"Su Ye, can't I bring some fish grass back to the Qinghai Plateau?" Nan He interrupted, looking up at Su Ye's face.

Su Ye squinted at the Nanhe wizard.

Fish grass, the fish family did not fully understand.

She and Chang Xia are also researching, this thing is uncontrollable, who dares to give it? In terms of the degree of harm of the invasion, the fish grass is more terrible than the scavenger vine.

"Do you really want it?" Su Ye raised his eyebrows and joked.

The South River wizard trembled slightly and said hesitantly, "It's smashed, I can't have it?"

"If you insist on it, I'll give it. But, I don't care about the Qinghai Plateau accident." Su Ye said lightly while nibbling on the pancake.

The sorcerer of the South River is magnificent.

For a while, he was speechless.

Fish grass can be eaten and can also actively prey.


Orcs have them, and birds have to have them too.

However, when Su Ye said this, the South River wizard did not dare to speak. The threat of fish grass, the South River wizard has seen it.

If the Qinghai Plateau rivers and lakes are invaded by fish and grass.

It's hard to clean up. Besides, the bird race's demand for fish and grass is mediocre, not to the point where it is absolutely necessary. Asking is nothing more than unwillingness!

"By the way, the fish clan won't care."

At the end, Su Ye silently added another sentence.

Now, the fish tribe has just started to study the fish grass, and the fish tribe wizard hall looks for all the ancient animal skin scrolls and white paper ancient books related to the fish grass. The knowledge inherited by the fish clan is said to be recorded on the skin of a special sea beast, which is immortal for years.


The sorcerer of the South River was extremely aggrieved.

"Forget it, I won't do it!" Nan He said.

Yes, she wants. However, I didn't dare to tell Su Ye this, so I had to wait until Su Ye figured out the purpose of the fish grass before speaking.

"Chang Xia, are you ready?"

After a while, Nan Feng packed up and called Chang Xia to go to the Cuju field together.

"Let's go, let's go to the Twin Valley Cuju Field." Chang Xia said: "Find a rattan basket and put the rest of the pancakes. Steam the steamed buns and decorate them, and take them to the Cuju Field together."

Say it.

Maple Leaf Honeydew got up one after another.

Soon, Chang Xia and the others packed pancakes and steamed buns.

Carrying a rattan basket, each of them slowly approached the Twin Valley Cuju Field. Su Ye and the others stayed at Snake Home, which was cooler than Tribal Square and more comfortable to sit.

"There are more types of flowers and plants in the Mochizuki Mountains than ours." Maple Leaf was interested in flowers and plants, and she saw no less than ten strange flowers and plants along the way.

At this time, many flowers and plants usher in the season of blooming and falling.

The flowers and plants in the Twin Valley are full of vitality.

Look, it's going to be a long blooming season.

"The Mochizuki Mountains have a suitable climate, and the four seasons are like spring. It is close to the Tianshi tribe, but the climate is much better. The only ones that can compare with here are the Forest of the Clear Moon and the Gray Mist Grassland. Of course, it is still worse than the Holubad Basin. a little."

The south wind states that the most suitable climate is the Holubad Basin.

"Horubad Basin is uniquely endowed by nature." Maple Leaf said.

Chang Xia blinked, but did not speak.

She had never been to the Holubad Basin and knew little about it.

However, there must be something special about making Maple Leaf so highly regarded.

If you have the opportunity, go there and try the fun of picking wild fruits in person.

This year, the tribe made a lot of fruit wine. When the marriage ceremony of the Snake Mountain Tribe is over, the Root Patriarch will again arrange the totem warriors to enter the Holubad Basin. At that time, the orcs of the three tribes of the Cat Tribe will be brought to the Baihe River Basin and settled in the Baihu Commercial Area.

At the same time, a batch of wild fruits will be picked.

Brewing, making preserved fruit, and trying to get some canned stuff.

"Chang Xia, are you going to the Cuju arena?"

