It is very difficult to change the concept of an adult. It is much simpler to shape a child’s character. If it is to go deep into the soul and bloodline, the easiest thing is probably only the unborn child.

On this point, Victor has actually witnessed at least two different types of instances.

Imerson used his own alienation witchcraft to cultivate three generations of Swiftbirds. He first slightly alienated female birds in the laying period, changing their skeleton, muscles and internal organs, and then took out Swiftbird eggs. Carry out artificial incubation, and breed fast bird fighting birds that meet the requirements of the owner. In fact, the third generation of Swiftbirds should be considered a new species. Their skeletons are firm, their muscles are strong, and their digestive organs and reproductive systems are much more complicated than ordinary Swiftbirds. They do not need to replenish water frequently, thus greatly improving endurance.

The third generation Swiftbird has not been successfully bred yet, but Imerson has bred bear dogs comparable to beasts, which is enough to prove that his alienation maternal breeding technology is feasible and mature.

The second instance is of course the old wizard Tofoven, the head of the faceless man in Kite Castle. Imerson is still exploring the breeding technology of alienated beast mothers, and Tofoven's bloodline purification method has been perfected. Even Victor and Lora are transcenders carefully cultivated by Tofoven. Before Victor was born, his parents started taking the medicine formulated by Tofoven Master himself, but they didn't know it.

Sylvia obviously thought of this too. She turned her head to look at Victor, who was handsome and beautiful, and suddenly hugged her lover from behind. A well-prepared gift."

Victor didn't know whether to cry or laugh, and turned around and said: "You should focus on the key now..."

"The key is my husband I have to beg me..." Glittering red lips pressed against Victor's ears, Sylvia exhaled like a blue and giggled said with a smile: "You have to work hard to convince me, and I will agree to cooperate with you in the experiment."

"You will agree." With full confidence, Victor took Sylvia's jade hand and walked to the round table on the open-air balcony, and graciously opened the chair for her.

Sylvia snickered, sat down gracefully, and asked: "Your innate talent can't reach the level of Tofoven Master. The secret method of purifying fetal bloodline in Kite Castle will soon be lost. Now, what method are you going to use to purify the bloodline of the fetus without self-awareness?"

Victor sat opposite Sylvia, nodded and said: "Of course it is the power of the soul..." As he said, he pondered a little. Shaking his head and lost said with a smile: "The Inquisition also investigated the case of Willy the Night Demon, but they did not pursue it as deeply as we did. The House of the Kite Castle took Willie away, and they did not even react more. Willie does not seem to be worth paying attention to the church... In fact, the church has long mastered similar spiritual secrets, and the scale is larger and the effect is more obvious."

Sylvia raised her eyebrow lightly and asked: "You mean... the State of Ayer?"

"Yes." Victor nodded, continued: "The priest of the church has two sources, one is the followers of the State of Ayer; Another church attendant selected from civilians and nobles... Take the pastor as an example. Pastors from the Al sect are often called scholar pastors, and those from non-Al sect are called civilian priests or court priests."

"The church advocates that the priests are all servants of the Supreme Lord, and are commensurate with brother sisters, at least superficially emphasizing equality of identities. However, almost all the top of the church are scholar pastors, while civilian pastors and court pastors are not only small in number, but large in number. Most of them are also low-level priests."

"In addition to the monastery faction, we can’t deny that the priests cultivated by the Al-Arab state are indeed more suitable for Holy Power than the civilian priests."

Victor said sternly: "Regardless of the number or aptitude, there is a huge gap between the two sides. For example, Ron Paladin, a Quasi-Saint and fanatic... But Ron is not Knight. Or a natural and violent warrior, he comes from an ordinary priest family in the Ayre State... If my inference is correct, the church has a secret method for cultivating fanatics. For an outstanding person like Ron, there must be more than one in the Ayre State. Position."

