The next day.

The scene that happened when"Bubble" became popular appeared on TikTok again.

Countless edited videos appeared.

The girl in red, singing an opera tune, became a hot topic on the entire Internet.

It can even be said that the popularity this time is higher and more intense than after"Bubble" was sung!

Even many official accounts are reposting it.

Because the day is very special.

Today is July 7th.

More than eighty years ago today, the Sakura Country launched a full-scale invasion of China. From then on, China began a fourteen-year war of resistance.

This is a day that all Chinese people dare not forget, nor are they willing to forget.

And on this day, the appearance of"Chi Ling" awakened everyone's patriotic feelings and family and country righteousness hidden in their hearts.

Although I am in a low position, I dare not forget my country, and it really touched everyone's heart.


On the July music charts,

You Mingyue's song"Chi Ling" released in the early hours of last night has a terrifying 835.8W downloads at this moment.

It is only 200W away from the first place on the monthly music chart.

According to the momentum of this song, this is not a difficult number to catch up.

It shocked the entire music industry.

All music practitioners widened their eyes.

"Su Xue is in danger"

"It’s only morning now, I’m afraid I’ll be able to top the list tonight!"

"Qiqi plus"Chi Ling" is simply a killer combination!"

"The official account has been shut down, which is equivalent to the official propaganda for them. What a terrible popularity this is."

"This pair of new singers is so weird"

"I think Qu Die Wang Bancheng can't stand it……"

"What can he do? The level of this song has reached the level of Qu Dad. Even if Wang Bancheng himself can't write a song of the same level in a short time."

"My eyes are opened, my eyes are opened, it's like a fight between gods"

"These twins are the most evil songwriters I have ever seen."

"Fortunately, I didn't release any songs this month, otherwise, I would have been pressed to the ground and rubbed like crazy by this new couple."

"Please find out the psychological shadow area of Su Xue now"

"You are so bad……"

"Jiaxing Entertainment made a lot of money and signed a pair of music dads!"


There was a lot of discussion in the music industry.

Countless singers were jealous, wondering why the twins weren't themselves.

Countless composers lamented that a song like"Chi Ling" would be enjoyed and boasted about for a lifetime no matter who wrote it.

The twins really reached the peak of their careers as soon as they debuted.

They proved their creative ability with just two songs, and walked the path that others have walked in their lifetime.

At the same time, many people have already called You Mingyue"Qu Dad".

Because they already have the creative ability that can rival Qu Dad.


Rolling Stone Entertainment.

Su Xue's eyes were red as she stared at the charts.

She hadn't slept well the whole night since she learned last night that the twins who sang"Bubble" had released a new song called"Chi Ling". She could even say that she didn't sleep all night.

People always worry about gains and losses when they are getting closer to the goals they have always wanted.

Su Xue is no exception.

Even though she is used to the ups and downs of the music industry, she is still worried, afraid that after she closes her eyes and opens them, the first place in the monthly chart will become someone else, and the song download volume will be surpassed by"Chi Ling". She understands very well the power of the song"Chi Ling" plus the day of July 7.

"You bullies, can't you wait until I become a pop queen before releasing these new songs?……"Su Xue felt wronged and wanted to cry.

She had always been strong.

But this time she couldn't hold back."Bubble" was ranked third on the monthly music chart, but it didn't have enough stamina to reach second place, which made her finally breathe a sigh of relief. But...

《"Red Ling" is here!

Those twins are simply a pair of big devils, do they want us to live?

"Boom boom boom……"

Suddenly, there was a knock on the office door.

""Come in."

Su Xue said unhappily.

She looked behind her and saw a middle-aged man wearing glasses and well-mannered.

"Teacher Wang……"Su Xue's eyes lit up, as if she had seen a savior.

This person was none other than Qu Dad from Rolling Stone Entertainment.

"I didn't expect that they could come up with a song like"Chi Ling". It's not that no one has thought of this idea of combining pop music and opera before, but no good songs have been written. However,"Chi Ling" has done it, which is rare."Wang Bancheng sighed as he looked at Su Xue's pitiful appearance:"Be prepared, there is no hope for you to become the queen of singing this month."

"Is there nothing you can do? There are still 23 days left, and we can release a new song."Su Xue was unwilling to accept this reality.

In fact, any singer would find it difficult to accept this situation.

I had already won the game, and I had the advantage.

But I didn't expect that a dark horse would suddenly appear and overturn the car.

"Qiqi plus"Chi Ling"》……This is an open conspiracy, and it cannot be defeated! The right time and the right people were all taken by Youmingyue. This pair of girls not only have amazing talent in composing music, but also have extremely clever scheming methods."Wang Bancheng raised his glasses.

"And, didn’t you notice?"

"What did you find?"Su Xue was stunned, her mind was broken.


They are dominating the charts!" In one night, they climbed to the second place on the monthly music chart. It won't be long before they will overtake the first place. Isn't this dominating the charts?

"What about us?"

Wang Bancheng turned and left, sighing faintly:"We are the targets of their slaughter."

Su Xue:...

Boss, are you here to comfort people or to attack them?

No love.

Destroy it.

"There is no hope this month. Let's fight again next month. I need to think about it carefully. It's interesting. I haven't met such a strong opponent for a long time."

After the voice fell,

Wang Bancheng had already left.

Su Xue stared at Wang Bancheng's back with her eyes wide open.

She knew that this Rolling Stone Qu's father was always very proud and thought highly of himself. Ordinary people were not even in his eyes.

And now, he actually called the twins"opponents"?

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