Transformed Marvel Genius

Chapter 174: Conspiracy against Polaris

Pulling the "dagger" to the top of the tank, Anna is serious.

Replaced the search tree with the Bowen family and Maria Stark with a photo of the former Massachusetts Governor's wife.

The little short legs sent the search pedigree to the director of Ludan, and said his guess, thinking that Polaris is the future.

future people? ! ! !

The director of Braised Egg pondered for a while: "Do you really think that someone can travel through time?"

Anna explained her theory to Director Ludan. She believed that the North Star traveled through space, and according to the theory of the unity of time and space - traveling through space represents travel time, Anna believed that the North Star is the future person.

On the other side of the phone, Director Ludan swallowed a sigh of relief. After all, he was someone who had experienced strong winds and waves, and he was also involved in the matter of Captain Marvel, so he reluctantly believed in Anna's theory.

So he attached more importance to Polaris, and dispatched the vice-captain of the special forces team, Crossbones, to lead a 36-person special forces team to Ohio, and ambushed around the "dagger".

Anna suggested: "Tandy Bowen can be used as a bait to deliberately leak the news that SHIELD has found the woman in the photo, make a trap, and wait for the North Star to take the bait."

Anna believes that Polaris must have the means to maintain continuous attention to S.H.I.E.L.D., and maybe the movement of S.H.I.E.L.D. looking for women in photos is in the eyes of Polaris.

After thinking about it, I felt uneasy: "I have developed plastic bullets, nerve anesthetic gas, and electromagnetic jammers here. It's better than nothing."

"According to my calculations, the Polaris energy is launched at gear 6, but the strength and endurance of the body is not high. At the critical moment, you can try to use Tandy Bowen as a hostage to force her to commit the crime."

For the first time, Anna felt that Princess Little Sister was very useful.

Braised egg nodded: "SHIELD will make some people disguise as members of the Bowen family. Once they get close, we can subdue her."

After speaking, the director of Braised Egg felt strange that Short Leg had always ignored the affairs of S.H.I.E.L.D., and was very enthusiastic today: "A good sign! You can try to invite Short Leg into the US team's search team."

"Don't go, it's so cold outside, I'm still going to the North Pole, I'm looking for a smoke, right!"

Speaking of which, Anna took a sip of her salsa. This year's winter in New York, USA, is extraordinarily cold.

Xavier Castle, Anna and Coulson sitting on the sofa wrapped in blankets, watching the report from the live broadcast.

The heating system of Xavier Castle was broken, and the weather was very cold. Coulson kept rubbing against King Anna, and Anna kicked out.

The live broadcast is on Capitol Hill in Washington DC. Counting Jericho missiles, power armor and this Hudson River accident, Stark has already entered the palace three times.

This time, Stark was a little special. He rolled into Capitol Hill in a wheelchair.

"Mr. Stark is the same old-fashioned way."

"But it is estimated that this time there will be a lot of bleeding!"

Coulson said, squeezing on Anna's side as he spoke, there was no way, Anna was warm.

Sharon came over with the milk, Anna took it, shook it up and down with both hands, took a sip, and nodded: "The training is good, with 70% of the skills of a full-time nurse."

The so-called full-time nurse must be Garcia.

If Garcia is 100%, then Osborn is 90% and Colson is 80%.

Sharon 70%, Sharon is too young, there is still a certain gap.

Speaking of Garcia, it turns out that women need to be developed by men. After Jeffrey's hard work, Garcia has become a big chest and a butt, and is already 99% of the devil's figure.

From this, Anna draws a conclusion.

"Sharon, how many boyfriends do you have in college, based on your **** and butt..." Anna was breaking out the ten-point number, and she felt that her hands were a bit suffocating.

Sharon didn't even bother to answer. She said that she didn't have one, but Anna would definitely not believe it; if she said ten, Anna could double it.

Ana will only believe her own calculations.

The live TV broadcast is coming to an end, and Stark has passed the gas this time. The military committee's inquiry is just a cut-off to deal with the uproar of the media.

People like NYPD and Roxen are small heads, and nothing that can be solved with money is a problem, and they will earn it back for their lip service.

As Roxon wished, Stark delivered $1 billion, and everyone present received compensation, which can be described as a big party, including the NYPD.

The military went too far and asked Stark to hand over all the information on the power armor.

Stark was very happy: "I will give you the Mark II armor. The cost is 150 million, which is not much. It is not too much to ask you 1.5 billion."

It's just to give you the finished product. I can't blame you for how many things you can research on your own.

The Mark II is an expired product, and it would not hurt if Stark lost it. Besides, the reactor is not in the hands of Stark Industries, and it is a big deal to push up the export price of the reactor.

After the Hudson Estuary incident, Stark understood that the armor was not important, but himself.

The same armor has different power in the hands of different people. The father and daughter have reached a common idea that we use our IQ to bully people, not armor.

Anna couldn't understand what was going on. Recently, the sales of bulletproof cloth have skyrocketed, and Osborn's side has suddenly received a large number of orders.

In the morning, she was still wrapped in a down jacket and accompanied Osborn to inspect the graphene factory.

Now the second phase of the Xavier Castle renovation has been completed and the graphene factory has been delivered.

"Add enough production capacity, and strive to hoard a batch of billion-dollar bulletproof cloth during the Chinese New Year."

The short legs patted the mechanical spider on the shoulder to show encouragement.

The mechanical spider sneered, it knew the nature of the short legs in front of it: "It is a duty if you do it well, and you will be punished if you don't do it well."

In the eyes of short legs, there is no concept of human rights law in the eyes of labor force.

It knew that Shortlegs was plotting to replace itself with "Anna II," which it felt insulted.

Just that fool armor still wants to catch up with himself, in a hundred years.

The intelligence of "Anna II" is still Stark has opened the group database. With the support of a huge mechanical database, the intelligence of "Anna II" has increased exponentially.

Holding a screwdriver, "Anna II" is repairing the power armor by itself, and it has been able to complete the basic repair operations.

The wrecking ball is still being remodeled, and Ana wants to be a wrecking ball king based on the original wrecking ball, bigger and more domineering than expected.

Back in the living room of Xavier Castle, in front of the camera, Stark has come out of Capitol Hill and got into the car.

Anna was about to switch the screen and watch some soap operas or something. "Anna No. 2" came out, stabbed Anna on the shoulder, her eyes flickered, a three-dimensional projection was released, and a few big words popped up: "I found the enemy situation, may I ask if you want to kill him."

Hey... Anna sighed and covered her face: "Remember, you are a mother. As a female robot, it is not good to fight and kill."

"An enemy drone is found, may I ask whether to use an electromagnetic pulse."

Over Xavier Castle, hovering a quadcopter drone.

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