this night.

In Baihu Cave Dwelling, Chang Xia's house was extremely lively and noisy.

After the barbecue banquet was over, it was very late at night, Shen Rong fetched water and asked Chang Xia to wash up in the bathroom, and he freed up his hands to tidy up the courtyard of the cave dwelling. In fact, before Bai Qing and the others left, the tables, chairs, dishes and chopsticks were all cleaned up.

Shen Rong just took a broom and cleaned the cave courtyard again.

Tomorrow, the courtyard of the cave dwelling will have to dry things, so cleaning is naturally necessary.

At the same time, Shen Rong didn't forget to wash it twice with water. The smell of barbecue is strong, and the orcs have a keen sense of smell. If they don't clean it up, they will smell the smell of barbecue all night.


Shen Rong didn't forget when he first came to the Heluo Tribe.

Chang Xia made a can of fried meat, and he smelled the smell of fried meat all night, tossing and turning, he had no mood to sleep at all.

"A Rong, stop sweeping. Get some water to wash up and go to bed early." Chang Xia changed into pajamas and came out of the bathroom. Seeing Shen Rong cleaning the courtyard of the cave dwelling, he couldn't help laughing.

This looks like a clean freak.

However, all smiles.

After rinsing with water, the barbecue smell in the cave courtyard has indeed dissipated a lot.

"Okay, now." Shen Rong said.

Rinse the courtyard of the cave dwelling and sweep away the stagnant water with a broom. Shen Rong climbed up the steps, leaned the broom outside the corridor, and went into the house to fetch water to wash.

Chang Xia walked slowly towards the cave bedroom.

Yawning while walking. ..

The barbecue banquet is very lively, and it also takes energy. Usually at this time, Chang Xia rested on the kang bed and fell asleep early in the morning, but it was a little late today.

At first, Chang Xia wanted to wait for Shen Rong to enter the room and ask about the nineteen orcs.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he lay down, within thirty seconds, Chang Xia fell asleep directly. When Shen Rong entered the room, Chang Xia's gentle breathing greeted him.


Shen Rong stepped lightly and closed the door.

Remove the light stone and go to bed gently.

Carefully hugging Chang Xia into his arms, sniffing the smell of Chang Xia's body, Shen Rong's breathing became lighter and fell asleep together.

the next day.

There was the chirping of birds.

At the same time, there are sharp cicadas singing. In the warm season, the song of cicadas is more annoying than the cry of birds, which is more terrifying than the cry of frogs on a midsummer night.

Continuous, piercing sound.

"It's so noisy!" Chang Xia muttered, turned over, and suddenly touched Shen Rong's chest. Surprised, he opened his eyes quickly, and glared at Shen Rong tenderly, "You're awake, why didn't you get up, you scared me."

"You're sleepy, you didn't remember that I went home yesterday!" Shen Rong pinched Chang Xia's nose, pinched it lightly twice, and complained.

Chang Xia giggled silly.

Not to mention, it's true.

She was really taken aback just now, she just woke up and didn't expect Shen Rong to go home yesterday. After being stunned for a moment, he came back to his senses.

"Get up!" Shen Rong said.

At this moment, the sun leaped above the horizon, and the ground of the cave courtyard may have dried up.

Chang Xia rubbed his belly and said, "I'm hungry."

"What do you want to eat, I'll prepare it." Shen Rong quickly dressed, helped Chang Xia put clothes, shoes and socks on the kang bed, and opened the door.

"Drink porridge. You cook a vegetable and meat porridge, and serve it with some side dishes." Chang Xia said.

Shen Rong nodded, opened the door and went out.

Chang Xia lay on the kang bed for a while, then slowly dressed and went out. In the warm season, it is still early in the morning, and the morning breeze rushing towards us is faintly carrying a trace of heat. It was thanks to Bai Ling'er's habitat in the White Lake that the temperature here dropped a lot.

It’s much hotter like the White Lake business district, but you won’t feel too hot if you stay in cave dwellings or wooden houses. If you walk under the sun, you can feel the heat.

