"The meat of Old Crow is old and tough. It won’t be simmered for as long as it is stewed. The smell is still bad and it is hard to eat... So, I dehaired the Old Crow I caught. Then buried in the snow layer, hooked out an ice gourd insect... Ice gourd insects specialize in eating frozen birds and beasts. They can secrete a special mucus that softens the hard frozen meat, and also dissolves impurities and toxins in it. It can make the meat of Old Crow tender..."

"Ice melon worms are a rare delicacy. Unfortunately, their meat is too small to be eaten by halflings. The meat quality of Old Crow has been changed, The stew with ice melon worm will have a tender and delicious taste. I will excavate the stems of sunflower roots, add some dried mushrooms and nuts, and stew it with crow meat and ice melon worms in a clay pot. There is a richer flavor...Mr. Nightingale, I simmered this pot of Winter Crow Ice Insect soup for an afternoon. What do you think of the taste?"

In the wild in the snow season, food is the most precious resource , Randal's expeditionary army is always worrying about food supplies all the way. The halfling Qiqi is weak, don't expect him to hunt a deer, even if he has this ability, he won't do it. Minimizing the impact on the environment is the basis of halflings' spiritual invisibility. If they hunt animals that are more than half their own weight, it will take several days to recover their ability to become invisible.

Crows and ice melon worms are the ingredients that Qiqi can obtain. After his skillful cooking, they have become rarely seen delicacies.

For the time being, putting aside the habitual cognition of human aristocrats, this pot of soup made Victor enjoy the treatment of halflings enshrining Nine-Headed Hydra with delicacies.

The nightingale who wanders alone will not dislike crows and ice maggots. It can be said that this food is specially prepared for Mr. Nightingale. It contains the ingenuity and sincerity of halflings, which can touch the heart of the recipient .

Can eat people’s mouth softly, and hold people short. The food offerings of halfling adventurers directly involve the mysterious spiritual level. Victor accepted Qiqi's bribe, and his affection for him greatly increased. Unless he uses X-3 to eliminate mental interference, he will not have a subjective willingness to hurt halflings.

The halfling has gray-blue eyes, a round head and a round face. He is older than Botian's brother, but he has the same cute appearance. Victor couldn't help but have the idea of ​​bringing all three halflings home. Sylvia would love the halfling attendants.

Unfortunately, Bobo, Tiantian, and Kiki are not wild halflings. They master the brilliant Breathing Technique and the extraordinary skills of hiding their sight. They can escape at any time, even if Victor wants to find them. energy. He is not willing to waste his old enemy innate talent on the jester.

Touching Qiqi’s head, Victor handed him a skewer of roasted venison, said with a smile: "I am very satisfied with the soup you offered... This is my reward for you, and Enjoy the deer legs next to you."

Kiqi, known as Gourmet, is skillfully roasting venison while turning his flexible and clear eyes, aiming at the two Bone Blades Victor placed on the mat, curiously Asked: "Master Nightingale, can I see your Bone Blade?"

"Just look at it."

Put the skewered venison on the grill, Kiki picked up the Bone Blade and looked at it carefully, and his eyes gleamed and exclaimed: "Wow, this is a Bone Blade polished with Tier 6 ogre leg bones... Master Nightingale, have you killed an Ogre Warlord?"


"Can I see your bow and arrow?"


"Master Nightingale, Your arrow cluster seems to be the teeth of some fierce creature, but I don’t recognize what it is."

"It’s a sharp-toothed goby in the swamp, a fierce big fish."


"Master Nightingale, have you been to Great Swamp? Then have you seen the legendary Nine-Headed Hydra?"

"I have seen..."

Kiki rolled his blue-gray eyes, grilled venison hard, and ran back under the silver eagle scout's canopy, stole a bottle of sweet fruit wine from the dwarf guard, ran back quickly and offered it to Victor, and asked with bright eyes: "Can Master Nightingale tell Kiki your adventure story?"

The metal hip flask brought by the halfling seems to be a dwarf’s beloved object. The wine is also unique. Victor is not very interested in food and wine, but he replaced the Rogue Nightingale's mentality, unscrewed the bottle cap, sniffed the wine, then sipped, showing satisfaction and nostalgia, paused, and began to tell the halfling about his victory The experience of many powerful opponents.

Victor did not talk about the origin of Nightingale, but created a story of a small group of Rogue who was forgotten by the Spirit Emperor Kingdom struggling to survive in the giant tree forest, and Victor Nightingale is the survival of this group He endured the pain of losing clansman and awakened Bloodline Power step by step from a bloodline decayed wild elf Rogue in the cruel battle with the orcs, and successively defeated the Jackal leader, the Ogre Warlord, the Centaur Thousand-man Commander, and the Furbolg. Elder and many other powerful enemies have gradually become a lonely and powerful moon elf Rogue.

