Silver Eagle scouts buried the extraordinary materials in different places. After sitting on the secret markers, they began to pack things and prepare for climbing.

In the previous encounter, the dwarf lost 3 bighorn sheep, and Qiqi and his fierce black wolf brought the remaining 5 bighorn sheep back to the temporary camp. Now, the Silver Eagle Scout squad has only 5 pack animals and half of the supplies left. Fortunately, the desperate gaze of the undead bats does not have a lethal effect. The team of 16 people has not been reduced. Those silver eagle scouts who have suffered spiritual damage were cured by the halfling Kiki and the dwarf prophet Aeglo. They woke up and drank again. The water soaked with moonlight leaves all recovered.

The leaves of the moonlight tree are a special divine technique Rare Item. In the fire season each year, the lunar god Priestess personally picks the new moonlight leaves of the year according to the corresponding ceremony, and makes them into the leaf body protection talisman. The person who holds the body protection talisman believes in what effect it has, what effect it will have, believe it can heal wounds, it can heal wounds; believe it can restore physical energy, it can restore physical energy; believe it can Improve a certain physical quality, it can improve the strength, agility, spirit, perception, etc. attributes of the holder; it can also be used to drive away evil spirits, communicate with animals... As long as you eat it, the holder can get what you want. The divine technique needed to increase holdings.

Divine technique increase is the term of the human kingdom, and the silver eagle scouts call this a blessing.

Of course, the moonlight leaf body protection talisman is only valid for residents of the Spirit Emperor kingdom, including elves, dwarves, halflings and forest horses. It is a one-time consumable. The blessing effect is equivalent to the low-level divine technique of human priests. Its effectiveness and duration are closely related to the level of the moon god sacrifice.

Iluth Moon Song has a close relationship with the Fourth Queen of Silver Eagle City. The Fourth Queen prepared many moonlight leaf body protection symbols for Silver Eagle Scouts. Elusi changed hands and gave Victor 10 moonlight leaves. According to the silver eagle scout's cognition, although Nightingale is from a Rogue family, he still has a bloodline flowing inside him. He is the son of the moon god, and the moonlight leaf body protection talisman also has an effect on him.

Unfortunately, Victor simply does not believe in Goddess of the Moon Freya, and lacks the basic conditions to inspire the moonlight leaf body protection symbol. But he happily accepted Illuth's kindness.

At this time, it has entered the middle of Xueyue, and children's palm-sized snowflakes are scattered, putting silver clothes on the endless forest. In another ten days, the majestic Azores mountain range will also be blocked by heavy snow. Now, its rugged and steep landscape still has large schist layers exposed outside, providing a reference point for Silver Eagle scout climbing. If you wait for the heavy snow to cover, all the valleys and valleys are buried by snow, the naked eye is difficult to identify, and it is not only difficult to find a way to climb the mountain, but also to cause avalanches.

The Azores Tower is the steepest mountain range Victor has ever seen. Straight cliffs with a drop of 7,800 meters can be seen everywhere. Bighorn sheep are not difficult for the difficult mountain terrain, and even more difficult for the dwarf guards with giant bloodline of hills. They are sturdy in appearance, but rooted at the bottom of the mountains. They are like walking on the ground. They also seem to know how to choose a path. Home is as easy as home. In contrast, the agile warrior is more difficult to climb the mountain, sometimes using both hands and feet, causing the dwarves to laughed heartily.

The subordinates selected by Erus are all mid-level fighters. Even though the elf warrior is not as good at mountain marching as the dwarves, it didn't take much time to climb the mountain range of Azores.

The terrain on the mountain is relatively flat, but the temperature is frighteningly cold. The biting cold wind mixed with snowflakes flutters on the face like a knife. Elf warriors buckled up their warm cloaks, put on hoods and scarves, leaving only their eyes and long ears outside. Victor stared at the long ears of a tree elf with interest, watching the delicate white ears slowly turn red, and hearing the other party’s heartbeat speeding up and breathing unstable, only then did he realize that his curiosity was making The elf female was very confused, shy and uneasy.

