"Okay, I'll go right now." Shen Rong said.

The words fell, people did not enter the crowd, and soon disappeared.

Xylophone led Su Ye and the two into the freshly squeezed rice noodle shop. The Tianluo couple just happened to see the store. There were not many people, and the store was relatively quiet.

During the day, when it is busy.

Qingliu and the others will come to help.

At night, Baihu Fourth Street gradually quieted down.

Tianluo drove Qingliu and the others away, and let them go shopping and taste the delicacies of other tribes. She and Ge Lei were responsible for the raw rice noodle shop.


Tianluo looked at Su Ye and the two in surprise.

She was not surprised by the xylophone. Xylophone is responsible for the safety of Baihu Street, and she will go in to help or replenish various supplies in every store.

"Chang Xia, do you eat raw rice noodles?" Gray asked, pressing the rice noodles while asking, intending to cook them for them.

Chang Xia nodded with a smile, and said, "Uncle Gorea put less rice noodles, and Chen Rong went to the street to get other food. I want to keep my stomach and eat more, with less powder and more toppings."

She craved the taste of raw rice noodles.

I plan to use raw rice noodles as the main food, plus other food, I can eat full tonight. Speaking of raw rice noodles, Chang Xia couldn't help but think of snail noodles? Among the rice noodles, the most famous snail noodles are madly in love, hateful, and can't wait to hide away.

Chang Xia likes to eat.

Unfortunately, what should I do with snail noodles?

She doesn't understand.

Recipe, process, none of this is known.

"Okay!" Gray nodded and started to prepare raw rice noodles for Chang Xia.

Tianluo looked at Xylophone and asked, "Xylophone, how about you? Have you eaten yet? Do you want a bowl of raw rice noodles?"

"I didn't eat, give me a bowl." Xylophone said.

Root was sitting at the barbecue competition, and she saw Su Ye Changxia and left with her. After a busy day, Xylophone felt very tired and hungry as soon as he sat down.

Not to mention a bowl of raw rice noodles, she can eat two more bowls.

However, Shen Rong will bring other food back later.

Xylophone didn't correct Chang Xia's statement about less powder, and made up his mind to learn from Chang Xia and try a variety of different foods, eating a little of each and not much. This way, you will naturally be able to eat more food.

"Soon." Tian Lu said.

In the store, other orcs greeted Su Ye.

No one came to disturb her and Chang Xia.

Today, all orcs' energies are on food.

"Mother Su Ye, when are you going to go to Death Canyon?" Chang Xia whispered.

Carrion vine, fish grass.

It has been confirmed, next, it is time to consider how to get them to the death canyon. Whether it works or not depends on the result.

If the results are gratifying, you can consider the layout of the death canyon.


At present, it is more troublesome to explore the canyon of death.

"Wait." Su Ye calmly said.

She was not carried away by the immediate interests.

Death Canyon is far more dangerous than the first two sites, and Su Ye didn't want to hurt the totem warriors by exploring Death Canyon.

No matter how important the Snow Mountain Palace is, it is no match for human life.

She was very curious about the Snow Mountain Palace a thousand years ago, and was eager to go in and find out.

However, the premise of all this must be security.

Otherwise, she would rather give up exploring.

"Wait until the scavenger vines grow in the wilderness of the small river, and then confirm that the fish and grass are not threatening. The death canyon is too dangerous. A little carelessness may cause orcs to die, and the exploration of the Snow Mountain Palace will not be urgent." Su Ye analyzed, followed by The three races in the East Land deepen their cooperation.

They can better expel the prying eyes of the West.

In addition, there is a restless Yuanhou in Xilu.

Su Ye determined that in the next three to five years, Donglu would be very calm.

But, three or five years later.

If Yuanhou ascended the highest throne on the West Road, Su Ye could not be sure of the future trend. However, at that time, Dusk Forest would definitely dare to step into the Canyon of Death.

In the next three to five years, Su Ye hopes that the Orcs will develop with all their strength, accumulate strength, and wait for the day when they are reborn from the ashes, and then soar into the sky.

"Okay, developing the tribe is more important." Chang Xia said.

The tribal infrastructure is not perfect, and it is also critical to improve various living facilities first. In addition, currency reform is imperative. Bartering will inevitably limit the economic development of the Eastern Land. To make the Eastern Land surpass the Western Land, the monetary policy is unstoppable, and arrangements must be made and confirmed as soon as possible.

