
Sure enough, the sky was covered by dark clouds.

Chang Xia looked at the dark sky, tightened his coat, feeling a little cold.

That night.

Just as Chang Xia was on the kang, there was a thunder in the night sky.


The thunder did not last long, and the patter of raindrops fell from the sky.

Tick ​​tock.

"Chang Xia, are you asleep?"

Suddenly, Chang Xia faintly heard Su Ye's voice.

She quickly got up from the kang bed and said loudly: "Grandma Su Ye, is that you?" As she spoke, she turned on the light stone and walked towards the door.

"Chang Xia, it's me." Su Ye replied.


When Chang Xia opened the door, he saw Su Ye shaking off the rainwater from his body on the pavilion in the corridor. On the side, Li Mu and other totem warriors suddenly stood, and Bai Qing was caught in the crowd.


Chang Xia hurriedly got up and went back to the cave to get a dry towel.

When Chang Xia brought the dry towel, Oak and the others had already left.

Su Ye and Baiqing stood in the pavilion in the corridor.

"Grandma Su Ye, Uncle Limu and the others have returned to the tribe?" Chang Xia asked. She glanced roughly just now, and she didn't seem to see the elder water. Didn't the elder water go back to the tribe this time?

"Well! I asked them to go back to the tribe. It rained suddenly, and everyone was not prepared to get wet. If you go back to the tribe earlier, you can go back to the cave to take a bath to warm your body." Su Ye said.

She took the dry towel that Chang Xia handed over and started wiping.

Bai Qing took off his wet clothes and wiped them with a towel.

Seeing this, Chang Xia hurriedly asked him to go back to the cave to get his clothes and climb up. Meanwhile, head towards the kitchen.

In the evening, she didn't cook.

With the leftovers left at noon, I had a makeshift meal.

Who knew that Su Ye Baiqing would come back at night.

"I'll go to the kitchen to light a fire and boil water." Chang Xia said.

Su Ye said: "Let Baiqing light a fire to boil water, don't be too busy. Go back to the cave to get some clothes to put on. The weather has changed suddenly and the temperature has dropped a lot. Be careful not to catch a cold."

This said.

Chang Xia followed suit and shivered.

"Okay, I'll go back to the room and put on some clothes." Chang Xia didn't refuse, and turned back to the cave to get the clothes.

In this room, Bai Qing put on clean clothes and went straight into the kitchen to light a fire and boil water.

"Chang Xia, where did Shen Rong go?" Bai Qing asked.

Chang Xia said: "Ah Rong went to the forest to hunt and pick two days ago, and it is estimated that he will return to the tribe in a day or two. However, now

He should return to the tribe early in the future. "

Knowing that Shen Rong went hunting and picking in the forest, Su Ye didn't say anything.

Near the end of the warm season.

It happens to be the busiest time for the tribe.

Few people in the tribe are free. When the root patriarch xylophone brings back the orcs of the three tribes of the cat tribe, the tribe will enter a busy time in an all-round way to welcome the arrival of the cold season.

In the past, the orcs changed color when they heard of the cold season.


Orcs are looking forward to the arrival of the cold season.

After all, the cold season is here.

You can go skiing and skating, and you can go into the forest to catch prey, go to the river and lake to dig ice to catch fish.

Not to mention, it is really pleasant to lie on a warm kang bed in the freezing cold season.

After a while.

Chang Xia put on his coat and walked into the kitchen.

"Grandma Su Ye, what's the harvest of this trip to the sea of ​​fog?" Chang Xia asked.

Bai Qing lit a fire and added water to the pot.

Su Ye wiped her wet hair with a towel, and with a smile on her face, she asked, "What do you think?"

"Elder Water, did you really find the Qingming Stone Mine in Wuhai?" Chang Xia said pleasantly. Seeing the smile on the corner of Su Ye's mouth, Chang Xia's eyes twitched, and he couldn't help but smile.

