"sweet dumpling!! Put your hands up, don't move!! Get out your Earth Kitty ID card!!"

"Is this really a cat from Earth? ?"

"Professor, how do you explain this? ? Could it be that Tangyuan also learned this from the master?!"

"Hahaha, I didn't expect the goddess to play King of Glory! It seems that I, the Glory, have a chance!!"

"Glory just wants to steal the goddess? ? My special meow Bai Xing has spoken? ? ?"

Seeing this familiar game, the audience in the live broadcast room instantly became restless.

This game is too popular now, and the number of viewers playing this game in the live broadcast room is even greater.

A large number of Hundred Star Kings appeared at this time In the live broadcast room, they all said that only their own strength was worthy of the goddess Qin Zeyu.

At this time, Tang Yuan skillfully opened the King of Glory and entered the rankings without any doubt.

The account was in the area she didn't play, so she had never been discovered.

Tangyuan had also played it secretly many times, but her performance had not been very good before because she had always used her cat's claws perfectly.

, Tangyuan still managed to reach the diamond rank with good consciousness!

Of course, the main reason is that Tangyuan really doesn’t know what to do except fight the king and hang out in society.

What can a kitten do?....

Fighting the king doesn’t seem to be what a cat should do, right? ?

There seems to be something wrong with mixed society, right? ?


Tang Yuan exclaimed with a helpless smile, and then started the game.

He entered the hero selection interface.

In his previous life, although Tang Yuan was not a top king player, he always raised his head to work and lowered his head to fish. He was a king. His skills are extraordinary.

At the same time, in order to carry forward the traditional virtue of caring for the opposite sex, he insists on playing the jungle position. Of course, the reason why Tang Yuan plays the jungle is not to compare with his sister.

What he insists on is the belief that the Huns are not destroyed!

In all this, Tang Yuan is different from his LSP friends!

Then, Tang Yuan took out the provincial Li Bai who had won the gold medal!

"The sword of the river comes from the sky!!"

Li Bai's magnetic voice sounded in the live broadcast room.

And Tangyuan's expression became serious at this moment.

This is the arrogance that belongs to the wild king. Once he gets what he is best at Jungle heroes will become serious in an instant!


"What the hell!!!"

"Is this true? ? ? And he even picked Li Bai so accurately? ? ?"

"Have you become a sperm? This is!~!!"

"Is it possible, and I mean possible, that Tang Yuan is actually a wild king? ? ?"

"Hahaha, what a classic! You have no idea how your teammates play the game, and you don’t even know what they are!!"

The hero Li Bai is actually quite difficult to operate.

In terms of detail handling, there are two extremes in the game of King of Glory. Those who know how to play it will gallop across the canyon, and wherever they go, they will always cause their sisters to scream!! Those who don’t know how to play it will naturally be killed directly on the ground after two shifts.

Seeing this scene, the female host Nuannuan, who likes to play games, also opened her mouth in shock.

Cats playing games, this is beyond normal cognition!!

For a moment, she didn’t know how to ask this question, and just looked at Wang Kun on the side.

Professor Wang:"Don’t look at me, sister, I don’t know either!!!"

Now he is completely stupid:"This, this, this……"

For a moment, he couldn't say a word.

To be honest, let a person explain why a cat can beat the king, and also come up with a hero Li Bai who is very difficult to operate.

How to explain this? ?

This kind of question is just like asking a man on the street, why are you a man? ?

Just as incomprehensible!

As if to save his life, he picked up the book in his hand and flipped through it.

After turning to a page, his expression softened slightly and his voice trembled as he said:"It's written in the book!"

"Cats are very efficient at learning from their owners, twice as efficient as dogs"

"This... I learned from the mistress!"

At this time, not to mention Nuannuan, even Wang Kun himself didn't believe his explanation.

Naturally, the audience in the live broadcast room didn't believe it even more.

"you sure?"

"Is this reasonable? This is obviously unreasonable!"

"If learning were so easy, Waterma wouldn't have scored 32 points on the high school math test."

"Is it possible that my learning ability is not as good as that of a cat? ? ?"

At this moment, the audience in the live broadcast room are a little doubtful about life.

Their learning ability is actually not as good as a cat.

At the same time, the audience in the live broadcast room can't help but wonder, what is the technology of glutinous rice balls? What? ?

Looking at his serious expression, he can’t possibly be good at learning and playing games, right?

At this time, Tangyuan has entered the game and is steering the hero to the opposite jungle area...

Heading towards the blue buff on the opposite side!

"Damn it!! Level 1 direct counterattack? ? ?"

"Damn it!! Tangyuan, someone understands!~"

"Professor, did you learn this from your mistress? ?"

"Oh my god, this one won't be blown away by the glutinous rice balls, right? ?"

"How would his four teammates feel if they knew it was a cat that took them away?...Hahaha!"

A few seconds later...

As expected, Li Bai completed an encounter in the wild area.


Frist, blood!

A burst of blood.

Tangyuan was killed!




The audience of the barrage was confused for a while, and then they saw...

In the picture, Li Bai is resurrected, then enters the opposite jungle area, and then the screen goes black again....

Next, he died once in one minute, once in three minutes, once in five minutes...

The audience in the live broadcast room just watched the clumsy Li Bai being killed!

I haven’t waited for the audience to complain.

A teammate in the game broke through the defense, turned on the voice, and roared angrily:

"No, Li Bai, can you please stop dying? ? Are you a human being?"

"Can you cook some more? ? Is it okay to be like a human being? ?!"

Hearing the words of Tang Yuan's teammates, the audience in the live broadcast room couldn't hold back any longer.

Everyone laughed like a pig.

"Hahaha, brother, your teammates are really not human beings!"

"The effect of the program is overwhelming! Hahaha!"

"You never know whether the teammate you are playing games with is a human or a cat!"、............

Today’s update ends perfectly.

Please give me flowers!

More updates will be added tomorrow!

Please give me flowers!

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