Nightingale's primordial equipment is crude, but it has witnessed his extraordinary record, adding a heavy weight to the story he tells. Unconsciously, the silver eagle scouts crowded under the canopy, surrounded the barbecue brazier, listening to Mr. Nightingale's narration, while enjoying the forest venison skewers.

Victor finished the last battle story. The dwarf guard and the elf warrior had eaten the two plump forest deer legs to bones.

Sharing food is an effective way to get closer to strangers. Victor doesn’t care that elves and dwarves eat up his prey. He wants to know more about the Spirit Emperor country, although Bobo and Tiantian A lot of information has been revealed, but those two little fellows are as playful as Bell, and they always ask three questions about the secrets of the Spirit Emperor's history.

The halfling Kiki looks older than Botian's brother. He also has a place next to General Silver Eagle City. He should be a learned and historical halfling adventurer. In front of the silver eagle scout, Victor asked directly: "Before I killed the furbolg Elder, he claimed that the furbolg was an ally of the Spirit Emperor kingdom, and said that the tears of Freya can improve my bloodline... Can the Queen of the Elves really do this?"

"No problem, the Queen Your Majesty is the highest-ranked moon god sacrifice, she can hold the Sun Tree blessing ceremony, and other spirit King women It's not as capable as a queen." The halfling said with affirmation, waving his arms.

Victor made a slightly silent gesture, and then asked: "Sun Tree...what is it?"

The halfling's open mouth can stuff a pigeon egg, cry out in surprise: "Mr. Nightingale, how long has your clansman been wandering outside? Have you even forgotten Sun Tree?"

"humph." Victor's eyes became cold, snorted indifferently and stopped talking .

Seeing that Nightingale seemed to be upset, Qiqi said: "Actually, I don’t know Sun Tree very well. I have to ask the elves... Olavie, Olavie, you can explain Sun. What is Tree?"

The Wind Travel archer shook his long ears and looked towards the other wizard warriors for help, but they all looked at each other in blank dismay, their ears turned back, Averting each other's eyes, they all looked embarrassing.

"Master Nightingale, in fact, we have never been to Elanta, nor have we seen the great Sun Tree..." Angliss Fengge explained very quietly.

The elves, dwarves, and halflings present are all outstanding young fighters in Silver Moon City. They spend a lot of time and energy on learning the Breathing Technique and war skills every day. They have reached the level of third and fourth rank, but they have almost no achievements in learning. For questions like "What is Sun Tree", they really can't tell why.

However, one of the silver eagle scouts is an exception.

"haha, you don’t usually read books, but you’re all exposed this time." Aiglo Greybeard laughed loudly at his companions, and said to Victor: "Master Nightingale, Sun Tree is the first in the world. The tree, He gave birth to the great Goddess of the Moon. At the beginning of the world, the creator Tyrone Riel awakened from the chaos. He created the first batch of original lives and helped him transform the world. However, the world was in darkness at the time, and the original lives were indistinguishable. They prayed for light to father. Tyrone Riel had to expend his last spirit and transformed into Sun God Frey, bringing light to the Dark World."

"Sun God Frey is the creator The incarnation of Tyrone Riel, he hangs in the sky, above all the original life. However, the world is only in daylight, but the original life began to complain that their work is endless, and asked Sun God Frey for darkness and dormancy. "

"The sun is the manifestation of light, how can Frey bring darkness? At first, we all slept in laziness. Chaos returned to the world. He became the giant snake Capotes and created Tyrone Riel. The material world was cut in half. Frey in the sky was anxious and angry, and cast half of his power to awaken the most powerful primordial earth-mother. The rays of light of the sun shone on the ground and became the first tree in the world. Frey’s will gave birth to Goddess of the Moon from the Sun Tree-Freya. The sun became dimmed and turned into a silver moon in the night sky."

"Goddess Freya inherited Sun God’s will, together with the original life such as the Earth Mother, defeated Chaos and drove Capotes to the ground, and then the Chaos Serpent opened up the abyssal plane in the depths of the earth. Goddess of the Moon called on the original to work hard to repair the Chaos Serpent The broken world, the crack that tears reality gradually healed and became the largest river in the world. It is said that if you follow any river in the forest, you can see the majestic river... Uh, it’s a pity that I didn’t. I've seen that big river, and don't know true or false?"

The dwarf prophet put a string of roasted venison into his mouth again, muttering vaguely. He was popularizing the Myths and Legends of the Spirit Emperor for Rogue Nightingale, but he didn't know that Victor had heard exactly the same myth from the halfling brother.