Along the way, familiar orcs waved and said hello.

Ask about the physical condition of Chang Xia and other orcs, and then talk about Gemini Valley's habit. Very warm and friendly.

Chang Xia couldn't bear it.

Fortunately, there is the social **** syndrome of Nanfeng.

She is familiar with greetings and gossip with various orcs.

Make all orcs feel valued.

The three of Maple Leaf gave Nanfeng a thumbs up, which was really helpful.

"Nanfeng, there is something to eat in Tribal Square. If you are hungry, just go there."

"Barbecue, pancakes, everything."

Xu was afraid that some orcs would be shy, so when the snake orcs chatted, they deliberately raised the volume. After all, it is very rude to let guests from afar go hungry.

Remedy as much as possible.

"It's too enthusiastic, I can't bear it." Maple Leaf wiped her hands, sighing with the nonexistent hot sweat.

Chang Xia smiled.

"They are feeling guilty." Nanfeng said: "Most of the Snake Mountain tribe and the Fish Clan feel uncomfortable. Who would have known that this would be the case?"

Nan Feng said so, not gloating.

Such a thing should not happen, not to mention the embarrassment of the Snake Mountain Tribe and the Fish Tribe.

In fact, the Orcs of the Orc and Bird Clan were equally embarrassed.

Who would have thought to be very full and suddenly hungry again.

Who can tell this!

So, the two sides pretended that nothing happened and passed smoothly. Bayi Chinese Website

Not close to Gemini Valley

Ju field, the noise is deafening.

"Their enthusiasm for Cuju is really high!"

"I want to kick too, but I can't kick because I'm not good enough."

As soon as Chang Xia finished speaking, Nan Feng opened his mouth.

Following that, Maple Leaf Honeydew also expressed her love for Cuju.

"Chang Xia, are you here?" Shen Rong said.

When he saw Chang Xia's figure on the field, he asked an orc to replace him. Going straight to the end, so did Bai Qing and the others.

Playing Cuju with different orcs feels different.

This time.

They also had a great time.

Orcs are very talented at playing Cuju.

Even if you don't understand the rules, you can get started quickly.

Shen Rong Baiqing began to ponder, when the Twilight Forest infrastructure is completed, the entire Twilight Forest Orcs will come to a friendly match, and the strongest Cuju team will be selected in the final.

Of course, it's mainly tribes at the moment.

In the future, if it develops into a race final, the totem warriors with the strongest Cuju skills can be selected to fight for the honor of the race.

Thinking about it, Shen Rong's blood boiled.

"I brought you some pancakes and steamed buns, do you want to eat?" Chang Xia picked up the rattan basket and handed it to Shen Rong, asking.


Shen Rong didn't speak yet.

Beside him, Bai Qing quickly squeezed over.

The other orcs also covered their stomachs and walked towards them.

"Chang Xia, how many?"

"Hungry, can I have some?"

For a time, all the orcs gathered around. They asked them if they could also eat, and when they ran on the field again, they didn't feel hungry. However, after the scene, smelling the fragrance of pancakes and steamed buns, the whole orcs were suddenly very hungry.

"Okay, we all have a share."

"Not enough, go to Tribal Square to get it."

Nanfeng and the others came over, opened the other rattan baskets, and took out the pancakes and steamed buns inside. However, Chang Xia asked them to wash their hands before eating.

One by one sweating profusely and dirty.

Eat it directly, it's too dirty. Chang Xia was worried about eating something wrong, so naturally they were not allowed to eat with their hands.

"I'm so hungry, did you kick too hard just now?"

Hearing this, Chang Xia and the others couldn't help laughing. Looking left and right, he whispered what happened in Tribal Square to Shen Rong and the others.

This said.

Shen Rong and the other orcs changed their faces one after another.

This is really annoying, but the remedy is timely and the problem is not big.

Dusk hour.

The Snake Mountain tribe prepared dinner early.