He concealedly touched his nose, and asked without incident, "Don’t you feel cold with your ears outside?"

The beautiful female tree elf has a clear body Stiffened, she turned her head and looked at Nightingale with a curious and innocent expression, and said stiffly: "It's not cold."

After that, she body moved and jumped forward more than ten meters, leaving it for Victor is a slender figure from the back.

At this moment, Olavie Yuesong walked to Victor and said to him with his lips: "You stare at Marg Yueying’s ears, she is shy... this is the opposite sex. The meaning of elves courtship."

Victor shrugged said decisively: "I wandered alone when I was very young, and I never met the elves."

"That must be very hard... …" Seeing that Mr. Nightingale didn't mean to talk more, the tree spirit asked enviously: "I think you have been maintaining Wind Travel without being disturbed by the cold wind. Wouldn't it take energy to do so?"

Victor turned his head and said: "I maintain Wind Travel as easy as breathing...Do the moon elves and big elves of Silver Eagle City have this ability?"

Olavie shook the head and said:" The two big elves of Silver Eagle City are not more than Tier 5, and Moon Elves are also Tier 5, just like my elder sister Anya Yuege, she is the fourth queen of Silver Eagle City, Tier 5 Moon God Sacrifice, Tier 5 Wind Travel Archer and Tier 4 Wind Dancer... She maintains Wind Travel more easily than I do, but she can't always maintain Wind Travel status. The entire Silver Eagle City is probably only Feng Song Elder can reach the level of Mr. Nightingale. However, the style Elder already has I'm 190 years old, and my elder sister is only in her 40s...she is like you and has no adult."

Is this your brother-in-law who wants me to be... Victor muttered and asked: "You are a tree elf, and your elder sister is a moon elf?"

Young elves will not be tempted by the opposite sex, but there is no obvious difference between their minds and adult elves. Olavie Moonsong can see that Mr. Nightingale has boundless prospects. Even if he can't get the sacred relic of Elf Race, Elanta is happy to let him participate in Sun Tree's blessing ceremony. Although the moon elves have the right to choose the big elves as their partners, the Nightingale is powerful and the bloodline is noble, and the right to choose a mate lies with him in reverse.

Olavy wanted to win Nightingale for the famous moon song. It would be great if Nightingale could be engaged to the Fourth Queen. He explained: "The moon elves and the big elves have at most two offspring. Usually one month elf daughter is born. Half of the moon elves in the city are blessed by the moonlight tree and awakened the tree elves of the higher bloodline... the same is the moon elves, my elder sister and Elanta’s princess are the same. If you go back up , The elves of Silver Eagle City are also the Imperial Family bloodline of Elanta."

The Elf Imperial Family is obviously not a fixed family. Suppose the fourth queen of Silver Eagle City participates in the selection of the heirs of Elanta. , Fortunately became the first heir to the throne. Decades later, Yuege Mingmen is the imperial family of elves. However, the daughter of the Elf Queen, the Princess of Elanta, must have the advantage of being blessed by heaven to participate in the selection of the queen's heir.

The struggle for the throne will never be tender, only with conspiracy and blood.

Victor understands this, but Rogue Nightingale should not understand the rules of Game of Thrones, so he can ignorantly ask: "There are queens and emperors in the Human Kingdom... Is there a spirit emperor in the country? "

Angelis Fengge came over and said in the interface: "Only the Moon God Sacrifice can serve as the Queen of the Spirit Emperor Kingdom... The number of big elves is too scarce to become the Moon God Sacrifice. But. , I heard the wind song Elder talked about a rumor that Your Majesty, the Empress of Elanta, has two children. The eldest daughter, Princess Amastasia, has grown up, and the youngest son, Prince Horimion, is 44 years old this year and is still a child. He is 24. When I was six years old, I was already a Tier 6 great elf, and was favored by the Queen Your Majesty."

"Hormion Prince is the younger brother of the Princess of Amastasia, and they are impossible to unite."

