Cao Cao:"I would rather betray the world! Don't let the world betray me! I would rather kill the world! Don't let the world kill me!"

Tang Yuan carefully wiped the table and the floor while listening to Cao Cao's words in the picture, and couldn't help but complain:"Meow meow meow (Cao Cao might have paranoia, how could someone in this world suddenly want to kill you? How is it possible!)"

As an old straight man, Jiang Wen specially picked the dirtiest clothes.

That was the clothes Qin Zeyu wore when he worked part-time, and it smelled of milk tea.

Now, it doesn't matter if there are more oil stains! Meow!

"Hahahahahahaha!! Sorry, I laughed like a dog."

"Goddess Qin fell on the roadside crying!!"

"God bless the goddess for not watching the live broadcast now, otherwise I am not sure whether I will be able to see glutinous rice balls tomorrow"

"Tomorrow Tangyuan will appear in front of us wearing a bandage."

"Hahahaha, Cao Le, why are you so funny?"

"Who is laughing? ? Why does Cao Le want to mess with others? ?"

A cat actually took the initiative to wipe the floor with the owner's laundry. For this kind of operation, the audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help but want to praise the genius.

But they couldn't guarantee whether the goddess was there at this time. Watch the live broadcast again.

But what is certain is that if the goddess is watching the live broadcast and happens to see this scene, she has probably already thought about how to cook the glutinous rice balls.

At this time, she is full and not ready to chase the glutinous rice balls. Instead, he walked back to Qin Zeyu's bedroom.


"Branch snap!"

It used all its cat strength to close the door with its backhand!!


"Can someone please explain, what is the operation of closing the door with glutinous rice balls backhand? ?"

"what does this mean? ? Tang Yuan, what are you doing to me?"

"Hahaha, the way Tang Yuan is closing the door is really hard."

"The short legs of the fat couple make people want to laugh!!"

In the main live broadcast room.

When the female host Nuan Nuan saw this puzzling scene, she turned her head and asked Professor Wang with a wry smile:"Professor Wang, does such a smart cat really exist? ? ?"

Professor Wang was stunned. He was suddenly asked such a normal question, which really surprised him. He subconsciously said:"Cats' learning efficiency is twice that of dogs.……"


"Lao Wang, you Ta Miao came with your mouth open, right? ? I used to say that cats are far less intelligent than dogs."

"professor!! You Ta Miao, you said before that cats are stupid!"

"Hahaha, glutinous rice balls are good. With the power of one cat, it has changed mankind’s view of cats."

"Professor Wang has learned to be smart now, and he means that if I lick the cat, I won’t get slapped in the face, right? ? ?"

Nuan Nuan also smiled helplessly.

When she heard Professor Wang's answer, she could naturally understand it.

After all, those who explained it according to normal research before were successfully slapped in the face by glutinous rice balls.

Now Professor Wang, I guess I just made up my mind and said it the other way around.

We all know that cats are stupider than dogs, so I will go the other way and say that cats have twice the learning ability of dogs. Is that okay

? At this time, Tang Yuan jumped onto the bed, then got into the quilt, revealing his little cat head, and lay comfortably on Qin Zeyu's bed.

, It was so comfortable!


I saw Tang Yuan stretching out his short cat paws, rummaging inside the pillow, and found a remote control.……




The barrage in the live broadcast room was suddenly filled with question marks.

Seeing that thing, the audience in the live broadcast room seemed to understand what Tangyuan wanted to do.

But I can’t believe that glutinous rice balls are really made.


A crisp sound resounded throughout the live broadcast room.

Then, the fan blades of the air conditioner slowly opened...

The air conditioner was turned on successfully!!!

And Tang Yuan just turned on the air conditioner, covered himself with a quilt, closed his big cat eyes, and went to sleep with a look of enjoyment on his face!



"sweet dumpling!! Are you trying to defy heaven? ?"

"Brother, you’re a cat, you’re covered in fur, why do you have to turn on the air conditioner when you sleep? ?"

"I was against Mr. Tangyuan's decision to quit the college entrance examination! Otherwise, Mr. Tangyuan would definitely be one of the top scorers in the college entrance examination now!"

A cat, covered with a quilt and taking a nap with the air conditioner on.

This anti-cat operation caused the audience in the live broadcast room to complain.

Yes, it's outrageous, too outrageous!

In the classroom,

Qin Zeyu opened the living payment menu.

Looking at his electricity bill of more than 200 yuan last month, he fell into deep thought.

"sweet dumpling!!!"

Qin Zeyu roared in his heart. He had already thought of hundreds of ways to cook glutinous rice balls.

"Don't be angry, don't be angry! When you are angry and sick, there is no one to take care of you...."

Qin Zeyu tried hard to stay calm.

If it hadn't been for a class today, she would have really wanted to go back and catch the glutinous rice balls and beat them up!

Hang him up and beat this damn little thing to death with a whip!!!!!!!............

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