"Comparing the case of the Night Demon Willy, I found that the Al Church country has a lot in common with that remote village. The relatively closed environment, the strong atmosphere of commonality, and the strong spiritual desires... Just like the wine in a jar, the more it is stored, the more mellow it is."

Sylvia frowned slightly and said: "Parents are devout believers, and their children will also be devout believers. The religious atmosphere of Ayre is strong. People believe in piety, I have all these Understandable... But, if you look at the case of the Night Demon, how can a villager of around 2000 reach a consensus on the question of Willie is the Night Demon, and form the spiritual desire to trigger the pan-consciousness of the Creator? "

In a country where transcender and ordinary person coexist, the society is severely divided, and the nobility and common people are in completely different worlds. Sylvia comes from a small family in the Kingdom of Fez, and has very limited knowledge of the bottom society. The servant steals the silverware at home, she can see it with keen interest pleasure, and enjoy it, but she has no interest in understanding the reason behind it.

Spiritual God Knight is as wise as the sea and doesn’t treat herself Familiar areas are still confused.

Victor has the memory of Earth world and once led the refugees to open up territories. He is experienced in this respect. He smiled and said: "A strong individual can be self-sufficient. Weak individuals rely on the power of the group and are also dominated by group consciousness. And the biggest flaw in group consciousness is stupidity... the sheep fall off the cliff, and the sheep will jump down. The leader of Sea Beast accidentally ran aground, and the other Sea Beast rushed to the beach one after another. Wisdom mortals are no exception. They are all smart, but they will get used to being stupid if they get a piece of it. "

"Better than stupid? Sylvia wrinkled her nose and shook her head to say with a smile: "My dear, I don't believe you, I can't understand how people can be stupid?" "

Victor thought for a while and said: "Remember the story I told you,'The Emperor's New Clothes'? "

"Remember. "Sylvia nodded, said with curled lips: "That's a ridiculous story. How can there be such stupid emperors, ministers and people in reality?" "

"Mortals will be like this. They dare not bear the consequences of making mistakes, so they are used to denying their mistakes first. That... isn't this more stupid? Victor cocked his mouth, sketching a sarcasm, and said, "It's hard to lie to one person, but it's easy to lie to a group of people." I can order someone to set up a scam, claiming that as long as the money is loaned to me, I can get a return of 20% of the principal every month. Of course I cannot pay such a high interest, but I will encourage the participants to attract more people. Enter this scam. The overwhelming majority of them all know that this is a scam, but they believe that others must be stupid than themselves, so all participants will fall into the trap of fraud, and more and more. "

"It turns out that this is the case. I think other people are stupid than myself, and I become stupid too..."

Sylvia nodded, smiled: "Sure enough, it's stupid, no Than wisdom. "

Victor slightly smiled and said with emotion: "There are objective reasons why mortals have such human weakness." Knight can admit mistakes and correct mistakes because they have the ability to take risks and correct mistakes on their own. If someone deceives Knight 100 gold coins by using what I call a scam, once Knight realizes that he has been cheated, he can lose 100 gold coins. He can also send someone to catch the liar and hang him on the gallows. "

"The ordinary person neither has the ability to catch a liar, nor can he lose 100 gold coins, so he cooperates with the liar and draws more people into the scam, hoping to rely on the power of the group to share his own burden The risks and look for opportunities to earn benefits. "

"Because ordinary persons are too poor to bear risks, they instinctively rely on the group and obey the group consciousness. Any voice that deviates from the group will be rejected by the group, and then face the unknown alone. So they will be afraid, and because of this feeling of insecurity, everyone in the group dare not easily admit that they have made a mistake, which will lower their status in the group. "

The vassal daughter framed her love rival mother and son. No matter how clever she did it, a weak spot will always be exposed after a long time, but no one in the village will come forward to defend Willy. The root cause is that the villagers committed the crime at first. The mistake is the village head. The village head doesn’t defend his grandson. Who wants to jump out and sing against everyone?

