Chang Xia.

Getting busy can naturally relieve the tension and embarrassment in Oriole.

"Oriole, this is rice. It is obtained by peeling the rice paddy. Add water, cook it in a pot or steam it, and you can eat it. You will naturally understand its taste when you eat it at night."

Shen Rong lit a fire, washed rice and steamed rice in Changxia.

At the same time, she did not forget to introduce the kitchen utensils to Huang Li, UU reading www. uukanshu.com and various ingredients.

"Rice, our family just started planting this year. The wild rice originated in the Yinchuan Forest, it is golden in the warm season over there, it is very beautiful. The color is very similar to the mature golden sticks and corn in the Qingyue Forest. If you have a chance, you can Go to Yinchuan Forest to see."

Oriole is like a newborn child, looking curiously at everything in the kitchen.

He pricked up his ears and listened carefully to Chang Xia's various introductions.

Here, Shen Rong started a fire and added water to the pot. Then heading towards the cellar, he went down to get the meat. At the same time, he also wanted to catch a fish in the Baihu pond.

He hadn't eaten fish **** for a long time, so he was thinking hard.

However, tonight may not have time to make fish balls, so make a fish with pickled cabbage.

Shen Rong didn't like to eat fish before, but after he ate the fish **** that Chang Xia gave him. Shen Rong's attitude towards fish has changed. It used to be dispensable, but now he wants to eat it every now and then. Whether it's grilled fish, boiled fish, etc., he likes to eat it.

Of course.

My favorite, of course, is fish balls.

It was obviously not particularly delicious, but it made Shen Rong never forget it.

very quickly.

Shen Rong took out fresh venison and pork from the cellar.

Huang Li looked at the cool venison and pork, was shocked, and said in amazement: "Chang Xia, why are they cold?"

"There are cold stones in the cellar, and they are not easy to rot when placed near the cold stones. When the tribe develops a method for the ice crystal grass to grow quickly, the ice crystal grass will have a better cooling effect than the cold stones." Chang Xia explained.

Cold stone needs to be placed in water to cool down through water.

The effect is not as good as the ice crystal grass, after all, there is a layer of water, and the cooling range is limited, but the ice crystal grass is different.

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