In the end, the communication between the two ended with Xu Mingyou insisting on paying the rent.

In the afternoon, Lin Yan and her assistant personally delivered the keys and said politely,"Xiao He and I will help you move."

Xu Mingyue smiled sweetly and said,"Thank you, Sister Yan."

In fact, there was nothing to move, just four suitcases.

They just dragged them away.

After they arrived in the imperial capital, they only bought some clothes, cosmetics and electronic products, and did not buy any big items.

"Then I'll take you there."


Lin Yan specially asked her assistant to drive an SUV with a large trunk to help the two sisters carry their luggage.

If it were someone else, she would definitely not be so active.

But these two sisters...

First, they signed up for Jiaxing.

Second, it was about feelings. After spending some time together, she already treated these two girls as her own sisters.

Third, they have great potential. She has learned that You Mingyue is in the crew, one is responsible for acting, and the other is responsible for directing. Such a potential stock is definitely a good investment now.

At this time.

Not only her.

When she heard that You Mingyue was going to move out of the dormitory, some young artists and trainees in other dormitories of the company gathered around to see if there was anything they could help with.

They wanted to seize the last opportunity to show off.

After You Mingyue moved out of here, it would be difficult to get in touch with her so closely and get closer to her.


The packing was completed.

Lin Yan, Youyue, Mingyue and the others left.

Watching the car drive away from sight, some people sighed:

"Their star path is basically stable."

"Let me correct you. They are not stable. They are already stars, and they are the top stars in the music industry. In one month, they have gone through the journey that most singers would have gone through in their lifetime!"

"I'm jealous"

"Same people, different fates. It took them one month to become stars, but I have been wandering in the capital for five years and still have nothing to show for it."

"The requirements are not high. If I had their figures, perhaps this road would be much easier. Unfortunately,"

"I understand what you mean, but unfortunately, I don't have"

"Do you think they will encounter unspoken rules?"

"With their looks and figures, they are like two 20 million watt light bulbs in the entertainment industry, extremely dazzling. Moreover, they are twins, doubly happy. Any man will have ideas about them, and those capital and bigwigs in the industry will definitely pay attention to them."

"Oh, those people are too extravagant... There was a new handsome guy who became popular a while ago, and his resources were obtained by selling PG"



"I hope that the big dye vat of the entertainment industry will not be contaminated by these two white lotuses"

"It depends on their strength. If they have strength, they may be able to find a way out. If they don't have strength, they can only be manipulated by others."


At the same time.

Feilu Novel Network.

At this moment.

The second group of editors responsible for martial arts and fairy tales all gathered behind Gu Qingyao.

Even the bald editor-in-chief of the second group was here, looking solemn.

About an hour ago.

You Mingyue finally agreed to Gu Qingyao's request for updates, and updated four chapters in a short burst.

So far.

The Heaven of the Gods has finally reached the word count for listing.

Without delay, Gu Qingyao reviewed it and immediately set it up for listing.

Of the four updated chapters, two are normal chapters and two are VIP chapters.

The listing time is set at 2 pm.

Now, there are only two minutes left until 2 pm.

"I have never seen such a lazy author who is too lazy to even write a thank you note for the release of his work.……"

"Hahahaha, he's an artist, please understand"

"In fact, You Ming Yue is already very good. Since the upload of the book"Zhe Tian", it has been updated steadily without interruption."

"Indeed, as a celebrity in the entertainment industry, it is very rare to be able to do this. On the other hand, some of my subordinates update their posts monthly... Oh, it's hard to put it into words."

"However, I feel that each update is too short, the happiness is only a few seconds... And, what's even more outrageous is that every time there is a break in the chapter! Has she not studied in our break-in class?"


"I have to say, there are really geniuses in this world. She is a genius in writing novels, and she is also a natural at breaking up chapters."

"By the way, what do you think of the performance of"Zhan Tian" after it was released?"

"Thousands of orders are no problem." An editor wearing glasses pushed up his glasses.

"The pattern is small. With the popularity of this book on the website, I estimate that there will be tens of thousands of subscriptions."

"Ten thousand orders? You are still too narrow-minded. According to my experience, it is more than this number. But it is hard to say how many it is exactly. It is possible to reach more than 20,000 orders."

"Hiss… 20,000 orders? ? Impossible, our group hasn’t published such a hit novel this year! Is it possible to be like this? Although the plot of the novel is explosive and the rhythm is strong, there are some flaws in the writing style. Moreover, You Mingyue is a new author after all, and she didn’t have any fans before, unless she appeals to her fans."

"You are still too young and have underestimated this book. Just wait and see."An old editor's eyes sparkled with confidence.

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