In the cliff cave, Charlotte held the hilt of the sword in his hand and turned around gloomily. The whole person looked very anxious, without the grace and calmness of the expensive Dame.

Imerson wizard has been moved to a location near the entrance of the cave. He was injured, and it seemed that the injury was not light, and Pastor Dane used the divine technique on him, but he did not see any significant improvement. According to Dane's explanation, Imerson's situation is a mental trauma caused by spell backlash, and the general divine technique does not help him. After obtaining permission from Charlotte, the priest of Lord of Radiance performed a divine technique to allow Imerson to repair his mental damage during his deep sleep.

Imerson is asleep, and the alienated otter is unmanned, and the raft's long-distance activities have lost important guarantees. The Randal expedition can only hide in the cave.

At this dilemma, Charlotte, as the leader of the Randal expedition, should step up to boost morale and stabilize the military. However, if Charlotte had an overall view, he would not have been swept out by the Beria family. The education she received from a young age is how to devote herself to caring for a powerful master and a perfect husband. The golden eye count has far exceeded all Charlotte's illusions about the owner and husband. After learning that Imerson's father and daughter had failed, Victor's life or death was unclear, Charlotte became reluctant, how could there be any intention to comfort others?

Half a day ago, Lord Nelson decisively ran to assist Victor. If it were not for the speed of the violent golden warrior and fear of becoming a burden, Charlotte would have led the family members to chase it out.

Now, Charlotte hopes Victor is safe and Lord Nelson can bring him back. Of course, it doesn't matter if Nelson doesn't come back, as long as Victor can come back.

In fact, most people think that Lord Nelson is unable to deal with the danger that His Royal Highness Randal encounters, and that he may not be able to come back. Even Nelson himself explained that if Lord Victor fails to return within three days, the Randal Expeditionary Force does not need to wait for anyone. The so-called "anyone" certainly includes the Lord himself.

Nelson's first day out is not over yet, and the frustration is like a lingering shadow over everyone in the cave. The most unbearable thing is that if His Royal Highness Randal falls into the hands of a powerful enemy, their insignificant little characters can leave safely, but they will bear the sin of abandoning the Lord for life, and can only survive the future in endless remorse. Every day and night.

Young Brandon couldn’t help it anymore, he pulled out the purple light superb fine gold long sword, and said loudly: “I’m going out to find Master Count, who will go with me? "

Charlotte turned her head suddenly, just about to agree, but heard Klaus respond first: "Go ahead, I'll stay here and wait."

Bran Deng suddenly became furious and exclaimed: "Klaus, what do you mean?! Lord count needs help, so just sit there? Did you forget the master's kindness to us and the responsibility of being a family Knight?!"

Klaus sit cross-legged in the corner, with a long sword on his knees, and calmly said: "Master count is my lord and my teacher. He adopted me and taught me personally. How to use the sword to lead me on the way of Knight. I am not trying to stop you from doing anything, but I know what I should do... Brandon, listen, the master knows where we are, but we don’t know the master’s Location. If we all run out when the owner needs us, what should we do?"

Spirit warrior Rogers suddenly asked in a low, muffled voice: "Klaus Brother, how do you know? Is your choice correct?"

Klaus shook the head and said bitterly: "I don’t know who is right and who is wrong... So, I believe in the master’s decision and obey the master. I hope Brandon is right, but... anyway, there must be someone here. It doesn’t matter if you think I’m a coward, but I must explain that if the master comes back, he must leave immediately, I’m not I will wait for you."

The honor of family obedience is better than life, but there are cowards and warriors. Ghost Face Swordsman Todd understands that Klaus actually wants someone to stand up and support Brandon, and he himself is willing to bear the name of a coward.

"Brandon, count me." Todd stood up and said with a smile.

The fierce warrior Red Wolf also came over and said with a wry smile: "I have always been timid and afraid of death, this time I have to count me anyway."

The tall Rogers said nothing. Standing beside Brandon aloud, he showed his attitude with practical actions.

Blood python Marcy has a bold personality that is not commensurate with her gorgeous appearance, and at the same time she has the delicate thoughts of women. She laughed and said with a smile: "I will go too. But, Mrs. Charlotte and The sorcerer should stay so that no one will respond when the master comes back."

