"What about you?" Chang Xia turned her head and raised her eyebrows to look at the approaching males such as Shen Rong.

Empty mountain exercise less, long summer letter.

Maple Leaf was pregnant, so naturally he couldn't go hunting in the forest. However, the amount of exercise should be sufficient. In Woye Cuju Field, you can often see them.

That being the case, the speed shouldn't slow down.

Where exactly did this go wrong? !

"I've been playing Cuju a lot recently, and my body is overloaded." Shen Rong said.

He opened his mouth to explain the reason why the speed of empty mountain slowed down, not because of less exercise. But, these days everyone is busy kicking Cuju, playing too crazy. The body is overloaded, coupled with the continuous travel in the past few days, the rest is normal.

This said.

Maple Leaf's expression changed slightly.

As a totem warrior, it is an absolute shame to be weaker at the peak.

"Shen Rong is right, playing Cuju is a little crazy recently. It's rare to have the opportunity to play Cuju with orcs from other orc tribes, plus orcs from bird and fish..."

One to two to go.

Everyone was a little out of control.

an explanation.

Immediately, Chang Xia and the other orcs couldn't help laughing.

Even Bai Qing and Chen Rong, who had amazing control, couldn't hold back. Kong Shan and the others could somewhat understand their situation.

Maple Leaf rolled his eyes at Kongshan.

She almost really thought that Kong Shan had become weaker.

If it really becomes weak, the root patriarch of the tribe will not be able to spare him, he will be beaten, and he will be thrown to the tribe elders for training. At that time, you can enjoy some **** their treatment.

Carrying two pheasants, the orcs quickly found a suitable camp.

A clearing in front of a rock wall.

There are mountain streams dripping from the rock wall, forming a spring.

The open space is next to the road, the open space, the water source, all are there.

After unloading the things, Shen Rong built the stove, and Bai Qingkongshan led people to dig sweet potatoes. Su Ye did not agree to leave more orcs. After all, Chang Xia and the others walked slowly, and they were excusable. The other tribe orcs had no excuse to walk too slowly, and it was too rude.

The root patriarch sounded the horn.

The Snake Mountain tribe responded.

Soon, the Snake Clan will send totem warriors to greet them.

If everyone slowed down, how could the Snake Mountain tribe think too much.

Therefore, the orcs of other orc tribes had to regret and give up the idea of ​​slowing down with Chang Xia and the others.

So, the orcs like Chang Xia were left to wander slowly.

"Changxia, pheasants are made into beggar chickens?"

"Well! One beggar chicken and one roast chicken, what do you think?"

Chang Xia and the others were simply greedy and wanted to live on the hour. I'm really hungry, and there must be something to eat when I arrive at the Snake Mountain tribe. Two chickens, Chang Xia can eat a whole one now. After she became pregnant, she had an appetite.

The food intake is several times as much as before, and it tastes much better without gaining weight.

Fat is fat, but not too exaggerated.


"Only two, a little less."

"Yeah! It might not be enough, this kind of roast chicken...I can eat two now."

After Nanfeng finished speaking, Milu nodded.

It means that she can eat two roast chickens. If it is a beggar chicken, let alone two, three honeydew can be stuffed into the stomach.

"Are you really going to go to the Snake Mountain Tribe after you've had enough?" Chang Xia raised his forehead and rolled his eyes at these females, speechless.

She regretted proposing roasted sweet potatoes a little bit.

Shouldn't this group of orcs really plan to eat here and then go to the Twin Valley!

This is too embarrassing, and it is estimated that Su Ye will be furious when he finds out about it.

"Uh! Just talk."

Listening to Chang Xia's complaints, the orcs hurriedly shook their heads.

They are not stupid, they really dare to do this kind of thing, and Su Ye and Gen Patriarch really dare to beat people. Even if you are pregnant with a beast cub, you will also be beaten.

"It's good that you understand, otherwise you will be beaten." Chang Xia said seriously.

