Jiaxing Entertainment has its own printer.

Soon, three copies of the script were held in the hands of Yang Mi, Lv Liang, and Ning Fei.

They opened the first page of the script.

The name of the script appeared in front of them.

"《Chinese Paladin 1》?"

Yang Mi was slightly stunned.

She originally thought that the twins' second script would continue the supernatural theme of"The Ring" and take the horror route.

Unexpectedly, it was actually a fairy tale?

At the same time, on the sofa,

Lu Liang was also stunned.

This is a bald middle-aged man without a single hair on his head.

It's not that he doesn't want to keep it, but he can't.

Because he is a workaholic, he is bald before he is 35 years old.

Later, he simply shaved his head.

Speaking of which, this person is a bit interesting.

When he first entered the industry, he was just a handyman in the crew. After continuous learning, he became a script supervisor. After continuous learning, he became a prop master, then a lighting technician, photographer, editing director, action director...

Basically, he has worked in every position in the crew. He is an all-rounder.

Later, he got tired of the days of running around with the crew and wanted to start a family and live a stable life.

It happened that Yang Mi founded Jiaxing and recruited soldiers.

So, he came to Jiaxing.

"Is it a fairy-tale theme? However, are these two sisters really young people? Why are they named so old-fashioned?"

It's not that Lu Liang is dissatisfied with the name.

It's youth...

This name evokes his memories.

Novels and martial arts TV series in the early years liked to use XX to name their dramas.

For example, XX Heroes, XX Twins, XX Extra...

But now, such names are basically gone.

The popular fairy-tale dramas are either too short or too long to be pronounced.

They are afraid that the audience will not understand how grand his drama title is.

On the contrary,"The Legend of Sword and Fairy", such a simple name, won his heart.

He thinks it's good to have a simple name, why bother with all those fancy things.

Of course, the title of the drama is not important, what's important is the content

"I wonder what kind of story it will be?"

Lü Liang turned to the next page.

Beside him.

Ning Fei frowned.

In the film and television department of Jiaxing Entertainment, he and Lü Liang have a particularly resounding name:"Crouching Dragon and Phoenix."

This is also a wonderful person.

In the early years, he became a well-known TV director with a movie"Burning Age".

But after that, he never stood up again.

He made a movie and it was a bad one.

He was called"Weak Brother".

There was even no capital to find him to make a movie later.

With no choice, he came to Jiaxing.

However, Yang Mi believed in his strength. This person has strong personal ability and talent, but he reached the peak when he debuted, and then encountered setbacks and found it difficult to break through his own psychology.

At this moment.

Ning Fei frowned:

"Xianxia dramas were okay a few years ago, especially when they first appeared. They were a hot topic and anyone who made a movie could make money. But now... Xianxia dramas are a big scam."

"The recent Xianxia dramas are called Xianxia, but in fact they are romances. They are either about love or on the way to love. In order to have a love relationship, the gods often stir up a catastrophe in the world and the three realms are in chaos. The audience is tired of watching it for a long time."

"Moreover, filming fantasy dramas is extremely expensive and easy to fail!"

"Although it is indeed easy to produce a hit drama, it is very difficult"

"This pit is a fucking fire pit! These two sisters are really brave and fearless. They dare to promote such a difficult subject."

Ning Fei thought to himself and made up his mind that if the quality of the script is not good, he must persuade Yang Mi not to shoot this script.

Although he has read the script of"Midnight Bell", the script is well written.

But fairy dramas are not easy to play. If you are not careful, you will lose money.

I also filmed a fairy-themed script in the past, but the result was... It was a plop!

Forget it, I won't say more, it's all tears.

At this time.

He glanced at his two"teammates".

Yang Mi stared at the script with her beautiful eyes, chuckling from time to time.

Lu Liang was also concentrating.

Wait... the atmosphere seems a little wrong.

As for the two girls You Mingyue, they sat together, wearing headphones, holding their phones horizontally and clicking them non-stop, as if they were playing games.

They seemed very confident in their scripts

"I'd better take a look first."

Ning Fei also started to look.


Unlike the script of"Midnight Ring", the first part of the script of Xianyi lists the names of the characters and a brief introduction to their characters.

"Very attentive……"Ning Fei secretly praised.

He had read many scripts, but it was rare to see such a detailed one.

Li Xiaoyao.

Zhao Linger.

Lin Yueru.


Moon Worshiper.



Ning Fei glanced at each character.

His expression became more serious.

"It's not just a fairy tale, it's also a group drama"

"You are so brave!"

You know, it is already difficult to shoot a good story with the protagonist as the core.

What's more, it is a group portrait.

The difficulty of shooting such a drama is much higher than the original one.

However, on the other hand, group portraits actually have their own advantages.

For example, those old actors especially like to star in group portraits. After all, as long as they are actors, they don't want to be the background of others. They also want to shine in the drama.

Moreover, the character settings of group portraits are generally very full.

"As expected of the writers of"The Ring", these two sisters are quite capable."After reading all the character settings, Ning Fei sighed.

Although he still felt that the Xianxia theme was a big pit and it was best not to shoot it, at least in this script, there was nothing wrong with the character settings.

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