Worrying that Mr. Nightingale would not be able to understand what she meant, she paused and explained in detail: "Princess and Prince are more like rivals... The Queen Your Majesty may hope that Prince Horimion will marry the next Queen. In this case, is the Elf Prince like the human "emperor"? If the Amastasia Princess wins the right of inheritance, Hormion Prince might even have to hand over the command of the Guard of the Forest. The Queen Your Majesty is in the elves One of the conditions for the selection of heirs to the throne among the princes of the city is to convene the minor moon spirit Spirit King. Therefore, the fourth prince of Silver Eagle City has the opportunity to participate in the selection. The queen Your Majesty is also choosing the heirs for Horimi. Ang Prince chooses his partner."

Angris glanced at Olavie, who was in a daze. Yuege smiled and said, "Of course, this is just a rumor that is not true or false."

According to Angliss, the fourth prince of Silver Eagle City wants to compete for the succession to the imperial throne, and Mr. Nightingale cannot be Olavie's brother-in-law. On the contrary, if Mr. Nightingale is interested in pursuing the supreme authority of the Spirit Emperor, he should support Amastasia Princess and marry her as his wife.

Unfortunately, Princess Amastasia already has a partner. When Mr. Nightingale asks, Anglis Fengge will tell him.

How can the elves from the famous city-states do not understand politics?

Olavie Yuesong wants to win Nightingale for the famous moonsong, and Angelis Fengsong also plans for her own future.

If she doesn't have the desire and confidence to be promoted to the Moon Elf, why should Anglis risk the mortal danger and follow Irus to the mountain range of Azores?

Mr. Nightingale’s peerless demeanor of slashing the dead souls of bats convinced Angelis that Mr. Nightingale’s talent was the biggest gain of her trip. Although Nightingale is still underage, and despite the gap between the two sides, Anglis Fengge must fight for it anyway.

Starting from fighting for friendship, the long lifespan elves are always patient.

Victor only said "Oh", and asked casually: "Which famous family is the queen of this generation Your Majesty from?"

Angris was silent for a while and said: "It's Elanta's "Val" celebrity... the name is very strange, but they have held the position of empress for 3,000 years, and there are other celebrities who have inherited the throne in the middle, but there are more empresses from the celebrities of Val."

Veronika, Spiritual God Knight Veronika. Barcelius's nickname, only those closest to her will use her nickname, such as Veronika's husband-sword saint Drawin.

The two tree elves' methods of wooing Nightingale were too immature in the eyes of His Royal Highness Randal, but he didn't expect the mystery of the disappearance of the sword saint more than 3000 years ago to be solved in this way.

Back then, when Spiritual God Knight Veronika was about to die, she went out with her lover Drawin. In the end, only their attendants came back and reported that Queen Barcelius had fallen and Prince Drawin was heartbroken. After leaving a letter to the Barcelius family , Left alone, missing.

The Barcelius family claimed that Drawin Your Majesty went to the Endless Forest to find the elves. But the conspiracy theory believes that Empress Veronika, for the sake of the stability of the Iron Mountain Empire, perish together with the husband of Sword Saint. Because, the high-ranking Knights of the human kingdom firmly believe that Sun Elf like sword saint Drawin is not worthy of Spiritual God Knight representing World Source, and the love between Drawin and Veronika cannot shake the great will of Spiritual God Knight.

The Queen of Iron Mountain has died, no one in the Iron Mountain Empire can restrain Prince Barcelius. He and Veronika’s twin children are promoted to Legendary Knight, but he also has 5 golden Dame companions, among them Tes Teal is also the head of the Radiance Knight regiment. The heirs of Empress Veronika cannot compete with their sword saint father. Veronika relieved the family's troubles, although it is unreasonable, but also reasonable.

Even if the Barcelius family used Drawin's handwritten letter as evidence, Testeel would not pursue it anymore, but the conspiracy theory of the queen's husband-killing became more and more widespread. Among them, there is always Radiance Church secretly contributing to the flames, with the purpose of stigmatizing Spiritual God Knight.

