"Grass!! I was so scared that I broke out in a cold sweat!! It turns out I’m just hungry!!"

"I thought there was some top-secret file in there!"

"Hahaha, you netizens are so imaginative!"

"It turns out that there are snacks for the goddess in here! No wonder I don’t panic at all when I have nothing to eat glutinous rice balls!"

"Again! Send your kids to school! Don't delay!"

"Hahaha, Tangyuan will tell you with practical actions, who is the real owner of this home!!"

Seeing Tang Yuan taking out bags after bags of snacks from the safe at this time, the audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help laughing.

They were so nervous just now, thinking that Tang Yuan opened the safe to find something. What important things?

Unexpectedly, they were just looking for something to eat. What made them even more surprised was that there were actually bags of snacks inside this very delicate-looking safe.

"The glutinous rice balls are cute, and so is the goddess!!"

"Hahaha, now I know why glutinous rice balls are so special, because his hostess is also special!!"

"That sentence is indeed true, the kind of cat is like the kind of owner it is! Hahaha!"

"It’s so interesting to put snacks in the safe."

Qin Zeyu blushed when she saw the ridicule of herself in the live broadcast room.

But there is nothing inappropriate about this approach that she has to produce.

After all, Tangyuan is almost unprotected when using the safe. If you put it elsewhere, It's even more difficult to prevent it.

But seeing this, Qin Zeyu couldn't help but feel a little proud on his face.

After all, his glutinous rice balls are now not only the most popular, but they are also so special!!

It is indeed my Qin Zeyu's breast!

At this time, the well-informed female host Nuan

Nuan was shocked that the glutinous rice balls had actually been opened successfully.

Secondly, he was shocked that Qin Zeyu actually hid snacks in such an exquisite safe.....

I have to say that the brain circuit of this person and a cat is quite strange!!

It took a long time for her to come back to her senses. She looked at Wang Kun with a dumbfounded smile and asked with a smile:"Professor Wang!! This... is it really possible for a cat to open the safe???"

Hearing Nuan Nuan's question, Wang The corner of the professor's mouth twitched, and he felt bad all over.

Sister! Don't ask me, you damn meow!!

Professor Wang has already made up his mind that it would be best to study dogs in the future.

But at this time, Wang Kun naturally couldn't let himself lose his sense of control in front of such a large audience. He pretended to be calm and explained with a smile:"Well, this question is actually like this.....Cats are animals with the ability to learn. They will learn the behaviors of their owners and imitate them."


"Does this sound familiar? ?!"

"Damn it! Doesn’t this sound familiar? It seems like I’ve said it before!"

"Hahaha, the glutinous rice balls made the professor speechless. He didn’t know what to say to explain."

"Professor Wang: The analysis cat should analyze with a smile....Let me analyze your Ta Miao’s banana lollipop!!"

Looking at the ridicule that filled the screen, Professor Wang adjusted his glasses very unconvinced.

A cold light swept across his glasses, and Professor Wang's expression became serious again, and he said decisively:"According to the nature of the cat!! Now food is found...."

"It will definitely eat as much as possible!"

At this moment, Professor Wang's mouth showed a trace of imperceptible pride.

He firmly believed that he would not be wrong this time, right?

No one would find something to eat when they were hungry, right

? Is there any problem with eating more? ? Is it reasonable?! It’s the nature of living things, let alone humans. What a stinky cat!

Wang Kun looked at the glutinous rice balls in the picture coldly, like a strategist watching his enemy step into the trap he designed.

However, the next second, a smile appeared on Wang Kun's face. , disappeared instantly.

In the picture, Tangyuan dragged out another duck neck and then directly raised the cat's paw.


The safe was closed.


"Go ahead, are you such a self-conscious cat? ?"

"Just take this little? ? Are you full? ?"

"What does glutinous rice balls mean? ? Stop eating! Still don’t like it!"

"This cat is not bad, and he also knows how to leave some for his owner."

The way he closed the door consciously after only taking a little bit of the thing made the audience in the live broadcast room feel distressed.

This cat is so sensible that it makes people feel distressed.

But at this time, there is no trace of emotion on Tangyuan's face.

After a full meal After a meal, I still understand clearly!

The strange thing is that everyone's eyes suddenly turned to Professor Wang.

Wang Kun pretended to be calm and adjusted his glasses.

At this moment, he smiled awkwardly. It felt like the bang was not the sound of the safe closing, but the dumpling hitting him hard in front of everyone!

It hurt!

Without saying a word, he was thinking about the scene of him kicking the glutinous rice ball into the Sahara Desert.

At this moment, the glutinous rice ball jumped up and opened the laptop again...

Shortly. The cat's middle finger extends again.

Windows welcomes you.....

The computer screen opens again.

Tangyuan skillfully operated the mouse and then clicked on the software.......Continue to play yesterday’s Romance of the Three Kingdoms!

It was just so leisurely, eating dried fish and watching TV shows at the same time!

"Okay, he has completely forgotten that he is a cat."

"Damn it, let him pretend again!!"

"Damn it! Eat snacks and watch dramas at the same time!"

"Wa hahaha! Where are the glutinous rice balls here? Isn't this my daily life?"

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