Transmigrated To Ancient Times To Farm And Build A Kingdom

Chapter 1120: Are you afraid of pythons?

Noon is approaching.

Chang Xia and his group of orcs arrived in front of the Twin Valley.

The deafening noise resounded throughout the sky.

"This... someone is kicking Cuju?" Chang Xia hesitated, and looked at Snake. How strong is the execution of the Snake Mountain tribe? It took so long before the Cuju field was built and put into use.

Snake smiled and said, "Yes, the Snake Clan just built it."

After he finished speaking, he turned to look at Bai Qing and the others. With an obvious expression, ask them if they want to go over and kick Cuju.

Bai Qing waved his hand, but did not speak.

Kongshan was attacked by Maple Leaf, how could they dare to kick again.

cough cough—

At least, you have to have lunch and go down to play a few more games.

Thinking about it, Bai Qing and Shen Rong exchanged glances in private, and before Chang Xia noticed it, they restrained all their emotions.

"Chang Xia, you are here."

The Snake Patriarch smiled, greeted him, and asked, "Where do you live, is it okay to go to the Snake Walk? Don't worry, I have sprinkled you with snake repellent powder. The furniture in the woodcut corrugated wooden house is all new, and the Snake Walk will be cleaned when it comes over. Pass."

"Yes." Chang Xia said.

It is very convenient to go to the river on the other side of the snake.

The only thing worth noting is to watch out for the snakes and pythons in the river, everything else is fine.

A couple of greetings.

The patriarch of Snake and Snake let Snake Line and Snake Scale settle the orcs in Changxia.

She just left.

The clear sky wizard is entertaining the elders such as Su Ye and the fish clan, and the marriage ceremony will be tomorrow. The Snake Mountain Tribe was very busy today, and this time I felt different when I came to the Twin Valley.

Today the Twin Valley is more fresh and alive.

Everything is full of thriving vitality.

"The Snake Mountain tribe has changed a lot!" Nanfeng said.

The twin valley roads are paved with slate, not snow slate, but blue slate. The cyan slate and the wood color of the wood-cut corrugated wooden house add radiance and radiance to each other, adding a bit of novelty to the Twin Valley.

Snake Road: "The snake tribe has planted many flowers and plants in the tribe."

"I saw-"

Chang Xia pouted towards the front, which was different from the solemnity of the entrance of Twin Valley.

The valley is full of vitality, and the breath is filled with the rich fragrance of flowers and plants. All kinds of flowers and plants are planted in the front and back of each wood-cut corrugated wooden house.


Among the flowers and plants, the figure of the snake and python haunted.

Chang Xia and the other orcs were a little worried.

This earthly wonderland is more like a paradise for snakes.

Feeling a little scared.

"Twin Valley, snakes... there are still so many." Chang Xia murmured.

Maple Leaf paused and leaned towards the empty mountain. Except for the weird ones like Elder Senda, few orcs love snakes and pythons as much as snakes.

At least, Maple Leaf couldn't get along with Snake Python day and night.


Milu moved her footsteps indiscernibly, and her body was next to Bai Qing.

"Snake walking, has your pet snake been put away? Chang Xia and the others are generally accepting of snakes and pythons. Don't let black snakes come out casually, so as not to scare anyone." Nan Feng said.

This is all she can say, Chang Xia speaks here.

It's inevitable that Snake will feel uncomfortable.

Snake was slightly embarrassed, coughed, and replied, "Don't worry, the black snake has gone out. The snake scales and snakes understand the importance of snakes, and the pet snakes raised by the tribesmen have gone out. However, the snakes and pythons in the Twin Valley cannot be restrained."

Unless the elders or boa snakes come forward.

These two can control the snakes and pythons in the Twin Valley.

The former makes a big move, otherwise the appearance will be even bigger.

There are countless snakes and pythons in the Twin Valley, and I really want to control them to leave temporarily.

Snaking dare to say the scene will be amazing.