The Pope Lineage is obviously unwilling to sit on an equal footing with the Spiritual God Knight. Through conspiracy theories, they emphasized that the Spiritual God Knight is selfish, and inferred that the high-level Knights are selfish, and only Radiance Church can stand in a fair position. superior.

Even if Pope Lineage's opinion is true, the conspiracy theories they have made are not superficial. When Sylvia was born, her appeal was far less than Veronika. Barcelius, she guarded a small York family, even the Centaur War, she did not take action. It can be said that both the church and Lord Knight endured the backlash of the power of fate and paid a heavy price for it.

In the near future, the northern part of the human kingdom may be invaded by black blood demons. Based on Victor's knowledge of Sylvia, she will conceal this information 100%, and first deal with the Ant-Man army that invaded Centaur Hills.

Now, Veronika .Barcelius did not ruthlessly kill her husband. Drawin also created an elf name with her nickname, which shows that Drawin has not been completely assimilated by Sun Elf's bloodline will and retains part of his humanity.

This must be a gift from Spiritual God Knight.

Victor sighed to himself, at this moment he missed Sylvia very much, raised his chin towards a snowy peak in front of him, and said: "I will go and see the terrain, you go first, don't wait for me, I can find you "

Nightingale's footsteps were a little bit, the breeze encircled his body, and several vertical jumps disappeared behind the ridges one after another.

"Angris, we have to survive before we can think of other things."

Iruth Yuege crossed her friends, whispered a word, and raised her voice again. The silver eagle scouts said: "Let's go!"

"General, where are we going now?" Udrit, the dwarf dragon hunter, looked back loudly shouted.

Wherever you go, you can’t go to the remains of the Azores Temple, at least not now... Elus can still feel the danger from the temple, she muttered in her heart, and said: "We First look for the architectural relics left by the Azores, and find some food by the way."

The dragon hunter hearing this said with a laugh: "Hunting, I am the best at hunting... I have smelled it. The smell of goats, follow me and make sure you have lamb tonight."



Three days later, in a primitive forest on the east side of Azores, two violent wolves with dark fur, tall and majestic, lay on the snow and ate a forest deer. They are the animal companions tamed by the halflings. They are kept here by their masters to establish territories to prevent thieves such as goblins and kobolds from digging silver eagle scouts buried in the spoils of war in this forest.

Ferocious wolves are smarter wild beasts. They are cruel and cunning by nature, and have a strong sense of revenge. Their battle strength is not outstanding, but their endurance is terrifying, and they are particularly difficult and violent animals. Because there are undying creatures around the mountain forest of Azores, the powerful beasts and monsters here are all dead, and two ferocious black wolves are enough to deter small intelligent orcs.

They take turns to hunt wild deer and wild boar in the forest, which is more relaxed and comfortable than following their master up the mountain.

The ferocious black wolf that had eaten opened his mouth full of sharp teeth, yawned lazily, and curled up into a furry ball, lying next to his companion, planning to sleep on the snow. Sleep.

The black wolf suddenly raised his ears and sat up from the snow pit, his green wolf eyes staring at the east side of the forest. They sensed the danger from the east, and smelled a familiar smell. The contradictory feeling made these two ferocious animals very confused, and did not immediately leave the scene.

Just when they were at a loss, a slender and vigorous silhouette flew over the forest. In the blink of an eye, it landed in the middle of the two ferocious black wolves, before they turned around and bite. Hands clasped the back of the black wolf's neck, and picked up the 260-pound black wolf.

The ferocious black wolf roared and struggled and burst out with power comparable to that of the brown bear. However, just turning the wrist of the visitor made them powerless, even weaker than the rabbit.

"Hormion Prince, please don't hurt them. These two black wolves are strangely domesticated animal companions of halflings."

The soft voice came over. Like the wind whispering in the ears, making people unable to grasp the source of the sound, but also reveals an indescribable will, as if the person speaking is both beside and in the distance, she and the wind have fuse together.

