Transmigrated To Ancient Times To Farm And Build A Kingdom

Chapter 1126: The marriage ceremony of the fish tribe, black pearl necklace

far away.

When Xylophone caught sight of Chang Xia's group of orcs entering the venue, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Chang Xia and other females are pregnant and are not suitable for crowding with everyone. They followed the snake and walked towards a wood-cut corrugated wooden house in the Tribe Square.

The woodcut corrugated wooden house is on a high terrain, and you can see the entire tribal square.

This wooden house was specially reserved for Chang Xia and other females by the Snake Mountain tribe.

"The fish tribe needs to sacrifice totems, and the marriage ceremony will take a long time." Snake Road. He just learned about this news not long ago.

This marriage ceremony is a combination of fish and beasts.

The marriage ceremony with the Heluo tribe is slightly different.

"The wizard of the clear sky is very handsome!"

"It's very special, it's different from the fish clan we've seen."

"The costumes of the fish wizards are very special!"

Immediately, all the orcs were talking. While discussing the dress worn by the Sorceress of the Clear Sky, he kept his eyes on the fish clan.

Today, fish tribes all wear their dresses.

Different from Orcs and Birds, it is more like yarn. It is said that this kind of yarn is woven by the shark family in the fish clan, also known as shark yarn, which is extremely precious.

Among the gifts that the wizard of the clear sky gave to Chang Xia, there were two long dresses sewn with shark yarn.

Lightweight and diathermy.

Chang Xia likes it very much.

It's a pity that shark gauze long skirts are not suitable for going out.

Immortal energy flutters, Chang Xia is a little uncomfortable.

However, this shark gauze dress really has that flavor when worn on the fish clan. If the clear sky wizard and the others have transformed into fish tails, they are no different from the legendary mermaids and mermen. ..

"Shark yarn is invaluable. Nobles in the Western Continent can't buy a long skirt of shark gauze from the fish clan. The shark yarn of the fish clan is highly respected in the western land." Shen Rong said.

One listen.

Nan Feng and the others looked at Chang Xia enviously.

Chang Xia has two pieces of such priceless long skirts.

"Shark, pearls, tourmalines and exotic corals, etc. These are all very expensive things in the Western Continent. Owning one will be sought after by other nobles. The Yuan family has a collection of exotic corals, which I have only heard of. I've never seen it with my own eyes."

Shen Rong raised his eyebrows, his words were full of ridicule.

No matter how precious things are, what's the use of them if they can't be displayed?

The Yuan family is proud of having different-colored corals, and when talking to other nobles, they claim to be superior. To be honest, Shen Rong felt that most of the Yuan family orcs were sick.

"Of course, like some special shells, it is also very valuable."

This said.

All the orcs looked at the fish with stars in their eyes.

I can't wait to rush forward to make friends with the fish clan. They heard Qinglan say that pearls, tourmalines and corals are the most abundant in the sea.

This thing can be seen everywhere in the sea.

Of course, they understood that Shen Rong said that the value was invaluable, and it must be the more precious and rare ones. However, this does not prevent them from wanting to make friends with the fish tribe.


"I didn't see Seiran at this marriage ceremony—"

"Snake females don't work too hard!"

As he spoke, all the orcs searched for Qinglan's whereabouts.

Qing Lan is from the Megalodon clan, the same clan as the clear sky wizard, and also has a blood relationship with Qing Lun. If it wasn't for the snake patriarch's words, other orc tribes would definitely be ready to move. The three clans are open to marriage, trying to bind the interests of the three clans.

Marriage is undoubtedly the safest approach.

The fish clan can even give up the Sorcerer of the Clear Sky, and Qing Lan must be no problem.

Snake is slightly embarrassed, and there is no way to interrupt this topic.

Bai Qing tilted his head and pondered.

Milu touched him and asked, "Bai Qing, what do you think?"

"I think... who is suitable for Qinglan in the tribe."

Suddenly, Snake could not keep silent.

"Bai Qing, don't think about it. The Snake Patriarch said early on that he would keep Qinglan in the Snake Mountain Tribe, so as to strengthen the relationship between the Snake Mountain Tribe and the Megalodon." Snake explained.

The Heluo tribe is a strong enemy.

Snake is really afraid that Bai Qing will take action.

Don't you see Su Ye Songkou let the orcs marry the fish and birds.

The most exaggerated is the Heluo tribe.

The Leopard Clan has almost completely wiped out the Fish Clan and Bird Clan, not to mention the Heluo Tribe and the Twilight Forest Orc Tribe were originally married.

Maybe, soon.

The Heluo Tribes are in-laws all over the Eastern Continent.

"That's a pity." Bai Qing regretted.

He didn't bother with Qinglan anymore. Although Qinglan was good, it was not worth destroying the friendship between the Heluo tribe and the Sheyue tribe for him.

Soon, Su Ye waved the branches of the sacred tree of Kanaya, and water droplets poured on the orcs such as the Sorcerer of the Clear Sky. The marriage ceremony is gradually coming to an end, but, looking at the attitude of the orcs, it seems that the marriage ceremony is not over yet.

this time.

Chang Xia thought of what Snake said before.

This special marriage ceremony, in addition to holding the orc marriage ceremony.

There will also be a marriage ceremony for the fish tribe.

After a while, Su Ye walked off the platform with the other orcs who were involved in the marriage. Leaving the venue for the clear sky wizard and the patriarch of the snake and snake, the elders of the fish clan spread out, showing a three-legged position.

The clear sky wizard held the hand of the snake patriarch.

The part below the waist instantly transformed into a fish tail.

"Snake, you and I will share weal and woe in the future, and live up to this life!" A special fish pattern slowly appeared on the clear sky wizard's cheek, and the fish elder next to him took out a special shell and handed it to the clear sky wizard.

The clear sky wizard took the shell and took out the necklace inside.

This is a pearl necklace made of black pearls, and the UU reading pendant is a black tourmaline. The fish people respect black and believe that black is the most beautiful color of time.

This black pearl necklace, let alone in the West.

Even in the sea area, the fish race is the top luxury.

The clear sky wizard gave it to the snake and snake patriarch, which is enough to show that he values ​​the snake and snake patriarch.

"Now... don't worry!" Sheguo'er whispered.

Elder Senda grunted twice.

Last night, he planned to chat with the clear sky wizard.


The most common chat.

Unfortunately, before he left the wooden house, he was stopped by the elder Sheguoer who came.

All night, the two could not get out of the wooden house.

The clear sky wizard whose legs turned into fish tails suddenly rose to more than three meters in height. He leaned over and kissed the snake patriarch condescendingly. The whole scene was very heartwarming.

After the kiss, he put on a black pearl necklace for the Snake Patriarch.

Then opened his mouth and hummed a special song.

Obviously, this should be the sacrificial word of the fish tribe to pray for blessings. Different from the prayer ballads of the orcs, it is ethereal and high, and it seems that the voice from the sea can be heard in the ear.

In an instant.

The soul is like being washed by the waves.

"The prayer song of the fish clan is very good!"

"The fish are good at humming ballads."

"It's a pity that I couldn't see the Nanhe wizard humming a blessing song during this marriage ceremony."

Listening to the singing of the clear sky wizard, the orcs couldn't help but immerse themselves in it. A happy and contented smile gradually filled their faces, and when the singing ended, everyone was slow to wake up.

Wait for the elders of Sheguoer to shout to open the table.

For a moment.

The silent tribal square regained its vitality in an instant.

The noise, the noise.

Suddenly, it spread from all corners, and fell from the fairyland to the mortal world.

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