Aiglo Graybeard finished the barbecue in his mouth, and continued: "The power and will of Sun God, the incarnation of Goddess of the Moon Freya, was able to walk on the ground. Perfecting the material world, but the Sun God in the sky is gradually silent. Every day the sun rises and the moon sets, the moon rises and sunsets, and will never talk to Freya. Goddess feels lonely and misses Freya very much. Until one day, Sun Tree gave birth to a male Elf, he is the second incarnation of Sun God Frey, a perfect existence that conforms to the laws of the New World. Goddess is very happy, thinking that this is Sun God’s reward for him, and he becomes a partner with the first big Elf in the world , They bred together the Elf Race."

Mythology, the origin of the fictional world, naturally wants to build momentum for the ruling class. Radiance Church, which has the right to speak in the human kingdom, also has its own set of Myths and Legends. Lord of Radiance replaces the role of Sun God Frey, the incarnation of the creator. Although the high-level Knights do not agree with Radiance Church’s statement, among the people at the bottom, the church The myth of propaganda is very marketable.

Victor does not fully believe in the ordinary myths circulated in the Spirit Emperor country, it is at least different from the information in the ancient alchemist rune crystal. The ancient alchemist mentioned three creators, Tyrone Riel, Chaos Serpent, and Light Bird, and the elven myth of the dwarf prophet not only did not have light bird, but also regarded Sun God as the incarnation of the creator. Goddess of the Moon was Sun again. Spiritual God created by God, invisibly elevated the status of Elf Race.

Aiglow’s mythology is similar to the halfling brother’s oral version, but Victor believes that the dwarf prophet must have fresh content to show off.

Sure enough, the dwarf prophet went on to say: "Sun Tree is like the eternal sun, never dying... Actually, it is not the case. His lifespan is only 360 years. Every 360 years, Sun Tree It will complete a rebirth. The old roots, bark, trunks, branches, and leaves will gradually fall off during the life cycle and be replaced by the new ones. In the process of rebirth, the accumulated power can hold ten blessing ceremony, but the effect is The best blessing is the ceremony held by the elf queen to choose the heir... If Mr. Nightingale can participate in the inheritance blessing ceremony, he must be inspired by Sun Tree’s divine force to inspire the bloodline of the high elves and grow a pair of beautiful long ears, lifespan It can also grow to over 300 years old."

"Lifespan over 300 years old?" Victor asked a little emotionally.

"The high elves theoretically have a lifespan of 360 years old. In fact, no elves can live to the limit of lifespan, usually around 300 years old." Aeglow said while tidying up his beard, "The big elves Their lifespans are generally longer than moon elves. They have a gentle temperament, and they are the only high elves that can improve their lives through the moon tree and the sun tree. Women like the fairy queen or the spirit king are all fifth-order moon elves, but the big elves can Reaching Tier 6, Tier 7, or even Tier 8... If Mr. Nightingale accepts Sun Tree’s blessing, he might become a Tier 8 great elf."

Victor shook the bottle in his hand, seemingly inadvertently Asked: "Level 8...Is there no big elves of level 9?"

Aigelo stared at the metal bottle with half a jug of fruit wine left, swallowed saliva snored, shook his head and said, "This... Logically speaking, there should be a ninth rank great elf, but there is no record of this in the silver eagle city library. Perhaps there is..."

Victor nodded, handed the wine bottle in his hand The gray-bearded dwarf asked, "Where is the moon tree?"

"Thank you, Lord Nightingale." Aiglo thanked Nightingale very politely, and took the wine bottle, looking beautiful in the envious eyes of the dwarf compatriots. I took a sip, happy said with a smile: "Sun Tree’s seeds can grow a moon tree, and the moon tree can absorb the power of the silver moon, and can also hold a blessing ceremony, but it can’t be divine force mention on equal terms with Sun Tree’s blessing... …In addition, moon trees will die naturally. Their lifespan is generally no more than 1500 years. When the moon trees are about to die, the city council must pray to Elanta for new Sun Tree seeds."

" The city-state failed to plant a new moon tree, the city-state will soon die out, and the residents of the city-state can only migrate to other city-states. In the process of collective migration, there will always be elves, dwarves, halflings, and forest people becoming rogues."

"I heard from my teacher that the Spirit Emperor kingdom was once extremely strong, and the elven city-states were scattered all over the territory outside the endless forest. However, due to the outbreak of war with the evil human city-state, the Spirit Emperor kingdom gave up The city-state territory outside the endless forest...I guess that Mr. Nightingale’s race lost contact with the Spirit Emperor at that time and became a Rogue...Oh, yes, Mr. Nightingale said earlier that you live in the giant tree forest."

"...Where is the giant tree forest?"

Victor He glanced at the dwarf and said nothing. Aeglow patted his forehead annoyedly, and yelled: "Well, I shouldn't talk too much... The dwarf always can't control his big mouth, Mr. Nightingale will get used to it in the future. Where did we just talk about it?"

Victor indifferently said: "I want to know the black-blooded demon..."


