Transmigrated To Ancient Times To Farm And Build A Kingdom

Chapter 1173: Doudou goes round and rounds to reward and add more

Chang Xia trembled.

She always felt that there was something in Su Ye's words.

Could it be that those captive orcs are still hiding something?

Thinking about it, Chang Xia had a subtle sympathy for Yuan Yi. He may have accidentally fallen into a trap the moment he stepped into the Dusk Forest without knowing it.

"Come on, let's tidy up these things." Su Ye rubbed her forehead and sighed, "Qinghe hasn't come yet? I have to contact the Sirius tribe to remind me. What a wonderful child, she can save a lot of trouble. "

Chang Xia listened quietly.


Qing He is a perfect tool man.

Naihe returned to the Sirius Tribe this time, but he hasn't come here yet.

"I also want her to help draw the sketch of the White Lake so that it can be conveniently built. I draw it by myself, so I'm so tired." Chang Xia echoed, saying, "Grandma Su Ye, I want to carve Bai Ling'er's jade bed out of jade. , what do you think?"

"Yes." Su Ye nodded, but she had thought about the Qingming Stone.

However, considering that the cold air released by the Qingming Stone is too penetrating, the White Lake is also the residence of the Heluo Tribe. This idea can only be thought about, but can't be said.

"Try to build the pavilion of the White Lake and the temple at the bottom of the lake into one, so that it will be convenient for the orcs to go down to the lake in the future."

After thinking about it, Su Ye said something more. When the bloodline ability is widely used, everyone will naturally be able to resist the cold air released by Bai Ling'er, and going to the lake will no longer be a problem.

Su Ye was looking forward to the fish and shrimp nourished by Bai Linger's cold air.

Like the water pool of Weishan Waterfall, where the holy land of Weishan is so far away, delicious white fish can be nourished. Bai Ling'er lives in the White Lake, and if things go on like this, the fish and shrimp in the White Lake will definitely be affected.

"Build it into one body?" Chang Xia tilted his head and said softly, "It's very difficult. It takes a lot of effort to build it."

"The tribe has no shortage of materials, so build slowly." Su Ye turned towards the small river and said, "Don't forget that the White Lake is connected to the small river canal. When you build the White Lake pavilion and the temple at the bottom of the lake, you have to consider the small river. Canal, in the future, Xiaohechuan Canal will definitely connect with Weihe River and Silver Beach.”


Chang Xia only felt that his head hurt even more.

No matter how big the White Lake is, it's not enough to make such a fuss!

Or...try to connect the Xiaohechuan Canal to the White River, skipping the White Lake.

As Bai Ling'er's habitat, White Lake is not very good after all, with boats coming and going. However, reconstruction is also troublesome. The only thing that Chang Xia is lucky about is that the area of ​​the White Lake is large enough.

At present, it is enough for them to toss.

"Ah! I want to give up. I shouldn't have said so much that I wanted to go to the White Lake to enjoy the shade." Chang Xia complained aggrievedly. There are cold rocks in the cave and it's not hot, so why would she want to go to the White Lake to enjoy the cool?

Su Ye laughed and let Chang Xia slander alone.

The next day, cloudy.

Su Ye took Bai Qing away from the Heluo Tribe and headed for the Wizard Hall of the Kanna Holy Mountain.

Accompanying him was Xiling Muning. However, Chang Xia didn't know which elder was accompanying him. After sending Su Ye Baiqing away, she began to tidy up the courtyard of the cave dwelling.

The ginkgo fruits picked before have not been dried in the sun, and the ginkgo fruits have to be moved from the wooden shed to dry after the accumulated water on the ground in the courtyard of the cave dwelling dries up. The tribe sent a lot of sweet potatoes, and Chang Xia planned to dry some sweet potatoes for snacks.

Meanwhile, gold rods and corn hoarded in the cellar.

It also needs to be carried up to dry, dried and then ground into golden stick noodles for collection.

A batch of gold wine was refined in Changxia, but the quantity is not much. The tribe made a lot of refining and had white rice to eat, and the tribe brewed gold wine from the gold sticks it exchanged with the Sirius tribe.

Chang Xia calculated the time, the tribe should have distilled a batch of golden wine.