Pastor Dane looked on and saw that Charlotte, who was supposed to give orders, was suffering from gains and losses. He wanted to rescue his own man but was worried about missing him. Victor's appearance. Dane couldn't help but worry secretly, he didn't oppose Brandon's proposal, although his proposal was very stupid. However, the remaining three ferocious warriors in the team all ran out, and no one here can warn them. According to common sense, the high lord’s expedition team must have at least one fierce warrior with keen intuition. Their premonition of danger is even more valuable than the divine technique of the battle priest.

Dane coughed and said euphemistically: "Madam should stay. Marcy, you stay with Mrs. Charlotte. Brandon and I will go to His Royal Highness Randal."

How could the only priest in the team run around? If Lord Count comes back and needs divine technique treatment, and Pastor Dane is not there, what should I do?

After Dane's reminder, Brandon finally regained his sanity. He moved his lips, but didn't know what to say.

Just when everyone was in embarrassment, the most sensitive red wolf suddenly shakes its ears, crying out in surprise in a low voice: "Someone has come down from the cliff...Three people!"

Charlotte immediately ran to the edge of the cave entrance, and as soon as he looked up, he saw Victor, Nelson, and Caligula stepping on the steep cliff, jumping down quickly.

With a sound of "clang bang", Dame throws away the long sword and covers her small mouth with both hands, eyes full of tears.

Victor moved lightly on the platform of the cave entrance, looked around everyone, smiled and said: "I'm back."

Charlotte burst into tears and rushed to the embrace of her lover, but Someone jumped onto Victor's body and yelled: "Master, Bell misses you so much."

Bertina is now a slim and beautiful young girl. She hung on Victor's body and entangled him tightly like an octopus, leaving no gaps. What's more, Victor now only wears a pair of breeches!

Charlotte’s smooth and smooth cheeks bulged in an instant, and suddenly felt that Bertina became annoying. She gritted her silver teeth secretly, and said: "The little fairy did it deliberately... how did she move? Maybe faster than me? I must have used evil witchcraft."

Victor raised his hand to take off Bertina, and said solemnly: "Let’s go, let’s go now."


The big river and the sky are connected with each other, vast Infinite, it is almost comparable to Borui River Bay, the title of Shanghai Lake.

Two log rafts with a length of more than ten meters and a width of more than four meters are sailing on the river bend, which is extremely small. However, the materials and workmanship of the seemingly crude wooden rafts are very sophisticated. Although restricted by conditions, the alchemy militias could not do the necessary processing such as soaking, drying, nailing, oiling and painting the wood. They chose a corrosion-resistant tamarisk as the main material of the raft, and used ancient vines that were more than 100 years old. Bundled and fixed with a tenon and tenon structure to ensure that the log raft can withstand the wind, waves and erosion of the Jinshui River, and can sail continuously for at least more than 5 months.

Although it is the season of wind and the raft is going against the wind and waves, there are golden dragon lizards dragging on the bow, alchemy militiamen taking turns paddling and shaking the scull, and alienated otters biting the boat with their mouths The probe bar of the raft was pushed aside to help, and the two rafts, one after the other, drew four white lines on the river, sailing as fast as a galloping horse.

"At this speed, the fleet of Ant Race should not be able to catch up with us." Pastor Dane regained his gaze from the vast river and said with a smile: "I guess Ant Race craftsmen are too late to build ships. Even if they can build a boat, they won’t drive far. They may fall apart after floating on the water for two days."

Victor sat on the rack of the raft with deep eyes, as if he hadn’t heard what the priest said. After a while, he asked: "Dane, if you can go back, have you thought about your future destiny?" His Royal Highness Randal's tone was plain, with an autumnal depression. Pastor Dane, who had been pretending to be relaxed, couldn’t help but shivered, was silent for a moment, and whispered: "I haven't thought about it, and I dare not think about it."

And smart people Speaking is worry-free... Victor slightly smiled, looked back at Dane, and continued: "This expedition, the Randal Family suffered a heavy loss. There are only 20 of the nearly 300 spiritual warriors left, and the war beast is almost completely destroyed. , Even my four dragon maids have fallen. Of course, our harvest is not small. There are more than 600 valuable purple-patterned ambers, countless green-patterned ambers, and the seeds of many rare plants. These treasures are all You have to count. If you can find a suitable channel to get rid of, you will have at least one hundred thousand goldsold in income."