Different from lunch, in addition to various cold dishes, dinner also prepared special delicacies of the Twilight Forest. The only thing that the bird tribe often eats is that there is no fruit, and the Snake Mountain tribe has not exchanged highland barley.

Except for the Heluo tribe.

In the Twilight Forest, other orc tribes did not trade with the bird tribe.

The last transaction was led by the Heluo tribe.

However, tonight.

The patriarchs of the various orc tribes gathered around the South River wizards and the fish tribe elders.

She believed that soon.

The Twilight Forest will be in full bloom.

At that time, the Orcs will usher in a wave of explosive development.

Of course, Chang Xia also gained a lot. As long as Chang Xia wanted to know, Che Chi Xiaoqi did not hide anything, and explained the situation in the sea area in detail.

The root patriarch earnestly implemented Su Ye's explanation.

Hanging around the fish clan, chatting about small rivers and canals.

The elders of the fish clan chatted until their brains were congested. Fortunately, Patriarch Gen was not in a hurry to let the Fish Clan reply. He only said that when the Heluo Tribe developed further, he hoped that the Fish Clan would allow the Leopard Clan to enter the sea from the Xiaohechuan Canal.

The fish tribe did not refuse, which means that the proposal is feasible.

Gen Patriarch praised Su Ye and Chang Xia from the bottom of his heart, taking precautions and making a profound layout.

Late at night, the orcs finished their dinner.

Go back to the house to rest and wait for the marriage ceremony the next day. YuShubO.Net

The scale of the marriage ceremony of the Sheyue tribe is smaller than that of the Heluo tribe. After all, there are not many orcs involved in the marriage, if it is not for the special status of the people who are married this time.

The tribes of the Twilight Forest do not necessarily show their faces.

at this point.

The Snake Mountain tribe and the Snake tribe are naturally clear.

"Chang Xia, you all go to bed early. You must get up early tomorrow, don't forget."

Before leaving, Xylophone patiently instructed Chang Xia and the other orcs. After all, the Snake Mountain tribe is not its own Baihu cave dwelling. She knows that they are all used to sleeping late in Changxia Nanfeng recently. But not tomorrow.

"Amu, we are not stupid." Nanfeng pouted and retorted.

Xylophone glared at Nanfeng, ignoring her, catching the snake and giving her orders. They rested in the wood-carved wooden hut near the Tribal Square, while Chang Xia and his group of orcs lived at the Snake Man's side, which was some distance from the Tribal Square.

Xylophone is afraid that they will forget things, so it is inevitable that they will explain two more words.

"Xylophone, we should go." Gen said.

Chao Baiqing gave them a wink and asked them to call their partners to leave.

Don't let the xylophone continue to nag, leaving is the safest way.

Xylophone paused and said, "Okay, let's go."

When Xylophone left, the orcs breathed a sigh of relief.

Xylophone is about to catch up with Elder Ximu's talking ability, which is scary.

This heavy love makes them palpitate.

Then, trotted towards the snake expert. Just take a shower and go back to the house to rest.

"Chang Xia, can't you sleep?" Shen Rong said softly.

Half an hour into bed, Chang Xia tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep.

Chang Xia froze and whispered, "Am I arguing with you? I always feel hot and can't sleep."

"You sit up and I'll press you." Shen Rong said.

Can't sleep, where will the spirit come from tomorrow? Shen Rong thought that Chang Xia might have recognized the bed and felt uncomfortable lying down. Hot and dry, non-existent.

The Snake Mountain tribe fell into the night, and it was slightly cold.

Shen Rong tried Chang Xia's body temperature, and it was normal.

Here comes.

She couldn't sleep, probably for psychological reasons.

Hearing this, Chang Xia sat up obediently. Want to sleep, can't sleep, she is also very irritable. I felt dizzy and wanted to fall asleep, but couldn't.

This feels terrible!


Halfway through.

Shen Rong heard a slight snoring sound.

