As a businessman, the boss is not stupid.

He understands the principle of long-term benefits.

The two in front of him are the cash cows of his milk tea shop, and they must be pampered and coaxed.

A salary of 800 yuan a day.

I believe that no student who comes out to work during the summer vacation can resist such a temptation.

If the twins can work here for two months during the summer vacation... then his newly opened milk tea shop will be completely successful, and who knows, he may even get the moon first...

The boss's eyes swept across the pretty faces of Xu Youyue and Xu Mingyue without leaving a trace, and his heart was restless.

To be honest.

The twins are really top-notch.

They look pure and sweet, and their bodies are explosively hot.

In an instant, he even thought of the names of his future children with them.

""Thank you, no thanks."

Xu Youyue reached out and took the 800.

Since you want to give it, I'll take it.

As for resigning, that's for sure!

She didn't want to continue working in the milk tea shop.

Besides, the boss's eyes made her feel sick.

Although as a man, she had also looked at beautiful women like this.

But now, when the object of the look was changed to herself, it felt too uncomfortable.

"We won't come tomorrow."Xu Mingyue said.

After that, the two sisters turned and left.

Perhaps it was a soul that led them. They took the same steps and disappeared into the crowd little by little.

The boss was left with a confused look on his face.

You took the money, but you didn't come?

What's going on ?


Along the way, after rejecting dozens of attempts to chat up, the girl finally returned home.

It was called home.

In fact, it was a two-bedroom, one-living room house with an area of more than 80 square meters located in Jiangbei District of Shancheng. It was not big.

It was crowded for four people to live in it, but now it was deserted for two sisters to live in it.

In particular, these two sisters could only be regarded as one person.

"Mingyue, go cook."

"Youyue, you go"

"I'm not comfortable. I'm having my period."

"Everyone is talking like they have their period."

"It's so hard. I have to buy two packs of sanitary napkins."

"Oh, you don't have to worry about it. It's no big deal if it bleeds a little."

"Stop, back to the question, who will cook?"

"How about ordering takeout?"

"Good idea, you pay for it.……"

"My dear sister, I am dying of poverty.……"


The schizophrenic girl is full of joy.

Perhaps because she is bored, Xu Mingyou occasionally plays this kind of self-questioning and self-answering game.

It always makes her feel less lonely.

Even when she is outside, she occasionally does this.

To outsiders, it is not strange, just a daily quarrel between sisters.


After dinner, the girls took their pajamas and went to take a bath.

(10,000 words omitted here.)

After taking a bath, the girls lay on the sofa, thinking about what to do next.

"The most important thing at the moment is to make money first."Xu Youyue narrowed her eyes.

The parents of the twins had more than 50,000 yuan in savings.

After they passed away, the girl had taken the money out of the bank.

However, this money is not enough for her future expenses.

For example, the tuition fees after the next semester, the mortgage left by the original parents, daily expenses, cosmetics, JK (crossed out)...

This is why the girl is in a hurry to find a part-time job.

If you live off the savings, more than 50,000 yuan will not last a year. In addition, there is a car accident compensation of about 1.4 million yuan.

However, the money is still going through the procedures and has not arrived. Moreover, even if it arrives, the girl does not plan to use it.

It is already bad enough to occupy the twins' bodies, and using their parents' car accident compensation again will make her feel guilty.

Anyway, now that the system is activated, there will be no shortage of ways to make money in the future.

""Hmm." Xu Mingyue responded.

The familiar self-questioning and self-answering began again.

Mingyue was very busy at the moment, lying on Youyue to give her a massage.

Later, Youyue would also give her a massage.

This is the advantage of having one soul and two bodies.

Massage saves money, and there is no need to go to any massage shop.

It's not that someone has any bad ideas, but mainly because after a hard day's work, I am really tired, my waist and back are sore, and it's double the pain... Believe me!

"Any ideas?"

"How about being a streamer?"

"Good idea, anchors can make money, which is easier than working part-time in a milk tea shop. Mingyue, you are so smart."

Someone praised himself without blushing.

The girl looked at a corner of the room, where an entry-level piano was placed. It took up a lot of space in the small living room.

In memory, Youyue and Mingyue each had their own dreams.

Youyue wanted to be a pianist.

And Mingyue wanted to be a dancer.

The original owner's parents raised their daughters in wealth. Even if the family was not rich, if their daughters had any hobbies, they would try their best to satisfy them.

So, there was this piano.

And now, it can be used to accompany"Bubble"

"It's my turn now." Mingyue lay down, Youyue got up and started to massage Mingyue.

"But, buying live broadcast equipment is expensive.……"The question and answer session has started again

"You can't catch a wolf without sacrificing a lamb. At worst, I can just sell milk tea again and find a shop run by a female boss next time. If there is no such shop, it's not unacceptable.……"


"We must make money as quickly as possible and improve our abilities. The next goal is to break into the entertainment industry from the live broadcast circle and make a comfortable living every day."

After knowing that she only had two years left to live, the girl felt a strong sense of urgency.

If she wanted to survive, there was only one way to go, that is to work hard to make money and then spend money in the system!

Moreover, she wanted to master self-defense skills as soon as possible.

I always felt very insecure.

Take tonight for example, when I came back, I was followed by someone. Fortunately, there are many pedestrians in the mountain city at night, and the overall security environment is also very good. I was walking on the main road, so nothing happened.


The twin sisters fell asleep peacefully in each other's arms. (Omitted 100,000 words)

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