"Currency, what does Granny Su Ye think?"

Hearing this, Su Ye didn't answer for a long time.

It is clear.

She is thinking about whether the currency should be activated? !

Su Ye has been to the Western Continent, so naturally he knows what Chang Xia refers to as currency? In fact, Donglu Fish Clan and Bird Clan have their own currencies. Of course, this comparison is limited to their internal circulation. It can only be said that it is the bud of currency, not real currency.

Fish tribes use shells.

Birds are more straightforward. Feather, light stone, etc., are used as currency by them.


This kind of currency is too crude.

It's hard to spread the word without a bird and a fish.

"What do you think?" Su Ye threw the question back to Chang Xia and asked her to make up her mind. Next to it, the xylophone is quiet. But she's not really

Quiet, but carefully recorded the conversation between Su Ye and Chang Xia.

"Gold, silver, bronze. Use metal to cast common currency and use it to circulate." Chang Xia suggested. She heard Su Ye say that there are gold mines in the holy mountain of Karna, and there are gold mines, which means that there will also be silver mines and copper mines.

The huge Twilight Forest, Chang Xia does not believe that there are no minerals here.

"Metallic minerals—" Su Ye pondered, thinking about the feasibility of Chang Xia's proposal.

Dusk Forest has no shortage of mines, whether it's gold, silver or copper. Su Ye knows the distribution of these minerals, but it is difficult to forge the minerals, and it is not easy to forge them into currency.

"Changxia, there are not many tribal blacksmiths." Xylophone said.

This said.

Chang Xia suddenly became quiet.

Xylophone was right, there were only a few orcs in the Heluo tribe who knew how to forge. Let them forge the currency that circulates in Donglu, and they can't do it even if they are exhausted.

However, if metal minerals are not used as currency carriers.

So, what to choose?

Paper money, Chang Xia has not even thought about it, it is impossible to waste time thinking about it, wasting time.

"The raw rice noodles are here!"

At this time, Tianluo Ge Lei brought the prepared raw rice noodles.

At the same time, Shen Rong brought a group of people in.

A variety of rice noodle barbecue snacks, the portions are small and the quantity is amazing. They were put on the table one by one. Everyone was busy, so they didn't waste much time, put down the food, and the people left one after another.

very quickly.

The four Chang Xia occupied two large tables.

"It's so rich!" Chang Xia put aside his thinking for a while, picked up the wooden chopsticks and started to fry. Before the noodles, drink a sip of hot soup. The unique sour taste of raw rice noodles fills the entire mouth instantly, making Chang Xia sigh with satisfaction.

Beside him, Shen Rong smiled slightly.

"I met Nanfeng on my way back, and she stayed with the crayfish. She said, I'll bring you spicy crayfish later, so you can eat it slowly." Chen Rong said.

One listen.

The Suye xylophone is full of black lines.

This is very southerly.

"Spicy crayfish, I haven't eaten it for a long time." Chang Xia nodded quickly, expressing his anticipation.

After a while.

Nanfeng's familiar shout, from far to near.

Chang Xia, who was engrossed in eating, raised her head and looked out of the freshly squeezed rice noodle shop. Just saw Nanfeng coming with a large pot of spicy crayfish, Maple Leaf and a few people followed, and the surrounding orcs saw Nanfeng and a few people and avoided it carefully.


"Look, what did I bring you?"

"Crayfish! In addition to crayfish, there are also hairy crabs and grilled fish."

Maple Leaf and other orcs all carried dishes, and none of them were empty-handed. The rich taste of the barbecue sauce instantly hits the nostrils, filling the entire raw rice noodle shop.

this time.

There are only four Chang Xia people left in the raw rice noodle shop.

The taste of raw rice noodles is not acceptable to everyone.

"Come on, bring it here!" Chang Xia beckoned happily, invited Nanfeng and the others to enter the store, and asked, "Do you want to eat raw rice noodles? If you do, let Tianluo Amu help you cook the noodles. We just ate it. "

"Don't eat."

"I ate a lot along the way, but I don't eat."

All the orcs shook their heads one after another, indicating that they would not eat. They had eaten all the way, and their stomachs were almost full, and they couldn't eat raw rice noodles.

There was no one else, Shen Rong got up and moved the table and chairs to make a table, let everyone sit around, and called Tianluo Ge Lei to come over and eat crayfish and hairy crabs together.

Eat and chat.