"haha, Sicordis Elder, please rest assured, I see the buckle marks tied to their front legs, I just want to tease them." The visitor dropped two Only a ferocious black wolf, laughs heartily, sunshine and wanton.

He has long black hair, long ears, and eyes like the purest black pearls. His features are exquisite and as deep as a sculpture. He wears a tight sleeveless leather armor and a pair of leather leg armors, which outlines the waist. Long legs, a pair of muscular lines are clear and well-proportioned. Arms shine with healthy wheat-colored luster, and the whole person is full of heroic masculinity.

The ferocious black wolf doesn't care about the charm of this strange male elf. If possible, they want to bite a few holes in each other's body. Unfortunately, wild intuition reminds two ferocious wolves that it is best to stay away from this guy. Therefore, they rushed to the east side of the forest without turning their heads, until they met a team of warriors from the Spirit Emperor kingdom, and then pressed their ears to seek shelter from the moon elves at the front of the team.

The moon elf wears a gorgeous silver Battle Armor, with an unparalleled appearance, deep and charming black eyes, and thin, sword-like eyebrows, adding a sharp temperament to it. Behind her was a group of tall, handsome, and arrogant elves, who also wore silver armor with an eye pattern on their shoulder armor.

The Eye of Secret Realm, the most elite unit in Silver Eagle City, each Eye of Secret Realm is at least a third-rank fighter, and their commander is the Number One Powerhouse of Silver Eagle City-Sikkodi Silk. Wind Song.

On the left side of the eyes of Secret Realm is another team of wild elf warriors wearing golden armor. These elf warriors total 30 people. They are indifferent and serious, and their firm eyes show strong will and silent Pride, with the coat of arms of a griffin on the shoulder armor.

The senior leaders of the elven city-state have heard of the reputation of the children of the Elanta Forest, but this is the first time Sicordis has seen this army of wild elves war dancers. From their shoulder armor coat of arms, it can be seen that this belongs to the guards of the Weier family. Sicordis has to admit that they are stronger than the Eyes of Secret Realm in Silver Eagle City.

Sicordis turned his gaze to the big elf on the opposite side, indifferently said: "Holymion Prince, you are a bit too sloppy... We followed Elus Moonsong, and Elus followed It’s an alien race of humans. Among those humans, there is at least one eighth rank powerhouse."

"It’s okay, General Moonsong and her men have already gone up the mountain four days ago. The alien races are farther away from us. If they I’ve already noticed if I can find us." The wizard Prince paused with a confident smile and said, "What’s more, even if they find out, we don’t need to be afraid, let alone choose to give in."

The depths of the forest Out of a team of elite Spirit Emperor warriors, there are proud elf longbow archers; there are dwarf heavy cavalry wearing heavy armor and riding bighorn sheep; there are flexible and vigorous centaur raiders, and of course the beautiful moon elves are indispensable Sacrifice, curious halfling adventurer and dwarf prophet with beard and braids.

"I smell the black blood demon again, ha, it is still a very powerful demon. But it is dead."

A loud voice came from a dwarf’s mouth , He has a beard face, a big nose, a sturdy body, and his head is 3 meters high. If the dwarf is more than 3 meters tall, then he must be the son of a hill with the seventh rank of life.

Jukonos Grey Flame, a dwarf general from Elanta, he has the strength and weight commensurate with his huge size, his eyes are always shining with gray streamer, as if the burning flame mixed with Power of Thunder. When he walked over, he was like a lava Giant with infinite formidable power.

Sicordis lowered her eyes slightly to pay tribute to the huge dwarf. She has no confidence in defeating the opponent, but the noble moon elf does not need to bow to any dwarf, even if he is the son of the hill.

"I can't wait to dig out the body of that demon from under the snow. The guy at this level is a relatively rare black blood demon." The Gray Flame Lord shouted enthusiastically. In fact, he was speaking in a normal voice, no different from the yelling of an ordinary dwarf.

Soon, the remains of the undead of the super giant black blood bat were taken out, put together and placed on the open snow to restore its original appearance.