He lowered his head and looked, Chang Xia was already asleep, the worry between his brows dissipated, and he returned to calm. Shen Rong stretched out his hand, carefully hugged Chang Xia, and slowly laid it flat.

He pulled the quilt over the two of them.

Outside the window, the bright moon poured down.

The Twin Valleys are covered with a thin layer of weft yarn, which looks blurred and mysterious.

the next day.

The chirping of birds is incessant.

Chang Xia quietly opened her eyes and slept well last night.

The dazed head also regained consciousness.

Looking around, but not finding Shen Rong's figure, he got out of bed and opened the door.

this time.

There are many orcs sitting in the courtyard.

They were all chatting in low voices, Nan Feng and other females were all dressed up, waiting for the marriage ceremony to begin.

"Chang Xia, how did you sleep last night?" Nan Feng asked.

Worrying that Chang Xia hadn't slept well, when they woke up in the morning, everyone made light movements in unison, for fear of disturbing Chang Xia who didn't wake up in the wooden house.

"Very good." Chang Xia smiled and said, "How about you?"

"We are all good!"

"Snake walking helped me to condense, and I slept very well."

This condensed fragrance was created by the Snake Clan, it can drive snakes and pythons near the wooden house, and it also has the effect of calming the mind. Last night, Chang Xia's room was also lit with a contemplative incense.

A palm-sized piece of incense can burn all night.

The aroma is light and long.

If you don't smell it carefully, you won't be able to smell the fragrance of the fragrance at all.

"Snake walking, can Ningshenxiang be exchanged? When we return to the tribe, remember to help trade some Ningshenxiang." Chang Xia asked.

It is said to be made from the saliva of boa snakes.

Except for the Snake tribe of Snake Mountain.

Other orcs really can't do it.

"Yes." Snake said: "There is no need to exchange Ningshenxiang. When the marriage ceremony is over, I will prepare a copy for you all."

"Snake, you remember to remind the Snake Patriarch to let her put up the fragrance in the shop on Baihu Street. I think the orcs will like it, and let the Snake Clan prepare more." Shen Rong said.

This concentrating incense is the unique craftsmanship of the Snake Clan.

After all, the entire Twilight Forest.

Only the Mochizuki Mountains have traces of anaconda snakes.

Perhaps, there are anacondas elsewhere. However, the only place where the anaconda was found was the Mochizuki Mountains. In addition, the Snake Mountain tribe sits in the Wangyue Mountains, which greatly protects the anaconda and snakes from multiplying.

Anaconda snakes are considered semi-domestic pets in the Mochizuki Mountains.

"Shen Rong, are you serious?" Snake walked for a while, surprised.

Shen Rong glanced at Snake and said, "Ningshenxiang is very special. Even if you take it to the West Land, you can buy it at a very good price. Nobles will like it very much. Of course, if the fragrance is heavier, it should be more expensive."

Snake was shocked and looked at Shen Rong stupidly. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

"I think the scent is just right—" Chang Xia said.

She doesn't like too heavy fragrance, and the fragrance of the concentrating fragrance is light and long, which is very suitable.

Honeydew said, "I like something fragrant."

Nanfeng Maple Leaf is noncommittal, whether it is fragrant or not, they don't care.

Dinner, after the marriage ceremony.

Afraid that Chang Xia and the others would starve, Shen Rongbai got up early in the morning to prepare breakfast.

When Chang Xia finished washing up, everyone sat around the table, eating and chatting. Just after eating, a loud horn sounded from the Tribal Square, announcing the start of the marriage ceremony.

"Go, go to Tribal Square." Snake Road.

When the words fell, all the orcs got up and cleaned up the long table.

Then go straight to the Tribe Square and wait for Chang Xia and the others to arrive.

Su Ye and several elders of the fish clan stood beside the totem of the snake clan in the tribal square. The clear sky wizard, the clan leader of the snake and snake, and several other orcs who participated in the marriage ceremony were waiting for Su Ye to worship and pray for blessings.

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