"Are you begging me to let Bell?"

Victor clenched his fist with his left hand, supporting his cheek, and his clear and sweet voice echoed in the empty hall, "You are now In what capacity do you ask me? Bertina’s father... Randal Family’s hunting chief... My vassal vassal? Or the wizard Imerson who once protected me and swore allegiance to me?"

"There is another identity, maybe you have forgotten it. I have to remind you..."

Victor stared at the wizard who was kneeling under the steps, and said indifferently: "You and Bertina They are all my captives."

Imerson almost forgot his status as a captive. He recalled the process of confronting Randal Family's secret guards in the Lizard Swamp, when he controlled the alienation giant beast and Itugos killed Eleven secret guards, 18 war mastiffs, and a domesticated marsh dragon lizard were stained with Randal Family blood.

Since they are captives, he and Bertina belong to Lord Randal Count and are left at the disposal of each other. He has worked hard over the years, the achievements he has made, and the credits he has made are due obligations without any conditions attached.

Imerson's face turned pale, all the pleading words were stuck in his throat, and his forehead was completely attached to the cold rock brick floor, begging the master to show mercy to him and Bertina. .

The dark golden eyes reflected the shiver coldly wizard, and the Wind Element clearly understood everywhere in his panic. Victor groaned for a moment, then nodded and said: "Imerson, you must understand, I protect you and give you Beauty, wealth, land; to teach you precious ancient knowledge, wizard experience, provide all kinds of extraordinary resources, and even the life extension potion that Duke York can’t enjoy is also given to you... all these all are my reward for you, It's not an exchange of terms."

In this world, few ordinary persons can live to be 75 years old, and the light-cured wizard does not use special means to live this lifespan. The longevity medicine based on Dragon Vein kobold heart can improve the lifespan of ordinary person for at least 20 years, and it can greatly delay aging. Imerson took the life-prolonging medicine provided by Victor and clearly felt that he was younger. It should be said that his physical strength and energy were more full and energetic than before. But he didn't expect the life-enhancing potion to be as expensive as this treasure, and the Duke York of aloof and remote could not be enjoyed, but the owner gave it to himself.

In comparison, what does it mean to breed some beasts for the owner and enslaved some goblins?

Imerson knelt on the ground, ashamed and grateful, and said respectfully: "Bell and I will always be the slaves of the Master."

"Get up." Victor slightly smiled, raising his hand to indicate The wizard stood up from the ground, and then said: "You are Bertina's biological father, no matter how much you care about her, in my eyes, you are you, she is her, you have no right to represent her will. "

Imerson's eyes were painful, and after struggling for a few seconds, he said sullenly: "Yes."

Victor admiredly nodded and said: "First, you and Bell are mine. Captive, at the cost of loyalty and freedom in exchange for my understanding and protection, he has since become my slave; second, you declared to me that you did not recognize the father and daughter of Bertina and asked me to keep this secret. I agree. Thirdly, Bertina is 25 years old this year, and she is an adult. Do you admit these three points?"

"I admit...but I care about Bell too much." Imerson said bitterly. road.

"On the premise that I am clear about my identity and loyal to me, I allow you to care for your daughter." Victor tapped the armrest of the throne with his slender fingers, and continued: "I also love Bell, not Because of her unique witchcraft, I just like her. So, you don’t have to worry too much about me hurting her. However, the leaders of York family, Randal Family, Centaur Hills, and Randal count have encountered a major crisis and may be overthrown, Bell He is the key person to solve this crisis."

Imerson’s pupils were instantly enlarged several times, and he asked in horror: "Master, what happened?"

"...Yes Ant-Man." Victor thought for a while, and said: "In short, the next ant tide may exceed 300,000. They will also dig holes and dig roads. The three fortresses that block the skylark mountain range pass may not be able to stop Ant-Man. Great army. I am going to take Bell to the Endless Forest to find the Ant-Man’s lair. With the help of Bell’s special ability, I will try to completely dissolve Ant-Man’s hazards from the root cause."

The wizard’s face was green and white. muttered: "I don't understand..."

"There are some things that you don't need to understand." Victor interrupted Imerson's question, coldly said: "Unless you choose to walk with us, you will be obediently and honestly Stay at Randal, and pray that we can eliminate the ant plague and return safely."