After careful consideration, the Snake Mountain tribe gave up this unrealistic idea.

walking room.

The group arrived at the woodcut corrugated wooden house on the other side of the river.

Hot water and food are readily available.

Su Ye and the others came early to eat and chat in the Tribe Square.

Chang Xia and the others were too lazy to go to the square, and the Snake Patriarch delivered the food ahead of time. After all, there are pregnant females here in Changxia, who get tired easily, get hungry easily, and can't bear it.

"Chang Xia, do you want to wash or eat?" Shen Rong drew water and asked Chang Xia to wash up.

The woodcut corrugated wooden houses on the side of Snake Walk are all three-room layouts. Several wooden houses were connected together, and Nanfeng asked Chang Xia to live with her.

Maple Leaf and the others live together, and they are close to each other, so it doesn't matter.

"I want to take a bath, wash up before eating." Chang Xia said.

Take a shower while you're on your way.

However, Chang Xia felt that the bath was not clean.

"Snake walking, I also want to take a bath." Nanfeng said.

This woodcut hut is Snake, although Snake usually lives in the Heluo tribe. It should be, the Snake Mountain Tribe will help the Snake Walk to prepare.

eat, use.

Nothing is missing.

"I'll fetch you water, the bathroom is spacious, and you can take a bath with Chang Xia." Snake, like Shen Rong, helped Nanfeng fetch water and wash his face.

Snakescale settled Bai Qing and other orcs.

Walked towards the Tribal Square, intending to bring some more food over.

Of course, vegetables and fruits

Some are going to get some.

Snake helped move the tables and chairs, waited for Chang Xia and the others to wash up and eat directly.

Here, Chang Xia Nanfeng decided to wash up before eating. The Maple Leaf Honeydew next door expressed the same idea. After getting used to washing, all the orcs felt that they must keep clean and tidy before meals.

Wait for Chang Xia and the others to take a bath in the bathroom.

Snake shouted and called Bai Qing and Shen Rong to go upstream.

Males are less particular, preferring to swim in rivers rather than taking a bath in the bathroom. However, this river in the Twin Valley is different.

Not much else.

Only there are many water snakes.

"Bai Qing, be careful." Shen Rong reminded.

With a few thuds, Shen Rong and the others jumped into the river directly, and then swam in the river.

Bai Qing said, "Watch out, watch out for what?"

Bai Qingkongshan looked at each other, not understanding what Shen Rong meant.

"What's the most in Twin Valley—"

Hearing this, Bai Qing shivered.

He turned his head and looked at Kong Shan. Bowing his head, he naturally saw the water snakes running around in the river. However, the speed does not seem to be fast.

Apparently, the water snakes in this river are used to the orcs.

No, it should be said that they are the snake orcs who are used to the Snake Mountain tribe.

Some even dared to approach, wrapping the arms of the orcs with snake bodies. I don't know if I want to attack or express closeness.

"This..." Kongshan retreated sharply, like driving away an approaching water snake.

Shen Rong paddled the water very comfortably.

Seeing Kong Shan retreating in a hurry, he raised his head and looked at him, his eyes flickered, and he fell to a certain position behind Kong Shan, his mouth twitched, and he hurriedly said, "Don't retreat, Kong Shan, come here quickly."

"What?" Kong Shan was dumbfounded, not moving.

There are several water snakes in front of him, although the water snakes are not aggressive. However, Kong Shan couldn't hold back the smooth touch.


Snaking Bai Qing turned around and looked over.

one look.


On the left rear of the empty mountain, on the bank of the river, lies an anaconda.

The color of the anaconda is too similar to the riverbank soil.

If you don't look carefully, it's hard to see the anaconda lying there.

"Empty Mountain, swim forward." Bai Qing said.

Snake said: "Kongshan, are you afraid of pythons?"

This said.

Kong Shan panicked, snakes and pythons were not afraid. But, it was a little dizzy. This is the Snake tribe, and the Snake tribe likes to raise snakes and pythons. I can't kill all the snakes and pythons I see, which is a bit of a heartbreak.