"Chang Xia, why are there so many ginkgo fruits in the wooden shed?"

"That's the ginkgo fruit in the vegetable garden, Nanfeng and the others

The ones who helped to pick it said that they have nothing to do when they are idle, and they can be dried and put into storage earlier if they are picked earlier. "

Hearing this, Shen Rong smiled slightly.

Thinking about it, the next time they hunt, they will share more prey with Snake.

"The tribe also gave us a lot of ginkgo fruits, which were piled up on the side of the rice in the underground warehouse. When the bear and tiger tribes finished harvesting the Yinchuan forest, the tribe should send a batch of rice over. I want to make some rice wine and send it to us. Give it to the tribe." Chang Xia said.

There were ten bags of rice piled up in the underground warehouse, she and Shen Rong couldn't eat that much.

The tribe is addicted to alcohol, so Chang Xia thought about brewing some rice wine and giving it to the tribe, so that the root patriarch could share it with the tribe. At the same time, it can also stimulate the enthusiasm of the people for farming.

"Okay." Shen Rong nodded and said, "Do you need me to do anything?"

"I plan to make pure rice wine by shelling the rice. The tribe helped the three tribes migrate and harvested a large number of wild fruits. The tribe is busy with the settlement of the orcs of the three tribes, and it is estimated that they will start brewing fruit wine." Chang Xia said.

All in all, the tribe has a lot to do.

However, with limited manpower, many things cannot be performed. Like the previous talk about building the White Lake pavilion and the lake-bottom temple, there has been no progress in the past ten days.

No way, not enough manpower.

Now, there are three tribes of orcs joining.

The Heluo tribe can feel much easier in an instant. The orcs of the three tribes are weak and cannot hunt, but they can help with picking and opening up wasteland.

In addition, like sugar milling and so on.

The orcs of the three tribes can help with these matters.

In a way, the arrival of the orcs of the three tribes can liberate most of the totem warriors of the Heluo tribe. In this way, hunting in the forest is much easier.

"You can ask the orcs of the three tribes to help you make wine, and the tribes should be able to handle it. Like harvesting rice in the wilderness of small rivers, they can also help." Shen Rong said.

This said.

Chang Xia's expression suddenly brightened.

The arrival of the three tribes of orcs has more advantages than disadvantages.

Based on the current background of the Heluo tribe, it is enough to feed these hundreds of orcs. With their help, the totem warriors of the Heluo tribe can free their hands to go into the forest, hunt or open up wasteland, which is a great thing.

No wonder the root patriarch wanted to go to the Horubad Basin to help with the migration before the cold season. In addition to comforting the weak people in the Dusk Forest who want to join the six tribes, they want to build the Heluo tribe as soon as possible.

As wily and scheming, UU Reading has to be the head of the root clan.

Shen Rong poured the ginkgo on the courtyard of the cave dwelling, and Chang Xia slowly pushed it away with the target.

He then went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast. There were no livestock and poultry in the cave, so there were not many things to be busy in the morning. When the tribe gradually gets on the right track and livestock and poultry begin to enter every household in the cave dwelling, it should become very lively in the morning.

However, that should be for the future.

After drying the ginkgo fruits, dried vegetables, and wild products, Chang Xia began to water and fertilize the light tree saplings, vines, and scavenging vines, chatting with them by the way.

Share and share the gossip of Baihu Cave Dwelling while welcoming a new day.

"Chang Xia, go wash your hands, you can have breakfast." Shen Rong shouted softly, and said, "After dinner, didn't you say you wanted to see the nineteen orcs?"

"The tribe may be harvesting rice from the small river and wilderness today." Chang Xia said. The weather is good, and the tribe is preparing to harvest the rice over there in advance. Chang Xia wants to know how the yield of wild rice is? Recently, the transcoding has been serious, which makes us more motivated and updates faster. Please move your little hands to exit the reading mode. thanks

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