After being promoted to Legendary, problems arose between Victor and Nicole, and the three close maids. This is mainly because Victor's Life Level has undergone a qualitative change, and his observation power has reached an unimaginable level, causing his mind Spirit Vision to be at a completely different level from that of a mortal.

The house maids of the High Lord are all beautiful girls from a hundred. They have strict selection criteria for their facial features, body, skin, body fragrance, and voice, and they have to receive professional training from the family. These house maids were considered the lord’s harem until they were married, allowing the lord to ask for what they wanted, but Victor didn’t have the slightest interest in the house maids of Silvermoon Manor.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the Yinyue maids are all charming, but the flaws on their skin, the smell of sweat under the cover of body fragrance, etc., are magnified several times in the face of Randal's extraordinary perception. Coupled with Victor's super-distance perception, apart from Sylvia, no one can bring him emotional surprises.

Fortunately, Victor has X-3, which can automatically dilute and correct the perceived defects, but that kind of beautification is only for a very small number of people, such as Lilia and Elina sisters.

On the other hand, as a top Legendary creature, Victor’s appearance does not have any Return to the Natural State. His beauty is like the sun in the sky. His extraordinary charm makes the ordinary person only awe, not Dare to blaspheme.

Nicole's situation is fine, she is a veteran Knight after all, and can step into the extraordinary realm at any time. Sisters Lilia and Alina are not working. The most obvious change is Alice. She has a lively nature. She used to like to stick to Victor to invite pets, but she gradually became silent in the face of Golden Eye count, and she seemed cautious everywhere.

I haven’t seen it for three years. When Victor returns, he is already the Stormrage sword saint who killed the Legendary Orcs. Although he deliberately maintains the state of the water mist soul, it is difficult to conceal the inviolable posture of the Sacred Domain powerhouse. . Lilia and the others were forced by Victor's spiritual pressure, and they almost instinctively diverted their attention, trying to eliminate the strangeness of each other through other means.

It’s as if the beloved husband returned from an expedition, but turned into a giant dragon that can blow himself to death with a single breath. Any woman facing this kind of change needs a process of adaptation before she can regain her understanding. other side.

Counting gold coins together is a good way. They and Victor have experienced the most difficult entrepreneurial period of the family together. Every Copper Sol in their pockets can't wait to break into several. The fact is that this is really the case. The exchange of copper sol for ten copper cents originated from Victor's vision. Today, Victor has brought back millions of gold coins. Nicole and Lilia are certainly proud and happy as the wives of the Randal Family. This also brings back Victor's fond memories of them from the side.

Actually, Victor and sisters Nicole, Lilia, and Alina have a deep emotional foundation and value each other very much. In the next few days, His Royal Highness Randal only asked about family affairs, and only concentrated on accompany Nicole and the three close maids. Together, they counted the gold coin, going on a scenic tour, hunting and camping, and gradually recovered the feeling of intimacy and seamlessness.

Five days later, in the afternoon, Nicole put a family budget on Victor's desk and officially talked about family affairs.

"My dear, you are joking...must be joking." Victor smiled exaggeratedly, raised the hide paper in his hand, and said in a half complaining and half complaining: "There is no detail on it. The plan, I asked me 5.5 million gold sol...Where is the budget, it’s clearly to collect debts."

"What about Lilia? The family’s budget is like this, it’s too bad. Literally... I'll go find her!" Victor put down the sheepskin scroll, yelling that he was going to drive away.

Nicole bypassed the desk, sat in Victor’s arms, wrapped his hands around his neck, said with a beautiful smile: "My dear, time is in a hurry. The family budget is not detailed, but I can tell you first, okay."

The weather outside was very cold, the fireplace in the study did not light up the firewood, Nicole wore her hair, and only wore a light spider silk nightdress, revealing A pair of long snow-white legs with beautiful lines.

It’s rare for Nicole to take the initiative to display the charm of women. Victor naturally encourages her, holding her to say with a smile: "I’m listening. If your reasons do not satisfy me, you must accept mine. Punishment."

"...I'm not afraid of you." Nicole cheeks slightly red, squinting his eyes and said: "In response to the red smoke beacon, the Randal Family sent 700 cavalry and 240 fast bird light cavalry expeditions to Sidon Centaur. Among the lords of Centaur Hills and even the entire Kingdom of Cambes, we have suffered the most. A total of 588 people were killed in battle and 67 were seriously injured and disabled. These brave and loyal soldiers need to be cared for..."

Before the expedition, Victor planned to update all the homunculus types led by Randal. The elite of the Randal Family clan only had 284 vassal soldiers, and the rest were all alchemy militias and alchemy auxiliaries drawn from the hired Legion. Alchemy creatures, fierce and unafraid of death, die the fastest. In fact, the vassal cavalry of the Randal Family only lost 61 people. The survivors experienced the baptism of war, and Victor wanted to promote and reuse them. As for the homunculus category, they don't need a pension, and even the usual bounty and salary are given to Alchemy Tower.

