On the other side, Qin Zeyu, who had just finished his part-time job, arrived at school. He turned on his phone and saw the glutinous rice balls on his desktop wallpaper, and sighed helplessly.

After being away from Tangyuan for three hours, I miss cats!

In these days, Qin Zeyu always had the feeling that the dumpling beside him was no longer an ordinary cat.

Many times, he seemed to be able to understand his own words and listen to himself express his thoughts.

Sometimes when she talks about something sad, she will comfort her by touching her head!

Let me ask, whose cat will be killed by touching its head? ?

Another time, she fell asleep on the couch.

When I woke up the next day, I found that I was covered with a blanket, and there was a hot glutinous rice ball lying on my chest.

What was even more incredible to her was that once she had an asthma attack.

Tangyuan actually opened the drawer by himself, took out the medicine inside and saved her life.

I don't know when, but subconsciously, Tang Yuan started to take care of her.

All these changes are really incredible.

"I don’t know how the glutinous rice balls are doing now."

Qin Zeyu murmured with some disappointment.

In fact, she really didn't want to put a necklace on Tangyuan to participate in the live broadcast.

After all, who would like others to hang a circle around their neck, let alone expose their own life?

Even a cat has privacy!

But now she has less and less money, and she has to spend money to study.

If she doesn't let Tangyuan earn some money, I'm afraid I really have to give away the glutinous rice balls.

There is no way, in the face of the skinny reality, ideals sometimes seem so weak.

And to participate in this show, even if I don't win the highest popularity award, there are still 20,000 actors. The fee is not too small.

"Now that I'm gone, Tangyuan must be feeling extremely uncomfortable."

Qin Zeyu suddenly felt that Tang Yuan's expression was a little sad, and he felt even more guilty. He decided to go to the canteen to buy two chicken legs for Tang Yuan to eat, which could be regarded as comfort to the injured cat spirit.

Thinking of this, Qin Zeyu ran to the canteen and packed two large chicken legs. drumstick

"Haha, this cat is so funny when you watch the live broadcast!"

"ah!! This action is too dangerous, it will kill the cat!!"

At this moment, the chat of several young people sitting in the corner came to Qin Zeyu's ears.

Several people gathered around their mobile phones, seeming to be watching the live broadcast, chatting and laughing.

The faces on their faces Different from the relaxed and comfortable one, Qin Zeyu's expression at this time was very worried, especially when she heard the words"cat will die", her heart skipped a beat.

"Wouldn't something happen to Tangyuan? This is his first time wearing a collar."

Qin Zeyu still can't let go of Tangyuan, fearing that he will have difficulty moving due to the influence of the collar, and that he will fall from a height or something like that.

"no! Gotta check it out!"

She quickly turned on her phone and clicked on the live broadcast software to see what Tangyuan was doing.

And the next second, she was stunned by the popularity ranking in the live broadcast room.


Tangyuan was at the top of the popularity ranking ?

This time, she felt even more nervous.

"What's going on?...."

Qin Zeyu's nose suddenly felt sore, and he thought it was because he was not at home.

Then he cried pitifully, which attracted a lot of people's attention and sympathy.

"This must be the case. When I was away, Tangyuan must have been very sad.

She was extremely panicked and quickly clicked in.

As soon as she opened the live broadcast room, the screen was filled with comments.

"Hahahaha!! The cat has become a spirit!!"

"Send your kids to school!!"

"Whose cat is this? It’s so smart, right?"

"The Internet keeps reminding me that I am worse than an animal!"

"Yes, yes, what you said above is correct."

"Hahaha, you all are so talented."

"Tangyuan, take off the cat skin!!"

At this moment, the audience in Tangyuan's live broadcast room was extremely lively.

And the number far exceeded other Maomao's live broadcast rooms.

In the barrage, most of them were amazed at the various operations of Tangyuan.

Although it was only a very simple operation, When these operations appear on a very ordinary white cat, it becomes very interesting.

After all, whose white cat can surf the

Internet from the beginning to plug in the mouse ? The software in today's computers.

It can be said that apart from looking like a cat, a large number of viewers of the live broadcast even mistakenly thought that it was a person wearing cat skin.

Obviously, this is impossible, after all, people can't fit into a body as big as a cat.

Seeing these crazy scrolling barrages and looking at the glutinous rice balls in the screen, Qin Zeyu was stunned. In the picture, Tangyuan looked calm and skillfully manipulated the mouse! He clicked the mouse accurately and clicked on the latest

TV series! Follow the drama!


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