"Seven days?" Gen and Xylophone looked at each other, their expressions changed, even the bowls and chopsticks in their hands were stranded, put aside, opened their mouths, and asked, "Chang Xia, can you tell me more specifically?"

"No other abnormalities, just go out hunting and picking normally." Chang Xia thought for a while, then tilted his head and explained.

On the side, Nanfeng Nuanchun echoed.

Shan Kun and the others went with them.

Except for going out for a long time, there is nothing unusual.

"Could it be delayed by other things?" Xylophone asked. When he said that, he looked at the patriarch Gen. This kind of situation is very common, and Xylophone was not very surprised.

A year or two ago, it was normal to go into the forest and stay for seven or eight days.

In the past two years, the tribe has built bridges and paved roads, which greatly facilitates going out and walking. Generally, it takes three to five days at most to go out hunting and picking. Like Shen Rong and the others, they went out for seven days this time, which is already beyond the normal hunting and picking time. It is not surprising that it has attracted the concerns of the orcs.

"Don't be nervous, there are Bai Qing and Shen Rong in the going out team, even if something happens, they will be able to escape unscathed. Wait another day, if there is no news, let the clansmen go out and look for it." Gen Judgment said.


Changxia Nanfeng breathed a sigh of relief.

They exchanged glances with Nuan Chun, and Patriarch Gen's proposal happened to be their plan.

after dinner.

Several people in Changxia didn't stay in the cave for long, leaving space for the root clan chief and the xylophone. After they washed, they went back to the cave to lie down and rest to recover their energy. Thalia took her younger siblings back to the training ground. They haven't finished their training today, so they have to continue exercising.

Chang Xia and the others sent the three of Talia to the tribal training ground, hid beside them, and watched the training of the beast cubs for a while before leaving.

Nuan Chun was very happy to see that her twins were not lazy and had finished the exercise seriously.


The three walked out of the tribe.

"Chang Xia, are you going to Baihu Street?" Nan Feng asked.

Walking out of the root patriarch's house, Nanfeng looked in the direction of the Baihu business district with an eager look on his face.

Chang Xia shrugged and said, "I want to go back to the cave to rest. If you are curious, go and have a look. This body is getting heavier and heavier, and after two steps, I feel exhausted. I think the cub may be born early, what about you?" "

She felt that the cubs in her womb were growing fast.

Perhaps, around July will be born.

"I don't feel anything—" Nanfeng said.

Nuan Chun was a little nervous and asked, "Chang Xia, can you go back to the cave alone?"

"Okay. I just feel tired and sleepy. There is nothing else, so you don't have to worry about it." Chang Xia hastily explained that the cubs in her belly were starting to grow up, and her belly was heavy, so tiredness was inevitable. Recently, I feel sleepy again like when I was just pregnant.


In the long summer, the medicinal food is stewed the next day.

Depending on the situation, it is estimated that it has to be stewed once a day.

Before Su Ye left, he checked Chang Xia's body, and there was no problem.

Tired and sleepy, can only be a lack of energy/nutrition.

The cub in the belly is a greedy one, could it be a wolf cub? If it's like her, no matter how big the appetite of the chinchilla is, he won't be able to eat much!

I have repeatedly confirmed that Chang Xia is fine.

The warm spring south wind slowly rushes towards Baihu Street.

Obviously, they are very interested in the orcs of the three tribes, and want to go to recognize them in person. On the contrary, Chang Xia was much more lazy, mainly because he was afraid of disturbing them in the past.

Holding his waist and stomach straight, Shi Shiran ran to his cave.

When passing by White Lake.

Chang Xia stopped and looked towards the center of Baihu Lake.

From a distance, one can vaguely see the grown Ice Crystal Grass in the pottery pot. It is clearly near noon, and there are still a few dewdrops on the leaves, which are crystal clear and very unusual.

Across the deep water of the lake, one can vaguely see Bai Ling'er lying on the bottom of the White Lake.

The lustrous snake body becomes more sacred under the refraction of light.

The ice crystal grass contained in Shekou is swaying and shining in the lake water. Perhaps the ice crystal grass can really grow in water, but it may be different from the ice crystal grass in the ice crystal valley.


Chang Xia whispered, retracted his gaze and walked away slowly.

After a while, Chang Xia returned home.

Turn over the dried ginkgo fruit, and the green ginkgo fruit will start to be stained with frost. After the last batch of ginkgo fruit is dried, the fruit powder can be ground and drilled into the ceramic vat at any time. However, Changxia's family fruit powder hoarded a lot.

These ginkgo fruits do not need to be milled for the time being, they are just bagged and sent to the underground warehouse for storage.

A corner of the underground warehouse.

The tribe helped to pile up dozens of bags full of ginkgo, and Chang Xia understood that the tribe helped to store them without asking. That pile of ginkgo fruit is enough for Long Xia to eat for a whole year, plus the ten sacks of rice piled up next to it, and other miscellaneous supplies, let alone winter, these can make Long Xia Shen Rong eat for two or three years.

This is just an underground warehouse, not counting the things in the cave cellar.

When Chang Xia has time, he likes to visit cellars and underground warehouses.

As a member of the florist in the previous life, hoarding things was an obsession and an instinct.

Different from the tranquility here in the cave, Baihu Street is very lively today. With the arrival of more than hundreds of people from the three tribes, the Baihu business district became lively.

All the orcs came to the three tribes to chat or help.

All of them were very warm and hospitable, which flattered the orcs from the three tribes who had just arrived.

As a result, the atmosphere naturally becomes harmonious.

Even, some orcs have already made an appointment to go to the Woye Cuju Field to play Cuju together later.

The Heluo Tribe is delighted with the result.

At noon, Chang Xia had no appetite. However, considering the cubs in his belly, Chang Xia steamed bacon rice and ate a makeshift meal with all kinds of braised vegetables. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Shen Rong didn't go home, and Chang Xia had no appetite for anything.

Weakly, Chang Xia simply went back to the cave to take a nap.

In the afternoon, I smelled a **** smell in my sleep. Disturbing Chang Xia's lucid dream, she frowned and opened her eyes, got out of bed, and opened the door.

I saw that the courtyard of my cave dwelling was very lively.

There were dozens of people standing there, but there was not much movement.

one look.

Chang Xia knew that most of them were worried about her sleeping in the cave, so everyone deliberately slowed down.

"A Rong—" Chang Xia smiled and called Shen Rong's name. In the morning, I was still worried that something happened to them. The root patriarch even thought about sending the totem warriors to go out to find people. Who knew that this group of orcs would come back in the afternoon, and it seemed that they had harvested a lot?

"Chang Xia, you finally woke up!" Nan Feng laughed and said, "Shen Rong and the others came back not long after you took a nap. This time, they not only brought back abundant prey, fruits and vegetables, but also Back with something special!"

Chang Xia blinked and asked curiously, "What else did they bring back?"

What else can a forest hold but game and fruits and vegetables?

"They picked up nineteen orcs." Maple Leaf said.


Chang Xia was startled, and sprayed out the Liang Bai Kai that he drank into his mouth.

"Feng Ye, what did you just say?" Chang Xia wiped off the water from his mouth, showing an expression of disbelief. He was asking about Maple Leaf, but his eyes fell on Shen Rong, Bai Qing and other orcs in the courtyard of the cave dwelling.

"Bai Qing and the others recovered nineteen orcs." Nuan Chun said seriously.

This matter is indeed bizarre, if they hadn't really brought back nineteen orcs, no one would have believed it?

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