Baked sweet potatoes can also be said to be playful. If you really eat here and then go to the Twin Valley, it is a provocation to the Snake Mountain tribe. If the Snake Clan can spare them, Su Ye and the Genen Patriarch will definitely not be soft-hearted.

"Changxia, are these sweet potatoes enough?"


It's good for everyone to taste the taste of roasted sweet potatoes, it's really not to be full.

Soon, Shen Rong helped bury the sweet potatoes.

Changxia Nanfeng wrapped the beggar chicken in leaves and wet mud, and buried it under the fire with sweet potatoes. Maple leaves plucked chicken feathers, honeydew prepares BBQ sauce.

For a moment.

Bai Qing wrapped several bird eggs in leaves.

There are seven in total, and the eggs were found in a sweet potato field.

"Changxia, do you want to eat roasted bird eggs?" Bai Qing asked.

Everyone knows that Chang Xia prefers roasted bird eggs, and every once in a while, he will get a few roasted bird eggs to satisfy his cravings. As for Shen Rong, his favorite thing was fish balls.

"Eat." Chang Xia said happily.

He stretched out his hand, intending to take the egg and bury it under the fire.

Shen Rong took the lead, took the bird's egg from Bai Qing's hand, and said, "You sit, and I'll bury the bird's egg for you." Wrap the bird's egg with a layer of wet mud, and then bury it in the fire. In this way, the eggs are not easy to explode and can be cooked faster.

Chatting while roasting sweet potatoes.

During this period, Chang Xia saw no less than ten snakes of different colors scurrying through the grass.

or large

, or small.

To be honest, Chang Xia was a little confused.

She couldn't help but moved to Chen Rong's side, and whispered, "Are there a lot of snakes in the Wangyue Mountains? Didn't you spread the snake-repelling powder just now, and I saw eleven of these snakes..."

"I sprinkled it." Honeydew said.

Bai Qing got up and took out the bone knife to clear the grass near the camp again.

"There are many snakes in the Mochizuki Mountains. You should know that if you have been to the Twin Valleys. This area is close to the Twin Valleys. The number of snakes and pythons is only a lot more than that of the Mochizuki Mountains."

This said.

Chang Xia suddenly got goosebumps on his arms.

"I'll bring you snake repellent powder." Shen Rong said.

Seeing that Chang Xia's expression was wrong, Shen Rong got up and walked towards the rattan basket. This snake repellent powder was newly prepared by Su Ye, and she seemed to have predicted this situation in advance.

"Shen Rong, do you have any?" Nan Feng opened his mouth and asked, a few snakes, it's not a big problem. However, she thought of the Twin Valley.

Suddenly, Nanfeng couldn't care less.

Directly asked Shen Rong, she also wanted a snake repellent powder.

Even after living with snakes for more than a year, Nanfeng still couldn't get used to snakes.


Maple Leaf Honeydew changed her face.

Got it.

Shen Rong didn't wait for them to speak, and said, "Wait, I'll get it."

"Ling'er is also a snake, why isn't Milu afraid?" Chang Xia asked curiously. Bai Linger lives with Bai Qing Milu, although Bai Linger spends more time in Baihu. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

However, occasionally he lives in Bai Qing's house.

Honey dew shrugged and said, "Linger understands human nature, unlike snakes."

In fact, Honeydew did not regard Bai Linger as a snake python.


Bai Linger has a good appearance.

Honeydew is very fond of Bai Linger's face.

"I think it's Bai Linger who looks good. It's cold and cool, and it's very comfortable to hold in the warm season. Who wouldn't like it?" Nanfeng said with a smile, but unfortunately, as Bai Linger gradually grew, her body became more and more big.

Carrying Bai Linger on his body like before, I believe it will soon be over.

Alien species.

Once an adult, the body of the beast must be enormous.

Otherwise, how can one side be deterred.

"Yeah! It's a pity that Ling'er is getting bigger and bigger, and is no longer as small and cute as before." Milu regretted and looked uncomfortable.

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