"However, compared to the Portanos secret I taught you , Level 3 source blood secret method, as well as the principle of the combat Breathing Technique, trifling one hundred thousand gold Thor is simply nothing. Besides..."

Victor paused for a while, his eyes floated to the raft in front, and sighed "Bertina has captured the spirit of the Realm of All Souls, although we don’t know what it means to Radiance Church. However, your contribution is so great that the Cardinals need the Inquisition specifically to condemn you, otherwise They won’t be able to reward you."

Dane quietly held the holy crystal hidden in his pocket, as if gaining invisible support from it, he solemnly asked: "Your Highness, can't you go back? "

Victor did not answer, but said: "If I can go back, Pope Clement and I will work hard inside and outside, so that you can get the status you deserve. If I don't go back, Sylvia will be the first The one to kill is you. When you meet a priest in the Oak Steppe, she will kill two people, and when you meet ten, she will kill eleven. Unless it is a powerful figure like Bishop Pierot, Sylvia will be right. He leaves a way out, but Pierot can’t keep you. I doubt he won’t even intercede for you."

"Don’t blame Sylvia for being cold-blooded. This is actually the common wish of the southern lords...the northern lords When they opened up the northern wilderness, the tenant system they implemented was immature, and there was no time to build and hire Legion as an auxiliary army. Therefore, many large mercenary groups were formed under the acquiescence of Sasan Empire and Naville Kingdom. These free civilians are bound to be infiltrated by the church. Controlling, the northern lords could not intervene at all. Fortunately, they originally relied on the support of the church and chose to turn a blind eye to the freedmen controlled by the church."

"Our southern lords It's not the same. We would rather slow down the development process and wait for the hiring of Legion to take shape than the church to plant a large number of liberals in the southern development. "

"The source blood secret method that I co-created with the kite castle wizard is an important means to condense and hire Legion. I taught you Level 3 source blood secret method, but I didn't come up with the corresponding potion formula. However, with the talents and heritage of Radiance Church, it is possible to restore or even improve the source blood secret method, as well as the formula of the medicine. But it takes time, calculated on a yearly basis... This period of time is enough for us to improve the employment Legion system and prevent the employment of Legion from being disintegrated from the inside. However, the training threshold of the combat Breathing Technique is very low, and it can also quickly increase the soldier's battle strength....... I can think that the guy Tornance will use the principle of the combat Breathing Technique to create different levels of combat Breathing Technique in different directions. , And then taught to the freedmen mercenaries. Since then, those large mercenary groups have been closely united around the church, unable to drive them away. "

Victor asked with a smile: "You said that the church guides the freedmen's armed forces to develop towards the south. Will we southern lords be pleased?" "

Dane said with a bitter smile: "I swear to the Supreme Lord, within ten years, the principle of fighting Breathing Technique will never be passed down. I am afraid that your Highness will not believe me? "

"Come on, how can you take such an oath?" Victor held Dane’s shoulder laughed heartily. After a while, he put away his smile and said with a serious face: "Dane, you are now a gold-ranked sorcerer, I can give you a risk-avoidance suggestion. "

Speaking, Victor raised his arm, and Charlotte next to him immediately took a deerskin pocket, took out the Nine Headed Snake Orb from it and passed it to Victor's hand.

"This is a myth in the lizard swamp. Nine Headed Snake entrusted me with an orb. I have an agreement with him. Now, this Nine Headed Snake Orb is given to you for safekeeping. If you encounter Sylvia, show it to her. I promise that not only will she not kill you, she will also help you deal with the condemnation of the Inquisition. "

"...Haven't figured it out? Then go to the ship in front and think about it slowly, and by the way help me call Nelson over. "Victor smiled and stuffed the Nine Headed Snake Orb along with the buckskin pocket to the priest, and gave Charlotte a wink.

The bronze-level senior Dame showed a narrow smile, carrying Dane’s. The belt, ignoring his opposition, threw him out.

On another raft, Caligula laughed and caught the priest who flew in the sky. The stupid big fellow picked up and threw people. Treated as a game. Dane can only admit that he is unlucky. He did not ignite the fire of the soul and could not walk on the water. He had to accept the "kindly picking up" from his companions.

Nelson had been waiting for a long time, Dane When the priest flew back, he jumped out of the ship’s side, tapped on the trailer behind the raft, and jumped on the raft where Victor was.

"My lord, you call me? Nelson asked in a low voice.

