"Big black cat!! Where is the dignity of Nite seconds? ?"

"Such a big man is willing to be manipulated by such a small thing?"

"Brother!! What the hell is that expression of enjoyment on your face!!"

"hateful! Let the dumplings be loaded again!!"

Seeing this somewhat inconsistent scene, the audience in the live broadcast room really hated the iron.

I didn't expect that such a big cat was directly conquered by glutinous rice balls.

It is true that cat people will never be slaves unless they are included. Eat and live!!

At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room could no longer keep calm.

A kitten used his leftover food to turn a big cat into his own mount.

It’s really incredible to see such a harmless little white cat.

"As expected, it is a cat that has watched the Romance of the Three Kingdoms!"

"Tangyuan: Let’s ride alone next time for fun!!"

"I wish I had such a smart cat! Then I could ask him to help me with my homework!"

"Tangyuan: If it’s not a Mathematical Olympiad question, don’t make it for me! too easy!"

"Tangyuan: College entrance examination derivative questions can be submitted!!"

"Hahaha, you are all gods, right? ? How can a cat do derivatives? ?"

"etc......Tangyuan can't really do it, right? ?"

As the audience chatted, they suddenly realized that something was wrong.

At this moment, they all had the same weird idea in their minds, that is, Tangyuan can do the last big question of the college entrance examination derivative.

But not long after this idea came up, they laughed helplessly.

How is this possible? Tangyuan is only good among cats, and it is definitely not comparable to human wisdom.

At this time, in the main live broadcast room.

Nuannuan was also confused when she saw this scene, and asked puzzledly:"Professor Wang, how do you explain this situation? ? Is this really common in cats? ?"


At this moment, Wang Kun was about to cry without tears, rubbing his eyebrows, and his whole person was in a state of confusion.

He felt that Tangyuan was not riding on the big cat at all, but on Darwin.

This is so fucking contrary to biological common sense.

He has studied cats for so long in the past, and he has seen cats using their own food to express friendship.

But this kind of taking your own food and turning others into your own mounts is really outrageous!!

The level of surprise that surprised him was no less than the feeling of a person giving food to another person and then telling him that you will be my mount from now on.

Yes, among people of the same race, this situation will never happen except during the estrus period!!

Professor Liu was confused. He tried hard to organize the words in his mind to explain, but the more he tried to explain, the more panicked he became:"This... this must be reasonably explained."……"

"But this is wrong……"

"I see!"

"This big cat must have regarded Tangyuan as its own child, which is why it let him sit on it!!"

"Yes!! That's it!!"

At this time, this professional cat expert has lost his sense of proportion.

If cats know this method of controlling their own kind, then it can only mean one thing, and that is that cats have evolved!!

Otherwise, there is no way Explain.

At this time, Wang Kun could only explain it with a random reason.

It can be said that it really involves his knowledge blind spot.

"Treat glutinous rice balls as children? ? ?"

"professor! You should be more professional! Cats’ cubs are held in their mouths!"

"This extra second seems unreasonable. My cat won’t let a child ride on his back."

"Don't doubt others. They are experts. Can experts be wrong? ?"

"It's just that, he is an old expert who has studied cats all his life, and he speaks like a professional!!"

At this time, a quarrel broke out in the live broadcast room.

After all, the various operations of Tang Yuan are too contrary to their cognition.

Among the cats they have seen, cats use their mouths to treat their children.

At this moment, the live broadcast screen suddenly started to move quickly. In just a blink of an eye, the screen was already outside the window and moving away from the house!


"Where are Tangyuan going? ?"

"No, now he is riding a black cat, so the question should be where is he riding the black cat to? ?"

"Is it possible to go shopping? ? ? Ha ha ha ha!"

"Mom, this is really treating the black cat as a mount."

The screen in the live broadcast room shook for a while, and soon they came to the street.

At this time, the audience understood that it was really a cat shopping!!

But at the same time, they couldn't help but guess.

Could it be that the two cats just now What kind of incredible conversation did the star have? ?

The big black cat was very agile, leaping on the rooftop of the street, and the audience in the live broadcast room felt like they were riding a roller coaster, while Tangyuan seemed very calm. He even started to yawn:"Meow!"——"

"Damn it! You curse again!!"

"Tangyuan!! You are pretending to be your mother!!"

"Tangyuan! Is this your personal driver?"

"Now I can be sure that this is definitely not the first time he has eaten glutinous rice balls!!"

"Needless to say, the old criminal is glutinous rice balls!!"

"Tangyuan, what a cat with different appearances and duplicities."

"Ah yes, yes, he looks like a little cutie on the surface, but he is actually a rebellious bad boy!!"

At this time, the big black cat carried Tangyuan forward, which made the audience very curious about where the two cats were going?

After all, it was late at night, were they going to steal something? As the saying goes, there is no cat that doesn't steal fish.

Generally speaking, cats that go out at night have something to do!!

After a few minutes, the live broadcast picture gradually stabilized and stopped in front of a large step.

The black cat stopped.

Then he looked up at the moon in the sky and howled:"Meow-meow-meow——"


"Big brother! You are a god, you think you are a wolf, right?"

"Hahaha, it made me laugh so hard, I almost thought he was a wolf, but ended up making a cute meowing sound"

"The little thing is quite domineering, and I almost choked to death when I drank water."

And in the next moment, a scene happened that made the audience dumbfounded!

It was dark and windy, and the light was dim.

On the eaves, a few cats suddenly jumped out!

Their eyes glowed faintly in the night.

Then... they all crawled in front of Tangyuan in unison and respectfully!!!

It seemed....

It's like expressing their high respect to their king!! sweet dumpling? ?

Elvis? ? ?............

Happy New Year, readers!

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