"Master, I am willing to go to the Endless Forest with you and fight with Ant-Man!" Imerson shouted without the slightest hesitation .

Victor looked at the red-faced wizard, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth, and said, "You, too weak...Imerson, you have the top witchcraft innate talent, but you resist your own wizard status. It is suitable to be a scholar and does not know how to use witchcraft to fight."

Imerson's face is even redder, this time he is blushing ashamed, and said somewhat unconvinced: "I have also received martial skill training before. , Is a qualified vassal soldier. I also took Bell to survive in the dangerous Great Swamp for ten years and defeated the ogre tribe. I know how to use my abilities."

"You also know that was before "Victor sneered: "Since you became the hunting manager of the Randal Family, have you practiced the secret battle skill I taught you? I provide you with the best potion, and personally guide you in the secret technique of cultivation soul bloodline. You should form a tenacious innate talent of life and become an elementary spiritual warrior. What about the result? You are also stronger than ordinary vassals and soldiers, and martial skills are not the opponent of soldiers at all." At this point, he shook the head and sighed: "On this world, there is no monster to keep me, and Ant-Man can't. This expedition will take three years to come back at the earliest. I will try my best to ensure Bell’s safety... Just forget it, Lucy just gave it to you. I gave birth to a son, and calling you to come to the mountain fortress is just to let your father and daughter say goodbye."

Imerson was already a little shaken, when he heard the words "farewell to father and daughter", he immediately one-knee kneels Said solemnly: "Honorable master, Lucy and my son are safe in Randal. I am willing to do my best for you and for the Randal Family, even if they are purified by the referee."

"Really? You have to prove yourself." Victor thoughts move. There was a clear clatter of high heels hitting the rock brick floor from the corridor. Four beautiful and alluring dragon maids filed in, wearing geese. Yellow maid’s long skirt, when walking, the long snow-white legs are looming between the slit skirts. The manners are elegant and charming. The look is arrogant, or lazy, or smart, but all with a kind of trembling The power of fear.

Each of them carried a sturdy adult mountain ape in their hands. This beast, known for its violent tempers, all shrank into a ball at the moment, and was thrown on the ground by the dragon maid and did not dare to move. Like a lamb to be slaughtered.

Victor raised his chin at the half-dead mountain ape and said, "After all, you know some martial skills, but to guide witchcraft with wisdom, you must cultivate a humanoid alienation giant beast. If you can change them Becoming a giant monster similar to a white ape can prove that you are qualified to participate in our actions."

Imerson used witchcraft to check the soul and physical state of the four mountain apes, frowning: "Master, if It’s to cultivate alienated creatures similar to the giant beast of the white ape. I’m afraid it’s a bit difficult."

Victor focused his eyes and said, "I think you can control the alienation direction of the creatures and shape them into the form you want. And ability."

Imerson’s face showed a self-satisfied smile, and nodded: "Of course... the giant beast recorded in monsters is about 5 to 7 meters tall, weighs more than 6 tons, and has muscles. The fur is as strong as iron essence, one can jump 30 meters high in one vertical jump, 70 meters away, and has a deep innate talent. If it is only the alienation of size and strength, I can do it, even taller and more powerful than the white ape. But the fighting intuition and innate talent that shaped the white ape’s madness...no! Moreover, cultivating giant alienated beasts requires a lot of flesh and blood."

Victor indifferent expression laughed and said: "This is a proof. Your level of witchcraft and determination to take risks. As for how much you can do, I don’t ask for it. But I can tell you that there is no fighting innate talent that is more powerful than wisdom, and the alienated war beast you cultivate must be able to fit you. Wisdom guides witchcraft...The problem of alienated beasts drawing flesh and blood is easy to solve. There are tens of thousands of goblins in Great Swamp."

Imerson was startled, and asked suspiciously: "Master, Don’t you want those goblin slaves anymore?"

"No more." Victor shook the head, said with a bitter smile: "If I plan for the worst, I have to eliminate the goblins as much as possible to prevent them from becoming ants. The people’s army’s food reserves."

"I understand." Imerson regretfully nodded, and then asked: "When will I start to act? If the goblin's flesh and blood supply is abundant, I promise to be able to Cultivate a giant alienated beast within a month."