"Wu, you guys were talking about blacksmiths just now..." Gray asked lightly, and said, "There are no orcs in the tribe to follow the Qingqiu tribe to learn blacksmithing. If necessary... I can."

Gray recommended himself, and the tribe began to develop in all aspects.

He wants to do his part for the tribe, and it is not difficult to forge.

Gray asked himself if he could help, after all, who doesn't have the strength?


The expressions of Su Ye and the others changed slightly.

Obviously, she didn't expect Gray to say that.

For totem warriors, forging is very boring and boring, and they are more eager for the excitement and blood of hunting in the forest.

"Grey, are you serious? We talked about forging because Chang Xia mentioned one thing, currency. She suggested that Donglu prepare to issue currency and replace barter with currency." Su Ye calmly bartered. Disadvantages, compared with currency, barter is cumbersome and troublesome, and it is much easier to use currency to trade.

This said.

Suddenly, the freshly squeezed rice noodle shop quieted down.

The action of Nanfeng peeling the crab suddenly stopped.

This topic is very sensitive and no one dares to ignore it.

"Changxia proposes to use metal as the carrier of currency, of which forging is the most critical part. The inheritance of the Eastern Land is cut off, and the orcs of the Twilight Forest have not yet been able to discover and explore the ruins of a thousand years ago, and the forging skills are almost zero. "

Xylophone added and explained things clearly.

These are the shortcomings of Orcs.

There is no need to explain the xylophone at all, all orcs understand.

"Is it difficult to issue currency?" Nanfeng tilted his head and asked in confusion.

Maple Leaf shook his head lightly and said, "It's hard, it's hard."

"The fish clan seems to trade shells, while the bird clan is more complex, such as feathers, light stones, etc., which can be used for trade. I don't know very well about the west land." Da Ya explained while feeding the bear cubs.

She is more enterprising, even with the bear cubs, she did not forget to inquire about all kinds of news with the orcs. If Nanfeng is gossip, Da Ya is more about gathering intelligence.

Da Ya's words fell.

Suddenly found that the raw rice noodle shop is a little too quiet.

She didn't wipe the bear cub's mouth, she looked up and looked around, but saw all the orcs looking at her with shock, Daya paused, hesitantly said: "Did I say something wrong? It should be right, these are me and I When the fish and birds were chatting, I found out."

"Xylophone—" Su Ye whispered the name of Xylophone.

A smile appeared on the corner of Xylophone's mouth, and she nodded, "Don't worry, Wu, I remember it."


Da Ya swallowed her saliva and looked nervous.

"I, did I say something wrong?" Da Ya whispered.

Xylophone shook her head lightly and said, "You're right, it's just... why didn't you find out that you have such talent and ability before? Da Ya, if you're okay, bring the bear cub to the tribe, and I'll take you to see the water elder. "

Suddenly, Nan Feng and the other orcs widened their eyes.

They all gave Da Ya a thumbs up.

Elder Shui, one of the most mysterious elders of the Heluo tribe. Combined with what Da Ya just said, the orcs instantly understood the true identity of the water elder in the tribe.

No wonder Ah Yu'er revealed the identity of Elder Shui's apprentice.

Everyone turned a blind eye to Ah Yu'er's entanglement with Yuan Yi.

Is Ah Yu'er really Xiang Zhong Yuan Yi?

At this moment, Changxia Chenrong was suddenly a little uncertain.

"Okay, okay." Daya replied in confusion.

Although I don't know what happened, looking at the expressions of Nanfeng and the others, it seems to be a good thing. Since it was a good thing, Da Ya didn't go to the root cause. The big deal, wait until you go back to the Baihu cave and ask Yadong.

"Shen Rong knows the currency of the west land best." Su Ye raised his eyebrows and motioned for Shen Rong to speak.

The currency of the Western Land is relatively complex, such as gold, silver, copper, iron, etc., all of which are considered a kind of currency. At the same time, things like gemstone tourmalines are also currency.

Currency is not circulated among the tribes in the western land.

Only the situation of the royal court is better, and the chaotic monetary policy makes the communication between the tribes in the western land often very closed. In this way, it is naturally convenient for the business to control the tribes. The beneficiaries are always the top nobles.

Shen Rongqing coughed.

Said the Westland currency again.

Immediately, everyone's expressions were stunned.

Who would have imagined that the prosperous West Land would be so chaotic in monetary policy.

