Jiang Wen was completely confused. His two big eyes looked at Qin Zeyu stupidly.

This was not right. According to this little girl's personality, this chicken leg should belong to her!

But at this time, Qin Zeyu ignored him. Instead, she sniffed the chicken leg with her nose.

"It smells so good! It sure tastes good!!"

Qin Zeyu looked like he was about to start, and also provided his own commentary.

Jiang Wen was completely dumbfounded.

"no! Sister! Are you so polite?"

"I'm so cute, you still have the heart to break my chicken legs?"

He couldn't help but complain!

Of course, now its complaints just turned into bursts of meowing.

At this moment, Tangyuan's miserable cry really sounded pitiful.

It was different from the one when watching Romance of the Three Kingdoms before. The arrogance is in sharp contrast

"Hahahaha, so funny"

"Wow, what a pitiful cat, at least leave him the bones."

"He is still just a child, so don’t let him go, hahaha!"

"When you pulled like that just now,���I'm afraid I didn't expect this!"

"The Yangtze River rolls eastward, and its waves wash away all the dumplings, hahaha!"

"Cat: I can really read the cat in Wolf Road!!"

Seeing Tang Yuan's pitiful appearance, the audience in the live broadcast room burst into laughter again.

There was no way, Tang Yuan's cute little expression reminded me of his arrogant look when he was lying on the pillow watching the Three Kingdoms. , it really made people want to laugh.

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help but laugh.

Of course, they still hoped that Qin Zeyu would leave the chicken legs for the glutinous rice balls. After all, they couldn't bear to eat such a cute cat. Let him eat the leftovers.

But now it's time to teach him a lesson!

At this time, Qin Zeyu glanced at Tang Yuan's expression and was laughing in his heart, but his face was still expressionless. No trouble.

She even took out the chicken legs from the bowl and took a small bite. She felt so happy when she saw the glutinous rice balls behind her back! Turn on the computer and watch TV! And use my pillow as a cushion! See if I’m not hungry for you today!

""Meow meow meow!"

Jiang Wen finally tried to act cute, and used his little head to touch Qin Zeyu's round legs.

But Qin Zeyu ignored him.

Acting cute was ineffective.

Looking at the meat on the chicken leg that was gradually decreasing, Jiang Wen became more and more confused.

What happened to the hostess today?

Why did she suddenly become so cruel to the cat?

Could it be that....

The hostess prefers dogs, right??!


Jiang Wen sighed helplessly.

"Hahaha, this cat's reaction is so damn real"

"The cat's expression changes, I can say that this is definitely a good actor"

"I won’t watch the next season of I’m an Actor without glutinous rice balls!!"

"Oscar for Best Actor, Tangyuan!!"

"Hahaha, it would be fun to take this gadget home!!"

Seeing Tangyuan's rich expression changes, the audience couldn't help laughing.

They really didn't expect that an ordinary cat could have such wonderful expression changes.

At this moment, they There is even an illusion that this is not a cat at all, but a person!

Of course, people can't be so cute!

"Give her the chicken legs!!"

"Woohoo, what a pitiful dumpling, hahaha!"

"I think I want a cat like Tangyuan."

"Tangyuan: Cat? ? You are a cat, your whole family is a cat!"

Seeing that all of his basic operations had failed, Jiang Wen's expression instantly turned serious.

"Meow meow meow! (You forced me to do this!)"

Yes, he was determined to use his special move.——《Cat Yiyun! 》

Yes, whenever a cat is betrayed by the person he loves most in the world, he will enter a state where the cat suppresses the clouds.

Once the cat enters this state, it will feel that it has no hope of survival, that its life is a failure, and that no one around it can trust it.

The person you loved before was the wrong person to love!

Anyone who loves him is fake!

The next second, the audience in the live broadcast room could only see.

Tang Yuan put on a pitiful expression, then looked at the chicken drumstick in Qin Zeyu's hand, then glanced at Qin Zeyu with a disappointed look, and gently shook the cat's head.

As if to say:"You know I have so many regrets and so many expectations!!"

Then, he ran directly to his little bed next to him, got into the bed, covered himself with the quilt, and turned his head to the other side in extreme disappointment. He stopped looking at Qin Zeyu.

Very similar......

What your girlfriend looks like when she’s angry!

At this moment, the smiles of the audience in the live broadcast room froze.

Everyone is confused, all in capital letters are confused.


"What the hell is this? ? You are so sad that you are making bubbles in the teapot!!"

"Tangyuan, have you forgotten that you are a cat when you are targeting it? ?"

"This cat is so humane!"

"Where is the Taoist Priest? ? There is a cat here that has become a monster!!"............

Is anyone watching? Looking for flowers? The young author is so panicked, there are no flowers!

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