"There is no need for a giant alienated beast. First, cultivate four large alienated beasts of different forms. On the way to the Endless Forest, decide to let They swallow each other." Victor pondered then said: " I will also summon some people and let them cooperate with you to slaughter the swamp goblins. Of course, your wizard identity can no longer be kept secret. "

Imerson glanced at Charlotte next to him, then glanced at the four dragon maids, and said angrily: "I already don't care. "

Victor said with a smile: "Don't worry, people who know you and Bell are the core members of the family... Oh, yes, Pastor Dane will also go with you, don't be afraid, I Make sure that Church will not pursue you and Bertina. In fact, the church secretly keeps more wizards than anyone else. "

Imerson's face is still a little pale, and his lips are trembling, and he can't say anything.

Victor lightly coughed, said with a smile: "If you do The family has made great contributions. In the future, I will reward you with a maid who is as powerful as them, who is responsible for serving and protecting you. Well, these four are not good, they are all my personal maids. "

Imerson's improving face suddenly turned pale and blue, waved his hand again and again, and said anxiously: "Master, you can spare me...I don't dare. "

No matter how much he is greedy for beauty, he dare not dare to fight the dragon maid's idea, but he has seen these stunning beauties turn into terrifying monsters, not to mention that they are two horns growing on the head, obviously non-human .

Victor said with a laugh: "You first take them to find a place to rest. Later, I will call up people to explain the situation to you. "

"Yes, my honorable master. "Imerson bowed deeply, took a few steps back, turned and left.

The four half-dead mountain apes climbed up abruptly, their gray-green eyes turned dark red, with fierce and bloodthirsty eyes. The indifferent and fearless rays of light followed behind the wizard and walked to the side of the hallway.

"Hey, this humble servant is a bit powerful, only slightly weaker than Bertina. "The red dragon Laila raised her beautiful face and said softly to Victor: "My king, is he also a treasure that needs to be guarded?" "

"We are all standing...contract your gaze. "Victor scolded the four dragon maids angrily. If he didn't pay attention, these guys showed the nature of female dragons. They curled up under his feet one by one, completely ignoring the manners of the maids.

Victor's Looking at Charlotte, who is fully guarded, said with a smile: "My dear, you have a lot of questions. "

Charlotte looked at the four dignified dragon maids with complicated gazes. The pressure from them had disappeared. She stopped running Battle Qi, her red lips were half open but there was no sound. It didn’t come out.

What happened today was so unexpected that Charlotte wanted to ask and didn’t know where to start, stroking her thorium armor subconsciously.

"This is a armor made of silver rank ant-man carapace and softsilver. Isn't it beautiful? "

When Victor stepped off the throne, he sent the four dragon maids back, walked to Charlotte's side, held up her curved chin, smiled and said: "softsilver is also called Thorium, can Fusion of most substances, giving them metallic properties. Therefore, the silver rank ant-man armor is light, flexible, and strong, making it the best armor currently available. But it is not suitable for the use of Silver Knight, because it has a certain elemental resistance. If you build a Thorium Battle Armor for high-end Knights, you cannot choose the carapace of the Ant-Man leader. Instead, you should choose the giant rhinoceros leather armor, hexapod leather armor, and swamp dragon lizard leather armor, which are more element-friendly than the Mithril armor. "

Thorium is undoubtedly treasure, and its sensational effect is absolutely comparable to the advent of rock brick. Charlotte's attention was completely attracted by the beautiful and powerful dragon maid, and she was silent for a while, His eyes said sadly: "They..."

"It's a dragon. "

"Huh? ! "Charlotte only felt confused, and suspected that her ears had misheard.

Victor nodded, then said: "This matter will be explained later, anyway, they can't replace you. You immediately take my letter paper, bring Renault, and secretly summon Nelson, Brandt, Klaus, Ghost Face Todd, Caligula, Blood Python Marcy, Rogers, and Red Wolf to the mountains for me. fortress. Remember, you can't let others know. "

Charlott temporarily put aside his doubts about the dragon, nodded and said: "It's... Renault, he seems to be stronger. "

"...I also became stupid. "Victor said with a smile: "Everyone knows him." "

Charlotte thought for a while, lowered his head, and asked weakly, "Then... where is Mrs. Sylvia?" "

Victor sighed in his heart and said distressedly: "I can't let her know for now." "

Charlotte's lips gradually bloomed with a charming smile, and she offered a sweet kiss to Victor, her eyes were gentle as honey.

"Dear master, I will do it now. . "

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