At this time, seeing the barrage of questions filling the screen, Wang Kun felt as if his face had been slapped hard several times, and it was burning and painful.

He really didn't expect that by participating in such a highly professional program, instead of successfully showing off his knowledgeable side, he would instead be slapped in the face by a cat.

The more I use professional explanations, the more the glutinous rice balls don't follow the routine.

In short, in one sentence, this glutinous rice ball is a cat and does nothing to do with cats!!

Or to put it more exaggeratedly, these glutinous rice balls have already driven people to a dead end!!

At this moment, Wang Kun saw doubts filling the screen.

His choice is.....

He immediately put it down and said helplessly:"I don't know either!!"

In fact, what he wanted to say was this.

You ask me, who the hell am I asking? ?

The premise that cat research can explain is that this must be a normal cat!!

Is Tang Yuan normal? ?

Normal shit!!

"Professor Wang said that it is impossible to explain it with normal cat thinking!!"

"Hahaha, Professor Wang chose to act badly."

"As a cat, Tangyuan's performance is incredible."

"I am a cat, but I don’t do what cats do."

Hearing Professor Wang's very clumsy answer, the audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help but make pig noises.

In comparison, in the hearts of the viewers in the live broadcast room, among all the people watching, the one who speaks has the most authority Of course it was Professor Wang. He was an old expert who had been studying cats for more than ten years.

If he didn't know what was going on, then the audience in the live broadcast room would not know the reason.

He looked at Tang Yuan in the picture as if he were watching a show, feeling envious of Qin Zeyu for having such a smart and cute cat.

At this time, Tang Yuan was standing next to the phone, with a hint of emotion in his big cute eyes. Helpless.

Alas, this child has been calling me every day since she called me by mistake.

She definitely doesn’t understand what her meow means. It’s just that children have a playful nature..

One person and one cat. Anyway, Jiang Wen never answered Nini’s call. He had to call her.

On the other end of the phone, the little girl laughed like a bell and said with a smile:"Meow, Nini is here too today." Very good!!"

"Mom sent Nini to kindergarten, and Nini didn’t cry!"

"Meow is my best friend!!"

Tangyuan:" Meow meow!"

Tangyuan's cry was completely devoid of arrogance at this time.

Instead, it was more gentle.

Yes, the gentleness that belongs to a cat.

The audience in the live broadcast room was stunned. Suddenly, the barrage relaxed. A lot.

Because at this moment, the audience couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

It turned out that the little girl on the phone had just entered kindergarten!

And... it seemed that Tang Yuan had a good relationship with this girl. Ah!

Mainly, it seems that Tang Yuan became friends with her because she had no friends!

In other words, Tang Yuan is the spiritual sustenance of a lonely child. The viewers in the live broadcast room suddenly remembered themselves as children.

At that time, they were just lonely children who had not yet had the courage to take new steps into the world.

For children, it seemed more difficult. What is worth relying on is the toy that accompanies oneself.

It is a Barbie doll, a toy plastic soldier.

It is there that the original beauty and innocence of human babies are hidden.

In this way, it seems that everyone has been beautiful. It's so simple.

But when you enter the complicated and bizarre human world, the unique light that belongs to children fades and slowly disappears from everyone.

"Brothers, I don’t know why, my tears flowed out!!"

"I don’t know why I shed tears!"

"onion!! Yes, glutinous rice balls have onions!!"

"ah!! Tangyuan is against the rules!!"

"Tangyuan, are you so understanding of human nature?!"

"Professor, please explain what's going on!!"

Some of the audience sitting in front of the screen had already shed tears uncontrollably.

They even didn't know why they were crying.

Maybe they saw themselves in Tangyuan.....

Or maybe, in the little girl on the other end of the phone, I saw my once lonely self.....

At this time, one person and one cat were talking to themselves, the little girl was talking, and the glutinous rice dumpling here meowed from time to time.

After a long time passed, the little girl suddenly said:"Goodbye Meow Meow, Nini is going to paint! Otherwise, mother will scold Nini!!"

Tangyuan said:"Meow Meow!!"

The cry was very soft, as if Say come on.

After hanging up the phone, Tang Yuan showed a tired expression and gradually entered the emo state.....

It's like...

I've been coaxing my little girlfriend for too long and I'm too tired.

Audiences in the live broadcast room:".........."

Big Brother..... no!! Why don't you act so humane!!

Have you really forgotten that you are a cat?!............

Please give me flowers!


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