For the next three days, the girl's life was very fulfilling.

During the day, she went to Jiaxing to learn acting from old actors, or occasionally learned dancing from a dance teacher. In her free time, she stayed in the dormitory, writing scripts and typing like crazy.

During this busy time, she gradually became familiar with the beautiful trainees of Jiaxing Entertainment.

Occasionally, they would share some snacks, eat together, go shopping, etc.

The youth of the transformed girl came without any warning.

Although she has one soul and two bodies and can"touch herself", the transformed girl's heart is always full of curiosity about strange beauties.

For example, if you always eat the same dish, you will get tired of it easily.

Of course.

During this period, in addition to studying, typing, and flirting with girls, the transformed girl also held two live broadcasts.

She understands the need to manage fans.

However, there were no new songs in these two live broadcasts.

When fans asked for talents, they were also dismissed with two old songs.

In this way, singers and composers in the music industry breathed a sigh of relief.

If You Mingyue had every live broadcast...���A new song, then there is no way to survive in the music industry


However, the girl's carefree days did not last long.

Soon, a difficult matter found her.

"Let me write a girl group song?"

In Lin Yan's office, the girl exclaimed.

Lin Yan rubbed her brows:"Yes, can you write it?"

She was almost annoyed by this matter recently.

Originally, Jiaxing Entertainment had already decided on the list of trainees who would participate in the Creation Camp, and had selected the songs, and had been rehearsing.

However, the results of the rehearsal were disappointing.

If they were at that level, most of these trainees would not be able to get attention in the preliminary round.

And without attention, let alone debuting as a group, it would be difficult even to enter the later stages of the show.

So, in desperation.

She thought of the new"Qu Dad" in the company.

With the idea of trying everything possible, she wanted to see if You Mingyue could write a new girl group song.

With You Mingyue's current popularity, as long as it is their new song, it will definitely attract the attention of the audience.

"I'll try."

The girl didn't dare to say it for sure.

She could only try the lottery function in the system.

Who knows what kind of reward she can draw.

This can't be guaranteed.

Lin Yan nodded:"Time is tight, thank you for your hard work, it doesn't matter if you can't write it."

She also felt that her idea was very outrageous.

Even if it was Qu's father, it would be impossible to write a girl group song in such a short time.

But there was really no other way. It

's better to put together a batch than to wait for death.


The girls returned to their own office.

It is worth mentioning that considering that the girls need to write songs and scripts quietly, Jiaxing Entertainment, which attaches great importance to them, specially set aside an independent office for them.

"System, open the lottery page."The girl's mind moved slightly.

Suddenly, a light curtain appeared in front of her.

In the light curtain was a lottery turntable with various question marks written on it.

The krypton gold lottery in the system is divided into three levels.

Ordinary prize pool, 50,000 yuan once.

Advanced prize pool, 500,000 yuan once.

Super prize pool, 500,000 yuan once.

According to the level of the prize pool, the rarity and probability of the prizes obtained are also different.

This is the scariest and most black-hearted krypton gold lottery the girl has ever seen.


She still has some money at present.

A total of 1.023 million.

Among them, 1 million was transferred from Dema Chocolate two days ago, which was the first payment of the product endorsement fee.

The other 23,000 is the money she has saved up by insisting on checking in and withdrawing money on Douyin every day these days, plus the 10,000 yuan that she had not used up before.

""What a miserable transformed girl."

The girl sighed.

It was really strange. She made a lot of money every day, but she felt so poor.

The girl even wondered if she was possessed by the god of poverty.

With all sorts of thoughts in her mind, the girl made a ten-draw ordinary prize pool.

Five hundred thousand was gone in an instant.

The girl was heartbroken.

Then, the system prompt sounded.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for receiving: Add 2cm to any part of the body."


I have none left, what's the point of this reward?

"Ding, congratulations to the host for winning the song:"Little White Boat"》"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the performance ability level +1."

The girl's eyes lit up. This reward is not bad. It saves 20,000 yuan.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining: Golden Gun Pill."


What a mockery! What an absolute mockery!

"Ding, congratulations to the host for winning a Pipa"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for winning the"3-year college entrance examination 5-year simulation"》"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the script:"Peach Blossom Man vs. Chrysanthemum Monster"》"

Girl: Wait, something weird seems to have come in.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for winning the song:"Send to the Bright Moon" (with matching fan dance)."

The girl's eyes lit up.

This seems to be a girl group song

"Ding, congratulations to the host for winning a box of Nongfu Spring"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a bottle of slime gel."


I'm not Xiangling, what do I need that for? Cooking?

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