"Compassion...I give a triple pension, and that's not much money." Victor said indifferently.

Nicole bit her red lip and said, "Also, the mercenaries of Centaur Hills take turns guarding the Nether Soul forest development point to ensure that the road for the refugees to move south is smooth. Our Randal Family sends 1,500 troops each time , They also suffered casualties against the prairie gnolls and forest gnolls. So far, the Randal First Army and the Second Legion have sacrificed 74 people, 33 people have been seriously injured and disabled, and more than 200 people have been slightly injured...according to Legion’s regulations , We not only have to compensate for the casualties of the hired soldiers, but also pay merit rewards and double commissions for the soldiers who play. This is equivalent to hiring an additional 1,500 soldiers..."

"Well, hired soldiers The commission is 6 gold coins per year. An increase of 1,500 people means an increase in the expenditure of 9,000 gold coins... I have 6 million gold coins and can't stand it. It will be spent before 667... So, I and F King Riedrich has made a deal. Before the end of the wind season next year, the army of the Dodo Kingdom will take over the Nether Soul forest development point, and the hired Legion of Centaur Hills will be withdrawn." Victor teased.

"I didn't mean that, I haven't finished talking..." Nicole fly into a rage out of humiliation, opened her mouth to bite Victor's ear, and was immediately suppressed.

The two lingered together, and after a while, she continued: “The kingdom is ready to launch a new round of Murloc War. I plan to expand the Randal Family’s hired Legion, which will consist of two Legion 6000 people. Expansion to three Legion 9000 men, plus three Ranger reserve teams and a 600-man Swiftbird fine rider."

After listening, Victor faint smiled and said: "Expansion of the army depends on money alone. No, these factors must be considered for the source of troops, training, armaments, loyalty and education, and commissions. Take the Rangers as an example. I position them as the elite of the family. According to the standards of Level 2 Source Blood Fighter, their physical fitness is three times that of ordinary people. , The battle strength must be comparable to the general secret warrior or the junior trainee Knight. Are you sure that the Randal Family family’s background can meet the expansion needs?"

Nicole un'ed, nodded said: "Randal leads the permanent population to reach 440,000, mainly tenants, more than 90,000 young men and women, the expansion of a 3,000-person employment Legion does not affect the operation of the territory at all. Moreover, we recently relocated Sasan refugees, the total number of which exceeds 27,000, and there are 10,000 young men and women. There are more than 6000 elderly people over 50 years old, but most of them have craftsmanship, and the rest are underage children. These refugees can be used as labor force led by Randal as long as they become tenants."

Sasan Empire Refugees migrated to the Kingdom of Cambis to escape the war. These refugees obviously do not have the pioneering and adventurous spirit and hire Legion impossible to recruit Sasan refugees. But they can walk from the far south of the Sasan Empire to the southernmost part of Centaur Hills, which shows that their physical fitness is good. Even the elderly over 50 can withstand half of the strong labor, which is suitable for filling the bottom labor of Randal. Free some tenant farmers and increase the number of craftsmen and hired soldiers.

Although the adults among the refugees are unbearable, it is still worth looking forward to for their children to receive general education from the Randal Family.

When it comes to absorbing the refugee population, it is not that whoever gets more famous will get a large population. This depends on the resettlement capacity of the territories and tests the family governance standards. Randal was able to get 27000 Sasan refugees, indicating that the Randal Family has no pressure to absorb so many people, and Victor is fairly satisfied with Nicole's performance.

"Randal led two training camps to recruit 443 trainees from the first phase of the Legion School. I expect that in five years, half of the trainees will be able to reach Level 2 source Blood The level of Fighter can be incorporated into Rangers...More than 200 Rangers are definitely not enough, so I plan to expand 4 more sergeant training camps. Even if the trainee sergeant has only half the pass rate, we can train 600 per year. The famous source Blood Fighter." Nicole said with a longing smile on the corner of his mouth.

Level 2 Source Blood Fighter is not lettuce in the ground, it can grow out by watering and applying some fertilizer. Half of the pass rate in the training camp is just the ideal situation. The Legion school graduates choose one out of ten and enter the training camp. In the end, 1/4/2021 of the people can reach the standard of the source Blood Fighter. Victor is very happy. . Moreover, the larger the base number of trainees, the lower the pass rate and the higher the training cost. Nicole's vision is simply unrealistic.

Victor couldn’t help saying: “I remember that most tenant families are not willing to allow children to enter the Legion School for martial skill training.”