Kong Shan tightened his body.

Suddenly, there was a sound of rushing water behind him, and it was like a creature entering the water for the first time.

Kong Shan felt his throat go dry.

He suddenly remembered the reminders from Shen Rong and the others.

"Snake, or python." Kong Shan twisted his face, his voice popping out from between his lips and teeth. Hands clenched, ready to attack.

"Anaconda." Snake said: "Don't be nervous, the anaconda is not poisonous."

In short, being bitten twice by an anaconda is not a big problem, and no life will be caused.

The snake body is a snake, and they will not drive away the snakes and pythons in the river when they enter the river, and they will play with them. Seeing that Kongshan is like a great enemy, Snake is a little unsure of how to persuade him.

Kong Shan was speechless.

Is this something poisonous?

It is not easy to use force in the water. He sensed the change in the direction of the river and turned to avoid it. He threw his fist at the anaconda and smashed it, making a popping sound.

The water splashed, and the anaconda fell into the bottom of the river in fright.

"Empty Mountain—" Snake's mouth twitched, and he said softly, "The anaconda is very docile, it is close to you, just want to get close to you."

"Close, I'm not worthy." Kong Shan said.

He breathed a sigh of relief and quickly scrubbed his body.

The river in the Twin Valley is not the White River, so don't stay long, it's too dangerous.


Shen Rong Baiqing silently accelerated the scrubbing speed.

Take a bath, swim.

Still waiting to go back to the clan.

The rivers in the Twin Valleys may not be suitable for the Orcs except the Snake Clan.

"Snake walking, wash quickly." Bai Qing said: "Don't let Chang Xia and the others wait for a long time, go back to eat, and take a nap again. In the afternoon, there is something else."

This thing, of course, is Cuju.

Say it.

Shen Rong and the others understood.

Scrub speeds up again.

Down the river, to the shore.

After only a few minutes together, Shen Rong and the others finished scrubbing.

Go ashore and go to the wood-cut corrugated wooden house.

At this time, snake scales use rattan baskets to carry various delicacies. Among them, the cold food of the fish family is mostly. Obviously, this should be prepared by the fish tribe.

"Snake, other orcs?" Snakescale looked around and asked.

Snake pouted towards the river bank and said, "They went swimming in the river."

"Swimming, haven't you returned yet?"

Chang Xia wiped her wet hair and walked out of the bathroom with Nan Feng.

She knows Shen Rong, the river in the Twin Valley, they won't be going for long. There may be more snakes and pythons in the river than in the Twin Valley.

"Go back." Shen Rong said.

Snake opened his mouth, but didn't answer.

Being preempted by Shen Rong who came back from the other side of the river, he shrugged and said nothing.

"Snake scales, these are just brought over?" Nan Feng packed his wet hair, walked to the table, looked at the table full of cold food, blinked, and hesitated: "This is all prepared by the fish clan? Come on, it's all cold food!"

"Well! It was all prepared by the fish tribe." Snake scales said.

Snake clan and fish clan have similar tastes, and the snake clan orcs are very happy to eat this cold food. In addition, the fish clan said that they would invite the orcs of the orc clan to taste the fish clan specialties, so the snake clan did not prepare anything else.

"It smells good!" Chang Xia smiled and took a seat. She raised her finger and pointed to the dish in the middle of the table, and introduced, "Nanfeng, you've been shouting that you want to eat swordfish, that's it."


As soon as I heard it, there were flagfish on the table.

Nanfeng and other orcs were all excited.

They listened to Phyllis Qiao Yu's boasting about this dollfish, describing how delicious it was. At the same time, Chang Xia also recognizes the freshness of the flagfish.

Here comes.

Nanfeng and the others are more and more looking forward to the flagfish.

This time, it is strongly requested to participate in the marriage ceremony of the Snake Mountain tribe, in addition to joining in the fun, it is more with the expectation of the fish clan's cold food.

