Transmigrated To Ancient Times To Farm And Build A Kingdom

Chapter 1163: Yu Aran rewards and adds more

"Are all the elders of the Heluo tribe so scary?" Shen Rong asked.

Obviously, he agrees with Chang Xia's guess about the elder Shui. As far as the elders Shen Rong has come into contact with, none of them are simple. The elder Pukang, who seems careless and only knows how to eat all day long, and the totem warrior who can hammer with an iron fist want to die. Elder Senda, who played around in the world and was always thinking about hunting snakes and pythons, was equally terrifying.

These few people who have only been in contact with each other did not think they were good friends.

Not to mention, Elder Shadow and Elder Water who are elusive.

Who knows how many powerful and terrifying elders the Heluo tribe hides in private?

Su Ye always said that the orc clan's background is too shallow to be comparable to the bird clan and fish clan. As far as Shen Rong is concerned, the bottomless background of the orc clan is stronger than that of the Yuan family of the Tianyuan tribe in the West Land.

The Yuan family is one of the thirteen nobles of the Tianyuan tribe.

The strong becomes the strong, in terms of the strong hidden in the family, there may not be as many as the Heluo tribe.

The Heluo tribe has hidden several hands, and the other five tribes, which are also the six major tribes, must also have their own cards. With this careful calculation, the corners of Shen Rong's mouth twitched fiercely.

Leave it to another day.

If Marquis Yuan is really eyeing Donglu, he wants to strike at Dusk Forest.

Nine times out of ten, you have to stumble.

In terms of yin, we still have to look at the orcs in the Eastern Continent's Twilight Forest.

I really don't know what the orcs have experienced, it's really surprising that they are so clumsy.


Chang Xia couldn't help laughing.

"The elders of the Heluo Tribe are very strong, that's a fact." Chang Xia said.

Not to mention Shen Rong's ignorance, even Chang Xia, who is his own, thinks that the Heluo tribe is a bit too much. You think I have hidden one hand, but in fact I have a second hand, and I will reveal the third hand when I really do it. In the end, no one knows if there is a fourth and fifth hand...

"The orc clan looks weak, but is actually very strong. No wonder the fish clan in the East China Sea and the bird clan in the Qinghai Plateau have tacitly chosen to befriend the orc clan. As far as I know, these two clans are not easy to get in touch with." Shen Rong sighed, and he said to enter Duskwood feels weird.

The Orcs used to live poorly, and they are still tied with the East China Sea Fish Race and the Qinghai Plateau Bird Race.

Shen Rong didn't think it was strange, but after he really got to know the beast race, he realized the reason why he thought it was weird at the beginning. The so-called dragon does not live with the snake, just like this truth.

The beast clan is really weak, how could the fish clan and bird clan be willing to be as famous as him.

Alas, the Westland orcs couldn't see clearly.

As a former direct descendant of the Yuan family, Shen Rong was well aware of the contempt the orcs of the western land had for the orcs of the eastern land's Twilight Forest.

"This is all thanks to Grandma Su Ye..."

Chang Xia told Shen Rong about the old Twilight Forest. Chang Xia had heard these stories since he was a child.

Shen Rong listened very enthusiastically.

At the same time, the awe of Su Ye couldn't help but deepen.

"Chang Xia, which clan do you think the witch is from?" Shen Rong said suddenly.

Chang Xia was silent, hesitantly said: "No orc in the Twilight Forest Beast Clan has ever seen Granny Su Ye's animal body, so there are various speculations. However, I think Granny Su Ye may be from the Ape Clan or the Cow Clan."

"Those stories told by the rot-eating vine?" Shen Rong reacted extremely quickly, and quickly understood the meaning behind Chang Xia's words.

When the carrion vine talked about the Seven Kings, it highly praised Yuan Yi.

At the same time, it also focused on the power king Niuli.

Of course, the most talked about by the rotten vine is the wolf war king, the king of the wolf clan, who is highly worshiped by the ancestors of the rotten vine. Strong and stalwart.

However, Wang Yuanyi and Li Wang Niu Li are special.

"Yes. If Grandma Su Ye's animal body was normal, she would not deliberately cover it up." Chang Xia said. The Dusk Forest was originally the territory of the orcs. Su Ye didn't need to hide it. There must be a special reason for her to choose to hide.

If she came from the ape or cow clan, it would naturally be clear.