Victor nodded, greeted his number one confidant to sit down, indifferently said: "There are some things that I must explain to you. "

A blue vein burst into the corner of Nelson's eyes, and he said Shen Shen, "My lord, you think that monster will catch up, so I will fight it." Unless it steps on my corpse, I will never let it hurt adults! "

Victor shook his head said with a smile: "You are simply wishful thinking... Lady Spider, as an Ancient Devil god, is an existence beyond my imagination. Mei Wen, Di Li, Fu Ge Rui, and Bertina's Legendary Guardian Spirit all died in his hands, let alone your golden rank fierce warrior? "

Nelson hesitated for a moment, and finally said what he said, "My lord, if my death can reawaken your fighting spirit, it will be worth it!" "

"The fighting spirit...well, my fighting spirit is still there, but you can't understand it. Victor touched his chin, and then asked: "Nelson, we just met, Nicole used an old ogre to hold a Life and Death Trial. I will take you to rescue her. What did you think? "

Nelson was shocked for a while before he replied sorryly: "My lord, I was panicked...I used to have no problem dealing with ferocious wolves. I changed to ogre. I'm afraid there is no chance of winning." . "

Victor nodded, sighed for a long time, said with emotion: "Time flies so fast, things happened more than ten years ago just like yesterday... You couldn't handle an old ogre back then, and later Kill an ogre brute in the Sasan Empire and easily earn the title of ogre slayer. You have also killed half-dragon human, undying creatures, golden-level black blood demons, and even three spider maids. Did you find out that with the increase in strength, the enemies you encounter are getting stronger and stronger... The truth is actually the same for me. "

"There is a joke-like proverb circulating in the nobility circle, "Noblemen and noblemen are drinking afternoon tea in the garden, and beggar and beggar are fighting in the mud." '...We are always impossible to fight with beggar in the mud, because we can kill them with a single look, just like the Sasan Knight killed by you. His family just issued a reward and forced the War Bear. Mercenaries are desperate. But to this day, the Golden Knight of Sasan Empire wants the bear of the North to speak up. "

Nelson lowered his head in frustration, and said, "I see, to Ms. Spider, I am like a beggar in a mud puddle." "

Victor patted his shoulder vigorously, smiled and said: "This is not worth your shame. It's just that facing the demon lord who masters the root law, the martial power confrontation has lost its meaning. "

Nelson eyes shined, and he immediately felt energetic, and asked: "Rely on the extraordinary wisdom of adults? "

Wisdom, use a fart in front of Ms. Spider... Victor silently complained, shook his head and said: "My strength has increased too fast, and the opponents I encountered are so powerful that it makes people desperate." However, I once had a chance to escape this desperate situation, but I gave up. I didn't do it all to save Akka, and there was another reason that made me decide not to escape, and I had to make a break! "

After a long period of silence, he continued: "I am worried that if I use the power of Lord of Radiance to expel Ms. Spider this time, I am afraid the enemy I will face in the future is... .Sylvia, there is really no way to survive. "

"How is this possible? ! Nelson yelled uncontrollably.

Victor said with a calm expression: "I have seen the Spiritual God Knight in perfect form. He can be regarded as the embodiment of the will of the world. That special experience reminded me of Empress Veronika and sword saint Drawin... The church once spread rumors that Veronika killed her husband when she fell. The fact is, Drawin returned to Elf Race and ascended to the throne of the Elf Emperor as Sun Elf. Drawin's move must be in line with Veronika's intentions. To be precise, it conforms to the requirements of the Spiritual God Knight, otherwise Drawin would really be killed by his wife. "

"Sun Elf is unique in divine nature and Eternal Inextinguishable. I occupy the position of Sun Elf and suppress the divinity of Sun Elf, which in itself violates the law of the world. Therefore, this road is a dead end. The more I go forward, the more terrifying the obstacles I encounter. I would rather have a fight with the avatar of Ms. Spider now than kill each other with my love in the future. "

Victor laughed, drowsily said, "Actually, you don't have to worry too much." I guess it's nothing more than these kinds of situations... Either Ms. Spider failed to catch up with us, and his incarnation collapsed, and we returned to Centaur Hills smoothly; or, he caught up with us and killed us all. But I think the most likely thing is that I will leave you from now on and go to the Elanta of the Spirit Emperor kingdom and guard the Sun Tree. "

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