Transformed Marvel Genius

Chapter 177: Deep sea mouse trail

"You're serious, didn't you say you're good at acting?!" Coulson walked over, took a look, and found that the bald man had really had his skull cut off, a layer of his skull had been cut off, and Anna had also drilled a small hole with an electric drill. .

Turning on the military flashlight, you can see the quivering cerebral cortex on the skull.

Coulson looked chilled. He felt that he had to invite Maya to come back. In this world, only Maya could suppress her - this little brat, if adults are not at home, it is really lawless.

Anna turned off the video recorder and shrugged: "I can't die, I'll be a complete person after being nailed."

Uploading the footage to a computer, Anna felt it could be used to market her product, the graphene-expressed protein torture technique, to Secretary Pierce.

When the upload was finished, Anna put medical tape on Ajax.

The aunt next to her was really frightened. She witnessed the whole process of the craniotomy at the scene.

She is not a psychopath, nor has Ajax's nerve block been done. She was only released from the New York prison five months ago, where she is a slightly stronger female prisoner.

Now, she just feels that she has done something wrong and got into trouble with this little devil.

Seeing the little short legs striding forward, the aunt didn't wait for Anna to speak, and explained the cause and effect. One by one, some of them were what she saw with her own eyes, some she learned from colleagues' conversations, and some were out of thin air. guess.

As the secret was revealed, the people who were listening became more and more frightened—human experimentation, colonization, and unknown creatures captured on the seabed, funded by unknown and mysterious organizations, and even the Austen Group was involved.

Anna had a small face. She called and asked Osborn. Osborn had invested $5 million. As for whether Dr. Connors had intervened, he did not know yet, and was about to ask Dr. Connors for questioning.

"Wait, you said there was a mark on the monster's neck?"

"Yes, monsters are omnivores. I have been feeding them for a while, and I have seen the marks on the necks of monsters with my own eyes."

Anna took out a pen and paper, aunt thought for a while, and drew a few vertical rods, thick and thin.

"What's this?" Coulson asked.

Anna called up the computer screen, pulled out a photo of the mouse, and pointed to the brand on the mouse's neck to confirm it again: "The QR code in the AH laboratory records a series of growth processes of the mouse from birth to sexual maturity. It is a proof of the process control of the AH mouse culture base."

It was the guinea pig that Anna fell into the sea.

Covering her forehead with a chubby hand, Anna felt Sparta: "God, the guinea pig went to Virginia, no wonder I couldn't find it no matter how I looked."

As soon as the key point came out, everything made sense.

No wonder Gilbrough came from Virginia to visit the laboratory. It was clear that the lab mice had spread out. Gilbrough discovered the QR code on the cloned mouse and compared it with the mark on the monster. Gilbrough had doubts about the AH laboratory.

No wonder he asked questions, and now that he thinks about it, he clearly wants to obtain information on the super desperate factor.

It's just that the super desperate factor is top-secret information, and he didn't ask any questions.

Listening to the description of the aunt's face, it seems that the situation is very serious. The mouse is about the size of a locomotive.

The guinea pig has the ability to evolve itself. In the deep sea, it can grow up and evolve superpowers. Anna doesn't find it strange at all, but she didn't expect it to evolve so quickly.

If it evolves, it will evolve into Godzilla.


Twenty-four hours later, Coulson drove a Quinjet with Anna and the others to Charlottesville, Virginia.

Now Coulson is a level 7 agent, with permission to call in Quintessential fighters.

The fighter lands in the woods west of the University of Virginia.

The bald man had a hole in his forehead. In order to avoid the leakage of cerebrospinal fluid, Coulson asked the doctor to do a simple treatment and sent him to the mansion prison.

Auntie's face was bound in the electric shock suit, and she was escorted by Agent Sharon. She got off the plane. After hearing that S.H.I.E.L.D. was going to deal with Dr. Gilbrough, her face was horrified, and she turned around and shouted to Coulson, "You are not at all. Know what you're facing, it's a monster crawling out of the bottom of the sea, and just your fighter jet, it can even knock it over."

Big Mom Face knows how powerful it is to tame monsters, and in fact their supernatural abilities come from it.

Christine has a surge of adrenal glands. When she is angry, she has 5 times more adrenal hormones than ordinary people. She can push a ton of heavy objects. In fact, if Anna didn't play the game, she could fight with Sharon Carter. a day.

The bald-headed man has blocked pain nerves. Dr. Gilbrough has transformed Ajax's body, adding a mechanical colony, and adding a small increase in speed and agility. Bullying ordinary people is like playing.

It's a pity that I also met Anna, and it never makes sense to engage in technology.

And these all come from extracts from monsters.

"It's because the monsters are so powerful that we need help."

Beside the aunt's face, Coulson was fully armed, wearing a helmet, and wearing a body armor.

After checking the equipment, he pulled out the Glock 17 from his waist and shouted into the microphone.

In the grove, there was a rustling sound, and a small team of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents ran out.

Secret operations expert Grant Ward led the team. Sixteen hours ago, the special operations team set out from the three-flying wing of the SHIELD headquarters. Charlottesville is only a two-hour drive from Washington DC, waiting for Coulson and others. When they arrived, they had already done their reconnaissance work.

Grant Ward looked a little introverted and was not good at communicating. He glanced at Anna, turned his head and asked Coulson with his eyes.

After all, the short legs standing in the crowd are too dazzling.

Coulson introduced: "SHIELD is a special consultant who is responsible for this operation and provides technical support."

Anna also glanced back and used her nostrils. Now that she is a big man, Grant Ward is a small role in front of is not worth winning.

"Now, let me introduce the mission."

The chubby hand took out a transparent square from the pocket of the denim overalls, drew out the target information, and introduced it.

No one could have imagined that a guinea pig that fell into the sea would cause such a catastrophe.

In five months, a doctor from a small clinic became the director of the University of Virginia Health Science Center with the regenerative factors in mice, with $25 million in research funding.

You must know that the University of Virginia itself is one of the top 30 schools in the United States, and its health science center is a well-known academic medical institution in the United States.

The medical center has complete departments, which can cover almost all medical fields.

Dr. Gilbrough's status is not low.

Before that, Dr. Gilbrough was a young doctor who stole and sold organs.

p.s. Thank you to 6 fans for the reward

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