Transformed Marvel Genius

Chapter 134: Who is not a little princess

Maya was angry, the kind that can't be coaxed.

It was already ten o'clock in the evening when we approached the Deep River port. It was estimated that the old man Hugh Jones wanted to please Stark.

He made a billion in vain.

Stark was happy today, and didn't want to spoil the atmosphere by bargaining with him.

Besides, he thinks that it is no wonder that Rockson Oil is setting the scene for a guy who likes to take advantage of petty profits as the president.

In the beeping sound, the tugboat pulled the freighter, controlled the direction of the freighter, and entered the port.


Anna has already changed her clothes, and when she comes out, she is the little princess of Bryn Bryn again.

It's just that the hair has grown a lot, and it's as far as the fart.

Standing on the side of the boat, Anna saw Maya before she got off the boat.

Next to him stood Garcia and Jeffrey, with Jeffrey pulling Daniel.

Daniel's eyes were sharp, and he immediately saw the short legs in the crowd, jumping and shouting.

Then Maya noticed Anna. Fortunately, Maya was still immersed in the joy of seeing Anna.

Helpless, with her head lowered, Anna got off the bulwark and walked up silently.

Maya ran over, her cheekbones were prominent, she was thin, and she could see blue veins on her arms.

She didn't wear makeup when she came out, so she washed her face a little and trimmed her hair. She looked haggard. She ran over and couldn't help it, holding Anna to weigh it, like a watermelon.

She didn't show her emotions, she focused on her daughter.

She felt that her daughter was so thin, she was so thin that she could knock her to the bone.

Anna is helpless. There is a kind of thinness that Mom thinks you are thin. It doesn't matter whether you are 50 pounds or 100 pounds, and whether your body fat rate exceeds 30%, Mom thinks that you are thin because you are thin.

Garcia wiped her tears and handed over the bread, she also felt that Anna had lost weight.

Really not thin, Anna wanted to say.

Then Jeffrey handed over a chicken leg.


Half an hour later, Anna returned to Xavier Castle, and the helicopter was driven by Stark.

Anna felt that Stark's flying skills were not very good. It should be the kind that he is now learning and selling. When asked him, Stark answered confidently. He can drive steel armor.

It just shook a little.

Stopped on the lawn, Anna and the others got off the plane.

Maya has begun to show emotion

Stark was standing outside the manor. He wanted to go in, but Anna stopped him.

I didn't see Maya's look at Stark, she was all on guard. Anyway, Maya had a bad impression of Stark, and she kept talking about Jericho.

Is it obvious!

There are so many stools in the banquet hall, but now only five are left: one for Maya, one for Garcia, one for Jeffrey, one for Daniel, and one for myself.

You don't even have a place to sit. Isn't it awkward to stand?

And Anna felt that the most important thing Stark should pay attention to is the Stark Building in Midtown Manhattan.

On the freighter, Anna had already learned about the recent situation of Stark Industries.

In fact, as long as there is an Internet, short legs are everywhere.

It can be said that Stark was almost stripped of his underwear.

If Anna kicks again and refuses to return the inheritance of 4.5 billion, maybe it will only be necessary to delay the lawsuit.

Stark had to blow the cold wind under the flyover and wrapped himself in cardboard for the winter.

His chairmanship is about to end, tomorrow.

The major shareholders of Stark Industries decided to convene a general meeting of shareholders to apply for the removal of the current chairman.

And not to mention, it's completely feasible. As long as the shareholders' meeting is successfully held and more than two-thirds of the votes are in favor, according to the publicity system of Stark Industries, Stark has to get out of the way.

According to the prior investigation of the Daily Clarion, 90% of the votes in favor have been reached, and the remaining 10% are Stark Tiezhong including Edwin, which is only a tiny force.

Anna still felt that it was serious business for Stark to take advantage of the eight hours to catch a few fierce frictions.

After all, Anna felt that she also had a share in the shares of Stark Industries.

Well, Stark finally left, mainly because Anna was embarrassed. After all, 23 chromosomes had to fall on his head.

In the garden, under the shade of the trees, the street light was broken. Anna put on the exoskeleton armor, stood on tiptoe, and put it on.

The swimming pool has grown green algae, and it has to be drained and rinsed again. Anna thought of Osborn, forget it, it's too late, wait for tomorrow.

When the call came in, Anna never thought that the first caller was Nick Fury.

"Anna, my drawings!"

This guy, when Anna was away, it is estimated that his forehead was stunned. The design drawings of his three bases were all on Anna's side, and most of them were designed by Anna's supervision.

Hearing Anna's voice, Nick Fury was really relieved. It was not as simple as money. If Anna was gone, the design company couldn't find a contact person and went to court. After going back and forth, things would spread. He What else would a S.H.I.E.L.D. director do?

Next, Nick Fury repeatedly told Anna's safety that S.H.I.E.L.D. could directly send a special operations team if necessary.

The second call was from Coulson. He asked about the situation in general, and he talked about the island of Bahrain. It was also the first time he met the Inhumans.

After all, Anna currently has high authority in S.H.I.E.L.D., so it's not a shameful thing.

In fact, Anna felt that creatures like the Inhumans should be offered as national treasures, with delicious food and drink, living in a special alloy house.

After all, it is a rare species.

It's worth researching.


Coulson felt that it was because of Anna's young age that she still had room for Otherwise, these short legs would be the perfect rhythm.

It's a pity that Coulson didn't know what Anna was doing behind her back.

Anna is also a big man now. Minister Pierce, the government think tank, talked to Anna, and Anna sold him the technology of brain wave controller implanted by craniotomy.

He also provided a model machine. Pierce tried it out and felt that the effect was very good. He expressed his willingness to provide funds.

At the last minute, the two people's brain waves couldn't match.

Pierce advocates prevention in advance, while Anna advocates monitoring during events and punishment afterward.

The opposite is true. In the end, I can only regret it.

Coulson hung up the phone, he thought it would be better to listen less.

Xavier Castle, ping-pong-pong, something happened again, and Maya was about to run away from home.

After returning home, Maya became angrier the more she thought about it. Look at it, the Extremis virus was gone, and she stole it for her daughter; the castle was gone, and it wasn't hers; even her privacy was gone, and she was monitored by her daughter.

She was thinking about what was left.

Humans, after great joy and great sorrow, it is easy to get emotional disorders, which is manic depression.

Especially when she saw her daughter got off the plane and never came in in the garden, Maya felt that she was completely ignored.

She felt that the value of life was denied by her daughter, and she wanted to stay away from sadness.

While packing her clothes and changing into soccer shoes, she felt that she couldn't stand her daughter. Whose daughter is such a bear.

Anyway, when my daughter is older, she doesn't need a mother anymore. Anyway, when her daughter has a father, she doesn't need a mother anymore.

No matter how Garcia tried to persuade her, Maya was determined. She dragged her suitcase out of the castle, saw the short legs on the side of the road, and there were no birds, so she ran to the hotel outside.

Who is not a little princess these days! ! !

p.s. Many thanks to 16 fans

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