It was not made public, most likely because the tribal totem warrior was addicted to alcohol.

When the cold season comes, the golden wine should be born.

In fact, compared with golden sticks, sweet potatoes and corn, rice is more suitable for wine making. However, rice is not enough for now, so Chang Xia didn't mention rice wine. After the small rivers and wilderness are harvested,

This can be said with the tribe.

The tribe has elders such as the elders of Yami sitting in the town, and the long summer falls

Don't worry about the tribe making rice indiscriminately for drinking. In the coming year, the tribe cultivated more fields to grow rice.

At that time, it should be possible to make wine from rice.

In addition to drinking, wine can also be used for disinfection, which has many benefits.

After sweeping away the stagnant water in the courtyard of the cave dwelling, Chang Xia put down the broom and walked back to the pavilion in the corridor.

Move your limbs, take a seat, and organize the construction plan of Baihu Lake again. This picture is not easy to draw. Chang Xia drew more than a dozen pictures, but none of them catches the eye.

The White Lake pavilion and the palace at the bottom of the lake received Su Ye's nod.

The tribe has already started preparing various materials, and when Bai Qing returns from hunting and picking, he will probably go to Luoya to find suitable stone pillars. However, Chang Xia has been unable to provide a picture for a long time, which is a headache!


Chang Xia threw away the pen and paper in his hand and leaned back on the wooden chair.

Qing He, when will you come back?

Chang Xia smiled wryly, and raised his hand to gently rub his sore forehead.

At this moment, the clouds parted.

A ray of sunlight fell from the sky and shone on the White Lake.

Chang Xia felt his eyes light up, and quickly picked up a pen to sketch on the white paper.

"Hee hee!" After a while, Chang Xia smiled lightly and said happily, "It's done."

"It's done, what's done?"

The sound of the south wind, from far to near.

Instead, she came from outside with a rattan basket.

"Has the witch returned to the wizard hall of Kanna Holy Mountain?" Looking left and right, but did not see Su Ye, Nanfeng carried the rattan basket, supported his waist with one hand, walked up the steps slowly, handed the rattan basket to Chang Xia, and said: "I was bored at home yesterday and made smoked chicken, and I brought you one, try it."

Chang Xia took the rattan basket and smelled it, it was very fragrant.

"I'm back." Chang Xia nodded, took out the smoked chicken in the rattan basket, and said in surprise: "White-footed chicken, did the tribe go to the salt lake to get salt recently?"

"The day before yesterday." Nan Feng said.

Chang Xia got up and fetched water to wash his hands. After washing his hands, he didn't go into the kitchen to get the dishes.

I tore the smoked chicken directly and ate it.

"Very fragrant, your cooking skills have improved a lot." Chang Xia laughed and gave Nan Feng a thumbs up. In addition to the smoked chicken, there were two pieces of barbecue, pickled plums, and even two pieces of pancakes in the rattan basket.

"Why did you prepare so much food?"

"I thought, maybe you didn't eat breakfast, since you brought some more."

"I really didn't eat anything in the morning. I woke up too early at UU Reading, so I don't have much appetite."

Get up early and send Su Ye Baiqing off.

Chang Xia didn't have much appetite, so Nanfeng sent smoked chicken and barbecue, which made her have a good appetite.

"It's delicious, eat more." Nanfeng smiled and watched Changxia bury his head in eating. This scene made Nanfeng feel as if he had returned to the past.

Chang Xia is weak and can only stay in the animal den.

When she was free, she would bring food to feed Chang Xia, but at that time, Chang Xia had a small appetite and didn't eat much.

"Are you cleaning the courtyard of the cave dwelling and plan to dry ginkgo fruit?"

"Hmm! The ginkgo nuts are not dried, and they need to be dried for another day or two. There are also some golden sticks in the cellar that need to be dried. They are dried and then ground into golden stick noodles, which are used for pancakes in the cold season."

"I will also have to go back to the cave to dry the ginkgo fruit later. The ginkgo fruit picked by the tribe this year is going to be divided directly. My family has divided a lot this year. Your share of the tribe will probably be too much to dry and grind, and then I will send it to you." The code is serious, let us be more motivated and update faster, please move your little hands to exit the reading mode. thanks

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