At noon, Lin Yan treated us to lunch.

Then she went to the dormitory to put away her suitcases.

When the twins arrived at Jiaxing Entertainment, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon.

At this moment, when the twins walked into Jiaxing Entertainment hand in hand, the whole company was in an uproar.

Employees, artists, trainees, all poked their heads out with curiosity, and looked excited.

"Youming Moon, it’s Youming Moon!"

"Stay calm, they will think we are unsophisticated. We have many celebrities in our company."

"It's different. Celebrities are celebrities. They... I treat them as my wives."


"Really cute, the real person is more beautiful than the photos and videos, love love"

"Sweet face, devilish figure... Oh my god! Quick, tissue, my nose is bleeding"

"She is only 18 years old, but she is already an undeniable presence in the music industry. I envy her."

"Look, they are waving at me and smiling.……AWSL"


"The Gu King is worthy of his reputation"

"Not as cool as imagined"

"It's hard not to love these two super beautiful girls."

"My little heart is pounding"

"Youth is coming"


At this moment.

Even the Jiaxing company, which is used to seeing all kinds of stars, has become a large star-chasing scene.

The killing power of the girls is terrifying.

Their appearance and figure form a 360-degree AOE without dead angles. When they move around, many people's eyes follow them.

When they smile, it's as if the world is eclipsed. Only that pair of perfect people, many people are crazy about them.

Not only men, but also many women are crazy about them.

""Wife!" someone shouted.

This was the most common phrase used by the girl in her live broadcast room and on the Internet, except for"King of Gu".

Then, men and women started to make a noise and shouted in unison.



The two sisters' waving movements froze for a moment, their expressions froze, and countless black lines suddenly appeared on their foreheads. I haven't even started to flirt with anyone, but I'm being teased instead?

This is not right.

On the side.

Lin Yan's pretty face was as cold as ice:"You have nothing to do, right?"

"Have you practiced singing and dancing well?" She looked at the trainees with her beautiful eyes.

The trainees were immediately silent and quickly slipped away.

"And you, have you finished your work?" She looked at the employees of Jiaxing again.

The employees hurriedly lowered their heads to work.

In an instant, the large-scale star-chasing scene was dispersed.

As the person in charge of Jiaxing Xinyue, Lin Yan herself is also one of the senior executives of Jiaxing.

Her words are of course effective.

She is worried that these guys are ignorant and annoy the two sisters.

"Sorry to make you laugh." Lin Yan explained:"They are not like this usually."

Xu Youyue waved her hand:"It's okay, you will get used to it."

Xu Mingyue raised her eyebrows and smiled:"It's warm, I like this kind of atmosphere."

Of course, it's better to avoid the situation where both men and women call each other wife.

The girl added in her heart.

Lin Yan nodded:"Let's go, let's go to see Sister Mi together"


"By the way, Sister Yan, let me tell you something.……"Xu Mingyue, who has a quirky personality, approached Lin Yan and smelled the fragrance from Lin Yan.

Lin Yan was stunned for a moment:"Huh?"


Xu Mingyue whispered in Lin Yan's ear.

Lin Yan's eyes widened, and she was petrified in an instant, doubting her life.

Did I hear it right?

What did she say in my ear just now?


Her ears turned red in an instant, and her originally cold face also turned red.

Oh my God.

After living for so many years, I was actually teased by an 18-year-old girl!

What are you young people thinking now?

"Sorry, I was joking."Xu Mingyue explained.


I just wanted to take revenge for someone calling me my wife.

Lin Yan:...

You guys really hold a grudge.



"Please take a seat."

Yang Mi's office, Yang Mi opened the door to greet them.

Then she stretched out her hand and shook hands with the twins one after another.

A very soft, but very cold touch, instantly electrified.

So soft.

So white.

So big.

Youyue and Mingyue narrowed their eyes.

Soft refers to Yang Mi's hands.

White and big... cough cough, forget it, no more words.

Double happiness is coming again.


Yang Mi personally made tea for the two sisters.

The girl's eyes fell uncontrollably on the red high heels that Yang Mi was stepping on.

In the Earth Flower Growers, the girl remembered that someone on the Internet had revealed that Yang Mi's feet were stinky, so she was called Yang Stinky Feet.

She wanted to verify it.

In fact, this point was not known to the young girl. After the girl became a transformed woman, she also had some experience.

Generally speaking, it is difficult to avoid smelly feet when wearing stockings.

For example, stewardesses often wear stockings and have to be on duty in the air, as if their feet are fermenting in the shoes, so many stewardesses have smelly feet.

The same is true for people like Yang Mi who often shoot movies. A pair of costume shoes usually have to be worn for a whole day. After a whole day, it would be strange if the feet don’t smell...

The girl was thinking in a mess.

Yang Mi naturally didn’t know what weird things they were thinking about, and soon, the tea was brewed.

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