Since everyone is not wrong, the only one who is wrong is Willy. But, Feng The evil and bloodthirsty night demon made up by the minister’s daughter is particularly dangerous. The villagers still want to keep Willy the "Night Demon" in the village. Isn’t this a paradox?

The villagers doubt Willie is not a "Night Demon" and hopes to see that he is indeed a "Night Demon". Everyone is waiting for him to kill one or two people to prove that he is right.

There are so many people in the village, I Be careful, you won’t kill me?

The weakness of human nature is exposed, boil the frog in warm water, and Willie is the frog in the village. Isn’t it the villager?

Sylvia rested her cheeks in her hand and stared at her lover with her eyes waved. After a while, she smiled and asked, "What then? "

Victor said: "Then, we learn from the examples of Al Education and the Night Demon to develop an intermediate spiritual warrior..." He took a deep breath and added with scorching eyes: "And it is Intermediate spiritual warrior with spiritual innate talent. "

"Mind innate talent? Sylvia asked in surprise: "Isn't the spiritual innate talent the top layer of the Innate Talent Tree?" You have not even figured out the intermediate innate talent above the root innate talent. Are you sure you can develop the spiritual innate talent? "

Being exposed by his wife, Victor didn't care. He stood up, waved his fist, and said excitedly: "My dear, I made a mistake. I think the Innate Talent Tree of the spiritual warrior first has roots, grows a trunk, and finally has a crown. This is a human perspective and experience. But Tyrone Riel created the Antiquity Giant Beast to help him open up the real world by first dividing the mind and will, and then the different mind and will determine the shape and bloodline innate talent of the Antiquity Giant Beast. "

"We always have the cause before the result, and the Creator gives the result first and then the cause..."

"Wait, there is the result first, then the cause ? "Sylvia seems to have grasped something secretly, interrupting her lover's words, and asking with a confused expression: "Is that true?" "

Victor couldn’t explain the academic theory of Earth world to his wife. He thought and thought, spreading his hands, and said in a very "spiritual stick": "The Creator is aloof and remote, and the law of his creation of the world is From top to bottom... God said that there should be light, so there was a sun and a moon. "

"...Will there be light, and then there will be a sun and a moon? "A thunder flashed in the depths of Sylvia's heart, allowing her to catch a glimpse of the hazy veil of the law of the world, realizing that what Victor was talking about was the limit of the sea of ​​elements. This impression is so deep and moving, but there is no need to rush. To explore and dig, she slightly nodded and said: "It's like we want a magnificent water conservancy project. The scholars, stewards, and craftsmen below have built more than 1,000 kilometers of artificial water channels. As for how they did it and what difficulties they encountered, we don't need to understand. "

"A very appropriate metaphor. "Victor praised his beloved wife, and said, "The soul is infinite but life is limited." The creator has formulated the world law, we can only follow and use it... the vassal daughter is very smart, she fabricated the details of the night demon, all Willie can do, such as cruel bloodthirsty, crazy fearless, night vision , Fear of aura, etc... She did not say that Willie could fly or transform into an inhuman form. If she said that, the lie would be exposed. In order to convince the villagers that Willie is a night demon, the lies she said conformed to the life law of human beings. "

"I carefully studied the human bloodline and found that the tenacious innate talent of life is the foundation of all types of Innate Talent Tree, representing the creation of boundaries and frameworks that conform to the will of the Creator. "

"With the foundation and framework, I am going to let the elementary spiritual warrior imaginary a state of mind, keep it close continuously, and then use the spiritual medicine as a medium to trigger it, from top to bottom, naturally constructing Out of the mind innate talent and intermediate bloodline innate talent...... I call the fictional state of mind-the apostle. "

"Apostle? "Sylvia tilted her head and looked at her lover, said with a beautiful smile: "I even thought of the name... Honey, you are very confident." "

"I am confident. "Victor said honestly. Although the intermediate spiritual warrior is still verbal, misty mountain alchemists tens of thousands of years ago have used similar methods to create sub-draconian templates and succeeded on the 7th Alchemy Tower.