For example, dolphin fish.

"Sailfish, I want to eat it." Honeydew licked the corner of her mouth and urged everyone to take a seat.

Snake took out the towel from the room and asked Chen Rong and the others to wipe the dripping short hair. At the same time, introduce the food on the table to the orcs.

"Tuna, car fish, silver dish..."

Snaking with wooden chopsticks, he introduced the cold dishes on the table one by one.

As he said, the orcs of Changxia ate.

"Silver dish, it tastes similar to wakame."

"Tuna doesn't taste as good as sailfish, and I think the pinnacle of cold dishes is sailfish."

"The cold dishes of the fish tribe, paired with the dipping sauces of the fish tribe, are a must. It's not much different from the flavor root sauce and fish sauce of the mallard tribe, and it lacks a touch of freshness."

Can't be hot.

These cold dishes of the fish family are indeed unique in taste.

Even if the orcs prefer hot dishes, they cannot deny the deliciousness of cold dishes.

Of course, it's probably not enough to eat it often.

Orcs live on land, and they need meat to provide enough calories to maintain their physical energy. Cold dishes are delicious, not suitable for orcs to eat often.

"I'm full, I'm full." Nan Feng patted his stomach, hiccupped, and leaned back on the wooden chair with a comfortable face.

Noon, the heat wave is repeated.

It's not too hot here, it's very comfortable.

"Chang Xia, take a nap after dinner, or go to Tribe Square?" Maple Leaf asked lightly, yawning at the same time.

It can be seen that she prefers to go back to the house to take a nap for a while.

"Let's take a nap!" Chang Xia said.

Tribal Square, don't be in a hurry.

Although, she is curious about the fish race. However, I'm not so curious, and I can go later.

After a few days on the road, the body is inevitably tired.

Getting more sleep is also a good thing.

"A Rong, are you resting?"

"We're not sleepy." Shen Rong shook his head lightly and said, "Bai Qing and I went over to say hello to Patriarch Gen, and you all go back to the wooden house to rest. Wake up and go around Twin Valley."


You don't have to.

To be honest, the Twin Valleys of the Snake Mountain tribe.

Probably Chang Xia is the least willing to hang out and play, and I don't know where snakes and pythons will come out.

Above the head, below the feet.

Nowhere can we let our guard down.

"Okay, let's go!" Chang Xia waved his hands, waited for the table to be cleaned up, and ruthlessly rushed Chen Rong and the others to leave. These people, when they see it, want to play Cuju.

That sweaty sport.

Chang Xia has always kept him at a distance, not interested.

"Nanfeng, are you not going?" Maple Leaf raised her eyebrows and smiled wickedly. Before in the tribe, Nanfeng was happy to join in the fun. Since entering the Twin Valley, the south wind is quite quiet.

Hearing this, Nan Feng rolled his eyes.

"No." Nanfeng said.

There are snakes and pythons everywhere in Twin Valley.

She is not afraid, but there is still a little bit of fear.

To be honest, Nanfeng is not very daring to live in Twin Valleys.


Honeydew smiled and said, "What a pity!"

"Don't make fun of Nanfeng, you all go back to the wooden house to rest. In the afternoon, go to Tribal Square to meet with Patriarch Gen and the others. At this moment, Qiao Yu and the others will definitely have a good time." .

The wooden house, the snake patriarch helped clean it up.

Snake line the bedding and other items, all laid out. At the same time, they are also exposed to the sun in advance.

can see.

The Snake Patriarch put a lot of thought into it.

At the same time, generous. After all, the bedding and other items are all new, which is really a big deal. Of course, this is also related to the changes in the Orcs this year.

The life of the orcs has changed for the better, and their lives are not as cunning as they used to be.

dong dong—

Nan Feng knocked on the door and whispered, "Chang Xia, are you awake?"