"Two days ago, when you encountered the black-blooded brittle vulture , Talked about the black blood demon."

"Are there any?" Aeglow looked to the left, his dwarven compatriots shook their heads together, saying that they hadn’t talked about it; he looked to the right again, and the elves warriors one after another. Nodded, their pointed ears once caught Angelis Windsong and Iluth Moonsong talking about black blood.

Graybeard shrugged his broad shoulders indifferently, took a sip of the fruit wine, and said, "Black blood hybrids are real hybrids...I'm not kidding, the ancient book records that Abyss Demon is black blood. Hybrids, they kill lives, eat raw flesh, and then become stronger... In the distant Dark Era, the smelly high-level goblins help Abyss Demon invade the material plane. Their bodies are filled with the black blood of the Chaos Snake, but compared to that The wise race of the era, the black blood demons are very weak... You know that the dwarves of Dark Era are the sons of 4 meters high hills, mastering the power of fire and lightning; the wizard warriors are all 3 meters high ancient moon elves, mastering water and wind. And the force of nature; even the ancient halflings who have just appeared on the world are terrifying assassins. The black blood demons have no advantage over the ancient Spirit Emperor kingdom, but they will change their form when they eat the victim, and can simulate the victimization. Part of the bloodline power of the writer... the more you kill, the more you eat; the more you eat, the stronger you become. These are black blood hybrids."

Victor's heart moved, solemnly asked: "Like Alienated creatures?"

"Not exactly the same." Aigle shook the head said: "Alienated creatures are unstable in form, only instinct but not wisdom, and their lifespan is short. Black blood hybrids can live for a long time. , They also have wisdom. As long as they eat smart heads, they will become smart, and they will not become dumb if they eat stupid heads."

"I heard that there is a black forest Blood hybrids are infested, but they are not in large numbers. The Silvermoon Council of Elanta has taken measures, as long as the black blood hybrids are not given time to grow, everything will be fine."

Victor pondered for a moment, Asked: "Do you think those black-blooded brittle eagles are demons?"

"I don't think they are. If they are demons, they have become very powerful in this ancient forest with no opponents. The demons are gone." Aeglo Graybeard murmured: "They look more like undead, but the naturally appearing undead only have a short will... I don't understand how they become like this, I guess Azores There must be danger waiting for us in the ruins of the temple."

Victor thoughts are revolving, and suddenly thought of a lot. The King of Spirit World was once exiled to the abyss by the Antiquity Giant Beasts. Maybe he was contaminated by the black blood of the devil, or he took the initiative to seek the black blood mystery of the Chaos Serpent. From the perspective of the characteristics of black blood, the black blood of the demon is similar to the extensive bloodline deformation of the original species of human beings.

Could it be said that the origin of the law of bloodline of the native species comes from Capotes, the snake of chaos?

If this hypothesis is true, it can explain why Abyss Demon is targeting the ancient Alchemy Empire, and it can also explain the cause of the wizard blood sacrifice war.

Although the Divine Race of the Bright Bird series is still shrouded in mist and unable to join the knowledge puzzle constructed by Victor, he follows the line of black blood and suddenly realizes that the Queen of Ant-Man’s goal may not be to capture the number 7. The element rune crystal of Alchemy Tower is demonized!

The law of Tyrone world is tightening, and too powerful existence is not allowed to appear in the world. In the final analysis, this is a matter of adapting to the laws of the world, and the black blood of the devil has the characteristics of adapting to the laws. If the Queen of Ant-Man is only fused with Alchemy Tower’s elemental rune crystals, he still cannot get rid of the shackles of Alchemy Empire. Once the Ant Human Race group is demonized, they will gain true freedom, and the Queen of Ant-Man will inherit the King of Spirit World. Yize becomes an existence similar to Ancient God.

That’s not right... The memory crystal of the ancient alchemist said that the Divine Race, the light bird, once severely damaged the demon lord, dividing and purifying his soul and fire. The split soul fire of the demon lord is most likely the soul fire source head of Alchemy Tower... In this case, the demonized ant queen to fuse the rune crystal of Alchemy Tower is equivalent to stealing the power of the demon lord... or rather , That demon lord is about to be resurrected? !

Victor stood up with a deep expression and said without showing any strange emotions: "I plan to rest, and I will leave here early tomorrow morning to track those alien human races. You can stay or join me Let’s go on the road... Think carefully about it yourself."

Iruth Yuege also got up and said decisively: "Master Nightingale, we have already discussed it. We will go on the road with you tomorrow... and , You have the right to suggest actions, we are like companions?"

Victor's gaze swept over every elf warrior, dwarf guard, and halfling Kiki in the presence, and finally fell on Elus . On Yuege’s face, slightly smiled, extend the hand finger touched her hand: "We are companions."

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