The girl was surprised that several entertainment companies came to her and wanted to sign her.

Although she often saw people claiming to be scouts from entertainment companies in her private messages, saying that they wanted to sign her and asked if they could provide contact information for a convenient interview.

However, the girl treated all these people as scammers and ignored them.

Unexpectedly, someone really came to her in person.

To be honest , Xu Mingyou was not opposed to signing a contract to become an artist of an entertainment company and entering the entertainment industry.

After all, being a star really makes money.

It is not a dream to make a lot of money every day.

Don’t you see that in the previous life, most of the stars of the flower-growing family had luxury cars and villas, which shows that this business really makes money.

Moreover, through releasing songs in the past few days, the girl realized the importance of being able to use the resources of the entertainment company.

If she signed a contract with an entertainment company, she would not have to accompany the music herself, and could directly find a professional recording studio within the company, which would be much more convenient.


Having said that , although she wanted to sign a contract with an entertainment company, she was not very casual.

She wanted to have a high degree of autonomy.

For example: music copyright, live broadcast income, etc.

Instead of those artists who are bound by contracts in entertainment companies, what is the difference between that and selling themselves to entertainment companies? If that's the case, it's better not to sign a contract.

At worst, when I have money in the future, I can open an entertainment company by myself.

There is a pit system.

The girl has sufficient confidence in this aspect.

These days, she has fully understood that although the level of cultural and technological development in this parallel world is very similar to that of the earth in the previous life, due to the differences between the two worlds, many classic works, classic songs, famous stars and even famous figures in history did not appear.

This gives me an opportunity.

The entire earth culture backs me up!

This is her biggest trump card!

Now, all she lacks is time.


By the way.

She still lacks money.

A lot of money.

Otherwise, she will just go crazy in all walks of life in the entertainment industry.


Yunlai Teahouse.

The proprietress is a charming young woman with a hot body but very gentle.

Legend has it that she was once kept by someone, and after the breakup, the boss gave her a huge sum of money.

She used the money to open Yunlai Teahouse.

Of course.

The above information is just gossip that the girl occasionally heard from the aunties who were dancing in the square downstairs.

At this moment.

The staff from five entertainment companies who came to sign the twin sisters sat at a table with the girls.

Their assistants sat separately.

The formal conversation has not yet begun.

The atmosphere has become tense.

Lin Yan, Cao Hua, Wang Lihua, Li Yuanhai, and Zeng Li don't like each other.

They have company tasks behind them, and they all want to sign the twin sisters.

And on the side.

Lin Yan's assistant secretly took a photo and sent it to her girlfriends group.

"After get off work, come out and have fun"

"Guess where I am now?"

Soon, someone popped up.

"Oh shit! If I'm not mistaken, isn't that You Mingyue who has recently become popular on TikTok? I love listening to their songs, please help me get an autograph! No no no, photos! I must have their beautiful photos!"

Another person said,"That's right, it's my wives, wow, they are wearing JK today, they are so pretty, please record it, I want to watch it a billion times! The wives' JK photos will definitely go viral if they are posted online!"

"Wait, what are they talking about? Why does the atmosphere seem so tense?"

The assistant raised his lips slightly and typed,"I'm in Shancheng! I'm telling you, you won't believe it, but Rolling Stone Entertainment, Lehua Entertainment, Banana Entertainment, Huaxia Entertainment... and our Jiaxing Entertainment are almost fighting to sign the sisters!"



"Big news!"

"You Mingyue is awesome! Other small artists are begging to join entertainment companies, but they are different. Large and even top entertainment companies are scrambling to sign them. What kind of status is this?"

"I kneel down, you are worthy of being His Majesty the Gu King!"

"This news was posted on the Internet, I don't know how explosive it is"


At the tea table where the girl was.

Sister Xu Youyue crossed her arms, looked around at everyone with her beautiful eyes, smiled lightly, and said coldly:"I know why you brothers and sisters are here. My sister and I are also interested in signing a contract to become artists. So, everyone is busy, let's start now, tell me what conditions you can provide for my sister and me.……"

If it were the original owner, a pair of high school students who had just graduated, they would definitely be stage fright when faced with such a situation.

Their heads might even turn into a mess and they would feel dizzy.

But the girl is different. In her previous life, she was also a veteran who had been in the workplace for a long time.

It's just a negotiation, she has experience.

Although she has never come into contact with these agents, she will not be nervous when facing such an occasion.

After she finished speaking.

The other five people all looked at Xu Youyue in surprise.

Before coming, they had read the information of the twins and thought that they were just high school students who had just graduated from school and should be very easy to deal with.

But now Xu Youyue's performance, such ability to control the situation, such aura... gave them the feeling of someone who has been in the workplace for a long time.

Moreover, she actually let them talk about the conditions.

This is equivalent to letting them compete with each other first, so as to obtain the most favorable contract conditions for them.

Such scheming methods are definitely not something a girl can use.

"This courage and scheming are not simple."Everyone sighed inwardly.

They suddenly realized that in addition to the original competitors, there was another person who was even more difficult to deal with, and that was the contract object itself: You Mingyue!



Why does it feel like they are being interviewed by You Mingyue?

The girl's words just now seemed to be saying,"Tell me what advantages you have for applying for this position.……"

Lin Yan, Cao Hua, Wang Lihua and the others looked at each other, their faces suddenly looked strange, and they didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

A group of top agents in the industry were actually played by two young girls who hadn't even entered the entertainment industry yet.

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