"Yeah! I'm awake." Chang Xia replied in confusion. Xu was because of the bed recognition. Chang Xia didn't sleep well during the afternoon nap, and his head was dizzy. When he opened his eyes, Chang Xia sat up and didn't get out of bed.


The south wind pushed the door and entered.

"You have a headache?" Nan Feng saw Chang Xia rubbing his forehead, slightly startled, and hurried forward, with a nervous expression: "What's wrong with Chang Xia, do you need me to go over and invite Wu over?"

She remembered before taking a nap.

Chang Xia is still very good, but after sleeping, why does she have a headache.

"No, I'm fine. I'm a little bit aware of the bed, I didn't sleep well in the afternoon nap, I woke up and took a while, do you still have sour radish? I rinsed my mouth and wanted to eat some sour to wake up." Chang Xia explained, steadying his nervousness. The face-changing south wind.

Nanfeng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Chang Xia, are you sure it's really okay?"

"Yeah! I'm sure, go and get me a sour radish or sour cowpea."

Chang Xia got out of bed and moved his limbs.

She was afraid that if she was lying on the bed, Nanfeng would really go to the Tribe Square to find Su Ye. When you find someone, you will surely surprise a lot of people.

Chang Xia is really fine, there is no need to make a fuss.

go out.

Maple leaves sit outside.

Next to it, Honey Dew is eating peach fruit.

"Chang Xia, your face is a little pale." Maple Leaf said.

Nanfeng walked into the kitchen and brought a clay pot with radishes, cowpeas and peppers marinated in it. It was quite miscellaneous.

"She didn't sleep well at noon, and she has a headache." Nan Feng explained, uncovering the clay pot, using wooden chopsticks to pick up sour radish and sour cowpea, and by the way, a lot of sour peppers.

The sour smell instantly pervaded.

Smelling the smell, Maple Leaf Honey Dew licked her mouth and said, "Nanfeng has more pinch, give us some. Who pickled this sour radish?"

“It tastes great!”

"Yeah! It feels like a long summer."

Nanfeng laughed, this thing was prepared by the Snake Mountain tribe. She doesn't know who marinated it, but it tasted really good.

She stole a sour chili.

Spicy and crispy, paired with sour chili, Nanfeng can eat five bowls of rice.

"Nanfeng, does the kitchen have mirin sauce or other sauces?" Chang Xia rinsed his mouth, picked up wooden chopsticks and ate a piece of sour radish, which was slightly sour, very satisfying. However, when Chang Xia eats sour radish, he likes to add some light soy sauce.

Here comes.

The sour taste of sour radish will be neutralized.

It tastes slightly sweet and umami, and the more you eat it, the more refreshing it becomes.

"Yes." Nanfeng said.

Move the clay pot aside and go into the kitchen to get the sauce.

Snake repellent powder has been sprinkled around here, but there are no traces of snakes and pythons. However, on the other side of the river, Maple Leaf spent a while in the courtyard, and saw three snakes of different colors, crawling over the same place one after another...

Is this Twin Valley really not Snake Valley? !

"I like to add some flavor root sauce, do you want to eat it?" Chang Xia took the small clay pot with the flavor root sauce and looked at the two of them.

She is not sure if the Maple Leafs can accept it?

Some people say sour radish with soy sauce as heresy.

Chang Xia likes it very much.

Occasionally, she also likes to get some coriander and chili powder.

Fragrant, spicy, sour.

A very sour taste that definitely stimulates the taste buds.

"Mizuki sauce, try it." Honeydew said. She is used to drinking three pepper soup, loves to eat pepper, and the food prefers heavy flavors.

at this time.

Otherwise, I heard Chang Xia say that sour radish can be put in the root sauce.

Milu suddenly became interested.

Maple Leaf frowned and said hesitantly: "Changxia, sour radish with root sauce, is this a cold salad? I haven't eaten it before, is it delicious?"

"I've eaten it before, and it tastes a little weird. But it's surprisingly delicious." Nanfeng said.

She often visits Changxia's house, and while she learns to make various delicacies and hone her cooking skills from Changxia, she stealthily learns the practice of various snacks.