Su Ye nodded and said: "That's right, the water did find the Qingming Stone Mine in a dry underground river in Wuhai. I came back this time mainly to find the chill released by the Qingming Stone, otherwise I would only find the Qingming Stone Mine. The Nether Stone Mine is useless, we must find a way to mine the Nether Stone..."

think about.

Su Ye couldn't help restraining himself a little from his joyful expression.

"Grandma Su Ye, if it is to isolate the cold air released by the Qingming Stone, I think there should be orcs who can help." Chang Xia said leisurely.

Hearing this, Su Ye's hand wiping her wet hair stopped abruptly.

She quickly raised her head and looked towards Chang Xia.

"Chang Xia, you didn't lie?" Su Ye said seriously.

Chang Xia smiled and nodded.

"You left the tribe to go to the sea of ​​fog. When I was chatting with the carrion vine, I accidentally got a piece of news. The carrion vine knows the use of the ability of the orc blood and a secret method."

As soon as the words fell, the towel in Su Ye's hand fell directly to the ground.

She didn't care about picking up the towels on the ground, she pressed Chang Xia's shoulders, and said seriously: "Chang Xia, are you sure what you were talking about just now?"

"Sure. The use of orc bloodline abilities and secret techniques are not only recorded on my side, but also on the Elder Shadow's side.

Bian also copied a copy. Based on Elder Shadow's abilities, I think he has probably already figured out the use of bloodline abilities and secret techniques. "Chang Xia explained slowly word by word.

finished listening.

Su Ye let go of the hand on Chang Xia's shoulder.

"When you say mining the Qingming stone mine, do you mean the use of the blood's ability to isolate the cold air released by the Qingming stone?" Su Ye quickly reacted, and Chang Xia gave Su Ye a thumbs up. He is indeed the most powerful witch of the orc clan. This thinking ability is strong.

She added a little bit.

Su Ye guessed the reason.

"Where are the methods and secrets for recording the use of bloodline abilities? UU Reading, let me see." Su Ye said.

Chang Xia stood up and said, "I'll put it in the room."

"Go—" Su Ye got up, and went back to the room with Chang Xia to get it.

Bai Qing shrugged, without opening his mouth. After adding water, without asking Chang Xia, he went straight to prepare dinner for him and Su Ye. Bai Qing was taught very well by Su Ye. Except for the young, all abilities are not inferior to ordinary adult orcs.

Su Ye took the blank paper that Chang Xia handed over, and hungrily flipped through it.

The more you look, the brighter your eyes become.

If she didn't have a sliver of reason, she would like to try the use of the bloodline ability and the secret method mentioned by the carrion vine now.

"Other than that, is there anything else going on in the tribe these days?" Su Ye stared at the white paper, and asked casually.

Chang Xia said: "The branches of Ice Crystal Grass are about to grow—"

"What?" Su Ye's voice soared suddenly, startling Bai Qing who was preparing dinner in the kitchen.

The news that the Ice Crystal Grass branch became a plant was too shocking. Su Ye looked back from the white paper, took a few deep breaths, then looked up at Chang Xia seriously, and said seriously: "Chang Xia, what did you just say?"

"The branches of the ice crystal grass are about to mature. Even if I didn't find the Qingming stone mine, I could still grow the young ice crystal grass. At that time, without the Qingming stone, it was difficult for us to mutate the young ice crystal grass into an ice crystal tree." Chang Xia said slowly As he spoke in detail, he didn't know that these words shocked Su Ye.

She obviously only left the Heluo Tribe for a few days.

But it feels like I have been away for a few years.

At this moment, Su Ye could feel the feeling of wanting to complain when the fish clan and the bird clan discovered the changes in the orc clan in the Twilight Forest. This is really outrageous!

"Tell me carefully... No, I'll calm down first." Su Ye said.

If you like to travel to ancient tribes to farm and build infrastructure in the last days, please collect it: () In the last days, travel to ancient tribes to farm and build infrastructure.

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