"The nobles use currency to control the flow of materials between tribes. Each tribe needs materials and can only rely on transactions with the business. The owners behind the business are nobles. In the final analysis, currency is a means for nobles to control the orcs below."

Shen Rong's words were very clear.

However, after the orcs heard it, they only felt chills on the back of their necks.

There is no room for reference in the Westland monetary policy.

However, like the style of gold and silver currency, it is worth learning.

"It's so dark!"

"I am very fortunate to be born in Donglu."

"It's really great that the tribe didn't force it to go to the Western Land for training."

After the silence, everyone broke out into a heated discussion. The Xilu they heard from Shen Rong's mouth was always the nobles above.

This makes the orcs who are used to freedom very uncomfortable.

No one is born humble.

"Gold and silver are really special!" Chang Xia said.

Su Ye nodded and said, "Gold and silver are naturally special, but they are difficult to develop. You said that copper mines are used to coin coins, which is worth considering. Among the minerals I know, bronze is the easiest to develop, and gold and silver are suspended. Wait for copper coins. After getting used to it, try to mint coins with gold and silver."

Su Ye wanted to be more stable.

The value of gold and silver is high, and it is too publicized to be used as currency.

Bronze coins are currently minted, passing through the process of replacing barter with currency. If the development goes well, then take out the gold and silver.

Xilu used bronze to cast weapons, and gold and silver were in the hands of nobles.

In fact, whether it is bronze or gold and silver.

Once opened, it will attract the attention of Xilu.

However, Su Ye calculated that he would have three to five years as a buffer, so he made an exception and nodded.

In an instant.

The orcs breathed suddenly.

Even Chang Xia, who mentioned the currency issue, was equally shocked.

The purpose of Chang Xia's currency is to hope that Su Ye will prepare. Unexpectedly, after listening to the discussion just now, Su Ye will decisively agree to mint copper coins.

"Mother Su Ye, are you sure you will start the bronze coinage now?" Chang Xia said seriously.

Su Ye ate the grilled fish slowly and replied, "Why not?"

If you want to do it, then do it.

Looking ahead, sure.

However, the momentum is lacking. She has probed the fish clan and heard a lot of news about the West Land from the fish clan. The Tianyuan tribe has not been peaceful recently, the tribes are constantly fighting, and there are many conflicts among the twelve great nobles.

One listen.

Su Ye could smell the conspiracy.

Combined with the previous dialogue between Shen Rong and Yuan Yi, she could easily guess the role Yuanhou played in it. This is a ruthless man, even the clan is calculated.

No wonder Shen Rong resented him.

An orc who can even give up his blood relatives, what else he can't do and dare not do.

"Bronze is expensive, and using bronze coins may cause trouble," said Xylophone. In addition to rituals, bronzes are more weapons. This is true whether it is the Wuhai Nest Clan or the bronze ware unearthed at the Shinahai site.

Thousands of years ago, bronzes were all valuables.

The same is true now.

"Bronze and gold and silver are softer and easier to use for coinage. Conversely, iron ore and other things are more difficult. Besides, bronze coinage will cause trouble. Wouldn't it be more dangerous to use gold and silver?" Su Ye chuckled lightly. , very calm.

Orcs are not short of minerals. In addition to animals and plants, the most abundant minerals in the Twilight Forest are all kinds of minerals buried in the ground. Previously, the orcs were not good at forging skills. So, Su Ye cleverly covered up the minerals from all over the world.


Chang Xia raised the issue of currency.

Su Ye naturally began to ponder the feasibility of the currency.

Xilu uses gold and silver as currency, and Dusk Forest can actually consider using jade as currency. However, looking at Chang Xia's attitude towards jade, it seems that jade is more expensive than gold and silver. Thinking about it, Su Ye didn't mention the jade coinage.


Xylophone didn't say more.

Gold and silver are worth more than copper, but the xylophone has no idea.

Orcs have never been exposed to minerals, such as gold, silver and copper, which are synonymous with orcs. Bronze, xylophone seen.

She has no interest in bronzes that cannot be eaten and cannot be used.

If food can be used as currency, Xylophone may be more interested.

"Wu, have you seen gold, silver and bronze?" Nan Feng asked curiously.

Su Ye laughed and said, "The biggest gold mine in the Twilight Forest is in the sacred mountain of Karna. At the same time, there is a silver mine in the holy mountain of Karna. There is no copper mine in the holy mountain of Karna, but I know where there is a copper mine. You say... have I ever seen gold, silver and bronze?"

