It wasn’t long since the girl’s last live broadcast, and many people still remember how shocking that live broadcast was.

The song"Bubble" not only moved the audience in the live broadcast room to tears, but also shocked the entire music industry.

And now, they are looking forward to the girl’s new song.

They want to get a better music experience.

Some people even put on headphones in advance.


In front of the live broadcast equipment, the girl was dressed in red and had a cold look.

Tonight, she did not wear her hair in two ponytails, but let it fall on her shoulders with air bangs on her forehead.

If there were time travelers, they would find that the girl's outfit had a Jiang Yuyan temperament.

Bright and beautiful, but also cold.

At this time, the prelude of music sounded.

Xu Mingyue sat in front of the piano and played the piano very high.

Then, the flute and pipa mixed together.

The overall melody was rather desolate, and the atmosphere seemed a little inexplicably sad.

At the same time,

Xu Youyue's voice suddenly sounded faintly:

"A play, the sleeves rise and fall

, singing about sorrow and joy, parting and reunion

, it has nothing to do with me, the fan opens and closes, the gong���Loud and silent

, love in the play, people outside the play

, who can say……"

Youyue's voice was ethereal and ethereal.

It seemed to come from the distant horizon.

It also seemed to be singing softly in my ear.

The eyes of the viewers in the live broadcast lit up, and they stared at the girl in red on the screen.

"It feels like an ancient song"

"Open your mouth and kneel"

"Sounds good"

"It's completely different from the feeling given by"Bubble"."

Various thoughts flashed through everyone's mind, and Youyue's voice sounded again:

"I am used to putting all my joy, anger, sorrow and happiness into my makeup.

It doesn’t matter if I sing out the old words.

The bones and ashes are all mine.……"

When Youyue sang to this point.

In the desolate and resolute singing, everyone couldn't help but think of the story the girl told before the performance.

Anyuan County.

The devils invaded.

Forced the famous actors in the theater to sing for them.

I thought of that era again.

The invaders were inhumane, burning, killing, looting, and even massacring the city.

The people fled!

Nine out of ten houses were empty!

The land of China was full of smoke, mixed with the cries of the people!

In textbooks, movies and TV dramas, scenes about that era flashed through my mind.

At this moment.

The hearts of all the live viewers were filled with a huge depression!

That was hatred!

The hatred of the ancestors!

The great hatred engraved in the bones of every Chinese!

And now, that great hatred has not been avenged, and the Sakura Country is trying to tamper with history and refuses to acknowledge the heinous crimes committed by their ancestors!

Youyue is still singing.

It was as if Pei Yanzhi was standing on the stage, looking at the hideous and arrogant invaders, looking at the land of China with smoke rising:

"In troubled times, I can't bear to watch the flames of war burning the mountains and rivers. I dare not forget my country even though no one knows me.……"

The audience was shocked.

This time, it was not because of the song, but because of the lyrics.

Although I am in a low position, I dare not forget my country!

This is a famous sentence from Lu You, a flower grower on Earth, a sentence that does not exist in Blue Star China.

It aroused stronger emotions in the audience.

All the audience were shocked!

Such lyrics!

Directly open up the pattern and pull the style to the fullest!

Everyone looked solemn.

They were even afraid that the next song would not be able to match the style of this lyric and destroy the artistic conception.

But at this time.

Xu Youyue's voice paused slightly, pinching her orchid fingers, performing the movements of an actor singing, but her beautiful eyes were lowered, as if she was looking at the audience, her eyes were cold, like a sharp sword. At this moment. She seemed to be integrated with Pei Yanzhi. Then, the opera voice appeared, turning into a sharp knife, stabbing fiercely into the hearts of all the audience!

"The people in the audience walked by

, and the old colors were gone.

The people on the stage sang the heart-breaking farewell song.

It was difficult to write the word"love".

She had to sing with blood.

The curtain rose and fell.

Who is the guest?"

Youyue's penetrating opera voice kept echoing in the room.

And through the live broadcast room, it was transmitted to all parts of the country.

What she sang was no longer a song, but an opera!

This opera voice was full of determination to put life and death aside, with extreme sadness and penetration, and with the tragic grandeur of dying together with the invaders!

At this moment.

In the live broadcast room!

All the audience were stunned!

Their scalps were numb!

Their hearts were shocked!

Countless audiences were trembling in Youyue's singing!

What kind of fairy song is this!

She actually integrated the opera voice into the singing, and there was no violation of the law. The sound of the opera was perfectly integrated with the song, which gave people a deep shock!

In this silent shock

, all the audience thought of the ending of the story.

The actor agreed to sing the opera, and at the same time, he secretly prepared to put dry firewood and oil in various places in the theater. When he went on stage to sing the opera, he set the entire theater on fire and died with all the invaders.

This is what it means to be humble but not forget the country!

How resolute!

How tragic!

All the audience seemed to see the actor in red costume singing on the blazing stage!

"This is Chi Ling, the actress in red, but it is not just the red dress she wears, but also the blazing fire.……"Some people suddenly realized something.

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