In an instant.

The orcs breathed suddenly.

Even Chang Xia, who mentioned the currency issue, was equally shocked.

The purpose of Chang Xia's currency is to hope that Su Ye will prepare. Unexpectedly, after listening to the discussion just now, Su Ye will decisively agree to mint copper coins.

"Mother Su Ye, are you sure you will start the bronze coinage now?" Chang Xia said seriously.

Su Ye ate the grilled fish slowly and replied, "Why not?"

If you want to do it, then do it.

Looking ahead, sure.

However, the momentum is lacking. She has probed the fish clan and heard a lot of news about the West Land from the fish clan. The Tianyuan tribe has not been peaceful recently, the tribes are constantly fighting, and there are many conflicts among the twelve great nobles.

One listen.

Su Ye could smell the conspiracy.

Combined with the previous dialogue between Shen Rong and Yuan Yi, she could easily guess the role Yuanhou played in it. This is a ruthless man, even the clan is calculated.

No wonder Shen Rong resented him.

An orc who can even give up his blood relatives, what else he can't do and dare not do.

"Bronze is expensive, and using bronze coins may cause trouble," said Xylophone. In addition to rituals, bronzes are more weapons. This is true whether it is the Wuhai Nest Clan or the bronze ware unearthed at the Shinahai site.

Thousands of years ago, bronzes were all valuables.

The same is true now.

"Bronze and gold and silver are softer and easier to use for coinage. Conversely, iron ore and other things are more difficult. Besides, bronze coinage will cause trouble. Wouldn't it be more dangerous to use gold and silver?" Su Ye chuckled lightly. , very calm.

Orcs are not short of minerals. In addition to animals and plants, the most abundant minerals in the Twilight Forest are all kinds of minerals buried in the ground. Previously, the orcs were not good at forging skills. So, Su Ye cleverly covered up the minerals from all over the world.


Chang Xia raised the issue of currency.

Su Ye naturally began to ponder the feasibility of the currency.

Xilu uses gold and silver as currency, and Dusk Forest can actually consider using jade as currency. However, looking at Chang Xia's attitude towards jade, it seems that jade is more expensive than gold and silver. Thinking about it, Su Ye didn't mention the jade coinage.


Xylophone didn't say more.

Gold and silver are worth more than copper, but the xylophone has no idea.

Orcs have never been exposed to minerals, such as gold, silver and copper, which are synonymous with orcs. Bronze, xylophone seen.

She has no interest in bronzes that cannot be eaten and cannot be used.

If food can be used as currency, Xylophone may be more interested.

"Wu, have you seen gold, silver and bronze?" Nan Feng asked curiously.

Su Ye laughed and said, "The biggest gold mine in the Twilight Forest is in the sacred mountain of Karna. At the same time, there is a silver mine in the holy mountain of Karna. There is no copper mine in the holy mountain of Karna, but I know where there is a copper mine. You say... have I ever seen gold, silver and bronze?"

As the witch of the orcs, the ancient animal skin scrolls and white paper ancient books stored in the wizard hall.

Su Ye couldn't say that he had read all of them.

However, Su Ye had definitely read all those important ancient animal skin scrolls and white paper ancient books, and kept them in his heart.

The orc heritage is cut off.

Most of the ancient animal skin scrolls and white-paper ancient books in the wizard's hall are fragmentary scrolls, and the matter of inheriting skills is relatively vague. At the same time, even if there is a record of inheriting skills, it has little to do with the development of the orcs, so Su Ye will naturally not pay much attention to it.

There is only one thing, the most comprehensive records of the Wizarding Hall.

At the same time, it is also the core of the Wizarding Hall.

That is the location map of the minerals in the Twilight Forest, and the Orcs have always been firmly in the hands of the Wizard Hall. However, because the orc foundation is too shallow.

The witches of the orc race have been careful to cover up this inheritance technique and have never announced it.

After the forging skills are completed, Su Ye can activate the map at will.

The quiet time of midnight.

Su Ye has watched the map countless times, and looks forward to one day when it can be truly opened, so that the map will appear in front of all the orcs.


The faces of the beasts in the raw rice noodle shop changed instantly.

Everyone looked at Su Ye in surprise.

Many orcs know about the gold mines in the sacred mountain of Karna.

However, Su Ye said that in addition to gold mines, Mount Karna also has silver mines. In addition, she also knows the location of other minerals.

This is really surprising!

"Witch, I will learn to forge with the orcs of the Qingqiu tribe tomorrow." Gray said.

Su Ye thought for a while and said, "You'd better talk to him about this matter. Ask him about his thoughts and attitudes, but I will support you in learning to forge."

Forging matters.

In the hands of the Leopard Clan, Su Ye felt more at ease.

Of course, the bear clan can control it, and she thinks it can.

The strength of the fox clan was weaker, and Su Ye was afraid that they would not be able to keep an inheritance skill. If you have the endorsement of the six major tribes, you can feel at ease.

"Okay." Gray nodded and replied.

The currency issue is about to be put on the agenda, and Chang Xia is not paying attention.

Whether mining, or minting coins. It won't happen for the time being, even if it happens for a while, it won't be Chang Xia's turn to worry about it.

She rested her mind and ate crayfish quietly.

At the same time, pondering how to induce food

Rotten vines, and more uses for fish grass. Chang Xia couldn't push these things away, he had to do it himself.

After all, except for her, other orcs have no way to communicate with the scavenger vine.

Chang Xia tried to communicate with fish and grass, but found that it didn't work.

Fish grass, like other seaweeds, cannot communicate. This made Chang Xia a little frustrated. If he could communicate with Yucao, things would be much easier.

But this time, there is no shortcut to take, only a little bit of exploration.

However, the true identity of the seaweed was found out.

Chang Xia believed that there would definitely be records of fish grass in the Fish Clan Wizard Palace.

Wait two days to go to the Snake Mountain tribe, and then ask the clear sky wizard to ask about the situation.

The four streets of Baihu Street, except for the fourth street of Baihu Street, became quiet as the night went on. The other three streets are still very lively.

All kinds of strange games, completely ignite the desire of the orcs.

"Chang Xia, are you going to watch the fun?" Nan Feng asked.

After talking about things, this meal also came to an end. UU Reading

Hearing the lively sound coming from the front, Nan Feng was a little eager to join in the fun. Nan Feng's words fell, but Chang Xia didn't answer.

Xylophone raised her hand and patted the back of Nanfeng's head, and scolded lightly: "Snake travel back to the Snake Mountain tribe to help, please calm down for me. Maple Leaf, please send Nanfeng back to the cave."

Without giving Nanfeng a chance to speak, let Fengye Kongshan send her back to the cave.

The three streets ahead were crowded with people.

What is a pregnant female in the south wind doing?

Not afraid of hurting the beast cub in the belly.

Facing the big-hearted Nanfeng, Xylophone was really heartbroken. She brought Chang Xia and the others to Baihu Fourth Street, why wasn't she worried about the south wind?

"I will personally send Nanfeng back to the cave." Maple Leaf moved her fingers and promised.

Aside, Taya Yadong burst into laughter.

Xylophone and Maple Leaf did a great job!

I didn't leave a way for Nanfeng directly, but it's good to go back to the cave to rest in the middle of the night.

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