clap clap!

Su Ye clapped his hands.

"Snake, you are responsible for going to the sea to catch seafood. Pick up the coconut fruit and hand it over to the root." Su Ye said. Underwater activities, fish are more suitable than orcs.

The snake patriarch is responsible for going to sea to catch seafood.

Naturally, it is to partner with the fish orcs, and go into the coconut forest to pick up or pick coconut fruit, which is more suitable for the orcs. She was afraid to speak more slowly, Nanfeng should instigate Snake to go directly into the coconut grove.

"Okay!" Snake replied.

She got up, looked at the clear sky wizard and the fish orcs behind her, and said loudly: "Cubs, let's go to the sea to catch seafood and eat seafood barbecue at night. Tonight, there is also the coconut milk stew prepared by Chang Xia, and Coconut cake and coconut rice."


Chang Xia has a black line on his face.

When did she say this?


It seems that when I was talking about coconuts with Snake, I casually mentioned it.

The snake patriarch seems to be serious!


Immediately, all the orcs looked at Chang Xia in unison.

Chang Xia smiled slightly, nodded, and replied, "Do it, do it all." However, she had to study how to do it? Chicken stewed in coconut milk is simple, this coconut cake and coconut rice, she has tried how to make it, she has to try it.

However, it can probably be done.

Pastries all have something in common.

For coconut rice, refer to Braised Rice with Bacon.

Presumably, it can be done. Thinking about it, Chang Xia suddenly felt confident.

"Go, go to the sea to catch seafood."

"We're going into the coconut grove—"

In an instant, the orcs were in high spirits, gearing up for a fight, and thinking of doing a great job.

"Chang Xia, are you going into the coconut grove?" Nan Feng put on animal leather shoes, a sachet on his waist, and a branch in his hand. Fully armed, just waiting to set off into the coconut grove.

"I'm walking outside, so I won't go in." Chang Xia shook his head while holding his stomach, rejecting Nan Feng's invitation. Her belly is bigger than Nanfeng and the others, and her strength is not as strong as theirs.


It's almost dusk now.

The light in the coconut grove dimmed, and she would slow down others when she went in.

"Nanfeng, you are also not allowed to enter the coconut grove. The same is true for maple leaves and honeydew. They are only allowed to wander outside the coconut grove. It is dark and the coconut grove is dimly lit. You all have a big belly, and you have to be safe for yourself. consider."

"Again, let's go in together."

"Bai Qing, they still have time to take care of you and pick up coconuts."

Coconut stewed chicken, in addition to coconut fruit, naturally also chicken.

Bai Qing and the others didn't delay much, the patriarch of the same root quickly walked into the coconut grove, used rattan baskets to pick up coconut fruit, and had to catch pheasants.

Here, Nan Feng is like an eggplant withered and lethargic.

Maple "Ye several people, the situation is not much different.

"Cough cough!" Chang Xia coughed lightly and said, "If you want to enter the coconut grove, will it be the same when you enter tomorrow and during the day? We are not in a hurry to return to the tribe."

In their situation, the tribe did not dare to let them go into the forest for hunting and picking.

Staying in the Baihu cave all day, bored, nothing to do.

There is no risk at the Silver Beach Pier, if you stay for an extra day or two, it will be completely fine.

"Yes! We don't have to rush back to the tribe." Nanfeng said excitedly.

Milu hesitated, she heard Patriarch Gen said that she hoped that Bai Qing would return to the tribe to sit in town. So, she paused slightly and said, "Will the patriarch agree?"

"It's only a day or two, it's fine." Maple Leaf said.

The operation of the tribe is on the agenda, and there is no need for anyone to watch and watch.

Besides, there are many elders in the tribe.

When things go wrong, they can handle it. If they can't solve it, it's useless for them to go back. ..

"Patriarch, over there—" Honeydew hesitated.

Chang Xia waved his hand and said calmly: "Patriarch, we will leave for the Holubad Basin tomorrow. He doesn't care about us. Besides, we will stay at the Silver Beach Pier for a day or two, so it's not a big problem."

Out of the corner of the eye, Honey Dew looked at Su Yexylophone in the distance.

Seeing that they didn't speak, I was instantly overjoyed.

Not stopping means agreeing.

Suddenly, Honeydew became excited. They are not Qinghe, they can't live at all. Recently, they have been locked in Baihu caves, and they are not very energetic.

If it wasn't for fear of their depression, the tribe would not let them go out.

Like other older females in the tribe, they didn't come along. They are old, calm in character, and have experienced all kinds of storms.

Nanfeng and they are different.

As an adult, I am most curious about the outside world.

It was very difficult for them to stay in the tribe all day.

Like Da Ya, hold back too hard.

Almost made a big event, and later went to the Holubad Basin with Yadong.

Spirit, instantly improved.

Su Ye sat down without any intention of getting up.

Next to it, Xylophone helped organize the data just recorded.

Likewise, there is no meaning of coconut groves.

"Xylophone, don't you stop them?" Su Ye chuckled and pouted towards Chang Xia.

Xylophone shook his head and said, "I can't stop it. It's better to follow their wishes and let them play at the Silver Beach Pier, which is not far from the tribe.

Not very dangerous. "

Tonight, the fish clan goes into the sea.

Nearby threats are cleared.

Similarly, if the coconut grove is in danger, the Root Patriarch will also deal with it.

Now, is there any danger that is not dangerous?

"What's more, if there is a witch accompanying them, where is the danger?"

Xylophone smiled and couldn't help adding a sentence.

Su Ye will not go to the Holubad Basin, but will follow Chang Xia and the others all the way back to the Heluo tribe, and then back to the Sacred Mountain Wizard Hall of Karna.

How strong is Su Ye.

The Orcs of the Twilight Forest are not as clear as the Orcs.

Back then, one of the strongest totem warriors of the Orcs challenged Su Ye and was beaten directly by Su Ye.


One of the so-called strongest totem warriors is today's Elder Pukang.

In private, each of the six tribes had totem warriors who challenged Su Ye.

No one succeeded in defeating Su Ye.

Don't look at Su Ye smiling all day, with a kind and amiable face.

When she got really mad, Dong Lu didn't dare to choke with her much.

all of these.

They were all hit by Su Ye with his fists.


Su Ye smiled slightly.

She didn't stop it just now, that's what Xylophone is thinking now.

He followed and injured Chang Xia and the others, unless they entered the Canyon of Death.

In the Canyon of Death, even Su Ye didn't have the confidence to retreat.

In places like Yintan Wharf, Chang Xia and the others can play casually, and Su Ye can cover them, and is not afraid of encountering accidents at all.

"You and Gen will go to the Holubad Basin this time. All the orcs of the three tribes are the main ones, and picking wild fruits is not in a hurry. Try to let the orcs of the three tribes arrive at the Baihe Basin safely and set an example for other tribes." Su Ye Chen said.

His tone was rarely serious.


The three tribes moved into the Baihe Valley and merged into the Leopard tribe.

It's a matter of great importance, and the entire twilight forest orcs are paying attention to this action.

Any small flaw will be magnified infinitely.

If not.

The root patriarch will not come forward in person to supervise this matter.

This matter is related to the plan of the Twilight Forest for the next hundred years.

All orcs are looking forward to it, and they must not make the slightest mistake.

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