The aggressive Spirit Emperor was silent at this moment, and the giant dwarf shouted in amazement: "Such a big bat demon? The moon god is up and the hills are down. This monster is reminding I, I'm actually a dwarf!"

The wizard Prince Horimon gestured with the 30-meter wingspan, shook his head excitedly and sighed: "Unbelievable, are these dragon wings? Yes. Who cut it down completely."

Sicordis carefully inspected the remains of the dead bat, frowned like a sword, and said, "This is the way Silver Eagle City handles biological materials... ...The head of the demon bat was obviously cut off by Elus Moonsong. There is no doubt that it belongs to the spoils of war of General Moonsong."

The wizard Prince repeatedly nodded and said:" I know, I know, but Isn’t General Elus Moonsong a wild elven war dancer? The big wings of the demon bat have a smooth fracture, which is obviously a cutting feature of the Void Wind Element."

Sikody Silk raised her rosy mouth and said with a slight smile triumphantly: "General Moonsong created her own war dance Breathing Technique. She should have awakened Bloodline Power and promoted to the tree spirit."

He shook his head and exclaimed: "This General Moonsong is really amazing. No wonder she dared to lead her men to track the alien races. Among those humans, there must be a great wizard of Legendary rank."

Sicordis Fengge moved in her heart. , Asked: "Legendary? What level is that?"

Prince replied: "The power level of human alien races is different from our battle level. They are divided into bronze, silver, gold and Legendary. The human expedition passed through Silver Eagle City, and the means of destroying the goblin lords was like the power of the ninth rank Demi-God, but it was actually a masterpiece of the human Legendary great wizard. Human wizards have all kinds of strange things, but most of them are weak on their own. , Needs the personal protection of a human warrior. I estimate that Wind Travel shooters above Tier 5 can threaten the Legendary great wizard. The Moonsong general is promoted to the tree elves, and he must be able to restrain the human wizard. Besides, we have 28 Wind Travel shooters here. , And you."

Sicordis said in a displeased tone: "Horimion Prince, the human alien expedition has expressed kindness to Silver Eagle City. The Silver Eagle City Council believes that we should not Annoy each other. "

"Wind Song Elder, the sacred relic of the Moon God, I am bound to win. Apart from this, I also don't want to have any relationship with human aliens, and I don't want to offend them. "Hormion met the sharp gaze of the seventh rank Wind Travel shooter, and said without relenting: "I understand that the location of Silver Eagle City has been exposed, but'Freya's Tears' is a sacred relic belonging to the Spirit Emperor. We can let it lie quietly in the depths of the Azores mountain range, and never allow it to fall into the hands of human wizards, because no one knows what human wizards will do with sacred relic. "

The Elf Prince paused, and said in a calm tone: "Of course, Silver Eagle City can communicate with the human expedition first, and Elanta will support Silver Eagle City's reasonable conditions. If the human wizard does not agree to surrender the sacred relic, I hope that Silver Eagle City can firmly stand on the position of the empire. "

Sicordis thought for a while, stretched out her slender palm to stroke her forehead, and said, "The Moon God is on top. This is what I want. The sacred relic belongs to the Spirit Emperor country. "

Hormion smiled and nodded, greeted Elder, the chief moon elf of Silver Eagle City, and turned to instructed: "Come on, clean up General Moonsong’s spoils of war. We will camp here tomorrow. Ready to climb. "

The air in the forest pulsates, plucking Elder's heartstrings, she looked suspiciously towards the son of the hill who has been silent. The giant dwarf said in a low, muffled voice: "Just now Someone spied on me, and for an instant, I thought it was an illusion. Sicordis, have you been spied on too? "

Sicordis slammed her gaze to the distant snow-capped mountains, and Wind Element everywhere responded to her summon, bringing the sight out of sight into her mind.

However, there is nothing there except snow and rocks.

Victor stands on the rocks of the snow peak, letting Wind Element pass through his body, the corners of his mouth curl up, showing a satisfied smile, muttering to himself Said: "323 elite...very good, this strength did not disappoint me. "

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