"The wizard you kept secretly also uses witchcraft to allow the experimenter to naturally form a tenacious innate talent. Unfortunately, the spiritual warrior he created is stupid and inflexible, and can only be regarded as waste. "

Wisdom and resilience are the most important qualities of an extraordinary warrior. Homunculus is not afraid of death, it is really easy to die. No matter how powerful they are, they can only be used as cannon fodder.

Sylvia I don’t like Victor’s homunculus class, but I am very interested in the middle-level spiritual warrior he described.

"What about the specific method of constructing the apostle? "She asked.

Victor was overjoyed and moved the chair to Sylvia's side. After sitting down, he said, "The first is the secret method and medicine, the second is the family, and the third is the closed living environment. , The fourth is ceremony and atmosphere..."

Sylvia was taken aback when she heard this, and asked, "Isn't this a family anymore?" "

" is the school. "Victor quickly explained: "Family-like secret schools, such as Bear School, Wolf School, Poisonous Python School... They are like secret dead men cultivated by the family, they don’t possess power, so you don’t have to worry about these secret schools at all. Will impact the power structure of the family. "

"I hope so. Sylvia gave Victor a look of anger and joy, pursed her lower lip, and said regretfully, "Since it is a secret school, there will not be too many of them." I also hope that the family's army can expand its strength. "

"If that's the case, the political structure of the family really needs to make a major adjustment. Victor said with relief: "Practicing the level 3 source blood secret method is the focus of military development, but the spiritual warrior of the secret school can assist Knight and Silver Knight. I guarantee that they can master the innate talents of fighting instincts with different characteristics, generally reaching the level of Bronze Knight. If someone ignites the fire of the soul, at least it is also a spiritual warrior of the silver rank. "

"That's true. "Sylvia nodded, curiously asked: "With the spiritual innate talent, it is still an intermediate spiritual warrior. What about the standard of a high-level spiritual warrior?" "

Victor was silent for a moment and sighed: "If you have mastered the source power and no longer rely on the spiritual medicine medium, you should be a high-level spiritual warrior. Unfortunately, I still don't have a semi-nodded thread about the source power of an ordinary person... I hope Nelson, who is already an adult, can bring me surprises. "

"I don't care about Nelson's success. Sylvia looked into Victor's eyes and said, "My dear, I am sure that your idea can be realized, because the cultivation of alienated war beasts at home is also through continuous multiplication, letting the law of creation select the final war beast for us. "

"The principles are the same, and your apostle conception can also be applied to the alienated war beast. Sylvia raised her chin slightly, and said proudly: "But why do I think you ask me?" "

Victor held Sylvia's delicate hand and rubbed it lightly, saying with a smile: "My dear, the'Apostle' still lacks the guidance of the Creator." ”

The spiritual light of Stormrage sword saint has been solidified, and Spiritual God Knight’s spirit strength is similar to chaos. It can plant the seed of the apostle in the heart of the experimenter’s mother, with the insight of Victor’s innate talent. And the bloodline secret method of the soul, and finally establish the secret Sect through the bloodline inheritance method.

Sylvia must help in this matter, but she ignored Her Royal Highness Randal’s favor, withdrew the jade hand, and said angrily: "You said After so much, don't you mention anything about the high-end Knight's bloodline purification? I won’t do it..."

"First experiment with the spiritual warrior, and wait for the mature method to be mastered..." Victor saw Sylvia turned her face away, biting one's teeth and said: "Okay. Well, Knight’s secret method of apostle and warrior’s apostle experiment are going on simultaneously. "

The incomparably beautiful Queen Rose turned her anger, put her arms around Victor's neck, and said tenderly: "My love, you have never let me down, and I will not let you down. . "

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