"When Patriarch Lu Qi talked about the Niu Clan, Wu didn't seem to have any special expression." Shen Rong recalled that Su Ye's expression did not change when he heard about the Niu Clan.

Could it be that Su Ye came from the ape race?

The ape family of the wise men.

"When Grandma Su Ye comes back from the sea of ​​fog, I'll find a chance to ask." Chang Xia said.

She thought that with Su Ye's pride, she didn't bother to hide her ethnic origin. I didn't say it before, probably because I didn't think it was necessary. If I asked myself, Su Ye would probably say it.

Let's talk about the exploration of the Shinahai ruins and the Inami water city ruins.

Some things that happened thousands of years ago will surely reappear in the world.

Whether it is the ape family or the cow family.

They will come into the eyes of the world little by little.

Chang Xia even felt that even the Nest Clan that disappeared from the sea of ​​fog would show up in the Dusk Forest in the near future.

Completely open the new millennium of Gangwa Continent.

The old era is gone, and the new era is bound to usher in the sailing.

The night is getting dark.

The voice of Chang Xia's conversation weakened and finally disappeared.

The next day, early morning.

Shen Rong got up early to prepare to go hunting in the forest.

Of course, before departure.

He prepared breakfast and kept it warm in a pot on the stove.

Move all the things to be dried to the courtyard of the cave to dry, and do all the trivial things before rushing to the tribe to join Bai Qing and other orcs.

This hunting in the forest will last about 3-5 days.

Last night, before the south wind snaked away.

Shen Rong chatted with them. Shen Rong snaked into the forest to hunt and pick. Nanfeng came to live with them in the cave of Changxia's house. The two had more or less a companion.


Chang Xia woke up and subconsciously called out Shen Rong's name.

After a while, there was no movement.

Chang Xia struggled to sit up, only to remember that Shen Rong went hunting and picking in the forest today. This time, it will take three days at the fastest to return to the tribe. If something happens unexpectedly, it is possible to stay for seven or eight days.

"Chang Xia, are you awake?" Nanfeng entered the room carrying a wicker basket, calling out Chang Xia's name.

Chang Xia got up and got out of bed, and opened the door.

"Get up. You got up so early?" Chang Xia bowed his waist and asked in surprise.

Nan Feng shrugged and said: "Snake got up early, I was woken up by him. When I woke up, I simply got up and came to you. I brought breakfast, do you want to eat together?"

"No, Shen Rong should have made breakfast for me. UU Reading" Chang Xia said.

While talking, Nan Feng walked up to the pavilion in the corridor and sat down at the square table. Wait for Chang Xia to wash up, and then have breakfast together. Looking at the various things drying in the courtyard of the cave dwelling, Nan Feng asked, "Chang Xia, isn't it time to pick the ginkgo fruits in your vegetable garden?"

"En!" Chang Xia nodded, washed his face with warm water, and started talking.

The first two crops were picked by the xylophone, and this crop should be picked again. Shen Rong asked Chang Xia to leave it alone, and it would not be too late to pick after he came back from hunting and picking.

Pick one crop at this time, and the next crop will be in the cold season.

This white fruit is really a fetish bestowed by the beast **** to the beast race.

"We're fine today, why don't we go to the vegetable garden to pick ginkgo fruit?" Nan Feng suggested.

After being pregnant with the cub, Nanfeng felt quite bored. Xylophone and Snake arranged everything, without her help, Nanfeng felt like a waste.

"Are you sure? Shen Rong said that when he comes back from hunting and picking, he will pick it." Chang Xia said.

"We pick a little every day. When he comes back, the ginkgo fruit may be dried. The weather is good recently, and the ginkgo fruit can be dried directly after picking. In a few days, if the weather changes, it will be troublesome." Nanfeng looked at the blue sky , opened the mouth.

11-16: Thanks to Shiyu for feeding the January ticket, Xiao Bing for the February ticket, vowing to get involved in the fleeting years like dust for feeding the January ticket, long overdue 2016 for feeding the January ticket, book friend 854***529 for feeding 1 Monthly ticket, Yang Shuying votes for the January ticket, let’s hurt each other and feeds the January ticket, the cat that doesn’t eat fish feeds the January ticket, Yan eats the food for the February ticket, I wish Suiyan Zhijun went to the old one to vote for the January ticket, Breeze feeds the May ticket In 1941, Xuebing fed February tickets, Lili fed 13 tickets, and Xueshang fed January tickets.

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