“I want to modify the enrollment method of the Legion School. The family bears more than half of the cost of the students, and those who perform well can also get a bounty, and even directly advise them to adopt them. In short, try to encourage the children of the tenants to join the Legion School... This requires a lot of money." Nicole was excited. He said: “In addition, we can now use rock bricks. Flatlake Town will be expanded into the main city of the territory. The main fortress, the outer city wall and two auxiliary forts will be built; all the outposts and camps in the territory will be rebuilt; the administrative village will be upgraded To set up a town, you also need to build a rock brick fortress and a retaining wall... Oh, yes, I have seen the blueprint of the candle fortress built in the hill camp. The candle fort you designed by yourself is magnificent and it is simply a Fortress City... …. I plan to start construction next year, and it is expected to be completed in fifteen years."

"My dear, this will cost a lot of money." Nicole smiled softly, her bright eyes concealed little pride.

Victor’s deep and charming black eyes turned into a mysterious dark golden, and said flatly: "You may lack a clear concept of 6 million gold sol... The private money of the Naville royal family does not count. In the human kingdom No royal family can spend 6 million Kinsoul at a time, but the fortresses and castles they built are converted into gold coins, which is far more than 6 million...Let’s put it this way, the budget you gave me is counted to fifteen Years later, there is no mention of annual fiscal revenue. If you consider the factor of family financial balance, even if I don’t have the 6 million goldsor, I can all your goals, including the construction of the Candle Fortress. It will be completed in ten years."

"My dear, where is the budget? You are only satisfied if you get all 6 million Kinsoul in your hands..."

Nicole lowered his head , Was silent for a while, and said truthfully: "I'm afraid you will spend all this money on Centaur Hills instead of the Randal Family."

Victor laughed, and nodded: "It turns out that I am afraid of being partial. Sylvia, so ask me more first?"

"You will live with your wife in the future, so you can take care of us?" Nicole pursed her red lips and said sourly.

Nicole is probably the only senior Dame who dares to rival Sylvia for love face-to-face. Fortunately, she is from Rose Manor and is considered a direct line of Sylvia. Now she is deliberately guarding her former hostess for the Randal Family. The former Victor.

Nicole’s place is always the softest place in Victor’s heart. He caressed his lover’s hair and said softly, "Red Frost Tree Manor is not far from here. I can come back anytime to accompany you. , I promise to live in Silvermoon Manor for five days every month..."

Nicole looked up into the eyes of her lover, Dark Golden, and whispered: "I don’t believe... the husband is the companion of Stormrage Sword Saint "

Victor touched his nose, said with a bitter smile: "I have no confidence in me...Well, I promise to be with you at least 5 days a month. If I get delayed by things, The number of days to stay with Nicole's baby will be postponed to next month."

"There will be a penalty of two days." Nicole wrinkled her nose and put her arms around Victor's neck, and said softly.

"Okay, I promise you." Victor nodded agreed, and said: "Since I bring this gold back, it will not be transported. Although studying the secret bloodline of the soul is more expensive than buying a giant dragon, But Centaur Hills is not short of money now. The 6 million goldsall are in the Randal Family's vault... However, I only leave you 2 million gold coins, and the remaining 4 million. I have other plans..."

"Is it only 2 million? Can I leave the family with 3 million?" Nicole asked unwillingly.

Victor shook the head and said: "Don’t underestimate 2 million Kingsall... Within two or three years, Kingsall’s purchasing power may be doubled now, 2 million equivalent to 4 million. Even more. Of course, the value of Kinsol, Silver Sol, and Copper Sol will soon fall again...There are rules, risks, and opportunities. 2 million Kinsol can arrange whatever you want, but I Ask, it doesn’t matter if you lose all of it, it’s a test of your governance...Anyway, the rise of our Randal Family is unstoppable."

"Well, my dear, I listen to it. Yours." Nicole said contentedly, leaning against Victor's chest.

Flatlake Town treasure house still has 260,000 gold sols, which is an unimaginable wealth for a count family with only twelve years of history. Looking at the entire human kingdom, I am afraid that no lord can come up with 2 million gold coins and let his wife take care of it. Moreover, Victor has more than one wife, and Sylvia is even the most beautiful lady in the house.

Nicole has been following Victor for so many years, accepting his influence from time to time, and is in a period of transformation of the concept of wealth. Many things seem to be understood, but she secretly made up her mind not to let her lover be disappointed in herself.

Victor patted Nicole’s slender hand, said: "Okay, you go help me call Todd, I have something to tell the Mercury spy."

Nicole on Victor’s lips Shang gave a soft kiss, left his embrace, and walked out the door.

Waiting for Nicole’s light footsteps to disappear into the locker room on the third floor, a complex expression appeared on Victor’s face. There was comfort, loss, and deep thought. He was sighed in his heart, and only he could listen. The voice that arrived said: "...Even Lilia has "renegade" to Nicole...I am losing power in Randal?"

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