Southern style cooking is average.

However, he is extremely talented only in snacks.


Hearing what Nanfeng said, Maple Leaf immediately became interested.

Nanfeng held it in her mouth. She liked it. The way to eat this sour radish with flavored root sauce should not be bad. At least, the taste won't be weird.

Like the lion clan's three pepper soup.

That was really indescribable.

Except for the Leonine, few Orcs can accept it.

This is the same as the earth tribe's love for sweets, a tribal regional problem.

very quickly.

Chang Xia put the sliced ​​pickled radish, poured the mirin sauce, and then added a little chili powder. At the same time, I was afraid that maple honeydew would not be used, so I prepared sour radish without flavored root sauce.

“Fragrant and refreshing.”

"This tastes so good!"

As soon as the sour radish is in the mouth, Maple Leaf falls in love with the taste.

Even eating sour cowpea and sour chili, I couldn't help dipping in the migen sauce. ⑧①ZW.??m


Chang Xia couldn't help laughing.

So you are such a maple leaf!

"What do you eat?"

Suddenly Su Ye's voice sounded, all the orcs


He hurriedly looked up and looked out of the courtyard, and saw Snake Xing leading the three of Patriarch Su Yegen to the Tribe Square.

"Sour radish—" Chang Xia said.

When Xylophone heard this, her face changed slightly and she said nervously, "Which one of you is uncomfortable?"

"Chang Xia is a little bit aware of her bed, and she didn't sleep well at noon, and she has a headache. Let me get her some sour radishes, we are eating sour radishes." Nan Feng opened his mouth and explained briefly.

"Chang Xia, does your head still hurt?"

Xylophone was not at ease, and took Chang Xia to check it twice.

After confirming again and again that she was fine, I was relieved. Patriarch Su Yegen took the wooden chopsticks and ate the sour radish.

Although the cold dishes are good, I always feel full after eating.

Smelling the sour taste of sour radish, the patriarch Su Yegen had a great appetite.

"Nanfeng, get some more." Gen said.

Su Ye pulled over the wooden chair next to him, sat down, and said, "Is there anything to eat? Get some barbecue or something. It's been a while since I finished eating, and I'm always hungry."


Chang Xia laughed.

Obviously, Su Ye is not used to cold dishes.

Cold dishes, the first taste is amazing.

However, for the Orcs who are used to eating barbecue, the cold dishes are too delicate, and no matter how much they eat, their stomachs will not feel full.

Chang Xia smiled.

The root patriarch Xylophone spoke one after another, saying that he was not full at noon.

They also want to eat some barbecued meat and noodles.

Rice, the Snake Mountain tribe must not be able to eat.

Currently, I can eat rice. As for the Heluo tribe, the Dadi tribe and the Yuanhu tribe, upholding the belief of unity and fraternity, the three tribes exchanged part of the rice and distributed it to other orc tribes.

However, more options are given to tribal people.

"How about... go into the kitchen to get something to eat? I'm also a little hungry. UU reading has been very hungry recently." Before Chang Xia finished speaking, she stroked her stomach and felt a burst of hunger. Probably the sour radish opened the taste buds, the lunch meal was a cold dish, and the fish might be digested quickly...

"Get some." Su Ye said decisively, "Xylophone, go to the kitchen to see what you have. If you have some powder, cook some powder. There is still some time before dinner. I have to eat something to fill my stomach."

Xylophone heard the sound and walked towards the kitchen.

Nanfeng cut the sour radish and handed it over to Changxia to pour the root sauce and chili powder.

The other orcs all went to the Twin Valley Cuju Field to provoke them.

this time.

Only a few of them were left.

Su Ye's attitude is very casual. If there are orcs in the fish and bird clan, she will somewhat restrain herself. After all, the cold dishes at noon tasted really good, and she didn't eat less.

The issue is-

Eat a lot and feel full.

Su Ye really didn't know what to say.

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