As the witch of the orcs, the ancient animal skin scrolls and white paper ancient books stored in the wizard hall.

Su Ye couldn't say that he had read all of them.

However, Su Ye had definitely read all those important ancient animal skin scrolls and white paper ancient books, and kept them in his heart.

The orc heritage is cut off.

Most of the ancient animal skin scrolls and white-paper ancient books in the wizard's hall are fragmentary scrolls, and the matter of inheriting skills is relatively vague. At the same time, even if there is a record of inheriting skills, it has little to do with the development of the orcs, so Su Ye will naturally not pay much attention to it.

There is only one thing, the most comprehensive records of the Wizarding Hall.

At the same time, it is also the core of the Wizarding Hall.

That is the location map of the minerals in the Twilight Forest, and the Orcs have always been firmly in the hands of the Wizard Hall. However, because the orc foundation is too shallow.

The witches of the orc race have been careful to cover up this inheritance technique and have never announced it.

After the forging skills are completed, Su Ye can activate the map at will.

The quiet time of midnight.

Su Ye has watched the map countless times, and looks forward to one day when it can be truly opened, so that the map will appear in front of all the orcs.


The faces of the beasts in the raw rice noodle shop changed instantly.

Everyone looked at Su Ye in surprise.

Many orcs know about the gold mines in the sacred mountain of Karna.

However, Su Ye said that in addition to gold mines, Mount Karna also has silver mines. In addition, she also knows the location of other minerals.

This is really surprising!

"Witch, I will learn to forge with the orcs of the Qingqiu tribe tomorrow." Gray said.

Su Ye thought for a while and said, "You'd better talk to him about this matter. Ask him about his thoughts and attitudes, but I will support you in learning to forge."

Forging matters.

In the hands of the Leopard Clan, Su Ye felt more at ease.

Of course, the bear clan can control it, and she thinks it can.

The strength of the fox clan was weaker, and Su Ye was afraid that they would not be able to keep an inheritance skill. If you have the endorsement of the six major tribes, you can feel at ease.

"Okay." Gray nodded and replied.

The currency issue is about to be put on the agenda, and Chang Xia is not paying attention.

Whether mining, or minting coins. It won't happen for the time being, even if it happens for a while, it won't be Chang Xia's turn to worry about it.

She rested her mind and ate crayfish quietly.

At the same time, pondering how to induce food

Rotten vines, and more uses for fish grass. Chang Xia couldn't push these things away, he had to do it himself.

After all, except for her, other orcs have no way to communicate with the scavenger vine.

Chang Xia tried to communicate with fish and grass, but found that it didn't work.

Fish grass, like other seaweeds, cannot communicate. This made Chang Xia a little frustrated. If he could communicate with Yucao, things would be much easier.

But this time, there is no shortcut to take, only a little bit of exploration.

However, the true identity of the seaweed was found out.

Chang Xia believed that there would definitely be records of fish grass in the Fish Clan Wizard Palace.

Wait two days to go to the Snake Mountain tribe, and then ask the clear sky wizard to ask about the situation.

The four streets of Baihu Street, except for the fourth street of Baihu Street, became quiet as the night went on. The other three streets are still very lively.

All kinds of strange games, completely ignite the desire of the orcs.

"Chang Xia, are you going to watch the fun?" Nan Feng asked.

After talking about things, this meal also came to an end. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Hearing the lively sound coming from the front, Nan Feng was a little eager to join in the fun. Nan Feng's words fell, but Chang Xia didn't answer.

Xylophone raised her hand and patted the back of Nanfeng's head, and scolded lightly: "Snake travel back to the Snake Mountain tribe to help, please calm down for me. Maple Leaf, please send Nanfeng back to the cave."

Without giving Nanfeng a chance to speak, let Fengye Kongshan send her back to the cave.

The three streets ahead were crowded with people.

What is a pregnant female in the south wind doing?

Not afraid of hurting the beast cub in the belly.

Facing the big-hearted Nanfeng, Xylophone was really heartbroken. She brought Chang Xia and the others to Baihu Fourth Street, why wasn't she worried about the south wind?

"I will personally send Nanfeng back to the cave." Maple Leaf moved her fingers and promised.

Aside, Taya Yadong burst into laughter.

Xylophone and Maple Leaf did a great job!

I didn't leave a way for Nanfeng directly, but it's good to go back to the cave to rest in the middle of the night.

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